Mantic Dorn
Old school...
Thats the spirit, take it personal.Loray Tares said:[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Well, I was on the fence about joining the Legion. But I think you convinced me to hop on down. Appreciate it.
Thats the spirit, take it personal.Loray Tares said:[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Well, I was on the fence about joining the Legion. But I think you convinced me to hop on down. Appreciate it.
I am not claiming anyone is forcing me to be there. I am there to help the faction, and that requires me to write in your rebellion.Kur-gal Kwaad said:[member="Mantic Dorn"]
I wasn't addressing anyone in particular, merely remarking on the hostile air these last few posts have taken on.
No need to be flippant about it.
As for pre-planning, the exact point of Rebellions was for them not to turn into Invasions 2.0. If that's the type of conflict you enjoy, nobody is forcing you to be here.
Ihave never and will never pose as the sole GR will. On the contrary, I was elected to be FO because folk wanted someone to take a few ooc fights. The members write the stories and push the faction forward, not I.Kur-gal Kwaad said:[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
I never said anything of the sort. My statement originates from the idea that we're here to have fun, and once we stop having fun, so does everyone around us.
Believe me, I know how [member="Mantic Dorn"] feels. I helped run two factions around here for the better part of a year, and a large chunk of that occurred simultaneously. But that's the downside of being a Major faction. Especially one as recognizable and legendary as the Galactic Republic. Threads and plotlines will naturally gravitate to these parts, because its what people know and love. If you are unwilling to deal with the risk, stress, and chaos of owning territory on SWRP, then there are simple solutions for that.
Last thought; while a FO is certainly responsible in part for their faction, they aren't its be-all-end-all. Sometimes people can't or won't participate in certain threads, and that's fine; that's what the other 30 members are for. A faction is not its leadership, but rather its membership.
Anyway, /harangue. See you all IC.
Actually, I don't believe I've ever asked him to edit.Valiens Nantaris said:I think you and Warok the Defiler have gotten into a spinning death spiral of blaming and demanding the other person edit.
Please understand I'm not upset with you for anything. It's more my frustration at finding a niche for this character. I don't want him to be a fighter so much but neither do I want him to be a Force god. Those two routes feel kind of like an arms-race with certain characters who just have to one up you. No, that isn't you, Khallesh. It's also hard to write the Lore-keeper/historian/artifact hunter as a main on a board that lately seems to revolve around combat. Anyway.Khallesh said:[member="Dune Rhur"]
I do apologise, notifications for tags are rubbish on this account!
Tefka said:the most golden rule of them all: Don't be a dick.