Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclamation (Galactic Alliance T1 Dominion of Kaeshana)

Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.
Omega Pyre Task Force
20 @Faenula Triscan

Farwalker Company, the Shadow Rangers would join Omega Pyre and the Prex at site Cresh. They had an encampment to tango with. It would be a proud day to fight alongside Firemane again.

They came from the west side along side the other dark forms of the Forsaken moving in. A cry screamed out in the night, and the battle began.

Force swirling around the blonde, Aeron brought up her bolter. Two figures came at her, and a subsequent pump of the weapon sent incendiary rounds out. The cries and thuds of the bodies followed.

A blade sang through the air from her right, and Aeron had to dodge to avoid having her arm chopped off. She used her bolter to block the next strike, and then the next.

Well, this was going to get interesting.

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]

"Yes, I know well what happened there. My condolences, but you can understand therefore more than others."

The Forsaken meanwhile were hardly happy.
"And why should we trust you now to keep your word? What promise do we have that you won't up stakes again if things go rough?"
"I cannot guarantee the future. No, but we can offer aid for our mistakes and give hope for the future. Anyone is welcome to join us. The Yedai are friends, they do not seek dominion, they seek to help."
Yedai was a common term for Jedi for the Eldorai. Easier to say apparently.

Selene looked towards Rhen for him to continue.

Post 10/10

The daughter looked into the eyes of the old man, tears in her eyes, though mostly from the pain. She hadn't seen him in years, but he was always there to save her when times got rough, even managing to cross parsecs in minutes to save his cub. Nataya embraced him as best as she could as he carried her into the shuttlecraft.

"Apology accepted, Papa."
(Major) Humanitarian relief. The civilians on Kaeshana live in fear of marauding gangs, starvation, and slavers. Give them help! They are distrustful of outsiders, but if offered benevolently they will thank you.
21 | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Aeda Shaytari"]

Indeed. He could very well understand the heartache. The indignation. The sense of perseverance and the need for independence from the One Sith in the battles that followed. Danger Arceneau had thankfully been there to help the rebuilding. Even now, the Corellian Green Jedi had a hidden academy at the Sahsahlah mountains and parts of the world were already terraformed for recolonization at New Coronet.

As the Eldorai Countess spoke to the Forsaken, overhead the speakers blared.

[ All forces please make your way to the shuttles. We will commence deployment in five minutes. ]

Now, would the Forsaken believe the countess or not?
Desmond C'artyom raced to the hangar and found his squad already at attention. He and his men were prepared to lay down their lives for Admiral Graf and that much was certain. He hopped into the cockpit of his TIE and his squadron followed suit. Engineers raced to and fro checking then double checking flight systems.

When the green light was given the fighters raced out of the hangars to meet the enemy.Purge squadron took heel at Desmonds wings and the formation flew forward.

"Purge squadron assume attack formation Bek,"

The fighters split into two groups of six

"Rogue squadron purge squadron is here to assist,"

[member="Choli Vyn"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
@Any GA Fleeters

Tegaea watched as her fleet began to deploy. In addition to the Barsen'Thor which would be joining the Alliance fleet, she had over 6000m of the Firemane Corporate fleet present. If necessary they would join whatever Alliance ships came to bolster their strength.

"Ma'am, message coming in. We have additional transports with troops and ammunition en-route to the surface."
"Good. Direct them to the mountains overlooking Santaissa. That is a good defensive location now as ever, and get some of the Aegis shields down there."

The Alliance and Firemane with the Eldorai would begin building a portable ground encampment to assist in that area too.
Objective: Defeat the Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

"Come on, stop moving so much," Shadow Leader grunted, green lasers flashing and missing their mark again. Had to be a Force Sensitive Eldorai pilot, otherwise they would have been picked off by now. Shadow Leader, while not boastful, had been a hotshot pilot during the Republic's earlier campaigns against the One Sith. He had scratched several Sith pilots, but they must have just been acolytes or really distracted. His enemy had almost gotten him twice, but he was no slouch when it came to maneuvers.

An idea occurred to him. Make use of one of the weaknesses to his ship, catch his opponent off guard possibly. He would accelerate to full speed, straining the coherence of the stealth field. His enemy was dropping into position to attack him, doing so with a snap-roll through space. Red lasers flew around his cockpit, R4 squealing in the back. He would tap the emergency brake, pulling his fighter up hard and to the side. Just for a moment, his fighter's image would still be left in the opponent's targeting reticle while his cloak had engaged again fully.

"Gotcha," he exclaimed as his target overshot their mark and flew right into his laser fire. He saw the pilot eject, marking their location on his map for when the rest of the Aurora task force arrived. He had a feeling Master Raaf would be interested in a Force Sensitive pilot.
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.
Rogue One Squadron Asmus Janes Taeli Raaf ( reinforcements)
Kaeshana Sector

[ Keep it going two!]

