Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recovering the Armory pt 4 (PM for invite and Details)

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The body fell back, its head rolling away as blood sprayed across the wall. Akio leapt over the chasm void it was hurled down. His hand reached out and took hold of the pipe overhead. He swung off it, gaining more momentum before somersaulting over the rest of the way. Blaster fire cris-crossed around him harmlessly. Before his feet hit the deck once more, Akio's blade flashed, slicing down two more of the bodies. Behind him two more guards fired, their shots going over his shoulders. The Chiss twisted on his heel, flicking two black throwing quills, their tips lodged into the bodies of the guards, making them gag and fall to the ground as blood squirt from their throats.

He rose to his full height before coldly walking past the dead bodies. He reached the sealed door and brought his blade down in a heavy slash. The lock broke under his blow. He stepped across the threshold and unloaded the pack that was on his back; two canisters of neurtoxin that would kill a small city if unleashed. His fingers deftly attached them to the air purifiers. Setting the gasmask over his face, he let the toxin begin to flood the ship. The green gas flowed through the air vents in a thick mass.

Men, women, and children began grabbing their throats, cough and gasping for air. Akio walked through the dead coldly, his red eyes looking at them all as he passed them. Their eyes all looked at him with desperation, pleading for life as their existence was snuffed out before him. He made sure there were no survivors before walking back to the hangar. There would be a transport waiting for him that he had planted months ago, before he had even gotten onto this cruise ship in the first place.

Akio's eyes bolted open as he sat up, panting. Yet another nightmare had come upon him, this time he was sure had been a memory. Kuroi had said he was an assassin, and since then he had not slept till now. Unlike the other dreams which had Dryzl in them, this one he was without her. He shook his head, pressing his fingers to his temples.

"I am not an assassin," he whimpered. "I'm not. I swear."

A shift in gravity pulled the Chiss from his thoughts abruptly. He felt his body pressed against the bulkhead. He winched, trying to bring himself to be ok with whatever it was that was happening.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The ship lurched and clattered, rumbling as its shaking grew more violent. Akio felt his vision blurring and blacking out. What seemed to be a moment later he blinked, shaking his head. The lights were out. He was sprawled across the wall, facing up. He looked around in the dim atmosphere, lit only by his small amulet. No, he was not laying on the floor, the ship had landed on its side. He was on the wall. Pulling himself up, Akio reached for the bolted-in chest he had stored his weapons in. First he donned his gauntlets, then his Katana across his back, and his wazikashi across the back of his belt. Satisfied, the Chiss looked around. The door was up, on the ceiling

He leapt, pulling himself into the now-sideways hallway. It was too low for him to walk upright, so the Chiss had to crawl on his hands and knees along the way, hopping over the open doorways. The ship in its normal state had been disorienting enough as it was, but now he couldn't seem to find his way around even worse. His head was rapidly beginning to throb, if not from the navigating then from the crash.

The Chiss came to a hall that was oriented up, strait up. He swallowed, summoning his strength for a moment before leaping strait up. His arms stretched out against either side, keeping him from falling back down. Pressing his way along, hand over hand, Akio shimmied his way up the hall. It was a long, exhausting process. At last he reached a turn off where he could crawl once more instead of climbing. His sweaty body pulled itself over the edge and began crawling further. He reached the end where a window shown out with the light of the outside world. He climbed out at last, grateful to be out of the ship and breathing the free air once more.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio slid down the side of the cruiser. Along the way his already tattered and dingy robes grew more tattered. When his feet hit the sands little more remained of the once gloriously orange robes he had worn just days ago. A group of already escaped persons were gathering, he made his way over. Jenna and Rhet were already there, he was glad. However, the look Rhet gave him said otherwise.

"You have some nerve to show up here," he said with a cold growl.

"Rhet--" Jenna began, but he brushed passed her, glaring down at the shorter Chiss.

"You have some nerve to show up here, after you sabotage our ship, lie to us, help Kuroi escape. You are some kind of brave fool," he growled. He drew his lightsaber, igniting it with a fizz. "Tell me one reason I should not kill you here and now."

"Because anger is a path to the darkside," Akio answered calmly. "And you do not wish to fall to the darkness."

