Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Okay I wrote this down better... hope it makes sense.

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]So here is an idea, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]And just take it with a grain of salt and think about it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]A Galactic Alliance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Now how? Well, here are the cons and I’ll dish them out pretty quickly so we are pretty open about this concept.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]The potential merger of the Mandos, The Republic, and SSC to become an over arching major faction under one influence cloud.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Now before nays, let me describe a bit further how this may work.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Nothing OOC in each current faction changes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Nothing ICly in each current faction changes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Every faction still has their leaders, every faction still has their own force orders -- no merging of it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Instead, this is what happens:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Mandos, SSC, and Pubs keep their forums as subfaction forums and their administrative staff does not change. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]A new Galactic Alliance Forum is created, and as a whole, a new FO is voted in ( perhaps staying just a term of 3 months for ease of stress) and then every faction votes their own FA representative.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]GA FO - Revolving voted in member voted from all three factions[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Mando FA Rep - voted in by the mandos[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Pub FA rep - voted in by the pubs[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]SSC FA rep - voted in by the ssc[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]The Force orders are not merged. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Now territory - since it will be under a singular influence cloud, this is how icly things won’t change.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]OOCly, on the map we are one color.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]ICly, we get the map and section off “territories” Mando, SSC, Pubs. Each of these territories will still have their own laws, guidelines, etc. Nothing will change in regards to what is the Mandos and their Mandalore. Nothing changes with the SSC and their order and the space hippies. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]This is much like the set up for the OS with the Voice sectors , only instead of being a singular person, it is the entire three government entities.[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]We get all that member base, new stories ( and we can still continue our push to a more raid culture)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]There is no issues with allies signing up, because we would all be under the Galactic Alliance. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Membership for faster dominions.[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]We lose territory as a whole -- i don't’ think it would be much because these three have been on the board for ages. But losing territory is a definite con.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]We are no longer a singular major faction. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]It requires sacrifice and a lot of collaboration.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I dunno, that was my random idea of the day. Just an idea mind you, but one I think that shows a lot of promise. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I dunno. What does everyone think?[/SIZE]
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

I find it a bit strange that you're suddenly in favour of a massive merger of all three factions...after being strongly opposed to OP merging with the Republic when there was a poll about its future not so long ago.

Danger Arceneau said:
We lose territory as a whole -- i don't’ think it would be much because these three have been on the board for ages. But losing territory is a definite con.

I have to disagree there. Admittedly three factions merging would be unprecedented, but when it was discussed whether OP should merge with the Republic, it was said that one faction would lose 2/3 of its territory. I do not see why it would be that different here. Especially if three factions are supposed to merge at the same time (which would obviously require the member base of all three groups to agree).

When the Levantines merged with SSC, three planets were carried over. The rest went neutral. So who will give up territory? Seems beneficial to OS, Prime etc. because they'd get more free space to dom.
And that's why as a whole we can Dom those planets back quickly.

And have the memberbase to do it.

We'd also be able to match the OS in membership and activity.

It's just an idea, requires all factions to be for it and sacrifices plus collaboration. That's pretty upfront.

But it is an idea to push everyone forward.
It'll give us a solid base to merge. First we should probably st least make it happen as allies. Get us all working together. The OS - Prime - TU have their axis of evil.

We should do something to break that. Or mimic it. Time dominions. Link up. Form Voltron.

Merge slowly. Work on how it would be best for turf. All the while hitting Team Dark Side hard.
It's a fallacy to think that dominioning planets back would be 'quick' if the three factions were united. For a start, you'd have people in the Mandos and Silvers wanting their priority targets done. Increasing membership would not increase speed, especially as each dominion is 100 posts regardless. That's nothing to sneeze at.

I really see no advantage to merging at all. I certainly would vote against it as Faction Admin of the Silvers. It would simply not benefit the Coalition at all. We'd lose territory, be lumped in with the Republic (regardless of fancy forum schemantics) and be faced with a war we didn't want. The Silver Jedi split from the Republic for a very clear reason - they disliked the encroachment of politics into their Jedism. That would only increase here.

