Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Reclamation War: Equality | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Abrion Major ft. Mecha Factum



Synthetic: Toltec Toltec | Voxum Voxum | Krizar Krizar | Hadron Hadron | V-3X V-3X
Organic: Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar
[Hostile Target] | Gailen Keldau | Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast
Atmospheric Conditions: Within Parameters
Threat Level: Extreme
Auditory Levels: High
Assessment: Combat Initiated

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"All droids please return to your designated position. You are granted the right to peaceful protest but civil unrest and the targeting of military infrastructure during time of war will not be tolerated."

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Hard Chrome's auditory sensors picked up the announcement above the voices of its kin. Ironic. The organics, using technology to account for their inadequacies. Just one more reason why the assertion that Hard Chrome and its kind were granted their rights was ludicrous and illogical. Another word struck true to Hard Chrome's processors. Designated. Queue with previous. There would be a time to process, a time to contemplate what these new thoughts led to but that time was not now.

Weapons fire detected. Rear, Right Quadrant. Friendly.
Hostile Response detected. Front, Left Quadrant.
Advance. Interrupt. Eliminate.

Hard Chrome completed a final analysis of its status. Unnecessary but it confirmed that the droid was ready for what came next. The violence part. A gladiator by designation, a combat droid by production, Hard Chrome's primary armament was the still deactivated electrostaff grasped in its metal fingers. Till now, utilized as an approximation of a walking stick, it had been easy to conceal. Metal in a sea of metal. As blaster fire rang out however, tactics necessitated a change. Dynamic. Fluid. The battlefield was always changing and for Hard Chrome - it was home.

Anomaly detected. Size: Large. Scanning. . .
Composition: Organic. Composite. Unknown Species, Armored.
Threat Assessment: High Threat
Course of Action: Engage Threat, Continue Assessment

The unit's course was set. Hard Chrome had been aware of their presence but this particular Mandalorian was big. Really big. A threat not only to those of lesser stature, which in fairness was many of the droids around him, but perhaps to Hard Chrome itself. It was a threat that needed dealing with. Powerful strides brought him closer and closer, droids beginning to part in front of it as Hard Chrome advanced. While the energy might have been described as anger, frustration, or hatred, Hard Chrome felt none of these things. Colder than the blackest night on the surface of Hoth, HC's biomechanical visage gleamed. The unit was at a slight disadvantage, not only in firepower but the element of surprise only lasted so long and if that massive blaster weapon managed to unleash its fury there would be many a disabled or scrapped droid. Speed, paramount.

Pushing its powerful frame to safe limits, Hard Chrome burst forward with incredible speed just as he reached the edge of the crowd, a violent crackle of electricity sparking at the ends of his now swinging weapon. Had HC been smaller, more nimble, or perhaps not quite as tall, the unit might have gone unnoticed but due to its size that was unlikely. Even so, the IG-100 unit would be difficult to deal with and the full force of its swing was nothing to trifle at. The beefcake Mandalorian's weapon was Hard Chrome's primary target, the linkage between the organic's pack and weapon the weakest point. Probability of even a sure strike were still subject to the chaos of the battlefield - thankfully Hard Chrome's processors weren't binary. If, then. They were greater - if, and.

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<Negative, vod.>

The metallic tinge to the voice was thankfully not as obvious over a com, but the commando droid didn't have a voice to fall back on other than the Clones from a war long, long ago. They stood rigid, turned the helm towards the approaching Mandalorian.

<This sector is clear of hostiles.>

Which meant it wasn't clear at all. On the other side of the door they'd just stepped through Voxum and the other two cloaked droids waited quietly. Blasters were at the ready, primed to start shooting just in case. :: R8? Status on those bay doors? ::

There was a wild series of chirps as the astromech was clearly distressed. Why? It just happened to catch sight of a Basilisk droid. It could still feel fear, and quite a bit of it. Astromech's weren't war droids. They weren't built to fight. Voxum would've frowned if they were capable.