The human glowered at him, furious at both not being able to kill and this simple being out smarting him. He stalked off, storing his weapon, "Navigator Jallruns, how far is it to the nearest settlement?"

One of the humans looked up, gauging the landmarks, "I don't know sir, I am afraid. However, if we climb that hill over there, I may be able to see over this dense foliage and be able to see where we need to go next."

"Lead the way."

The group began to follow Jallruns, his face set towards the hill they were going to. Akio naturally found himself in the back, being unwanted and excluded from the group. Jenna found her way back, beside him.

"Please don't be mad at Rhet, he--" she began.

"Were you always apologizing for him?" Akio asked quietly, "Or only after you two stopped being lovers?"

Jenna pursed her lips in frustration, "He is a good man."

"Are you trying to convince me of this, or yourself?" Akio asked looking at her with his inquisitive red eyes.

"Stop that! You don't know what he was like! He loved me," she hissed.

"Love does not die," he answered quietly. "It does not change."

"You don't know that! You know nothing of love!" she hissed from between her teeth.

The Chiss tilted his head, looking at her with a telling expression; you know that to not be true. Jenna's cheeks burned with indignation and shame, she stormed off ahead, back to the rest of the group. When they reached the top of the hill Jallruns looked across the massive, colorful forest stretching bellow them. His eyes darting, looking for any sign of something that could be--

"There, a small village," Jallruns pointed out, "but its too far to walk right now. Night will fall and the Rancors will ambush us. This is the best place to make camp for the night."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio refused to let himself sleep tonight. He sat in the lotus position away from the main group and let himself slip into a loose meditation. He could not stand yet another nightmare, they were getting more intense and dangerous for him, making it harder to sleep and harder to keep himself alert and sharp with these happening every time he slipped into the unconscious realm.

The Chiss savored the sweet feeling of recovery as the Force energized his body, refiling his aura, and letting his mind recover from the strain of the day. The Living Force and oneness with all that is was a breath of fresh air to his soul.

Suddenly it was all shattered, Akio's eyes opened, his body tense and alert from the feeling of danger. A half a second later it came crashing through the colorful forest, grabbing a pair of sleeping soldiers out of their beds and shoving them in its massive maw. The three Jedi leapt from their makeshift pallets, drawing their lightsabers, Akio was right behind them, Katana ready.

"Rancor!" Rhet roared, charging in head-first.

"Rhet, wait!" Jenna shouted after him.

The predator swatted his minute attacker away with ease, sending him crashing into a tree unconscious. As Rhet was raised to be dropped into the salivating jaws, Akio sprang into action. He circled around to the back of the Rancor, his blade cutting along the back of his legs. The skin was tough, and barely sliced open under the heavy slash. The Jedi seized the moment, Jenna's lightsaber flashed as she twirled the blade in a downward cut at the other leg. The Rancor's jaw closed around Rhet's leg and tore it from the body, starting him awake in pain and horror.

"My leg, my leg!" Rhet shrieked clawing for freedom.

"Keep it distracted," Akio commanded.

With nimble legs, he flipped onto the rancor's leg, onto its arm, then up onto its shoulder and the top of its flat head. The animal gave a roar of irritation, clumsily swatting at Akio. The Chiss ducked under each blow, barely keeping his footing. With all his strength he slashed downward, cutting a nasty cut along he Rancor's skull. The monster released Rhet, who feel into Jenna's arms.

"Go, run!" Akio commanded, ducking under a second strike, "I will catch up to you."

For several challenging minutes he remained standing on the furious predator's head. At last the Chiss summersaulted off the Rancor and began running into the forest away from his allies. The Rancor followed, bellowing with rage. Calm and collected, he ducked under branches, lept over rocks and fallen rocks, with the low light of the moon barely giving him light. The super predator was no far behind the whole way.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Charging headlong into the darkness, Akio ran for dear life. He was running blind, without much help or hope of getting away, there was only one solution--he surrendered the Force and let it guide him along his path. Ducking under branches, leaping over rocks, Akio nimbly managed to stay ahead of his pursuer. What was left of his robes began to tear and shred on the branches as he went deeper into the forest. He didn't know how long he ran before exhaustion began to set in, and even deeper fatigue.

