Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recruitment Day

[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Atin Kandossii"]
[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Ijaat Akun"]
[member="Jaden Taacyn"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

The Oyu'baat

Many were still reeling from the events on Teta. The Mandalorians had taken some very heavy losses. Ordo and Gilamar among them. She knew many still considered Ordo a traitor, but she didn't fething care. He was her buir, and she knew, that even till the end, he'd been fighting the Sith control.

Even now, her chest ached thinking about it. She might not have agreed with everything Gilamar had done as Mand'alor, but she admired his resolve. As far as Ordo was concerned, she felt as if a giant hole had been ripped through her chest. It was hard for her to fathom. Ordo had been a fixture in her life for the better part of ten years. And his sudden absence ate at her.

Muttering to herself, she settled into one of the chairs gathered around a good sized table in one of the Oyu'baat's back rooms. Such rooms weren't used often, but she felt a certain amount of privacy would be a good thing right now. She'd ordered several pitchers of netra'gal and some tiingular, as well as other food selections.

Food, however, was not the focus of this meeting. What was... was something which had been the topic of discussion between her and Ember Rekali and Arrbi Betna for the better part of the last year. With the recent events on Teta, she felt it to be even more important.

And so, here she sat, cradling a mug of Netra'gal in her fingers as she stared somewhat blankly at the datapad in front of her. She'd never been very good at public speaking. But, she knew she had to. Now, the safety and the security of the Mandalorian people and her territories would fall to these first few.. and the many who followed after.

The Mandalorian Protectors. An organization infamous in Mandalorian history. it had been many things over the centuries which the Mandalorian claimed as their own. Mainly, they had been two things: a police force of sorts, and a group of highly trained supoercommandos. And that.... is exactly what the Mandalorians needed. A dedicated group that would serve as protection, and a border patrol. Fortifying Mandalorian space and Manda'yaim herself against attacks. To that end, she'd sent invitations to a select few. People she knew personally, or that had come highly recommended. Now, she waited.
Standing by the fire with several other patrons drinking he looked into the flames as the coals popped. His buy'ce hung from his belt repaired from the damage it had received but the visor was still scarred from a lightsaber blade.

Loud laughter came from a table in the back where a group played cu'bikad. Turning his head slightly his dirty blonde hair fell into his eyes as he surveyed the room. He had it ingrained in him at an early age to always watch your six, even among friends. His matte black armor with the red highlights had seen better days when you took in the paint job. Bit despite it's aesthetically unpleasing coats of worn paint the armor was still very functional and very modified with state of the art tech.

He raised the cup of spiced caf to his lips and drained the remnants before walking away from the fire and leaving his empty cup on a serving plate. Looking across the room and seeing the many different species, clans, sexes, and ages it reminded him again of just how powerful the bonds were of his people. Brothers, sisters, vode all. Each a warrior either alone or together. It was heartening to see especially after the recent battle.

He knew the sith mindset, had learned ways of the force from them, and Atin knew that where the jedi preached peace and serenity the sith believed in passion and the power of emotion as a tool. And revenge and hurt pride could be a powerful motivator. One he knew the sith would feel all too deeply to allow bygones be bygones. Soon war would come to Manda'yaim. And if not the sith, then someone else.

His thoughts went to his clan before going to his riduur. She was his life, his love, she gave him purpose that he had thought he would never have again. And soon he would be a father. He smiled. A buir! His life was growing more and more blessed by the day it seemed. And he owed it all to Chloe.

He walked from the room and down the hall leading to one of the private rooms. Pausing before the second on the right he looked down corridor and saw a massive mando with a heavy blaster cradled in his arms. A short nod to the man and he stepped through sure that if he wasn't supposed to be here the big mando would have moved forward and stopped him.

As he stepped through the doorway he slid to the right where his body was no longer outlined from the light in the hall. As the door closed he looked around the room taking in the large table with chairs around it. Seated was a woman in armor nursing a mug. He hooked a leg around a chair and pulled it out and sat. Green eyes took in the woman as he nodded a greeting.

[member="Anija Ordo"]
Betna slipped quietly into the room behind [member="Atin Kandossii"]'s armored form. Arrbi wore his beskar'gam as well, though his lacked the red highlights that the other Mandalorian bore. Betna's undersuit, though, was of a dark, deep red. At a glance, it almost looked as if they were related, at least by clan. Though this was not the case and Atin came from a far different clan, he couldn't shake the sensation that they'd met before.