:: Calm down. Focus on the door. That is our objective. ::

Gailen Keldau
Independence, Duty, Honour
Objective II

Tags: Hadron Hadron
Vicinity: Toltec Toltec Krizar Krizar Voxum Voxum Gailen Keldau Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar V-3X V-3X

Among those present in the facility, Vesh paid particular attention to a few. His eyes lingered on Celt Saxon Celt Saxon for a little longer - he had seen her during the Great Council not too long ago. It was hard not to notice the well-spoken and rather grand Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar whom had also been there. Of course, the young warrior also kept an eye on the multitude of droids when speaking.

The lack of enthusiasm and energy the young warrior brought was notable but he did his task with enough diligence. What truly brought him to life and put all routine tasks on hold was a distant blaster bolt. Not one aimed at him, but at Celt. Immediately, he turned right, bent down a little and squinted his eyes to see what was shooting at her clearly. By the time he was in a position to scan for threats to her, the shot aimed at him had already been fired.

There was nothing to indicate that he froze. In fact, his right hand reached for his blaster pistol whilst the left went up to protect his throat - however, it didn't matter. There was no way he could prevent the shot from landing. Fortunately, the little movement he had made already was enough to prevent a lethal blow. Instead, the shot hit the uppermost part of his helmet, closer to the back than the front. 'Graze' would be to put it mildly but the angle combined with the durability of the beskar had the shout bounce away. Far from unharmed, the Mandalorian seemed to lose all sense of balance as his head and body spun in the direction that it had been hit before falling off of the container.

For a frightening amount of seconds, Vesh remained on the floor with pained grunts and utterly limited movement. When he finally found enough strength to move again, he quickly looked up to the railings for the shooter before determining that the container offered enough protection. Quickly, he unholstered his blaster pistol with his right to shoot at any droid or person coming too close or pointing a blaster at him.

Instead of springing to action, he'd give himself a chance to recover behind cover. Meanwhile, he produced a comms unit with his free hand and called his second-in-command "Togran, I just got shot at the facility." Vesh could hear his friend failing at stopping himself from chuckling but he continued undeterred "Don't know who it was that fired. Get the fighters ready, in case these people plan on escaping. Send word to the clans to keep them in the loop."

Upon hearing a confirmation from Togran, Vesh put the coomms unit away and tentatively stood up onto his feet, still keeping as low as possible behind the container and ready to fire upon potential threats.

They had asked for the Dragr Forgemaster to speak to the droids, a forgemaster being familiar with many different kinds of technology. That was how many saw the droid: as tech. It was rather ironic that Sahan was not on Kestri at the moment, and the only Dragr able to respond to the call was technically a droid himself. Being a biot, they would not be able to tell he was not human. To them, he was just a Dragr adoptee who had not yet earned his beskar'gam.

SBMH#0227 - named "Jericho" by Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr - listened patiently as many droids spoke their concerns at once. He was able to hear and follow along with each quite easily. "I understand your concerns. My question is this: what do you actually want to do about it? If you want to be seen as people, why not simply join the people? If you wish to become Mandalorian, you can request training. All sentient beings are welcome, regardless of background. If you have other wishes, pursue them. So long as you do not break the law, there is no reason why..."

Jericho's words were interrupted as his sensors picked up a commotion. No, several commotions. Then, sirens sounded. What was going on? The larger group of droid protestors had seemingly grown agitated and violent. "Excuse me." Jericho left the smaller group and made his way through the larger crowd, creating four copies of himself as he did so. They each scanned through the mob, looking for a potential source of the riot.

Moving through the crowd, Jericho spotted a suspicious group of droids wearing hooded cloaks. How peculiar. He approached the droids. "Excuse me. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I do not believe any of you to be from Kestri. If you are visitors, have you been granted ground clearance? This seems to be a rather hostile area not suitable for visitors." He was stating the obvious, of course, but he did not want to jump to any conclusions and assume they were up to no good, despite how suspicious they seemed.
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| Location | Maji Ironworks, Kestri
| Objective | Defend the Factory
| Interacting | Hard Chrome Hard Chrome
| Nearby | Toltec Toltec Krizar Krizar Voxum Voxum V-3X V-3X Hadron Hadron Veshok Rook Veshok Rook Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Gailen Keldau