The beep, beep beep of her screen highlighted her target. But damn, this guy was FAST. The Force surged within her, asking her to trust it. Her instruments said otherwise.

R4 was hooting and beeping behind her. Damnit, almost there. The targeting computer kept jumping, moving and swaying as the Headhunter kept jittering.

Trust the Force Choli.

It had been what Chloe and Jan had told her so many times. She wanted to, but-but... Indication flared within her.

[ Do laboo fa'kan circaa! «I need help here!» ]

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"]

The Forsaken leader before them looked around. They were about to land, and she could see that the Alliance came with supplies and resources of all kinds.
"Very well, we will trust you enough for me to speak for you. However, we have had many false prophets try and trick us. Many have been tuned into machine monsters, others enslaved. If you go back on our trust you will not live to see the stars again."
"We will not betray your trust. I promise."

They would come in to land in an open area near the broken capital of Santaissa. It would be in the open, but it would also be helpful to allow the most people to come in safety without fear of attack.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
@GA Fleeters [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

A crack force of Firemane troops swiftly landed. Tegaea did not go herself, but she did dispatch several of her close allies, and they sent back some pictures which were quite sad.

The old Alcori-Kerrigan mansion had stood in those hills, and the troops landing near there had sent back the images. The building was just a few pillars and stumps. The asteroid blast combined with looting and fighting with a few fires had broken it down to ash.

It was a humbling experience to see so many years of her life distilled there and now lost.

"Set up the defences, we'll need them," she said and cut the feed.
(Major) Humanitarian relief. The civilians on Kaeshana live in fear of marauding gangs, starvation, and slavers. Give them help! They are distrustful of outsiders, but if offered benevolently they will thank you.
24 | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Aeda Shaytari"]

For the present time, another Jedi Knight had come to Rhen's side.

It was time to leave. He would wait to say goodbye to the Countess and wish her well. That he hoped the Force would be with her.

However, the Jedi Service Corps had other priorities. Humanitarian aide.

Would he see the Countess out in the field? Perhaps their paths would cross.

However, they all had a mission in hand.
Objective: Defeat Raiders and Support Rogue Squadron
Allies: [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"]

Two Shadow Squadron fighters would swoop in, cloaks disappearing as their green lasers peppered the hull of an enemy attack craft aiming for an Alliance X-Wing, not knowing it was Choli Vyn's wingmate or a member of the famous Rogue Squadron. They would disappear just as suddenly, moving to strike at a different area. Shadow Leader, having dealt with his opponent, would move to launch an attack run along the entire fighter line, four of his Dusk fighters forming up on him.

The rest were breaking off to either act as guardian angels to the X-Wings or to support Three in attacking the pirate base. Proton Torpedoes had devastated the parked fighters and their attendant crews, but he had suffered some losses. Because of the delay in the cloak from torpedoes firing, two of his eight ships had impacted against the rocky surface of the debris.

"They just keep coming!"

"I'm hit!"

Another Dusk gone, leaving nothing but pieces to float in space. Three was relieved when blue symbols started to appear, he didn't know how much more he could have done on his own.

Tanomas Graf

Post 5/10

The Imperial shuttle rocketed off of the surface of Kaeshana, Graf cradled his daughter in his arms, already having alerted the medical facilities aboard the Avenger. The Avenger, meanwhile, was sailing through a debris field of destroyed vessels. The Imps were victorious in dealing with the pirates. The shuttle docked and Nataya was carried off to have her wounds treated while Graf returned to the bridge of his ship. "Give me a status report" He said, directed at the lieutenant that was overseeing the operation.

"The pirates were completely decimated, sir, and the Avenger's shields only dropped to 67%. We are currently plowing the debris field for survivors so we may send them to the brig, but something else has popped up in their midst..."

"The First Order is coming to Kaeshana."

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"]

The Jedi would not be coming down with them directly, he would be organising matters from orbit.

That was sad for Selene as she'd like to see more of the Jedi. Perhaps she would in good time. Still, it was time to work.

Swiftly they landed and the soldiers set up a perimeter whilst an aid tent was established. It was time to get to work.
Purge squadron smashed into the screen of enemy fighters. 3 enemies attacked Desmond right off the bat. He preformed a barrel roll as they fired torpedoes and the missiles closed in on him. They went screeching by at a near miss.

"Purge 4 through 6 preform maneuver high yo, yo!"

4, 5, and 6 knifed upwards then came back down behind the enemies in a curving dive. They opened fire and the enemies were completely obliterated.