Shrugging the feeling away as fatigue still lingering from the fighting on Teta, Betna slid into the seat next to [member="Anija Ordo"] and set what he'd been carrying on the table. A large case of Evaar'gal, from Betna's own brewery out back of the Oyu'baat, found a cozy spot at the table.

From there, it was simple enough to wrap an arm around his wife's waist and pull her close. The fighting had been brutal and the casualty listings were still coming in. The cost was high and many clans grieved for family members who would not return. Betna knew Anija mourned the loss of Ordo and so he remained at her side whenever possible. He worried that he might be too overbearing or clingy doing such a thing, maybe injecting himself into the grieving process, but he couldn't think of anything he could do. He knew he wanted someone there to help him, or to be there for him at least, when his father had gone missing, presumed dead, so he figured he could at least do that for her.

A look of concern passed over his face for a moment before he leaned into kiss her on the cheek. Holding her close once more in the one armed hug, he offered Atin a cold beer from the case.

"Welcome, vod," he said with a half smile.

[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Atin Kandossii"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Jaden Taacyn"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
The Oyu'baat was loud. It pressed against her as she sat quietly in the corner watching them all. Laughter was forced, alcohol consumed in vast quantities to take off the edge. Mia was particularly attuned to emotions but she knew he people, she knew her men. And they were suffering.

She'd not yet read reports from the battle at Teta, but she'd heard about Gil...about her brother, Ordo. There should have been a black holoe in her heart, she shuold have been more angry, more upset but she wasn't. This was war, people died in war. Gilamar had made a choice, Ordo had no choice. She brought the mug to her lips and drained the last of its contents, watching [member="Anija Ordo"] disappear into one of the back rooms.

She didn't believe Ordo was dead, but she would keep her beliefs to herself. There were some things better left unsaid. She waited until Arrbi and another had followed Anija before rising smoothly to follow. No one paid the unarmored stranger any mind, to consumed by their own grief to even notice her.

She slipped into the room, uninvited and looked to Anija. "Su cuy'gar vod'ika." she said softly, reaching out to the woman in the force to let her know who she was. The other two could wait.

[member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Atin Kandossii"] [member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Atin Kandossii"], [member="Anija Ordo"]

So she was with the Mandalorians again. Her memory had not fully recovered from the events of Alderaan, but she remembered enough. She certainly remembered Mia Monroe again now, dead since the battle of Coruscant, at least as faras Siobhan knew.

A battle Siobhan had not been there for....guilt was a selfish emotion. Gilamar had perished on Teta, so had the traitor Ordo - Siobhan obviously had far less insight into the matter than the Mandalorians who knew him, so to her he would just be a traitor until she was more enlightened. Gilamar she had never met, Ordo was someone she had considered a friend before Coruscant. Countless others had given their lives across the killing fields of this war.

It was war. People died. By now she was thoroughly numbed to it. Drinks had been served but she had accepted none. There were gaps in her memory, but Anija Ordo was the one who had sent the invitation and she recalled knowing her...seeing her face on Kaeshana once. She slipped into the backroom everyone seemed to be gathering in, leather coat swaying dramatically behind her. She liked to think Mia would want her to be here.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

Eyes narrowed a moment as he looked over at Betna a moment of deja vu hitting him. It passed and as he reached out and took the offered mug he said,"Vor'e." Leaning back he looked at those coming in and sitting.

Eyes flicked to Mia as he felt the soft ripple of the force .Raising his eyebrows slightly he half shrugged to himself as he nursed the mug. A nod to the next woman to enter. Looking between those gathered he could fell the grief and mourning from loss that was nearly palpable even without the force.

Thoughts went back to the recent battle that had seen the Mand'alor fall and his memories went to his foe, Darth Mierin. He knew that they would meet again and soon. Some recompense for the fallen. And it would be bought by his own hands.

Taking another drink he cleared his mind of the emotions that the particular day had brought and focused on those in the room waiting for the reason they had all gathered here on Manda'yaim.
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Atin Kandossii"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Jaden Taacyn"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

At footsteps in the hallway, Anija glanced up from the contemplation of the contents of her mug. She recognized Atin by his scarred buy'ce. She gave him a nod, and gestured towards a chair. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she watched him hook the chair with his leg to pull it out and sit down. An interesting way of doing it, but it certainly worked. For now, she simply took another draw from her mug as she slid a datapad in his direction. "Olarom, Vod.."