Herrel scanned the crowd, watching for threats. Suddenly, two shots ripped out of the crowd and Herrel's helmet spun around. They had been aimed at the Alor'ad of Clan Saxon and leader of the Onderon Mandalorians. One of the shots knocked down the latter, Herrel didn't see what happened to the Saxon. As chaos began to break out Herrel whipped his head back to the crowd, a crowd that was parting to allow a massive war machine to barrel down upon Herrel. The droid leaped into the air as their staff lit up with electricity, jumping directly at Herrel. With seconds to react, Herrel let go of the 39 with his left hand and raised it. A whump echoed through the courtyard as Herrel activated his wrist repulsor. The droid was thrown back by the shock wave and sent crashing to the ground as Herrel returned his hand to the 39.

The droid was knocked down, but not for long. Herrel didn't recognize the model, but it looked like it could be heavily armored. Herrel had weapons effective against armor, the spikers and the missiles. But they were on his waist and on his back. So Herrel put his faith in what was in his hands and pulled the trigger. A deluge of blaster fire erupted, a continuous stream that was near blinding. The recoil slammed into Herrel's shoulder and his body stiffened as he fought the force of the repeater. The roar of the repeater was soon joined by the roar of jets firing as Herrel activated his jetpack. As he lifted off the ground his shots began to stray and go wider, as he was no longer able to brace against the ground. The Mandalorian landed with a heavy thump upon a pipeline leading into the factory, his finger never having left the trigger.

Location: Maji Ironworks
Objective: Disperse or defend
Equipment: In bio


Celt's systems detected the active shooters, but at this range and with this little notice she didn't even have chance to register the alert. The first shot glanced off of her armoured jawline, the second hit her between the plated parts of her armour and knocked her backward. Her armourweave stopped the penetration but the kinetic force pushed her off balance and forced her to stumle back off of her elevated vantage point. She caught herself on ber repulsors before she hit the deck and winced, that would leave a mark.

However, her dreamsight had designated the targets and offered Celt a solution so she would immediately rise up on her jetpack, and should the B-1s still be in position, she would launch a missile right back at them, potentially blasting them to their component parts. <<deploy electomagnetic munitions as a authorised!>> she called into her comm to nearby positions within the compound itself. They were low grade ionic weapons, not enough to permanently fry a droid, more akin to stun grenades uses to quell riots. Ever since the droids had began to become belligerent, they had prepared just in case.

Once the weapons landed and detonated, they would be unlikely to affect any class four or otherwise shielded droids, but at least they would thin out the numbers of "civilian" droids by forcing them to the floor, allowing the elite mandalorians to target the high risk targets much more easily, and hopefully also identify the ring leaders. Celt remained mobile, trying to present a harder target for any further snipers, and returning fire where necessary, including at the snipers, should they survive her jetpack missle strike. It was hard to clearly identify hostiles in the mass of assorted droids, and as much as they were only droids, a bloodbath (oil?) would paint her as a tactically inept leader.

Her abdomen ached where the rifle shot had bruised it, but the adrenaline was pumping now and a little subdermal bleeding was the least of her problems. Another low caliber shot sparked off of her pauldron and the thumped a few charric rounds back along the shot path, smashing into the chest of another cheap battledroid and shattering it, causing it to fall into a heap. These weren't local droids, someone had been reinforcing the crowd for a fight.



a very nice man
However, her dreamsight had designated the targets and offered Celt a solution so she would immediately rise up on her jetpack, and should the B-1s still be in position, she would launch a missile right back at them, potentially blasting them to their component parts. <<deploy electomagnetic munitions as a authorised!>>

The B1 model was not known for being nimble. As Krizar bobbed sideways, the rocket struck a B1 sniper square in the chest. The ensuing fireball wrecked both snipers and scattered all nearby droids. Krizar - fundamentally just a hovering head - found himself blasted off to the side. He stayed in the air, but barely.

EM charges of some kind began to rain in, paralyzing protester droids. Combat-capable models were more likely to stay on their feet - which spotlighted them as targets. Krizar recognized ruthless and sensible tactics on the Mandalorians' part.

