Anija Betna
Retired Character
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Atin Kandossii"]
[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Ijaat Akun"]
[member="Jaden Taacyn"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"]
The Oyu'baat
Many were still reeling from the events on Teta. The Mandalorians had taken some very heavy losses. Ordo and Gilamar among them. She knew many still considered Ordo a traitor, but she didn't fething care. He was her buir, and she knew, that even till the end, he'd been fighting the Sith control.
Even now, her chest ached thinking about it. She might not have agreed with everything Gilamar had done as Mand'alor, but she admired his resolve. As far as Ordo was concerned, she felt as if a giant hole had been ripped through her chest. It was hard for her to fathom. Ordo had been a fixture in her life for the better part of ten years. And his sudden absence ate at her.
Muttering to herself, she settled into one of the chairs gathered around a good sized table in one of the Oyu'baat's back rooms. Such rooms weren't used often, but she felt a certain amount of privacy would be a good thing right now. She'd ordered several pitchers of netra'gal and some tiingular, as well as other food selections.
Food, however, was not the focus of this meeting. What was... was something which had been the topic of discussion between her and Ember Rekali and Arrbi Betna for the better part of the last year. With the recent events on Teta, she felt it to be even more important.
And so, here she sat, cradling a mug of Netra'gal in her fingers as she stared somewhat blankly at the datapad in front of her. She'd never been very good at public speaking. But, she knew she had to. Now, the safety and the security of the Mandalorian people and her territories would fall to these first few.. and the many who followed after.
The Mandalorian Protectors. An organization infamous in Mandalorian history. it had been many things over the centuries which the Mandalorian claimed as their own. Mainly, they had been two things: a police force of sorts, and a group of highly trained supoercommandos. And that.... is exactly what the Mandalorians needed. A dedicated group that would serve as protection, and a border patrol. Fortifying Mandalorian space and Manda'yaim herself against attacks. To that end, she'd sent invitations to a select few. People she knew personally, or that had come highly recommended. Now, she waited.
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Atin Kandossii"]
[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Ijaat Akun"]
[member="Jaden Taacyn"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"]
The Oyu'baat
Many were still reeling from the events on Teta. The Mandalorians had taken some very heavy losses. Ordo and Gilamar among them. She knew many still considered Ordo a traitor, but she didn't fething care. He was her buir, and she knew, that even till the end, he'd been fighting the Sith control.
Even now, her chest ached thinking about it. She might not have agreed with everything Gilamar had done as Mand'alor, but she admired his resolve. As far as Ordo was concerned, she felt as if a giant hole had been ripped through her chest. It was hard for her to fathom. Ordo had been a fixture in her life for the better part of ten years. And his sudden absence ate at her.
Muttering to herself, she settled into one of the chairs gathered around a good sized table in one of the Oyu'baat's back rooms. Such rooms weren't used often, but she felt a certain amount of privacy would be a good thing right now. She'd ordered several pitchers of netra'gal and some tiingular, as well as other food selections.
Food, however, was not the focus of this meeting. What was... was something which had been the topic of discussion between her and Ember Rekali and Arrbi Betna for the better part of the last year. With the recent events on Teta, she felt it to be even more important.
And so, here she sat, cradling a mug of Netra'gal in her fingers as she stared somewhat blankly at the datapad in front of her. She'd never been very good at public speaking. But, she knew she had to. Now, the safety and the security of the Mandalorian people and her territories would fall to these first few.. and the many who followed after.
The Mandalorian Protectors. An organization infamous in Mandalorian history. it had been many things over the centuries which the Mandalorian claimed as their own. Mainly, they had been two things: a police force of sorts, and a group of highly trained supoercommandos. And that.... is exactly what the Mandalorians needed. A dedicated group that would serve as protection, and a border patrol. Fortifying Mandalorian space and Manda'yaim herself against attacks. To that end, she'd sent invitations to a select few. People she knew personally, or that had come highly recommended. Now, she waited.