The next to enter the room was Arrbi himself, and Anija felt that same half smile tugging at her lips as she saw what he carried in his arms. Meeting or not, she knew several of them could probably use a chance to at least try and relax... to set aside the worries and the grief - if only for a short time. When he sat down and pulled her into a one-armed embrace, she sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. This was more difficult than she thought it would be.

And still more came. One by one they filtered into the room. The woman who entered after Arrbi wore no armor. That in and of itself was a bit unusual, but not terribly so. She carried herself well - like a warrior. She didn't recall sending this woman an invitation... but as she gazed at the woman's face, a feeling nagged at her.

She'd seen the woman once before. When the woman spoke softly, Anija's gaze snapped upwards. There was something in the voice... and the touch in the Force confirmed what she'd started to suspect. She had no idea how it was possible. Her eyes widened, and she spoke softly, her voice surprisingly steady. "Su'cuy gar, Ori'vod..." She glanced at Arrbi for a moment before she stood and moved towards Mia. When she was perhaps two steps from the other woman, she reached out to grasp her arm in the warrior's greeting before pulling the woman into a fierce embrace. She couldn't explain it. She wasn't sure she wanted to. But the mere fact the woman was here gave her courage.... and hope.

As she pulled back from the embrace, she noticed Sio enter the room. She'd met the woman once before, and it was encouraging to see her here now. She knew that she and Ordo had a long-standing friendship, though she wasn't sure what the woman thought of the events on Teta, or if she knew of them. it was entirely possible that she did, as news tended to travel fast in Mandalorian space. She gave the woman a small smile before passing her a datapad. She pressed on into Mia's hand as well. On it, they would find the code and purpose of the Protectors.

Evi Sohl

The silence was strange.

She sat curled up in the middle of the bed their bed, cup of caf cradled in her fingers. Marveling at the silence that the absence of a rambunctious three and a half year old created, and sighing ever so softly in the midst of it. Breathing deeply, E’vi closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headboard, with the ache beginning to ease at last.

The pain and confusion still wrapped bands of beskar around her heart and tightened them whenever her thoughts strayed to her buir and to Teta and to Gilamar and to Mia anything that had happened in the last couple of months that had sent the Mandalorians reeling as a whole. She could not blame him for asking, but the near-constant questions from Cade about his beloved ba’buir were taking a toll on her. Emberli had taken mercy on her and gathered Cade up for an impromptu afternoon of fishing, giving her the space and time to relax and collect herself.

E’vi sipped from her caf as she cast her crimson gaze towards the windows with the view of the river. It was one of the things she loved most about the space, second only to the one she shared it with. The chrono on her side of the bed beeped softly, but insistently, reminding her of the time and the meeting she needed to attend. Rousing herself from the warmth and comfort of bed, she set down her mug and turned the alarm off. She dressed quickly, fingers smoothing out her soft shirt before holstering her favorite Dissuader on one thigh, and her newly built DE-10 on the other.

Sliding into her jacket, her hands found their way into the pockets as she walked purposefully through the streets of Keldabe. The Oyu’baat was a few minutes’ walk from the apartment, and with the crisp afternoon air, it was a pleasure to be out in. E’vi breathed deeply and managed to relax a bit by the time she reached the bar, striding through the doors with a nod to a few vode that she knew as they exited. Once inside, she made her way over and gratefully accepted the Whyren’s from the bartender, leaving a cred chit behind for it.

She didn’t join any of the groups clustered together, though a few motioned for her to do so. E’vi glanced around and lofted a brow at the bartender who motioned with his head toward the hallway leading to the backrooms. Smart, she mused, working her way over there slowly, pausing once or twice to speak to those whom she knew. Her crimson gaze cast across the room as her mind recalled her to the task at hand, seeking out the one her dalyc’vod had spoken of after the events on Empress Teta. Catching sight of [member="Vilaz Munin"] at last, she made her way over to introduce herself and have a word.
A puff of smoke came out from the mouth of the Rally Master as he was smoking a cigarette. It calmed him down which was good for many reasons. The Battle that occurred at Teta was still in his mind and it would be there forever, as well as the tragedies that came from the battle. Gilamar, their Manda'lor, was killed thanks to the hands of a man who was dead, who would be hated by Vilaz, who betrayed the vode, and who would never find peace: Ordo. Gil and the lives of fallen Mandalorian warriors that were taken away from the rest of the code made Vilaz invest even more time in training so it would make him better, stronger, faster, and smarter against the dar'jetti.