As for the Mandos, yeah, good luck there. What possible incentive would they have to join a 'Galactic Alliance'? However you spin it, this only is a positive for the Republic and no one else, and even there I doubt it.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

How would the mandos benefit? I don't know, we haven't been faring the well on our own nor has the republic. The silver have been lucky for a long time but now war has approached their doorstep and who did they go to for back up? thats right they went to the mandos. So really I think we are better off united instead of being picked off standing on our own.
I really look at this proposal in its simplicity. We all have a common Enemy who by nature of the beast is a real threat. There is no denying this and I OOC respect the OS and all they have done thus far. IC its time that the galaxy makes a stand, pull together (like the vong wars) and rid the threat once and for all. Ambitious yes, but doable.
Whatever the majority decides, I will roll with. That said.

I do not like this.

I think it does have the possibility of making it possible to roflstomp the OS and Prime, note I said possibility, not guarantee. Folks could have been helping other factions dominions already if they wanted to. They don't. Invasion wise, didn't we all just finish crying about how crooked multi-factioning is? Frig, invasions are agreed upon terms. Just have them open to all allies then.

My main problem with it?

It feels entirely OOC-ly motivated. Believe it or not, I'm not actually here to play Risk, I'm here to write stories. The Map Game makes for some interesting stories, but I'm not just going to break character because 'c'mon guys, we have to win!'

Why, when negotiations have been osik, and we are not on good terms currently IC would be suddenly be best bros and all join up? How does that make sense?

Plus honestly looking at the three factions.. The Silvers lost one Invasion due to some bad management of their little'uns. That's it. They're doing pretty well, they're active, they just finished their own merger. Why would they want to lose more territory to be lumped in with the GR and the Mandos and thrown into a war they split away from the GR to escape? So they came to the Mandos once. Still seems to me like a bad move on their part.

Mandos don't even know who their IC or OOC leader will be next month and are working on getting along within their own faction.

GR seem to honestly think they are winning the war against the OS based on the roadblocks they are throwing up to a timeout on the whole Cold War.

I would love to think we can all play nice and get along. I don't see it happening.

Additionally, what's to stop people not letting a faction break out of the alliance afterwards or if it doesn't work? What's to stop them keeping the territory. What's to stop them going, well, you came here with five planets, that's all you leave with regardless of how many dominions you've done or what's historically been yours?

I would honestly rather watch all three factions get destroyed and have people IN CHARACTER figure out they need to get their osik together and cooperate and rally, than see this just thrown together because lol map game guys.

My two cents.

As stated, I'll keep writing no matter what is ultimately decided.
All these ooc threads....

If folks instead focused on getting active in current ic threads that matters we might even be fixing the faction up even faster and better.

More role play and lets see what comes out of them IC.

Admins, point members to ic threads. Tag us or send mass pm so that everyone cand find them.

Those who want to help finish doms will have the option, the rest, well then they are only here to complain about something ooc, ignore it and focus on the ic.

Also, while the GR is a good aligned democratic IC organisation we do need OOC tyranny sometimes. We cant discuss everything. Point us to the stories/doms and leave the ooc talk be for a while.

Just my seven cents,
I agree that this seems entirely ooc motivated. The OS have shown they can graft and weasel their way to victory so doing this with the intent of just defeating the OS seems uncertain.

Also I've been in the Republic since near the start, led the faction IC too. It provides a certain flavour. Jamming the Mandos and Silvers into here makes it no longer what people want.

The Republic needs to stay the course not charge off to rebranding every second week. Mergers in the past lose members so it will not triple your numbers as I know many Mandos and Silvers would not join.
If there is a merger to be done, it would need to be done through IC and not simply an agreement between two factions to merge together in order to beat back the beast that.. well, frankly, probably can handle all three of them.
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