Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red and the Horned Beauty (Cross Ikon)


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"Is combing your hair considered crazy?" Rikki joked, lightly raking her fingernails through a couple of Cross's locks.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Totally crazy. I actually mess it up on purpose.... Used to think it'd get me girls when I was a teenager."

I swept my hand through Rikki's hair and winked.

"Unless I'm mistaken, my teenage misconception was just proved correct..."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki smirked. "Maybe. I had the same thinking when I got my lips tattooed." She bit her bottom lip to emphasize the bright red color.
[member="Cross Ikon"]


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
The shuttle was drawing close to the Duchess at this point. Rikki drummed her fingers on Cross's shoulders in anticipation. "I don't think I've been this excited since the day I left to find my own ship," She said happily.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Let's take the scenic route, then."

I piloted the junker through the middle of the double-sized Battle Dragon. Rikki could see all the glory of the blue hull and the cannons everywhere.

"Beautiful, ain't she? Nearly as beautiful as you, I think."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki almost cried at the sight of the ship. "She's so gorgeous. Enough firepower to destroy a star...." Her eyes sparkled like a child receiving gifts on their birthday.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Well, not a star... But something very big, yes. You look so cute with that expression on your face. Like a kid getting an airspeeder...."

I didn't add that it made me want to get her stuff to see that expression again. Then she'd actually make me buy her stuff.



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"What can I say? I like big ships." She shrugged. It was in her blood, after all. Just like a good fight involved a lot of blood and someone dying and/or admitting defeat.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Me too... I can't really pilot a fighter... Handling is just too different from what I was trained in. Plus, bigger ships have more dramatic flair and blah blah."

I realized that Rikki was sitting on my lap, and the little junker wasn't moving.

"Although I enjoy you sitting on me, Rikki, I kinda need to pilot the ship so you can see the inside...."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki smirked, slowly slinking off of his legs. "Apologies, Admiral." She said, childishly sticking her tongue out at him before sitting in the co-pilot chair.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Oh, don't be like that.... Vice Admiral. You can come back and help me pilot the ship into the dock... It is tractor-beam docking, anyway..."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki shrugged. "I'm a bit rusty, to be honest. I haven't flown a ship in a few years. Besides, I like watching you pilot. You're a man that can take control...." She replied. She propped her feet up and folded her arms behind her head.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"That was an invitation, Rikki, not an offer to pilot. We still have about five minutes before the ship docks."

I winked at her.



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Sighing, as if she hadn't wanted to help, she sat properly in her chair and looked at the controls. Her fingers began a familiar routine of pressing buttons and flipping switches, preparing the shuttle for docking. She barely thought about what she was doing. Her body remembered a bit better than her mind did.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Oh, so it's muscle memory, huh? I get it. Been that long since you piloted, then?"

She must've been real glad to be on a big ship again, then. I couldn't imaging being without a ship for more than a week or two.



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki nodded. "A good six years, if I'm remembering right. It was torture at first. But eventually, I got used to it." She flipped a few more switches. "Should be good to go, I think..."
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I grinned at her....

"We were good to go. That control board, there, has no power, Rikki. I told you to come help me land. I didn't mean stay over there."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki blinked a couple times. This was utterly embarrassing. She hadn't even known that the board wasn't working? Any person would've noticed that! She face-palmed herself. "Now you tell me. It really has been too long..." She sighed, and moved over to Cross.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"It's okay... It's not like we were paying much attention."

I grabbed her around the waist again.

"So, what do you think? And don't take the over-aged booze into account... That's for contemplating later."


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