But from those hours of training eventually exhausted the Redneck Mandalorian, and he would use today and maybe tomorrow to relax and regroup his strength for further training.

He was dressed in combat boots, denim jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Parts of his long hair in the front was covering his blue eyes. His newly made crossbow that was a gift from the Field Marshal, Basaba Willamina, was resting on the side of the his seat. He had his holster that carried only one WESTAR 34 pistol, and his hunting knife was on his side opposite of the pistol.

After taking an inhale from his cigar Vilaz took a sip of his ice cool whiskey that he paid for. He was the only one at the table he was sitting at, but that would change. A young, pretty woman appeared before him as she approached him. He saw her eyes that were a deep crimson color. The eyes didn't scare him, but they did surprised him in such way.

"May I help you," he asked at the woman and indicated her to have a seat with the motion of his hand.

[member="Evi Sohl"]
Nolan walked in to the meeting area for the Protectors and saw his allies greeting one another. In full armor, like always, Nolan removed his helmet and walked up to [member="Anija Ordo"] and [member="Arrbi Betna"] and saluted lazely.

Reporting for Butt-kicking duty sirs.

Evi Sohl

Crimson eyes cast over the sight Vilaz presented, pausing briefly on the crossbow leaning against his chair. E’vi thought she recognized Basaba’s handiwork within its lines and made a mental note to ask about it later. She offered a nod and a brief smile as she took the proffered seat, setting her whiskey down on the table as she shrugged out of her jacket.

“My thanks,’s E’vi Sohl.” She said quietly, reaching across the table to offer her hand and wrist for a proper Mandalorian greeting. Her free hand raised her glass to her lips for a sip as she regarded the man Anija and Arrbi had asked her to speak to. Recalling the information and reports they’d sent for her perusal, regarding his actions, and specifically regarding what happened on Empress Teta.

“Heard some good things about you, after Teta, and there’s a few people wondering if you have any plans for yourself currently.” E’vi added after another moment, not bothering to mince words or attempt to dissemble. If they’d wanted something prettier to be said, they’d have sent someone else. Her crimson gaze dipped to take in the WESTAR-34 gleaming in its holster at his side, and a faint smile curled her lips.

Lifting her gaze to meet his once more as she took another sip, she gauged his reaction and awaited his response.

- [member="Vilaz Munin"] -​
With the same respect Vilaz reached out for the woman's hand to give each other a proper greeting. "I'll remember that name. My name is Vilaz. Vilaz Munin," he responded back to her. He caught her eyes taking a brief glance at his crossbow, but he didn't asked her why she was looking at it. It was just a weapon, a weapon that Vilaz preferred to use in combat that was quite effective because of the silent kills of the arrows that were fired from the weapon.

He continued looking at her, specifically her red, crimson eyes that made her distinct of the rest of the Mando'ade. Perhaps, the only vod that had such eyes. The Warrior heard the next words that came from E'vi that regarded of the Rally Master's actions and the things that he was involved in the unforgettable Battle of Teta. "Well, I was given the rank of Rally Master after the skirmish with the dar'jetti, so that's some'in," he said in his Redneck Accent, "As for what's next for me, just training everyday just to get better. May I know who these people are?"

He took a sip of his whiskey and waited for E'vi's response. Who were these people? People who wanted a skilled mercenary to help them in their wars? He caught her look at his pistol and saw smile on her lips. He was confused and his face even showed that Vilaz was confused.

[member="Evi Sohl"]

Evi Sohl

Her glass set down on the table, E’vi traced her fingertips along the rim as she contemplated how to respond. A slender brow lofted as she noted the confusion writ across his features, and she did her level best to tamp down on her amusement. Why was it, she thought, that she always seemed to have that effect on men? Except for Emberli, naturally, who seemed to have figured her out before she’d managed that task for herself.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Vilaz. My dalyc’vod, [member=Anija Ordo], and her riduur [member=Arrbi Betna] are the ones I heard from. As for why...” her voice trailed off for a moment, as fingers lifted the glass to her lips for a lingering sip.

