Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebirth: Hydraeus

Ratih Lah

Invitees: Cira Vraska Yo'gand Azal Darth Mierin Darth Banshee Darth Acarus Nulgath Zardai Sawa Ike Taral Mirtis Darth Odium Arturious EngelDarth Praelior Ratih Lah
Timeline: Following the events of the Coruscant Invasion by the Omega Protectorate
Setting: New Yuuzhan'tar. Galactic west of Confederate territory.
Objective: Marvel at seemingly the Vessel of Yun-Harla.

The snakelike tentacles from the Shaper's headdress would twitch and slither across her neck and shoulders. The Shaper would bow, the resounding effects of the geyser and strength of the howl enough to almost cause her eardrums to shatter.

Her shaper's hand would twitch anew. They were all a witness to the display of the many hands of Yun-Yuuzhan. Something never seen before by any other. It was an honor indeed.

What had been created here, a mixture of the gift of the Gods and the power of the Dark Lord culminated into something extraordinary. The successful vongshaping of a Force User. Shattered her mind would be, more due to a complex past life of fragmentation of various forms, but it would bring a dawn of a new era.

Vongsense would give birth within the feminine creatures mind, and Ratih could feel the woman already slithering in her mind.

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
Invitees: Cira Vraska Yo'gand Azal Darth Mierin Darth Banshee Darth Acarus Nulgath Zardai Sawa Ike Taral Mirtis Darth Odium Arturious EngelDarth Praelior Ratih Lah [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
Timeline: Following the events of the Coruscant Invasion by the Omega Protectorate
Setting: New Yuuzhan'tar. Galactic west of Confederate territory.
Objective: Give rise to a new form.

Clicking noises would chatter from the woman as she slowly would rise to her feet. Carapieces of natural armor, skin-shifted with the urging of the Dark Lord's manipulations as well as shaped upon the creature by the Orblisk's acidic pools would ripple over her. Long insecticidal tendrils of what would amount to hair would flank a lightly green tinged face, and when her eyes drew upon the spectacle of witnesses, would shine with a golden light of embers within their depths. The only remaining physical remnant of the former Lady Protector in the height of her anger.

Glowing rivulets of acid would continue to trickle down her body as she rose, one grafted foot with near iridescence skin would puncture a footprint of a heel upon the ground.


"Whaţ yóư ́h͡a͡d to̢ do̧.," came the rumbling husky growl from the depths of that delicate throat, repeating it anew. Changling DNA combined with that of the dark manipulations of the Dark Lord and Vongshaped biotechnology made a rather interesting medley. There was no sense of the Force within her -- unknown to her, that would sputter in and out like the flicker of a candle in the wind.

Yet the bloom of Vongsense would burst into seed and flower within the fore of her mind, spreading across to touch each and every child of Yun-Amon.
Invitees: [member="Cira"] [member="Vraska Yo'gand"] [member="Azal"] [member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Sawa Ike"] [member="Taral Mirtis"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Ratih Lah"] @Hydra Queen
Timeline: Following the events of the Coruscant Invasion by the Omega Protectorate
Setting: New Yuuzhan'tar. Galactic west of Confederate territory.

Tsavong found himself getting to his feet, still astonished that it had actually worked.


The Myrshavong had given birth to a vessel of one of the Gods. Surely he was blessed. A legend. Finally, he was shaping his destiny, as Yun-Amon had foretold.

"....what do you feel?"

He could feel ripples of her power, a strange sense over taking him... something he had never quite felt before.
Darth Banshee know new why they did what they did, they did not resurrect an enemy. They made a vong queen, a new warriors will spawn from this moment. The one sith and her allies know surly conquer the galaxy, and then we will have peace and order.

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
Invitees: Cira Vraska Yo'gand Azal Darth Mierin Darth Banshee Darth Acarus Nulgath Zardai Sawa Ike Taral Mirtis Darth Odium Arturious Engel Darth Praelior Ratih Lah @Hydra Queen
Timeline: Following the events of the Coruscant Invasion by the Omega Protectorate
Setting: New Yuuzhan'tar. Galactic west of Confederate territory.

"Eve̛ryth͘i҉ńg." came her answer, as every step would bring her closer to the Myrshavong. Indeed she did, as the seed of Vongsense grew within her being, spreading out beyond the Orblisk. In this, she was able to sense the life of the Yuuzhan Vong terraformed area. Every polyp, every biot, every Yuuzhan Vong she could sense rippling with life.

The Force would trickle in and out. Sputtering like a water hose in conflict as the Vongsense and her connection would interchange back and forth. A frown would draw over her brow, and those twin glowing eyes would settle upon the behemoth that was Tsavong.

"Yu͢n-͜H̡arla͏.̛.." she would repeat, a slow confidence coming from that. Yun-Amon, the Dark Lord himself, would whisper into her ear. A name. Her truth. A mind vongshaped into a new personality. A new being.




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