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Private Reconstruction Blues

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

Another day, another project.

That had become Jonyna's life as the new Sentinel of Harmony. Today, it was rebuilding a fallen skyscraper, the same one that had been precision detonated to cut off the Imperial pocket. While in the moment, a brilliant strategic move, it did leave those with once lived in it homeless for the moment. Jonyna had pushed for an initiative to start up homeless shelters following the Invasion, but those were only a band-aid on the problem. They needed their homes back.

The Cathar Master watched as a Ladybug slowly lifted a set of I-beams up towards what would become the second story. With luck, they should have the building redone by the end of the month.

Still, the work was tiring. She wandered over to a nearby cafe that was slowly getting to business as usual once more. She could go for a donut...

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Coruscant. Valery told Corhaa that this was the capital of the Galactic Alliance. Where their Senate and Chancellor rule. Apparently this is where she is supposed to meet with a Senator to discuss her planet's possible application to be into the Galactic Alliance. But meetings will take time to set up and Valery still had her Jedi duties to attend to. So while her guide was away, Corhaa had decided to tour the grounds of the planet. She noted down many things, especially so many species that called this place home. Corhaa got a few weird stares, but she did her best to ignore them.

Corhaa came across a reconstruction zone, taking the time to examine the damage. A part of her was empathetic towards the plight of those affected. The other part of her was worry. The damage looked exstensive. A skyscraper had been destroyed. Corhaa could only imagine what her city would fare. Corhaa's people wouldn't. They would be decimated.

Corhaa looked away starting to walk into a nearby cafe. Such a thought only soured her mood. Corhaa sat at the table, politely ordering a drink. Some calm nerves can help her.
TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa turned to see a feline woman before her. She blinked for a moment, having been caught of guard. She wasn't exactly thinking she be approached by anyone other than the staff of the cafe. Corhaa flashed a smile as she gave a content sigh. "Well I suppose I am the first of my kind to travel to Coruscant. I am not here for a vacation I am afraid. Frankly I am here on business and diplomacy. But I have to wait until the meeting is ready. In the meantime, I'd thought I explore the planet a bit more. I..I passed by a reconstruction effort. I am sorry that war came to your world."

Corhaa did want to make a good impression after all. This was the first Galactic Alliance citizen to properly speak to her outside of Valery. First impressions are everything and you never get a chance to do it over. "Perhaps I will tour more of the planet if time allows it. So far this experience has been well. Nothing like this exists on my home world."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"I'm a decent tour guide if you want one. Jonyna Si, Jedi Master and Sentinel of Harmony." she offered a smile and a handshake. "Yeah, I've been overseeing the rescue and reconstruction. Still a lot of work to be done. Can't help it the Imperials can't find a better way to work off their own ego. You'd think those types would be hired to run businesses, not take over worlds."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa seemingly blinked once more as she looked at the feline woman. 'Another Jedi? Perhaps the galaxy is considering me lucky' Corhaa bowed her head in response, the jewelry in her horns seemingly shaking a bit as she did so. "I am Corhaa Ireduun. Lady Magna of House Ireduun. A pleasure to meet you Master Jedi. It seems I am quite popular amongst your Order. The other two offworlders to properly greet me were also Jedi. Master Jedi Valery Noble and another Jedi named Raphael Gallustrade."

The servant droid would bring Corhaa her drink. The Iredani woman seemingly looked through a red bejeweled coin purse, trying to fish out the proper amount of credits. Corhaa seemingly placed down a bit more than was required to pay, but the droid just took it all. "These credits your nation uses, it will take sometime to get used to."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"Oh I gotcha." Jonyna pulled out a small card from her coat, putting it on the table, and calling over a waitress. "I'll be paying for the tall lady over there as well."

"Oh, okay!"
The small human lady smiled. "I'll be back with your regular in a bit. Still two sugarcubes?"

"Same as always Erika."
Jonyna smiled. "So," She looked to Corhaa with an eager look. "What you meeting with a senator for? You joining the senate, or just a diplomatic mission?"

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Oh you didn't have to pay for me. Thank you though." Corhaa gave a friendly smile as she then took a sip of her drink. It was an orange-red colored juice of sorts. Corhaa desired something sweet this morning. Helped calm her nerves as any fruity tasting thing reminded her of home. She gently patted her mouth with a napkin before continuing to speak

"Well, I suppose maybe a bit of both. I am representing my planet in hopes of seeking protection, The galaxy is a large and dangerous place. My planet can not remain hidden in isolation forever. The aftermath of large battles such as the one that happened here, have only fueled my concerns for my people. I am hoping to secure protection and perhaps even membership if your Senate is willing."
TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"My planet is called Sarula Iliene. Its not known to the wider galaxy. In fact both Master Jedi Noble and Jedi Raphael, were my planet's first off world visitors. My home is..nothing like this place." Corhaa gestured around with one of her hands "This place is all, artificial. You have towering buildings, I have been told there is dozens of levels below the surface. Everything is either a shop, a dwelling, or some place that I dont even know what transpires in there. My home there is still much more natural beauty. The jungles, forests. The mountains and its caverns. The ocean and rivers."