When she spoke again, she leaned forward slightly, her voice just a touch softer than it had been. “The two of them are rebuilding the Protectors, and after Empress Teta, they want to know if you want in.”

| [member="Vilaz Munin"] |​
Mia would have shied away from such affections before, but as Anija pulled her in she felt emotion rush to her chest and she hugged the woman tightly back. Blinking back against tears that came from nowhere she drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly as Anija handed her the datapad, focusing on the matter at hand.

Whatever that was...

A grin formed on her face as an all too familiar force signature wandered into her vicinity. She moved to stand before the woman. "The Great Annihilator graces her Champion with her presence." she said, her face serious with a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. She didn't care for a moment, what the others thought. This was a long standing joke between two battle sisters.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

And then a ghost stood before her. No, not a ghost, for the woman in front of her was very real, of flesh and blood. A woman who she knew had perished on Coruscant, martyred in a battle foolishly mismanaged by the 'Great Protector'.

The woman who had been at her side while she was in coma after her ill-fated encounter with Shadow, trapped within her mind. "A fitting honour for my very best Champion," Siobhan replied, face just as serious with a measure of amusement in her organic eye as comprehension overcame her.

Various thoughts were running through her mind as she absorbed the revelation, as to how her battle sister had returned. Her thoughts automatically drifted back to Velok, of whose knowledge Mia had been the inheritor. The knowledge that had allowed the Destroyer of Worlds to cheat death before. Just like Shadow, Siobhan's nemesis, had time and again.

There was a time when this might have made Siobhan hesitant to welcome her back, she would have wondered whether it was truly her. Some would say that the mere act of cheating death, of using the power that was of the Sith, smacked of the dark side, whatever that was supposed to mean these days. Siobhan no longer cared about any of that. The wrong things for the right reasons. Siobhan was not the same woman she had been before Alderaan or even the hunt for Shadow. Or perhaps she had just stopped deceiving herself. This Siobhan would have probably kept the Belia Darzu Holocron to make use of it rather than sell it to the Jedi Council.

Mia was back. That was what mattered. That she had managed to claw her way out of the netherworld demanded Siobhan's respect for her. "I knew you'd find a way back. It's good to see you." Then she pulled the Liberator into a bear hug, her ironclad control slipping as she was overcome by emotion. They were reunited again and now they would be able on making the Sith burn...and get it right this time.
He continued to listen to her and smoked his cigar and let out a smog of smoke from his mouth and blew it where it wouldn't go at the woman. He was still confused of what E'vi did earlier, but his it away so it wouldn't show on his face and replaced it with a neutral, plain face. He definitely had heard of the two Mandalorians that E'vi, and a couple hood reason where that they were the second couples to be married at the Invasion of Teta; two, Anija was an executive at Mandal Hypernautics; three, the two of them were excellent pilots.

But what came next was somewhat weird. The woman made it look as if she was telling him a secret due to her voice being low and bending in towards Vilaz. His ears perked up when he hear that the Mandalorian Protectors were being rebuilt. The Rally Master, obviously, have heard of this famous group, for it was part of his culture and the history of the vode. He would not pass this opportunity, for he cared about his culture and his brothers and sisters in arms, and this would just double the protection of Mandalore and other planets within their territory.

"I'm in," giving her his final answer on what E'vi asked him.

[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Atin Kandossii"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Evi Sohl"]
[member="Jaden Taacyn"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Shaw McKeller"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

Slowly, the others were filtering in. As Anija stepped back, she nodded to Mia, and to SIo. It seemed that those two had a history. She let them have a few moments before she cleared her throat and looked around at those gathered, giving Nolan a solemn nod as he entered. "Well met, Nolan. Please, make yourself comfortable." She noticed that Vilaz, E'vi and a few others were still missing. Hopefully, they would show up soon.

Moving back to the table, she slid datapads across the table to Arrbi and Atin, before placing a few on the table in front of the empty chairs before she moved back to her seat at the head of the table and leaned on the back of it. "As many of you know, the Mandalorian clans recently invaded Empress Teta. Our goal there was simple. To apprehend Ordo and have him answer for his crimes as Dark Lord of the One Sith."

Her face twitched. "Mand'alor Gilamar gave his life in single combat against Ordo. What you might not know is that Ordo himself was shot in the back of the head - presumably by one of the One Sith people that were with him. Azrael had been able to secure Ordo's surrender... and then Ordo was murdered for it. He was not serving as the Dark Lord by his own choice, but had been possessed by a Sith spirit." What she didn't mention was that Ordo was in fact alive. Something she had only recently found out. She didn't feel it was the time to share such information.

