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Rebuilding History


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den returned to his ship and transmitted his plans to rebuild the 4,000 + year old Mandalorian post on Dxun and was seeking help for construction.

A'den grabbed what supplies he had on his ship and carried them through the jungle to the old outpost. He quickly begin fixing and replacing wires to get electricity running. After that was finished he hooked up sensors and scanners at every outpost entrance.

A'den then begin cleaning up the junk and debris among the outpost.


King of Pumpkins
A small shuttle would land within the mandalorian relic. As it landed Tom Taff along with a squad of guards would step off the shuttle. Tom would then approach @A'den Kyr'am, "Hello there my name is Tom, I have come to assist you vode."

He would then have two swarms of nanobots which would proceed to clean up, while also begin helping with the reconstruction. Tom would be waiting for the man to address him as his nanobots went to work. His guards would also begin helpping with the reconstruction. The nanobots would do most of the grunt work but someone had to double check it. This was the first time they had even come out according to his dad's notes on it.

He wondered where [member="Rex Taff"] was right now.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den tosses the last of the debris on a pile then raises his right arm and mutters something. Then a wave of fire comes out of his gauntlet setting the pile on fire. A'den then turns and looks up to see a ship landing. He watches a man get off the ship and address him.

A'den nods. A'den then speaks his voice alerted by his buy'ce, (think kylo rens voice with helmet on)Vor entye ner vod, iupe at haa'taylir cuun adate su cuyir rud. You can start by clearing the vines off the old ruins while I start welding the Durasteel to repair them.

A'den grabs out a welding torch from a bag nearby he brought from his ship with him
Something drew Mand’alor the Infernal to this place. Maybe it was [member="Tom Taff"] and his voyage to Dxun. Truth was, serendipity brought Mand’alor to Dxun that day. Kaden was raised on Dxun, to Mandalorians, who rescued him from the cataclysm. Even before the darker times after the bomb went off in the volcano, destroying most of Mandalore, Kaden was happy on Dxun.

Was her riduur there? Had he left her and returned wordless to Dxun? No. Yasha felt in her heart this was not so, and instead she walked on, a small contingent at her flanks. Tom had come for some form of engineering project, and the Infernal decided if she could not repair her marriage, at least she could repair her people’s outpost.

“Clear vines, eh? I and my own have beskads and hands. We will help see this done.” A Mand’alor should never be above the tasks, which would rebuild her people, and in that Yasha Mantis was no exception, draped as she was in her Beskar’gam, gigantic wolf-helm propped on her face.

@A'den Kyr'am


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den instantly recognized that voice, a hint of more maturity now...but wait it couldn't be, little Yashy, the little girl he trained to fight. A'den turned around showing his familiar red and black Beskar'gam and his Skull Buy'ce. He looked at the woman standing before him. Staring her up and down.

Do I know you? You sound familiar, and yeah vine cleaning for this vod and his nanobot things. But seriously who are you, I feel something about you and I cant place it.

A'den stands before the woman puzzled trying to figure out how he knows the woman under that buy'ce.
The voice was familiar, as was the buy’ce. Yasha had few images in her mind from her childhood, those small years spent on Mandalore with her Daddy Preliat, and mother Aditya, before Aditya died. Fog and the Netherworld’s chaotic hell plagued her, more than those such few years, without the dangers of the Nether.

The child @A’den Kyr’am knew was a slim, harrowed girl, too thin for her bones, but wiry enough to take to violence with a passion few could imitate if they threw themselves full time into war. She was a natural killer, a girl after her buir’s heart.

Yet, there was a fuzzy recollection. The visor and a tough, yet kindly voice. Many Mandalorians knew their Mand’alor, yet still some did not. Without removing her buy’ce, Yasha answered,

“I am Mand’alor the Infernal. Scion of Clan Mantis, adopted daughter of Clan Raxis. Many know my name as Yasha Mantis, yet few now know my face… who are you, vod? You remind me of someone from my past.”


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den heard her name and it brought warm feelings to him. He reached up to his Buy'ce and clicked the sides letting out a hiss sound as compressed air let out. A'den lifted his Buy'ce off showing his face.


Yash it's me, you probably remember me as Jarell, I trained you in combat so many years ago. You have grown, Mand'alor now huh. I am surprised and proud of you Yashy, your parents would be too, its been so long, the last any of you heard from me was that weapons factory coming down on me, but I survived. Oh my, just wow all grown up Yashy.

A'den holds his Buy'ce at his side smiling at yash, wanting to hug her but holds back. Just thinking of the old times teaching her to fight, good memories flashing through his mind.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den returns to his work welding a structured frame together to build a wall, this task had taken him several hours, he then started taking scrap metal and heating it up and molding it into making walls. After a day he completes the first building.

A'den then proceeds to order parts from a vendor across the galaxy. Upon waiting for those parts to be delivered he begins to slowly work on the next building. he decides to use the ruins of whats left to make the foundation of the new structure. this process was going to take him weeks but it was no matter, rebuilding mandalorian history and his clan is what it was really all about and he wasn't planning on quitting. even with the other two helping this was still going to be hard work. but a job well done once completed.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'Den gets the second building done as a cargo ship lands nearby and drops off supplies such as durasteel walls, neon signs, wooden counters, and a variety of computers and furniture. Also automated sentry guns were delivered. A'den begins setting up the 6 different sentry guns and hooks power up to them by digging trenches and then hiding the cables in the trenches and then putting durasteel plates over them then replacing dirt and grass seed over the trenches with the plates.

A'den then hooks up the computers to start setting up the sensors all over the compound. Once the computers are booted up he activates them to make sure the sensors are indeed working. A'den then deactivates the computers and transports them into the first main building and sets them up again and activates them.

A'den then starts unpacking the durasteel walls to start building the next building.


King of Pumpkins
Tom really didn't like the way he was ordered without a second thought to do something. He didn't even know @A'den Kyr'am and now he didn't want to. Even with [member="Yasha Mantis"] here this man still order him about as if Tom was one of his underlings, as if Tom was someone to be looked down upon. Never before had anyone ever treated another mandalorian with such disrespect. For the Echani boy it cut right to the core. Tom said nothing in response cleaning the vines. And rebuilding half the fort with the time the nanobots had take.

However that was enough for Tom as he ordered all of his guard and his nanobot swarms back onto the shuttle. Even the mand'alor who was head of the mandalorians had treat him and other vod with more respect. Hence why he said nothing as the shuttle left the planet. He made sure it ignored all comm calls except company ones for the duration of the trip. He was not going to be insulted by someone who ignored the help he had brought.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den looks back at tom as he was leaving seeing that he thought he was disrespected when he wasn't, he was asked to help and he was given a task, but whatever, A'den shrugged it off and went back to work and nodded to Yash as he continued to work.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den finally finished the Cantina and then started putting up the neon signs. Pain in my arse was the thoughts going through A'den's mind as he worked, very difficult job. Once the neon signs were up he then hooked them up to power and they sputtered to life glowing adding a nice touch to the compound. After he was completed he took a step back and took a look at the finished Cantina.

A'den then went to work quickly on the next building which he figured would be the armory. He eventually get started on his factory to manufacture weapons but that was all in good time, right now his thoughts were focused on the armory. a long process but it would get done and then he would start on the mess hall. but again in due time.

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