Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebirth of an Empire (Galactic Empire dominion of O'reen)

The battle had been progressing as well as any battle did, which was to say not as well as the commanders wanted. A bloodless victory would be a wonderful thing, but were impossibly rare when it came to actual combat. For the most part the Emperor's ship had hung back at the edge of combat, simply because the Empire could not stand to lose its Emperor less than a day after announcing itself to the Galaxy. Mostly the Emperor had watched his admirals in action, seen how they had led their ship commanders, and over all be very pleased with their performance.

It was looking like Akio might just be able to leave things to his new corps of officers, and no longer be the naval commander so much of his life had revolved around. It would take some getting used to for sure, but he could feel confident that the Navy would continue to be a powerful force in the Galaxy. Now all that was left was for Admiral Tregessar to finish off the enemy forces.
First Soldier:Yes this is what you said you were looking for!”

Really it did not look that much. It was just one counsel over seeing a bunch of glowing glass steel tubes going in and out of the wall.

Second Soldier: “M’ Lord, are you sure this is where you want to set the explosives?” The man sounded confused and the other soldier seemed to agree.

“This is it”, Yokuni spoke down to then with the up most confidence. “I do not wish to destroy the generator and case an explosion that would kill millions of civilians and Imperial troopers trying to carry out their duty honorably. We just intend to disable the power running to the generator.”

“Please”, signaling Rex forward, “Make the Emperor proud my friend.”

@[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Got it, make the emperor proud!" Rexus chuckled and sighed afterwards, it was good to know that he carried this pack here for no reason at all. And here he thought he was going to blow the thing sky high but nope. "i'l just go find an off switch or something." walking over to the generator that kept the machine powered he looked at it trying to wrap his head around the whole situation. "Okay, disarming the device? Do I cut the blue wire? Or the pink? Maybe the green?" he said looking at the long line of cables that connected to the generator

"Aw Frak it!" grabbing his saber he activated it and cut all the cables, crossing his fingers he waited to see the results. A few second later the machine powered down with a low humming noise. The shields were dropped and the fleets could begin their bombardment of the planet If they didn't surrender. @[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

"Oscar One, roger that, central command!" Ahani put in her 'serious voice' and matched it with a serious face that didn't quite reach the glee in the rest of her body. She roused the gun and took a flash to gain target on the station and depressed the trigger. Her fingers held fast of the controls as deep thrumming bolts of plasma burst from the large gun. She giggled under her breath, tapping her toes on the ground in an express of glee. Battle, it was good to be back to battle.

A roaring flash of orange came from the station, punctuated by a wash of white light chasing the oblong targeting trajectory of the computers. Ahani would rip the station apart if she had to, in order to give the Empire its' victory over O'Reen.
@[member="Rexus Drath"]

“Fantastic”, Yokuni beamed from the joy he had felt at that moment. As he watched the spark and a bit of flame burst from the cables. He could even hear the hum of the power shutting down. It was quite fortunate these two soldiers showed them this terminal. “What a lucky find. We did not need the explosives after all”, it was a good thing they still had the explosives. It was still a possibility they had a backup power source. So far it sounded like there was no other power source and the planetary shields were down.

Galatic Fleet By Comm: @[member="Akio Kahoshi"] @[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"] @Somarae @Ahani Najwa-Keth

Pulling out his communicator Yokuni placed a call to the Galactic Fleet. It was a open channel. Who answered would be up to protocol based off who was available. “Imperial Ident number”, ident is code for identification, “36 A as in alpha 97 C as in Charlie, Yovshin Togashi Yokuni, Elder of the Togashi Clan. Mission confirmation… Confirmation on O’reen Planetary Shields… is it down. I repeat is it down?”

Yokuni and Rex needed confirmation the shields were down. If not they would need to readjust and finish the mission. The Planetary Shields were down Yokuni just did not know for sure
@[member="Togashi Yokuni"] @Moira Skaldi @Akio Kahoshi @Cyrus Tregessar

Pops and shudders in the station continued to rip across the space above O'Reen, and Ahani kept her eyes to the battle at large. The tang of it in her mouth wrote poetry of the Empire's motion and the woman was thrilled. The open transmission clicked through Ahani's comm and she set her sights on the planet below. The defence grid and planetary shield had begun to shimmer and falter, until flicker after flicker it came down.

"Imperial Ident 97 Gamma 42 Philemon, I have eye confirm on planetary shields disengage. Repeat, visual confirmation. Planetary shields are down. Over and Out."
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
For all the skill that the commander of Oscar One had demonstrated, he was still confined to a mostly immobile space station with limited defenses. There were only so many floating drydocks you could move in the way of a volley of turbolasers before your resources ran out and you could do nothing more than brace for impact. It was a battle against time, and one had to hope that either the enemy lost their will to fight or the situation changed before your clock stopped. For the O'reen space station, it was too late.

As one, the large Imperium-designed Star Destroyers opened fire on the defense station. Their initial volley burned through whatever satellites where in the path, and splashed across the platforms shields. They they began to volley, keeping up a constant stream of fire on a few points. It took less than a minute to punch through the shields, and then the station was rocked with explosions. It returned fire as best it could, but the line of Gyon's and Lee's kept up their fire on any other defenses, and soon there was nothing left in orbit that could shoot besides Oscar One itself.