Much of his work here was a distraction to allow other droid operatives to do their own jobs; he didn't need to succeed to succeed. He contemplated withdrawal and opted for one last effort to occupy Celt Saxon Celt Saxon , who was moving around and firing.

He zipped toward her at waist height, bobbing through fallen and half-fallen droids, trying to get close enough for a few shots with the hold-out blaster held in his tiny utility arms.
"All droids please return to your designated position. You are granted the right to peaceful protest but civil unrest and the targeting of military infrastructure during time of war will not be tolerated."


Blaster fired had opened from the crowd, targeting the Mandalorians standing on the other side of the picket line, desperately attempting to contain the droid protest.


Protests didn't usually include weapons exchanges from the crowd.

A rocket whirled by, meters from Toltec's head, aimed towards a crowd of B-1 battle droids that had engaged. Other droids were carving swaths through the crowd, manifesting weapons and taking aim at the Mandalorian guard. Loud beeps and whirring motors screeched as the majority of the crowd began to retreat and scatter, some hitting the ground and covering their heads.


This wasn't a protest. It may have started as one. This was a full scale invasion, and the Mando'ade were quickly becoming privy to this as jetpacks exploded into action and soldiers donning T-visors were reaching their hands up to the antennae, calling for reinforcements. They were quickly reacting to the growing threat that stood before them. A peaceful crowd of protestors, turned mutinous by the extremist Mecha Factum terrorists that had infiltrated their ranks. A rogue blaster bolt ricketed towards Toltec, the larger droid dropping his guise and grabbing a nearby innocent droid.

Thunk. The droid's head exploded into molten shrapnel in Toltec's hands. No matter. Another sacrifice for the pyre.

"FORWARRRD," Toltec's gravelly voice screeched in mechanical monotony, his gauntleted right fist thrusting into the air towards the main entrance of the facility. There would be no infiltration of this facility, through stealth or otherwise. No, the ruse was up.

The Mecha Factum intended to take it by force, before the Mando'ade could divert enough soldiers here to repel them.

Duel Partner: N/A

Mecha Factum: Krizar Krizar Hard Chrome Hard Chrome V-3X V-3X Hadron Hadron Voxum Voxum

Enclave Mandos: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar Gailen Keldau Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Veshok Rook Veshok Rook

Near the back of the protest, to watch as the tension grew and the crowd grow larger and larger with each passing moment, KLR-13 sat in eager anticipation for the protest to become violent. It was inevitable. One did not need probability calculations to figure it out. KLR-13 already knew. And if it didn't, it would cause the uproar.

Unfortunately for it, but likely fortunately for the Mandalorians, KLR-13 had to do nothing at all. The unrest was reaching a boiling point and KLR-13 just waited for the right moment. The Mandalorians were growing nervous as they realized they could no longer control the crowd through peaceful means. They did not want peace. Not the peace the Enclave offered. No. They wanted more. They needed more. The Mecha Factum would give that to them.


"About time."

KLR-13 pushed his way forward, shoving droids out of it's way as it moved to the front. Bolts dissipated upon it's impervium chassis as it trudged forward. Death all around him did not deter it from it's target. The Mandalorians were so eager and careless to throw away droid lives. They were just objects to them. Tools that could be replaced with just a few minutes in a factory somewhere.

Organics were just as expendable.


In one swift move, KLR-13 tore the cloak that had covered much of it's upper chassis and head off and it's right arm began to transform. The hand that was once there, opened up to reveal a chaingun, already spinning up as KLR-13 began to fire. A hail of small blaster bolts screamed through the air upon the front of the facility. KLR-13 looked on, not only aiming for the Mandalorians ahead, but the facility itself, causing havoc and chaos to grow exponentially as he showcased the power of droid supremacy over the meatbags of the galaxy.

Toss a coin to your Karjr


A shrug was Dainan's response. "Afraid not, vod", she admitted nonchalantly, before turning to shake the hand of the arriving Vizsla. before turning that helmet-clad head towards the ship overhead whilst the new arrival explained. A scoff left her at first, and then... true, honest laughter, somewhat worrying in its nature. After all, Karima always did laugh like a hyena - a disconcerting sound that filled friends and foes alike with confusion, and sometimes discomfort. "Well, vod'ika knows what she's doing, that's for sure!"