Purge two entered the cross hairs of yet another enemies and was not fortunate enough to escape. Desmond's TIE was rocked by an explosion as the enemy rockets found their mark. He preformed a full stop and in the zero G the fighter went racing by him. Desmond fired on him relentlessly with with his laser cannons and the ship erupted in a ball of flame.

Kir Tillian

[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
Defeat Slaver Gangs

Off world weapons boomed in the darkness, projectiles exploding upon impact. Lightning strikes within the gloom. Faenula couldn't help but shiver in the gloom. Uncanny, they were. But there was no time for that. Her opponent now carried two swords. They buzzed and hummed faintly beneath the sound of death and judgment. He swirled them in a circle, pacing around her. She matched it, spear in one hand and sword in the other. Others fought and died around her. Mostly the gang members. She had trained and drilled her band relentlessly. They had lost enough already. No need to lose any more. But still, some fell wounded. Such was the way of things.

Faenula lunged forward with the spear, spinning aside as the man responded with the swords. They buzzed close behind her cloak. The one that hid her sword arm. She stopped and stabbed backward. The blade's tip caught him in the shoulder and he staggered, dropping one of the blades. The explosions grew closer, causing both to flinch. She took advantage of the moment, and drove the blade sideways. The man crumpled to the dirt below.

A wild grin spread across her face, exultant as the thrill raced through her body. Speed and energy and perhaps even joy. Something to pull her mind away from the ever present ache of hunger and thirst, along with the accompanying lethargy. With the brief pause in her duel, she hefted the hunting horn. She'd carved it from a long dead beast she had found, hollowing it out and engraving designs when stuck waiting. Faenula raised it to her lips and blew five long rapid blasts. Primitive, but effective. It drowned out even the gunfire and screams of dead and dying, catching the gang off guard and emboldening her warband. They surged forward with renewed wrath and drove deeper into the ranks.

Faenula ran as always at their head, baying with her voice like some hunting hoping. Glass shattered beneath her broken down boots and she leaped forward. Another slaver fell to her spear. The gap between the Forsaken and Pyre forces was collapsing. They had never expected a two pronged assault, but it had worked in their favor. Faenula paused her charge, sparing a quick glance behind her. The guard detachment she had left behind at the pens had been ambushed.

"Packs one and three!" She yelled over the din, "To the rear! Protect the prisoners! Rest of you, forward!" The Company of rangers split, half peeling back to secure the rear and assist the beleaguered friends while the rest surged forward to meet these strange offworlders.
Objective: Defeat Raiders. Rogue Sith and other slavers prey on the Eldorai. Defeat these slavers and scum to help give the oppressed some relief.
Rogue One Squadron [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] ( reinforcements)
Kaeshana Sector

There was nothing like the present.

Trust the Force Choli.

Trust the Force.

With a curse, the Rogue deactivated her Targeting Hud. Immedaitely, Rogue Two's voice went shreking in her comm.

[Qa ohk dan nie?? «What are you doing»]

R4 was NOT happy.

Flipping the safety off her torpedo button, Cholie let the Force swallow her whole. Let it hum in that intangible energy. Her eyes narrowed. They fixed.

Indeed, she moved as one with the Force.

The Headhunter lined up. Her finger found the button. A proton torpedo flew. In a blinding array, it struck it's mark.

Choli's whoop of success echoed within the Squadron's comm.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One

Battle would soon come to Kaeshana. For the first time they would be fighting not from internal threats or even an outside invader, but on the front lines of a galactic war.

Tegaea could only do so much herself, but now it was time for her to take the lead, to bring all her forces into battle and to use her strength where she could. It was time to fight the First Order.

They were coming, but they would find the Alliance waiting.

Tanomas Graf

Post 6/10

While five of the six squadrons returned to the hangar bay of the Avenger to re-fuel and re-arm, Victor squadron had been ordered to assist Rogue Squadron in their findings. Victor Leader opened a communication channel with the Rogues "Victor squadron to Rogue squadron, this is Victor Leader. We are here to assist, sending IFF tags now." He stated, flipping a few switches and transmitting the Friendly tag so that the Rogues wouldn't shoot them down thinking they were One Sith remnants.

The TIE Interceptors flew into a FLYING WEDGE and began to fire at their Sith 'cousins' in an attempt to assist.

[member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Asmus James"] | Rogue Squadron | @GA

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....

As they came into land the troopers formed a cordon. As promised the Forsaken leader had gone to speak with her people and slowly they started to come in. They were all wary, many were armed. However, when the food was doled out and the medicine was flowing a few looked a little kinder on their efforts.

Nothing was forgiven or forgotten yet though. Soon, soon it might, but years of bitterness did not vanish overnight.

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