Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaiming ancient ground

With pieces of the Weequay short range fighters raining to the ground the three transport ships started to slowly turn around. Jackal sensors would signal that the bulky crafts powered down weapons, clearly signalling that they sought no more conflict with the Jackal ships.

Sempra allowed a short cheer at that sight and turned toward the Palace. The defending Weequay at the gates were beaten. With a perplexed expression he wittnessed the aggressive and destructive, yet effective impact the Jackal mercenaries had in marking the final end to the gate guards.
As the dust settled Mongos droids spread out in patrols across the palace.

"The mighty Sempra now declares that he will enter the palace and approach the throne room to face queen Losh." the pale translator declared followed by the base command starting to move along the Hutts approach.

Mean while - inside the palace.
The other turret faced the same destiny as its brother and the hallway toward the security room lay open. With his heat beam Zerr soon had it blown away and the strike team moved in. Nyx, Dillon and Maniis moved in firing accurate lethal shots at the three security droids posted here. As the room was secured Zerr appoached the ancient computer. The dim lights were no problem for his receptors yet they told him that the palace was not running at full power. Seven if the nine generators in the cellar seemed to be off line.
The Weequay maintained everything at minimum power to manage, this included most of the in built defences. Only the throne room security was still fully active, with locked gates and at least four war droids on stand by along with automatic repeater guns and toxic traps ready to be released at the whim of the master of the room.

A few cameras were still active and through them the strike team could see the victorious droids and mercs spreading across the palace. Sempra and several of the other sponsors of the campaign were headed deeper inside, directly toward the throne room gates.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"][member="Mongo Booshi mella] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Dillon Trask"], [member="Maanis Vizla"], [member="ZERR"], [member="Nyx"], [member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Tiali Orazio"][member="Paislee Armandé"]
Sempra and the leaders had entered deeper into the large building, traces of the ancient Hutt Empire resting in the shadows of alcoves and seldom used areas of the palace. Sempras faced turned grim as they approached the main room of the palace, the council chambers of old.

The doors grunted and its old mechanism complained heavily as the gates slowly started to open. The com-system was scrambled for some reason but since the doors were opening the group would have to assume that the strike team and the machine,[member="ZERR"], had handled their end of the mission succesfully.

Sempra rose pridely and continued inwards. The huge domed room was an impressive sight with five hutt thrones centered around a large podium. It was clear that the room once held much fine art and luxuary but now only broken urns and rubble bore wittness from that ancient time of glory.

Sempra sneered and laid his eyes on the Weequay female, defiantly placed on the centre podium. Sempra launched forward with remarkable speed taking most by surprise. The movement resembling more a cobra then a slow slug.
Clearly agitated by the sight he spew a threatening hiss:

"The great Sempra warns you! Place yourself on a knee and bow head for your masters witch, or he will personally crush your feeble body and display it to all the Weequay for the reminder of your puny life." his translator hurried to explain to the Weequay queen.

She rose and looked down on the intruders with a proud face.

"No hutt. These are new times and our people are no longer slaves to your kind. I am proof of this, I rule this palace now and no Hutt will ever be allowed to steal it from me." she smirked and with a flick of her wrist she activated a nearby console. The room lit up and ancient machinery set to work as three huge war droids of the same modell as Zerr himself were lifted into the room through hidden lifts in the floor. Beside them roof mounted turrets dropped down.

Sempras eyes widened in fear.

IHad [member="ZERR"] failed? t was not supposed to end like this...
((Didn't even let get back to you?!))
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

If ZERR had possessed teeth, he would have gritted them.
The computer system installed by the ancient Hutts had proven resilient; surprisingly so, despite what the aging war droid knew of such technology.
The defenses of the vault had fallen quickly enough; the others in the squad had dealt with them handily, and ZERR had burned through the heavy durasteel doors to reach the console easily with his formidable heatbeams. Covered by his allies, he had initiated contact with the palace security system, his link plug whirring softly in the socket.
But something had gone wrong.
ZERR had interfaced with many Hutt computer systems in his time, and knew well the machines common to Kossak and many of his minions; he had expected the White Palace to have one much like these. The war droid had been wrong, however; what he encountered was an utterly non-standard device, standing up valiantly to all his attempts at breaking through.
It was not purely Hutt technology, which was what surprised ZERR. At some point, the Hutt whose palace the structure had been had gotten a hold of Tionese hardware, integrating it with his own to produce a resilient hybrid. ZERR recognized anti-intruder programs developed for the GenoHaradan, almost uncrackable in their day and still formidable against the war droid's resources.
But whereas the software was merely strong, ZERR had learned resourcefulness in his long years.
The process was slow, but ZERR eventually managed to circumvent the computer's firewalls, taking control of a portion of its functions. Taking stock of his new tools, the ancient droid found something surprising.
"After all this time..." He intoned aloud, his computer probe inputting commands. "...I had believed I was the only one left!"
Meanwhile, up in the throne room, the three huge war droids standing guard around the Weequay queen raised their weapons...
...and aimed up at the automated turrets.
Sempra's expressision of utter surprise mimiced that of the Weequay Queen named Losh. The war droids suddenly turned on the Palace turrets and opened fire. Their ancient systems had not recieved maintainance for a long time and much of their weaponry failed to function as intended - but enough was spewed forth to obliterate the threat against the hutt and his entourage. Sempra let out a deep sigh of relief. It had been a close call, but the strike team had delivered. The final objective was completed.

Once the deed was done the war droids shut down with a slow humming sound. As the last eye of the droid went dead Queen Losh dropped her staff and turned toward Sempra. This time it was her turn to feel fear. The enraged Hutt slithered forth and leaned in on the shivering Weequay.

"Behold what happens to slaves who oppose their masters. You will be an example to your people." he belowed in Deep hutteese. His Words lost to her but its meaning penetrated any language barrier. Witout further warning Sempras tail came hammering down upon the Queens legs. The pain and fear filled her trembling body as she started to beg. It was futile - with an echoing thud the tail came down again, and again, and again. Until a mutilated and utterly humilated body remained.

Sempra turned to the force that had accmpanied her. Driods kept dragging captured Weequay warriors, and pushing them to their knees to wittness their Queens demise.

"Behold the Weequay Queen Losh!" Sempra declared and the pale man quickly started to translate. "Her body and mind will be broken but she will be kept alive, chained to my throne as an example and reminder to all who all who opposes the Mighty hutts!"

"Glory to Sempra Besadii Dhakun" he declared and fell in with the crowds victory cheer.

The White Palace belonged to the Hutts once more...

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Mongo Noos"]hi mella [member="Thraxis"] [member="Dillon Trask"] [member="Maanis Vizla"] [member="ZERR"] [member="Nyx"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Paislee Armandé"]

Thank you all for the RP!

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