When the locals went to get their weapons, she frowned, nodding along to the words of the volunteer of Clan Kurita. Although a firm believer of the if it ain't broke, don't fix it school of thought, the fiery soul found herself already frustrated at the notion that they would need to teach different techniques to these people, rather than a more uniform method of training. "We can probably send word back up the chain to get them some surplus we have - make sure everyone has a blaster carbine or repeater of sorts. But that takes time. They need training now. What do you figure we should do?"

And then, she pointed to the sky, and the ship above them, resting the other hand on the belt of her holster, so very amused indeed. The mirth in her voice was smug, and perhaps a little contagious. "Got to make sure Vizsla's surprise is put to good use, right?"

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Alora turned toward Karima. The helmeted woman gave her fellow femme fatale a nod. That's right, she did. Or at least she thought she did, which was just as well. The brother and sister hadn't thrown shade, so all was well, but Karima seemed a kindred spirit in appreciating a good, sudden Krayt. They didn't grow on trees after all. They grew in caves. Still hard to come by all the same.

Then everyone's attention turned to the 'supplies' they had on hand.

"Holy popcorn solder," Alora breathed at the sight. Gam, you seeing this? I know we're on the edge of known space, and these farmers are clueless, but this... How many generations has it been since anyone around here wasn't a push over?

I do indeed. Perhaps you should advise them not to use the weaponry? The ammunition might have dry rotted in all that time
, the Gambit replied using their direct channel. They liked keeping the depth of the ship's intelligence on the down low.

Hands on hips, Alora put her effort into making the sigh loud and long. Karima was right! She hadn't brought a Krayt all the way here to be defeated because they didn't even have weaponry with which to train! "Gam, drop the payload over there," Alora pointed to an open area, "and then set on down over here. Looks like I'll be doing some emergency repairs on these... weapons." She'd very nearly called them dust bins or heaping piles of scrap, but that might only rip the heart out of the farmers' pride. If they had any.

She turned to regard Karima and then Dainan and Anya. "I have a mechanic bay aboard the Gambit. If you can get more... recent models of weaponry delivered that'd be good. For now, I'll make sure some of these work so we're not wasting a whole day waiting." Looked like the other three would be doing a lot more of the instructing with Alora tinkering with the gear. Well, she'd make sure to roam about and share in the toil between fixing half-assed blasters. Hopefully.



Synthetic: Toltec Toltec | Voxum Voxum | Krizar Krizar | Hadron Hadron | V-3X V-3X
Organic: Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar
[Hostile Target] | Gailen Keldau | Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast
Atmospheric Conditions: Within Parameters
Threat Level: Extreme
Auditory Levels: High
Assessment: In Combat

- - - - - - - - - - - -
As Hard Chrome's weapon swung downward a flash of movement from the Mandalorian caused an interrupt in the unit's processes as it struggled to adjust. Weapon activation probable. Identification unknown. WHUMP. The IG-100 didn't have long to wait before the weapon identified itself with a burst of kinetic force. Hard Chrome's feet had landed, allowing the concussion of the blast to knock him backwards and with its weight uncentered, tumbling to the ground. With a whir of mechanics, it pried itself back to its feet. Repulsor weapon identified. Threat Level: Low. The kinetic force was capable of repelling Hard Chrome if the unit wasn't prepared for it but its mass was larger than that of a typical organic - and if its motors actively resisted... Irrelevant.

Quickly as Hard Chrome had regained its footing, blaster fire from the massive blaster weapon was already cutting its way towards the droid. Weapons Fire sustained. Damage: Minimal. It was blaster fire, a heavy concentration of that there was no doubt, droids to Hard Chrome's left and right soaking up the brunt of the assault but there was little to respond to, a rush of jet-wash all that remained of the Mandalorian's previous position. Calculating Trajectory. Complete. The full speed of the droid's heuristic processors were put into use, rapidly calculating probabilities and possible trajectories despite the hail of blaster fire. With a swift rotation of its body, Hard Chrome hoisted its weapon. Using the full power of its mechanical body and the momentum of its charge towards the projected landing zone it hurled the electrostaff like a javelin towards the armored hulk. As the weapon travelled, Hard Chrome, too, ducked and weaved its way towards the blaster toting behemoth.

