So the Coalition has for the past week or so, been preparing to engage Belsavis on Abraxas. Hiring mercenaries like you, buying/borrowing ships, selling estates for cash, and building a propaganda network in order to turn their populace into patriots that'll gladly volunteer for the Militias against Alliance tyranny.
All of that, has just exited Hyperspace on Belsavis. A hodgepod of Coalition ships, are ready to fire at any given moment in order to protect their troop transports/barges/what-have-you so they can land on the surface. The Alliance has determined the Capital Ships their targets, and elected to ignore those transports entirely. That means the transports will get to the surface, but they will have to deal with ground-to-air cannons/artillery/etc..
Casualties will be highest on that initial landing. If you would like to take command of a
Militia, or a
Lortan Militia, you are welcome to! The objective would be to get through the Alliance forces, and make your way further into the Belsavis prisons, hoping to find the Superweapon and remove it/disable it/etc..
Anything you have further questions on?