His foot snagged on a root and he fell head-long, his face slamming into a tree trunk and the Chiss was rendered unconscious. When he awoke, Akio was vaguely aware of being in a small, squat hut. He felt his forehead, it was sore, and a bandage was swathed across it. Judging by the light filtering through the hut's thatch ceiling, Akio guessed it was about mid day. He sat up gingerly. His blades were stored neatly on the wall. A fresh tunic and breeches were folded neatly at the foot of the bed.

Dressed in these new clothes, the Chiss ventured outside. The village they had spotted the other day was splayed around him. Various humans and near humans were wandering around, children played in the dirt streets, and the old and young were busy about their work. The Chiss smiled and took a moment to enjoy the pastoral scene before easing his sore body out into the new people.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
He didn't get far before he felt a staff hit him on the side of the head. The Chiss jumped, "Ow!"

"So your the one the hunters dragged in," an old, withered man grunted waddling up. The tiny old man gave Akio an appraising eye, "Eh, you're pathetic."

"What? I--I am sorry I don't understand."

"Of course you don't! Your clueless! I bet that head bonk cost you your brains as well as anything else you had left in there! Heh, your blue aren't you?"

"Well, of course I am blue. I'm a Chiss."

"Don't write a song about it!" the old man snapped.

Akio wasn't sure what the old man was talking about. He furrowed his brows, "I am sorry, I do not mean to impose. I was with a group when our ship crashed. We were attacked by a Rancor and I had to run, to draw it away so that my companions could live."

"Oh, you consider yourself to be some kinda hero, huh?"

"No, just one was injured, and they were all important, I was the least important member. It was the logical choice."

"Darn right you were the least important member. I bet they are having a party now that your gone."

"You are greatly lacking in manners, sir."

"Yeah, well your greatly lacking in brains, looks, or skills," the man gave a chuckle, 'I guess that makes us even."

"Grandpa, stop," chided a man stepping out from a nearby hut. He had the bearing of a warrior, a hunter, a strong man familiar with weapons. "He is our guest. Do not treat him ill."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio let out a slight breath of relief, bowing toward the man, "My name is Akio Diachi, thank you for your hospitality, sir."

The man gave a smile, "Of course, my good sir. My name is Handala, this is my father Gortmer. I am the chief of this tribe. You said there were others with you, where are they?"

"I don't know," Akio confessed, "We were separated."

"You understand my objective is to protect my people? I must ask--will they intend us harm?"

"I doubt so," Akio said with a half smile, "They were Jedi."

"Peh, even Jedi cannot help some times," Gortmer grumbled wandering off.

"Can you help send out rescue parties to help me find them? One lost his leg," Akio asked turning to Handala.

"I am afraid I cannot do that. Our warriors and hunters cannot risk going too deep into the forest, Darvog, the terrible Rancor you fought, will take them down," Handala explained, "He is strong, stronger than any other that I have ever seen. He is faster, bigger, and more ruthless than those rancors who went before him. The legends say he was fathered by a rageful demon of unspeakable furry. I'm sorry but I cannot do that. However, if you bring your friends here, I will help treat them, just as I have helped you."

"I understand," the Chiss bowed his head, "If I beat Darvog, will you help me?"

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Handala's eyes widened, "Perhaps when you hit your head, you lost your senses. Darvog is a beast that cannot be killed."

"But if I did, would you?" Akio pressed.

"I would with great pride."

The Chiss thanked the chief and returned to the room. He found his pack stored under the cot he had been sleeping on. He pulled out his armor and donned it quickly, the armor he had found from Haruun Kal days before. He stepped out into the rest of the village. The Chiss knew he would need more than just the blades he had. He needed something with a chain, something to whip and grapple. After some bartering that cost the Chiss a few minor precious stones he carried around for just such an occasion, he convinced one of the locals to sell him a Manriki. It was long, almost a solid six feet, and heavy, made from durasteel by what the Chiss could tell. He remembered bits and pieces of his past, the training he had before with this weapon during his time in the Assassin Academy came back to him in chunks as he held it in his hands. But now was not the time. He carried the weapon with him into the hut and closed the door. He had work to do.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Ordinarily just a weapon of this variety would serve its purpose. They were excellent for grappling, pulling, and cunning to use. The amount of dedication and time it took to learn to use one was intensive. And learning a proper defense against its reach and cunning was even harder. If this were any ordinary battle, this alone would suffice. But the Chiss was preparing one of the hardest fights of his life. He had to be ready, more than ready.