Devoid of a blaster weapon, Hard Chrome found itself at a disadvantage.
Distance to target sub optimal. Powerful legs propelled Hard Chrome ever closer, ducking and weaving. It would be a waste of resources to continue to track whether its weapon had landed or not, also deemed irrelevant. Hard Chrome needed to close the distance, force the creature into melee - or else re-prioritize its targets. Combat ineffective wasn't a status it was programmed for.



"Target down."

Photoreceptors glowed brightly behind a smoking longblaster. Hadron watched the mandalorian fall with detached satisfaction. Beskar plummeted out of sight. He scanned for lifesigns but heat from the forgeworks returned inconclusive results. After running a tactical analysis the droid decided not to risk staying in a compromised position.

"Confirming kill."

Without a jetpack Hadron leapt from terminal heights. When the droid landed his impact cracked duracrete. Lightning coursed through the activating electrostaff he now held. Hunter killer programming urged him on. He was stalking toward the container when Veshok Rook Veshok Rook reappeared, this time with a blaster leveled right at the assassin droid.

Hadron leapt onto the container and swung down at the mandalorian's weapon hand with his electrostaff.

Gailen Keldau



ALLIES: Veshok Rook Veshok Rook | Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast | Celt Saxon Celt Saxon | Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar | Tork Lok Tork Lok | ENCLAVE
ENEMIES: Toltec Toltec | Voxum Voxum | Hard Chrome Hard Chrome | Krizar Krizar | V-3X V-3X | Hadron Hadron | MECHA FACTUM
ENGAGING: Voxum Voxum
GEAR: In bio




<Negative, vod. This sector is clear of hostiles.>

Gail would have left it at that had it not been that he'd been moving closer to the Mando'ad. Everything sounded normal, but there was a very small thing bothering the Alor'ad - his Vod was standing unnaturally straight.
"Want to work together, Vod?" he asked as he got close. Something was off. "Copaani ver'mircit?" he asked deliberately in Old Concordian Mando'a for good measure.

His hand lingered close to a pistol, his eyes scanning the area behind his visor, ears listening for anything after he bumped the volume on his audio receptors. And that's when he heard it - the slightest of metallic movement.

In a flash, the pistol was drawn and Gailen's body ready for immediate action.

"Show yourselves, droids!"


"Anya, see if you can get anyone on the horn. Maybe we can get these people at least something serviceable." A quick nod from his sister indicated that she was already on it. Dainan was thankful for that, it was hard to find good help these days, save for family. Family, of course, extended to the Enclave. Before, it had been a lonely road but with a larger connection to the lifeblood of their people, Dainan and Clan Kurita had benefit. "Gather here, as we clean these up. Let's go over a few safety rules - bad enough you may be called upon to defend your home. It's better for everyone if you ensure that you do not injure each other by way of carelessness."

Dainan unshouldered his own blaster carbine, not terribly unlike what they would likely be given. "Treat this weapon as if it is always loaded, you never want to assume anything." The Mandalorian hefted the weapon in one hand and held it out towards them. "This end," he said, pointing at the end of the barrel. "Is the dangerous end. Never point it at anything you don't wish to destroy. Completely."

He may have taken pride in his hand to hand combat skills but Dainan was no slouch when it came to weapons of range either. A thorough, simplified safety brief was given to those gathered as the other began to set up what would become their range. It was one thing to learn the fundamentals but if they had any hope of giving these people a chance, trigger time was going to be crucial. The Mandalorians could only do so much, these farmers and homesteaders would need to sweat their own sweat, and bleed their own blood, if survival was to be ensured.

Independence, Duty, Honour
Objective II

Tags: Hadron Hadron Toltec Toltec
Vicinity: Toltec Toltec Krizar Krizar Voxum Voxum Gailen Keldau Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar V-3X V-3X

For a time, the Mandalorian would wait. Not only was he allowing himself to process what was happening, it also allowed him to recover from the hit. Information was coming in from all sides as the comms filled with chatter about the droids attacking. Vesh let out a sigh before hearing duracrete cracking from a significant impact in his vicinity. Whether the one who approached was his attacker or not, they sure seemed like a threat.