Corhaa seemed to smile wistfully. "To say being here is a culture shock is an understatement. But I do admire how you all live on a planet such as this."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"Sounds like home." Jonyna chuckled. "I'm from a jungle world myself. Cathar. We don't have...royalty though. Technically we don't have a formal government. Just tribes across the world, keeping in touch when we need to." The waitress came back, handing Jonyna a cup of tea. "Thank you Erika." She smiled, taking a sip. "I'd love to come see your world some time though. See the jungles, find out how they surf differently. Maybe take a day for myself there." She let out a cute laugh, "Or maybe we make it a date."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Jungle world called Cathar. Hm, that sounds like an interesting place to visit. My planet may have jungles but an entire world covered in them? Sounds like a fun place to explore. " Corhaa sipped more on her drink before she continued. "Perhaps after my mission here, I can give you the to-wait did you say a date?" Corhaa was a bit stunned by the forwardness of the feline woman. She stared for a moment before giving a kind smile. "Master Jedi, we have only just met. There is still so much more I would like to know about a person before going on a date. I am a bit out of my element here after all. " Corhaa gave a sigh "I am also not entirely sure if I am over my late wife. But I am willing to give you a tour of my world once my business here has concluded."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

Jonyna let out a hearty laugh. "Oh trust me, I'm in no rush. Just thought you were cute." Jonyna took a moment to stifle her giggles, before composing herself. "I recently went through a break up myself, and...well, I'm trying to put myself back out there. Trying to find someone is hard, ya know? But I'd love to see your world regardless."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa sipped her drink, seemingly relaxing a bit. It was nice to find out that someone thinks you were cute. Always a good bit of a confidence boost in yourself. She gave a nod in agreement with Jonyna's statement finding someone else is hard and difficult. "You have my sympathies, Master Jedi. I too understand the plight of trying to find yourself after losing a significant other. For a time after my wife's passing, I was indeed aimless and lost. But perhaps you are fortunate you can bounce back quickly and try to get yourself out there once more."

Corhaa gave a charming smile "Of course, I will gladly show you my home. The more of your Order that see it, the more people you can tell. Perhaps if enough people to come visit us, they can see what we can bring to your Alliance. Though I understand you Jedi aren't political figures. But I am sure your opinion does have diplomatic weight to it." Corhaa chuckled "I am starting to wonder if all of your Order are explorers. Always eager to make contact with others."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"It's...been a struggle. But I had friends to help me out, mostly Val." Jonyna nodded. "But I've found sulking in your own pity is not any help, and I can never sit still for too long. Had to put myself back on the market, even if my heart hurts inside." She took another sip of tea, letting out a sigh. "My last boyfriend just...disappeared. One night he's telling me we'll be together in bed, then I get back to our ship after my training session and he was gone. It still hurts, I wish he could've at least told me why..."

She let Corhaa finish, smiling. "I hate to tell you this, but jedi are wanderers by nature. We just kinda go where the Force calls us. Sometimes that means helping the galaxy, sometimes that means starting a rebellion against the Empire, sometimes that means going to a planet and sitting under the stars."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa frowned as she listened to Jonyna's story about how her past relationship failed. How she felt for her. To be told that they would be together and then to just disappear. Without even saying so much as a goodbye or even give a reason. Corhaa reached out and placed a comforting hand on Jonyna's shoulder "That is terrible to hear. I believe that man made a terrible mistake then. Perhaps it was for the better. Now you are open to find someone who will treat you right, and not abandon you."

Corhaa then listened to Jonyna explain the nature of the Jedi. How they are all wanderers and they go where the Force calls to them. "The Force? What is that exactly? Is it some sort of a divine being that gives you missions?"

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"I hope so." Jonyna chuckled. "Someone like you maybe." She couldn't help herself. Really, it was her way of coping with her own heartache.

Then the woman before her gave her pause. "The Force is..." She blew out a long breath. "There's a lot of different interpretations of it. My people see it as the breath of life, an ever-present animal that guards everything and everyone. One that allows a chosen few to use it's power for, ideally, good. You ask it favors, be kind to it, and-" She brought a hand up, snapping her fingers, and a flame ignited above her hand, floating mid-air like a candle without need of a wick. "It will give you the ability to change fate. But...some look to abuse it. To conquer it. Those are the Sith. They see it as nothing more than a tool for their own greed."

TAG Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa gave another friendly smile at Jonyna. It felt nice to be flirted with at least, even though Corhaa was still wrestling with her own demons. She would sip more of her drink as she listened to the Cathar Jedi explain what the Force is. It seems there isn't one definitive telling of what it is or what it represents. It varies from culture to culture. Corhaa's eyes widened in surprise as she saw fire erupt from Jonyna's finger. The Iredani nodded slowly, as she began to draw connections to her own people.

"My people, the Iredani. We have similar powers. Presumably it must be this Force that the wider galaxy calls it. There are some among my people that are born with the ability to wield things with their mind. Our ancestors referred to these people as magi. The term has stuck throughout time, and now we have schools devoted to training Magi."
Corhaa would then wave her hand as she lifted her cup with the Force before sitting it back down. "My people think its a gift granted by one of our three deities. As long as you use your gifts to defend the people, we do not see it as bad."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"When I was a kitten, my mom used to tell me stories about the jedi. Didn't realize till much later that she was a part of them, but that's beside the point. She used to tell me about how they were 'The Knights of the Republic', mythical warriors capable of mythical feats. I used to think they were magical, I know magic is something different. You should visit Dathomir sometime, they have witches." She smiled, clearly enjoying the woman's company. "So, you're like, royalty or something?"

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"A planet of witches? Hmm maybe. It would depend if its safe to visit there." Corhaa nodded slowly as she then gave a chuckle "But to hear that the Jedi being mythologized as these paragons of mythical powers by some cultures is rather interesting. Perhaps I will ask others on how they view the Jedi." Corhaa gave another smile as she would then shrug her shoulders.

"Not royalty per say. I am not a Queen or anything of the sort. I am however a noble. I became one when my late wife and I married, We then started our own House away from our respective governments. My beloved did enjoy the finer tastes in life, hence why I might be dressed like royalty."

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