Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recruitment Day

Evi Sohl

A real smile blossomed across her features, reaching into her lambent crimson gaze. It was the answer she'd expected, but she was pleased that he'd taken some few moments to give it the consideration it deserved. It wasn't merely the front lines of a battle, which they would all step up was something more.

Something like the Protectors was a calling, to some degree, and like anything else, they each needed to find their own reason to serve.

Nodding, E'vi rose from her seat, jacket draped over one arm, her Whyren's in the other hand. "Follow me, then...the meeting's likely already started in one of the back rooms. My dalyc'vod will fill us in." Waiting a moment for him to rise and join her, she led the way down the hall to the room Anija had set aside for them.

Lofting a brow as she approached in time to catch Olivia's comment, she would have retorted herself had Nolan not piped up. She spared him a grin as she brushed by Olivia with a nod by way of greeting, and met everyone's gaze in turn. "Sorry to be late...would you mind giving us a recap of the discussion so far, Anija?" E'vi said as she took a seat, jacket draped over the back of her chair.

Fingers exchanged the Whyren's for the datapad, scrolling through the information available.

| [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] |
| [member="Atin Kandossii"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] |
[member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Atin Kandossii"] | [member="Ember Rekali"] | [member="Evi Sohl"] | [member="Jaden Taacyn"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] | [member="Shaw McKeller"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Anija sighed softly, but found herself grinning at Nolan's comment. She couldn't fault him in the least. She knew most Mandos were people of action. Sure, there was a time to plan and prepare. And every Mandalorian prided themselves on being ready to face whatever came at them. They trained all their lives to face such things. And she could sense Nolan's... impatience. Not in a bad way, really. He wanted to out there facing whatever came at the Mandalorians next.

And that was something Anija well understood. Especially after the events of Coruscant and Empress Teta. Atin's comment caused the budding hope in Anija to soar. It had blossomed before, and it grew until it felt as if it filled the room. She wasn't overly familiar with him. But she could sense his interest, and his resolve. That was something that was sorely needed in these times of uncertainty. Though she was relatively unfamiliar with the man, she could sense his determination.

And then her gaze tracked to the woman who had spoken. Her tone.... almost caustic and accusatory. Challenging. Anija's eyes narrowed. Olivia Dem'adas. Anija had never met the woman in person until now. But she wasn't overly surprised at the reaction. She had considered sending the woman an invitation to join the Protectors, but apparently that message had been forgotten. Shaking her head at herself, Anija chewed at her bottom lip a moment.

The woman had a point. She, like pretty much every other Mandalorian Anija knew was a person of action. That was something Anija understood. She'd read reports of the woman's actions during the battle on Empress Teta. The woman was brilliant when it came to her command of armored elements. She had used her remaining armored units to shore up the Mandalorians' flank. A move that was sorely needed. That alone, as well as the woman's reputation caused Anija's eyes to narrow slightly in thought as she regarded her.

She could vaguely sense the line of Olivia's thoughts and sighed. She had indeed considered bringing debugging and scrambler equipment, but in all honesty, she hadn't much seen the overall need to. Perhaps she should have. Shrugging mentally, Anija looked to E'vi and Vilaz who had just entered before returning her attention to Olivia. "Nolan's got it.... mostly correct..." she allowed with a bit of a grin. "But on a more practical note... the Mandalorians have a sizable Navy. Which we really need to focus towards defense. Betna and I, in consultation with a few others have drafted up plans for defensive installations on Manda'yaim herself, and later to expand out to our borders as well."

"As I said before, our main goal here is to secure and fortify Manda'yaim and the surrounding Mandalorian Territories against incursion. I'm sure none of us want to see a repeat of the attack on Manda'yaim..." As she said this, she looked around at those gathered, making eye contact with each of them. "We have preliminary plans for the first of several installations, including fortification and defensive loadouts. You'll find specifics in the information I gave each of you." She paused for a moment to let all that sink in.

"Now, I want to stress a few things... We are not a 'splinter group'. We are not splitting off from the Mandalorians as a whole. We are reviving an organization whose services and expertise is sorely needed in these times. That being said, I would stress one thing. We are not vigilantes. We are still bound by the resol'nare, and our honor. That is why I have placed such an emphasis on the Code of Conduct. resol'nare above all. Vode and Aliit. Protect what's ours." Her gaze travelled around the room to meet each of theirs once more. "Any questions or concerns..?"

Pa'Kar Sang

There wasn't much to question. The young, flirtatious Mandalorian now had another goal in life outside the bedding of as many women as he could. Through his service with the Protectors...He sought to bring honor back to Clan Ordo. Though he was sure that his relatives would do a much better job at it than he could.

It would be a strange change of pace. Living on Mand'alore instead of bouncing from ship to ship picking up bounties and mercenary gigs as he went. Maybe it would be good for him.

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