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Private Reconstruction Blues

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"We don't really have that." Jonyna smiled, sipping her tea. "Then again, Cathar doesn't really have a formal government. We're a tribal society, where you grow up in the same tree, with the same people, all your life unless you go out and explore the stars. Or in my case, become a jedi." Jonyna smiled. "I'd be careful on who you ask about us. Plenty of folks hold onto things long past that aren't exactly true anymore."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Hmm sounds rather interesting. To not have a form of government. But surely your tribes do have some sort of hierarchy? Perhaps a Matriarch or Patriarch? An Elder? My people are governed by a Council of Exarchs. An Exarch is essentially an elected official by various noble families. Though my House isn't apart of that. I suppose I do rule with a bit of absolute authority like an Exarch but we never did an official thing. The people I rule tend to enjoy calling me Lady. "

Corhaa did give a curious look at the Cathar woman "Do people not like the Jedi or your people? Either way I do not see why. I feel like the Sith are much more to be disliked. From what I hear of them, they are beyond evil in their schemes for power."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"We have one, but it's very rarely acted on. Elders meet maybe once a year to discuss the future, but only step in when disaster strikes. Then there's the sage. They're the one who acts as tribal guide to the rest of their people. But...overall, we're more of a commune. It's...expected of you to help anyone in the tribe who might need it. It's...really strange honestly to go elsewhere where people are so...selfish."

Jonyna took another sip, and let out a sigh. "The jedi have a long and complicated history. Done a lot of messed up stuff to win the war against the sith. Plenty of cultures have grown to hate us, see us as manipulators or tyrants. The Mandalorians especially. But...they aren't clean either, considering."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa blinked for a moment as she grew silent. There was still so much of the galaxy that she didn't understand. Perhaps her own naivety has caused her to rush headfirst into this mission. Perhaps it was the fear of these threats that she had been told about, The Iredani woman stared down at her drink as she then turned to Jonyna, giving her a small smile. "In your opinion Master Jedi, do you believe that everything your Order has done was necessary to stop the Sith and prevent a galaxy being ruled by them? In times of war, we may do things that are considered cruel. But we do them for the greater good not out of malice."

Corhaa gave a chuckle. "I know I am asking you to give a personal opinion about your comrades, but I feel self reflection is important. It helps you from becoming the thing you hate. Now..I am not sure who Mandalorians are but..are they opposed to you as well?"

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"In my honest opinion? No. But we can't change the past. All we can do is strive for a better future. I'm sure the jedi have done awful things to win against the sith. Everyone makes sacrifices to win the day." Jonyna went quiet for a moment, as she pondered how to broach the subject of the mandalorians.

"...the Mandalorians don't trust anyone. They fought the jedi long ago when they tried to carve out an empire of blood and steel. They failed, and since they have strived to reclaim that glory in vein attempts of reconquest. They don't trust the sith, because much like they did to my people, the sith tried to wipe our the Mandalorians through genocide and subjugation. I can't blame them for being bitter towards us, but I also see how they can be seen as yet another evil by those who only see their actions."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa's face seemingly got a bit more pale at the mention of genocide. Her mind drifted to dark places, envisioning her world burned, her people slaughtered or enslaved. Everything she had ever built to be destroyed. This galaxy was starting to look more bleak every day. The Sith seemed to be the biggest threat to the galaxy. Even if these Mandalorians are about as trustworthy as the Aetharians. A people bent on returning back to the glory days through conquest and war. But even then, the Jedi have done terrible things as well.

"My greatest fear, Master Jedi is the destruction of my world and the demise of my people. If this Galactic Alliance is the only thing trying to stop the Sith from ruling the galaxy or these Mandalorians trying to carve out an empire by spilling blood, then I am going to commit my best efforts in supporting your Order and the Alliance. Yet I am concerned if your Senate will fill the same. Politics are often messy and I am not sure if they will want to spend the resources to defend such a faraway planet."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"As much as the senate squabbles amongst themselves, the people in charge do want to help." Jonyna assured. "And if they won't, the jedi will. History is messy, sure, but the jedi now, the jedi I help run, are the good guys. I run a multi-billion credit company, and yet most of that money goes into either assuring that our troops have the best equipment, or making sure that those ravaged by the wars of the galaxy can afford to rebuild. If the senate won't help you, I certainly will." Jonyna's tone was so confident, so self-assured, that one would have a hard time believing her.
"Because I know what it's like to be living day by day. To find yourself creditless on a planet full of people that want you dead."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Corhaa raised an eyebrow, after listening to Jonyna. She sounded so sure of her words. That she will move mountains to ensure that help will come to Corhaa's world if the Senate doesn't offer it. The Iredani had to admit that she did feel a bit reassured about the fact. Even if it partly did seem like too good to be true. But for Corhaa, being brand new to the galactic scene, any help was welcome. Corhaa could at least take solace that Jonyna will help her out. The noble woman's shoulders seemingly relaxed slightly as she gave an appreciative smile.

"Valery did arrange for me to meet Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . Said he is a kind man who can help me with my plight. The meeting is still being arranged but I have confidence that it will go well. However if things do not go well in the wider Senate, I will seek you out. Perhaps both you and Master Valery can pool some of your Order's resources to safeguard my world."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"Alicio is a good egg, at least from what I've seen. Helps he's the Vice Chancellor now. I'd just avoid the Trade Federation if you can. They only care about credits, and will milk your coffers till you're dry if you let them weasel their way into your affairs." Jonyna warned, smiling at the thought. "I'll keep an eye out. I'd also meet with Auteme Auteme if you can, but she's always pretty busy."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"I will find it amusing that they will try to extort credits from us. My people dont even use these credits thing. I am still new to them myself." Corhaa chuckled "Oh he is a Vice Chancellor now? I had thought he was a Senator. I suppose I am lucky then. As for who Auteme is, I assume she is a high ranking political figure as well? Though I am just grateful to have a meeting with Alicio in the first place, so if she is too busy to see people, then there is no need to bother her then."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"She's the Chancellor." Jonyna nodded. "Yeah, credits are a weird thing for me. Like I said, Cathar doesn't have a formal government, nor a formal economy. Technically, it's a barter system. We give help where people need it, and share what we find in the jungle. Anything that comes in from off-planet is given to the people who need it most."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"The Chancellor? Oh then yes she will be far too busy to have a meeting with someone like me. Especially with the war still going on." Corhaa finished off her drink, gently wiping her mouth with a napkin. "My people also have operate on a semi barter system. Usually bartering is for our craftsmen, farmers and hunters. For the nobility we do use gold coins to pay for the goods we desired." Corhaa would then stand up, giving a smile at Jonyna

"Care for a walk Master Jedi or are you needed elsewhere? There is still much of the planet I would like to see and it would be nice to have company."

TAG: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"Unfortunately, I believe I'm needed elsewhere. Gotta get back to work. It was nice meeting you though. I'll look forward to seeing your face around the temple though, and around Coruscant. I'm off to go check on the reconstruction efforts. Entertainment district is being worked on next."


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