The Chiss closed his eyes and began to enter a trance in the Force. He let the energy wash over him, filling him, connecting him to the world around him. He remembered working with Matsu Ike. He remembered the lessons she gave him on imbuding things with the Force. Now it was time to put that to the ultimate test. The Chiss placed his hand on the battle chain, it hummed with energy glowing and almost quivering at the touch as Akio formed a bond with it.

What is your bidding? Akio could almost hear the Chain asking in his mind.

I need something from you. I need you to change for me.

What do you want?

Akio conjured in his mind an image, an idea, a thought of the chain spinning, twisting moving in his hands. He envisioned dancing with the chain, he envisioned it working for him, as if it was light as a feather for him, but not for others. He charged it, feeling it, believing it, willing it to be. With a heavy push of his mind, the Chiss willed it into the chain. Blue, glowing energy hummed around it as the chain bent to Akio's will like putty in his hands.

What else do you want?

Akio conjured a second image, idea, of the chain being hard, harder than stone, harder than steel, harder than anything. It would not snap, it would not break, it would not shred under a lightsaber, and it would not burn under the blaster. He envisioned it withstanding these assaults unscathed, of pulling his weight and so much more without bending or breaking. Once again, the Chiss willed it into being, letting golden energy flow from his hands, making every atomic bond on the chain stronger, more intense, more unbreakable.

The Chain drank it all in with thirsty gulps, What else do you need from me, my master?

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio's mind pulled through a second image, one that he felt compelled to include. He envisioned the chain being able to rend people senseless, stunning them, or numbing their senses temporarily with ease. He envisioned it amplifying the ability, making it easier, strong, better and easier to access. He envisioned his foes stunned, unharmed by the action but their senses temporarily overloaded into silence. He pressed it into the chain, the crimson flow of energy making it glow with a bright, warm light as he empowered it, willing it, and making it into being. The warm power hummed in it, making the chain even stronger than before.

What more do you desire?

Akio envisioned combustion, channeling power through the chain to make objects explode on impact. He envisioned trees, rocks, bushes, metal exploding into nothingness at the chain's touch and his will. He envisioned the force flowing through it with ease to do this. He felt, smelt, and heard the sheer thunder of the explosions. With a heavy exhale he breathed the first level of energy into the chain, it trembled with delight as it drank it in. He took a second breath and exhaled, pouring more into the chain, causing it to shake again as the yellow energy went deeper. He took a third breath, pushing with all he had. The chain's power pushed back, trying to escape. It was almost too much. Akio pursed his lips, willing it to stay. Willing it to remain, to hold all of the power he had put into it. The chain gorged on the power, finally resting, and humming with delight.

The Chiss lay back, feeling the sweat rolling off his body, totally exhausted. Night had fallen during his long work with the chain. He pulled himself onto the bed and slept, not caring he was in his light armor.


Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
When morning came, Akio felt worn from his work. He looked down at the Manriki. It hummed with energy, strong, powerful energy that he had given it the night before. Over night it had set in, giving it a gentle glow that could be seen through the Force. The Chiss. picked it up, feel it in in his hands. It was incredibly light and moved with ease through his hands. Like a feather the Chiss thought as he felt it in his hands.

The warrior coiled it around his waist before storing his blades. He knew he would need both before the day was over. After a brief meditation to refresh himself, Akio made his way outside. The sun was still dawning on this planet as he made his way into the forest. The jungle around him was dense, thick, and bright. Soon the local avians began to sing, proclaiming the glory of life and their joy in living another day. Akio smiled softly, even though he was on a grim mission, it was still a glorious thing to hear and lifted his spirits. There was a time when he would try with upmost calculating precision to try and enjoy it, devoid of emotion. A life without emotion, of course, was no emotion at all. He could see that now, even if he felt a challenge expressing his feelings.