She continued after a moment. "We then withdrew from Teta, collecting those of our own dead and wounded that we could." She sighed then. "The Mandalorian Clans never intended to take Teta. But it showed us several things. One, that we can unite against a common enemy. And two, that we need to fortify our own borders." Hitting a control on her gauntlet, she pushed her own datapad to the center of the table.

"What you see here is a code of Conduct of sorts. it is by no means ironclad. Simply put, follow the Resol'nare. Answer Mand'alor's call. Protect the vode and Yaim." She looked around at each of them for a moment. "Given the current situation and the... need for a new Mand'alor, it is my recommendation that we keep a low profile as an organization. When a new Mand'alor is chosen, then we will make our presence known."

"This is not to say that we are going to go against the leader who is chosen. Simply put, we feel that revealing ourselves too early may be seen by some as... trying to damage the solidarity of the Mandalorian people. I don't want us to be viewed as a splinter group. We are the Protectors. Our purpose is to secure Manda'yaim and the surrounding Mandalorian territories against invasion from hostile forces."
As more people entered he quietly observed them and their greetings one to another. It was obvious that they had history, whether through familial ties or the bonds of battle. They seemed to be a close knit group which made him wonder momentarily at his inclusion to the Protectors. But his was not to question but to serve his people and their homes.

Glancing curiously through the datapad he noticed plans for defensive installations. Defensive they were, but almost reactively offensive as well. It brought to mind the old saying 'the best defense was a good offense'. And with these plans both would be put into effect.

Looking at Anija as she began to speak he felt the current of emotions coming off of her as she spoke of recent history and loss. He caught a hint of possibly subterfuge, but then it was possibly an omission of plans of sort that he had picked up on. After all, this was the recruitment day of sorts for the Protectors. And everything wouldn't be laid out for everyone on the first day now would it.

Nodding at the code of conduct for the Protectors it didn't seem all to different then what a true mando'ad was already supposed to do. And he had no qualms about that. As for the secrecy about their re-founding he also understood it's purpose. Manda'yaim and their vode needed the Protectors. All would answer the call to the future Mand'alor, but their was a need for them to protect what was already theirs. "I am here to help. And my aliit, my clan, will help in any way we can ner vod."

He took another drink as his green eyes read through the wealth of information stored on the datapad, already seeing the need for bodies in the upcoming days.

Anija Ordo
Arrbi Betna
Ember Rekali
Evi Sohl
Jaden Taacyn
Mia Monroe
Nolan Detta
Olivia Dem'adas
Shaw McKeller
Siobhan Kerrigan
Vilaz Munin
There was something about clandestine groups of political activists meeting in a beer hall that worried Olivia, but for the life of her, she couldn't put her finger on exactly what the reason for that worry might be. None the less, she sat quietly at a nearby table with her true face shown and a bottle of expensive beer resting half empty in front of her. Her audial sensors were fine tuned for this... meeting, and she listened in on the conversations that spread among the group of would-be heroes on Manda'yaim. Even outside of the room, Olivia could hear them clearly.

Did none of them bring de-bugging equipment?
It's like they never even heard of sound-dampeners.

Anija Ordo said:
"We are the Protectors. Our purpose is to secure Manda'yaim and the surrounding Mandalorian territories against invasion from hostile forces."
Olivia sighed quietly before removing her helmet, placing it on her belt, and picking up what remained of her beer. Her metal and leather boots thudded quietly on the floor as she approached their 'secret meeting place' in the back of the beer hall. A few moments later and her thin frame was leaning against the wooden door-frame of their private little room and her eyes locked onto those of the young Ordo girl. "And how exactly do you propose to do that?"
Nolan plopped down in a chair and awaited the meeting to be over he hated sitting and talking. He'd rather be drinking of sleeping or fighting.

He looked to Olivia. "By punching everyone in the mouth if they try and invade our territory. Simple as that. Or throw a frigate up their butts."

He was tired of talking, more actions needed to be taken but these Vod around him were the planners, Nolan was the doer.

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"][member="Olivia Dem'adas"][member="Atin Kandossii"][member="Anija Ordo"][member="Vilaz Munin"][member="Siobhan Kerrigan"][member="Mia Monroe"][member="Evi Sohl"]

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