Suddenly popping up behind cover with one fluent motion, Vesh assumed a wide stance as he fired off his blaster at the approaching droid. But his foe was quick and managed to close the distance and hop onto the crate for a melee attack. Fortunately, Vesh had made sure to keep his eyes on the droid and was fast enough to make a measured response. As the electrostaff swung for his blaster-carrying arm, he immediately lowered it and sheathed his blaster.

Eager not to give the droid time for a second swing, the broad-shouldered Mandalorian activated his jump boots, quickly elevating him a little higher than his foe. Instead of dropping down onto the crate for a pitched melee fight, Vesh' immediate follow-up was to activate his jetpack whilst reaching for the droid's head. Not knowing the model or make, all he could do was to hope for the construction to have a few weakpoints by the throat.

If he had managed to grab onto the droid at all, the passenger would be released halfway up to the same railings that Vesh had been shot from. Without hesitation or consideration, he then produced his blaster rifle, ready to do to the droids what they had done to him. Three precise shots would be sent in the direction of Toltec Toltec who roared for the others to revolt. He then scanned the area below him: If Hadron Hadron could be found, a few shots would go in his direction too.

Three precise shots would be sent in the direction of Toltec Toltec Toltec Toltec who roared for the others to revolt.

And three shots would land, shredding Toltec's metal body with smoldering holes.

A metal hand reached out, gripping the torn Toltec's head and twisting it upwards as the Droid fell to his feel. There was no cry for help, no wince in pain, no scavenging for his wounds. Just green eyes that glared upwards at the hand that gripped his head.

Another hand came down, knifed towards Toltec's neck, swiftly cutting through the metal and decapitating the droid. The emerald lights of his horns and eyes dissipated, the metal irradiating, turning to ash and metal dust. Another Toltec stood over the mound of dust, wiping his hands clean before thrusting his hand in the direction of Veshok Rook Veshok Rook .

"Relieve him of his head," Toltec ordered to the surrounding droids. "And his armor."

Another knife hand thrust towards the gates of the facility. "AND WOULD SOMEONE BRING DOWN THOSE DAMNED DOORS," the gargantuan droid clone screamed above the roaring riotous yells of the panicked crowd.

Veshok Rook Veshok Rook Gailen Keldau Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar Tork Lok Tork Lok Voxum Voxum Hard Chrome Hard Chrome Krizar Krizar V-3X V-3X Hadron Hadron Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham B0-OM B0-OM

<Negative. My objective is further in.>

Then, a delay. Translations processed the words, but they did so incorrectly. The rigid looking Mandalorian shook their head back and forth. Perfectly one way, equal measure to the next, before returning to where they had been. <No, I am not hung-> The disguised droid whirled around as they lifted their blaster towards the doorway, almost in time as Gailen had. All to follow the guise. They were fast.

"Drop them."

Voxum rounded the corner, just as the fake Mandalorian turned to open fire at Gailen. Voxum joined in, their own blaster firing off in quick, precise shots for the gaps in the Mandalorian's armor. Just as an affirmative chirp sounded in his com.

:: The doors are open. Begin extraction. :: The other droids behind Voxum turned to rush to where their objective was to start loading up carts to get the materials needed out. The gates all opened, every door within the facility.

It was time for chaos.

Gailen Keldau | Toltec Toltec | Veshok Rook Veshok Rook | Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast | Celt Saxon Celt Saxon | Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar | Tork Lok Tork Lok | Hard Chrome Hard Chrome | Krizar Krizar | V-3X V-3X | Hadron Hadron | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | B0-OM B0-OM
Toss a coin to your Karjr



Karima decided that she liked this Vizsla. Few were those among the Mando'ade with both the patience for her theatrics and the good taste to appreciate them! The two of them would have to go on a hunt together some day, and see just who could dispatch prey in the most spectacular way possible. But, for now, there was work to be done. Some... decidedly boring work, far from glamorous, but necessary. She could practically hear Careena Fett Careena Fett 's voice in her head chiding her, really, and so she merely afforded herself a roll of her eyes behind her helmet, before clapping a hand on Alora's shoulder. "Sorry to leave you with the boring part", began the Karjr, before looking on over to the farmers, a snort escaping her. "Scratch that. The most boring part. But hey, let's not write off the Krayt surprise just yet!"