The Chiss stalked his way along the jungle floor. How he was going to find this Darvog was a challenge he was still working on. But he was sure of one thing, if this beast was really as fierce as Handala had said, then finding it was really a small problem compared to slaying it. And, if anything, it wasn't a problem at all. After half an hour of foot travel, the Chiss found a trail of destruction. The trail he had created last night when being chased by that monster. He shrugged, it was as good a place to start as any.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The path leveled many trees, some were rather strong. Akio felt a twinge of fear at the revelation. Perhaps some of these tales of the monster were well founded indeed. At last the path stopped abruptly. Had it grown tired of chasing? Akio rose to his full height and put his hands on his hips, trying to work this out. His eyes wandered along the path. He felt a tingle in the back of his mind just as--

The Chiss instinctively leaped back, just in time to dodge the ravaging claw of the Rancor. How it had hidden that well was a wonder to the Chiss, perhaps it really was some sort of mutant. The mammoth beast lumbered into view. Akio had fought these monsters before, but in the daylight he could see, this one truly was bigger and meatier than any Rancor he had seen before. Its jaws chomped with salavating desire. Akio's eyes locked on its beady ones. "Hello, Darvog. It is a pleasure to meet you again."

The beast roared in reply, swinging at the Chiss. Akio flipped through the air, whipping out his Katana in one hand and his chain in the other before his feet hit the ground. The battle had begun.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Darvog assaulted the Chiss with a torrent of two-handed assaults. Akio found himself twisting and somersaulting head over heels to stay in one piece. There was no mystical force ability involved, it was pure instinct over years of work as an assassin. Darvog roared, gripping a boulder in his hand and hurling it at his foe. Akio twisted his Manriki overhead, charging it with the Force before snapping it ahead of him. The free end impacted the boulder, sending the power of Combustion through it and making it explode with a terrific blast.

Akio was sent sliding several dozen feet back, his tabi plying for grip. His back finally hit a tree with a painful, but harmless crack. In spite of that he smirked--it had worked. Darvog let out a furious roar, Akio brought his whip around, cutting through the air with it in a challenge, "If you are unsatisfied, try me again."

The monster glowered for a moment, hot air puffing from its nostrils before it charged Akio, right hand extended with jagged claws ready. The Chiss felt the ground rumble under him, drawing on the Force, pulling inward deeply before he sprang up, through the air, clearing Darvog's claws. He landed on the monster's forearm, his tabi hit the ground sprinting up. Darvog shook his arm, sending Akio crashing onto the ground with a clatter.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Both of his weapons were knocked from Akio's blue hands the moment he made impact with the dirt. Darvog tried to crush him with a stop, Akio was forced to roll away just in time to survive, leaving both of his weapons behind. With just enough distance between them, the Chiss sprang to his feet, between him and his weapons stood just one obstical--his foe. The monster gave a snort of delight, he had disarmed his foe. Or so he thought.

An assassin lived only by the number of extra cards he had up his sleeve. The Chiss sprang off a nearby boulder, arcing in a side-twist to the left. His other foot planted on a tree, pushing harder and higher into the air with a wide arc. Both of Akio's hands flicked, sending six of his Force Imbued darts flying into Darvog's face. The monster roared, distracted by the pain as the pricks of the blades stabbed into his bulbous face. The assassin landed and sprinted between the massive legs, gripping both his weapons and managing to get a safe distance away. His body was sweating as Akio panted for air. Darvog gave him a scowl; That was a dirty move.

Akio smiled from behind his mask, "All is fair in love and war, my friend."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Blue Pilgrim tossed his Manriki in the air, taking it in the middle. Both of its weighted ends dangled before him. The range was shorter, but the assassin had a plan in mind. He began spinning both ends before him, letting the Force flow through him into its weighted ends. Darvog dug both his feet in, watching as Akio slowly advanced. The power of the Force hummed off the manriki. A soft glow began to emanate it, and Akio could feel himself struggling to contain it. His will barely was strong enough to keep it in line. At last he lunged forward, letting the chain slide through his gloved fingers. One end of the weighted Manriki extended in a six foot swing too fast for Darvog to dodge. The rancor seized up, his muscles tightening for a moment, stunned.