But the situation was changing, the O'reen fleet had finally started moving. It was slight at first, subtle enough that Cyrus had to double check the various displays, but the haphazard collection of ships that made up O'reen's navy were a conical formation and advancing. A pair of splinters, consisting of a handful of ships each, had detached from the main body. One group of three frigates headed towards the Akatsuki and another of two frigates and Cruiser was aimed towards the Kusong.

They were clearly diversions. The idea was that Cyrus would overreact and dispatch ships to reinforce the crippled vessels, thus weakening the core of the fleet. The conical formation would attempt a breakthrough and then attack the rear of the formation, effectively performing an envelopment. It was a decent strategy, but the O'reen fleet simply lacked the ships needed to pull it off. Their heaviest vessels were a few old Heavy Cruisers. Not the sort of thing you wanted to take into a close range slugfest with a modern Star Destroyer. Given the care that the enemy commander had shown thus far, it seemed uncharacteristically rash.

36 A as in alpha 97 C as in Charlie, Yovshin Togashi Yokuni, Elder of the Togashi Clan. Mission confirmation… Confirmation on O’reen Planetary Shields… is it down. I repeat is it down?”

For all that had been going on in space, Cyrus had not even paid attention to the battle on the planet below. He glanced up and watched as the planetary shield flickered and vanished, then shrugged and turned back to the real fight. The only effect it would have is signal the approach of the large transports to ferry the thousands of troops that would be necessary to occupy and pacify the planet. It wasn't as if the legions below needed fire support from above anyway, by all accounts the fighting was nearly over.

The thought struck him like a blaster bolt. The transports were large, slow, and had nearly no protection. They were generally used only when control of space had already been achieved. The destruction of even one could have a profound effect on the ability of the Empire to properly integrate O'reen. If things delayed too long, there could be a full-on rebellion.

The O'reen fleet wasn't trying to envelop the Imperial navy at all, they were headed for the transports.
"Akatsuki hailing Hiei command, we're angling for your western quadrant at a 0.3 vector at sublight 9."

"Acknowledged, Akatsuki. Stand by for fighter escort."

"Acknowledged, Hiei. Standing by."

Finally, fighting hard, the Gyon-class heavy cruiser made it within reach of the Hiei, and the larger Star Destroyer acknowledged by releasing two flights of TIE Qiang fighters. The Imperial squadrons were on to the O'reen snubfighters before they could effectively withdraw, and coupled with the effective fire from the Akatsuki's defensive batteries, they made quick work of the enemy fighters. Satoshi made use of the Qiang's intervention by angling past them and using them as a screen against the frigates, which were serviceable anti-ship vessels but lacked defenses against smaller craft such as fighters. The Qiangs busied themselves about the frigates, hassling the O'reen ships and making sure they were too distracted to do anything about the Akatsuki.

Now Satoshi's main concern was Oscar One, but the commander of the space station was obviously more concerned about the several Star Destroyers forming up against him than one crippled heavy cruiser. Fire from the station was constant but not as heavy as it was before. The young Ensign realised that they were out of the thick woods, but did not sigh with relief as yet. Instead, he focused on bringing the vessel within the Hiei's protective embrace, which he managed after the two frigates withdrew, one limping a little with small engine damage. It was then that he managed to sigh with relief ... mischief managed, one heavy cruiser saved. One promotion awaited.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
It was a noble move, sacrificing oneself to give your planet a fighting chance in the future. A fine ideal to die for. Too bad the commander of the O'reen fleet was about to do it all in vain. Now that the stratagem had been identified it was a simple measure to counter it. As the conical formation rushed forward towards the Imperial line, Cyrus directed the flanks of his formation to start falling back to the rear, and turn their heaviest weapons inward, forming a reverse cone. The advanced navigational computers took the desired movements and made them precise enough and exact enough that the risk of friendly fire was minimized. When the O'reen fleet hit, they would be subject to fire from literally every direction, with most being directed at their vulnerable engines.

If the enemy commander saw it, and Cyrus assumed he did, he refused to waver. Bold and noble, a fine way to end up a frozen corpse drifting eternally in space.

The lead ships of the O'reen flotilla hit the formation, firing with everything they had. The Isard and Tarkin-class Star Destroyers at the van parted to let them pass, then turned as swiftly as possible to present their broadsides. At the opposite end of the formation, a collection of Lee's formed into a wall. The doomed O'reen fleet, caught in a vice, refused to break formation, giving back as good as they got. It wasn't enough, and shortly only the old Heavy Cruiser remained. Crippled and spewing coolant out of a large hole in its reactor, it abruptly stopped firing and attempted to hail.

For a brief moment, Cyrus considered calling for a cease fire and accepting the call. After all, the commander had fought well enough to worthy of some consideration. With a proper fleet, he might even be worth something out in the galaxy.

But Cyrus' soul screamed for blood. Bad day to be from O'reen. With a slight grin, he simply watched as the Heavy Cruiser continued to absorb fire for a few more seconds and then erupted into a flash as bright as a newborn star. When the light faded, only scraps remained. In O'reen orbit, Oscar One was breaking apart and falling into the atmosphere. Here and there snubfighters and a few corvettes scattered for the edge of the system, but there wasn't anything that could be considered organized resistance in space. Cyrus hailed the Emperor.

"The enemy fleet has been eliminated. Occupation Transports are en route. My ships will standby in system until the planet is secure, but I think we can safely call this a victory. Admiral Tregessar out."


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