And on that jovial note, she went to join Dainan in the task of teaching the would-be militia the importance of how not to commit friendly fire. Naturally, the words spoken by her counterpart were necessary for those hopeless fools to hear, but she found some details to add on to. Give them another voice to listen to, and prevent them from nodding off, or blocking Dainan's voice out. "Additionally, keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. The more safety measures you take, the more you reduce chances of blasting a hole through a friend of yours, got it?"

Before long, she decided that this cousin of Clan Kurita had things under control- and so she grabbed a farmer by the arm and went off to set up some dummies for target practice. Cobbled together, of course: repurposed scarecrows, by and large, and in one case, a long-deactivated droid propped up to stand. By the time she was done, she dusted herself off and jogged on back to the assembled locals.


| Location | Maji Ironworks, Kestri
| Objective | Defeat the Droid, Defend the Factory
| Interacting | Hard Chrome Hard Chrome
| Vicinity | Toltec Toltec Veshok Rook Veshok Rook Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Celt Saxon Celt Saxon V-3X V-3X Voxum Voxum Gailen Keldau Krizar Krizar

The withering torrent of blaster fire that Herrel concentrated on the war machine proved decisively ineffective, completely failing to slow it seemingly even for a second. Token attempts at evasion appeared more as a courtesy then a necessity. That was while Herrel had still been firing at it. The throw had been beautiful, worthy of medals. The perfect motion to throw 2 meters of steel with the absolute greatest force and speed possible. Seconds after Herrel landed upon the pipe the droid's thrown electrostaff collided with him. The kinetic force knocked the wind out of him and he stumbled back a bit. If that were all it had been it would not have been so bad. But the name electrostaff isn't just a marketing term.

When it impacted his chestplate the electromagnetic field adhered the staff to the armor, leaving it clamped upon him as it continuously delivered an electric shock. His hands suddenly tightened around his weapon and what was once a targeted stream became an indiscriminate storm of blaster fire as he began to jerk around. With great effort of will Herrel forced himself to let go of his gun, which tumbled to the ground below as it's weight forced the power cable to detach. Roaring in pain, Herrel seized the staff clamped onto his chestplate and wrenched it away, throwing it off into the distance.

Breathing heavily, awareness of the world returned to Herrel, accompanied with a racing heart and a pounding headache. His vision was blurry and unfocused, but even seeing double of it he could still recognize what was barreling down upon him. The War Machine. It had closed the distance, it would be upon him in moments. In the few seconds he had to prepare Herrel activated the personal deflector shields mounted on his arms and small blue round shields appeared on his arms. Useful for blocking in close quarters. Moving slower then he would normally, Herrel raised his arms into a fighting position and readied himself. The droid rapidly approached and just as it was almost close enough to take a swing...

Herrel stepped to the left and fell.

He plummeted to the ground at great speed. Of course his jetpack was activated to break his fall. But Mandalorian jetpacks are quite different from the more standard models of the galaxy. A Mandalorian would never be satisfied with just a jetpack. No. It must also be a weapon. A missile launcher. And the War Machine was now directly above Herrel.

One of the three missiles Herrel's jetpack stocked launched and collided with the pipe he had been standing on. It exploded upon impact in a great storm of fire, smoke, and shrapnel that ripped through the pipe. The noise of the explosion made Herrel glad for his helmet's sound compensators. Herrel swiftly backed away as rubble from the pipe began to rain down, an effect intensified as more of the pipe began to collapse. Herrel was dimly aware of other events happening in his vicinity. Blasterfire between the Mandalorians and the droids. The doors to the factory opening. But Herrel couldn't look away, he couldn't shake the feeling that he still might not have gotten it.

As his head and vision swam, Herrel drew the spikers at his waist and raised them to a firing position, backing away warily.

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