Akio moved in, his blade digging in and slicing along Darvog's shin, barley cutting through the thick hide. Darvog shook the stun off, just swinging his arms around. Akio snapped his manriki around, wrapping one end around the beast's wrist. He held on tight as he felt himself jerked upward, around, struggling to hold on. The Chiss twisted around, locking his arms and legs around Darvog's arm. It was large, thick like a tree trunk, covered with stinking sweat. With a quick pop, he sprang off the forearm, spinning through the air and landing on Darvog's shoulder. Both of his hands gripped the wakizashi in his hands and brought its razor edge down with a heavy slice.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
As the sun was setting that day, a figure could be seen marching towards the village. He was covered with sick, black-red blood. In one hand he held what looked like a massive bag, but when he came closer, it was apparent. It was a head, a monstrously large head that had sat atop Darvog's shoulders. The figure strode into town, amid the stares of the villagers. Handala watched from the door of his hut as the figure made a bee line for his hut.

It dropped the head at his feet, it was so large it almost stood as tall as the chief's legs.

"A deal is a deal," Akio sad at last, removing his mask, "help me find the others, Darvog is dead."

Handala looked the hunk of flesh over with an appraising eye. The face had many scars from when others had lost their lives to the monster of the jungle. No more would there be a need to fear venturing into the woods like there was the need before.

Handala looked up at Akio with a nod, "Tomorrow we begin to search for your friends."

There was much celebration in the village that night, songs, dancing, food, and alcohol flowed like never before. Akio did not partake in the revelry. Instead, he tended to his armor, cleaned his weapons, ate a small meal and laid in bed, totally exhausted from his exertion over the past two days.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The fires burned with a blaze like never before. The building was collapsing in on itself too fast. A lesser being would have panicked, but Akio could see himself walking through calmly. It was like he was there--but he wasn't there. He could hear the cries from help by the trapped, but he didn't care. He was coldly clear as he passed by the rooms they were trapped within.

The ground collapsed under him, the Chiss easily twisted, landing on his feet unharmed on the next level. Even under his protective suit against the heat, he could feel himself sweating. Deep down inside he could feel--emptiness. The bloodshed, the murder, the fighting. It wasn't for religion, it wasn't out of pain, it was out of emptiness. The roof overhead gave way with a snap, and all of it began to collapse on him like a mountain. He was falling, falling, tumbling end over end, struggling to find control of the situation. His head hit the duracrete with a hard thud, his body followed, crumbling in on itself as the three floors overhead landed on him.

Akio jolted from his sleep, panting. Sweat covered his sore body--he felt just as bad as he had the night before. The blue skinned man willed himself to sit up and rub his face.

"Its just nightmares," he reminded himself, trying to even half believe it anymore. "I am not an assassin."

Akio shook himself one more time before rising and donning his armor.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
In all his battle regalia, the Chiss quietly stepped out into the village, only to find that it was abuzz with life. Several men and women were gathering in the center with spears and axes in hand. Two had bows and arrows, the Chiss made a note that these people were just as primal as he was--and he appreciated it. It took a great deal of skill to learn how to use these weapons of a lost age. In the center of the group was Handala, wearing hide armor from some local furry hunters. He greeted Akio with a wave, 'Its good to see you, Akio. Glad to see you are here just in time to join our hunting party."

A few dogs, almost as domestic as they were wild were pulled over by a man, he had them on leashes but just barely. "Let's go, sir. If your ready."

Akio fell in behind Handala, just another warrior once more. As they moved into the jungle and began looking for a trace of his lost companions, the Chiss tried to shake the dark feeling the dream had left in him, but it was no use. He felt, he all but knew that these dreams were too realistic to be just dreams. He just wished he could remember more of them after the fact, and had fewer issues of forgetting afterwards. Besides that--the Chiss really did not want to be an assassin. He wanted to protect and preserve life instead of taking it without reason.

"I have something," said one of the more grizzled hunters, breaking Akio from his thought, "Blood trail. Its a few days old, the tracks match the time of Blue One's arrival. This could be it."

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