Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red and the Horned Beauty (Cross Ikon)


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"I think you've got a gem, Red. A real diamond in the rough." She reached down and began lightly petting his stubled cheeks.
[member="Cross Ikon"]


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Finally, the craft landed in the hangar bay of the Duchess. Rikki smiled excitedly. "You realize that I'll need a tour. It's a massive ship, and I might get lost on the way to the Admiral's quarters." She said, leaning down and lightly kissing him.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Even if you said no, I'd still give you a tour. Even just of the Admiral's quarters."

I waved at Ogen and Kelli from across the hangar. They walked over.

"You can probably guess which one my brother is... And the other one is Kelli. We picked Kelli up on Hutta, where she was enslaved as a dancer/bodyguard. And Ogen is the only survivor out of my immediate family. The rest of them are in their stasis tubes until we can figure out where to bury them."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki smiled, placing a hand on her hip. "Hello there, Ogen and Kelli. I'm Rik'Tani. Or Rikki, if you like to use nicknames." She shook their hands.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
Ogen grinned.

"So, my big brother hasn't lost his touch.... Hi, ther-"

He was cut short as Kelli very visibly kicked him.

"I'm Kelli. Tactical Officer. And I happen to be dating the red idiot that you're not."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki chuckled. "Pleasure to meet you, Kelli." She peobably would've kicked him, too. "Cross here's showing me around. I'm your new crew member."
[member="Cross Ikon"]
Kelli grinned.

"So you're the new Vice Admiral? I couldn't stand the thought of being in a command like that, so I turned the job down. Good thing he found somebody else to do it. And having a pretty face around might stop him from moping and drinking all the time. Can't hurt."

I threw a withering look at Kelli.

"I was not moping. I was drinking my meals. The mess hall here is terrible."

I turned to Rikki.

"Seriously, Rikki. Never eat from there. The cook's a total nut."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"Noted. No Mess hall." She said. She shrugged at Kelli's comment. "Vice Admiral's fine with me. If it means I get to have a crew again, I'm happy." Rikki smiled.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Well, you have your pick of the ships, Rikki. You could always live on the Duchess but this is my flagship. Ogen, how many of our Dragons actually have more than skeleton crews?"

Ogen looked up.

"I think we have four fully operational, with the other three, including the Duchess, on skeleton crews or less. I suggest you take the Cobalt, Vice Admiral. She's the second fastest of our Dragons, and the only one that has all systems at full power."

I turned to Rikki.

"Sound good? The Cobalt was the first to be refitted and repainted the way the Duchess is. She'd suit you, babe."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki shrugged, and nodded. "Sounds like a beaut'. I'll take her." She said with a grin.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Awesome. Now, let's go find that booze!"

I grinned at Rikki, and gestured towards the nearest elevator.

"Race you, Rikki?"



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki was already sprinting past him, reaching the door in seconds. Yep. The minute the word "booze" was ever mentioned in her vicinity, she'd come running.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I was laughing and running down the hall to the liquor 'closet'. In actuality, the room was huge. A dome-shaped room climate-controlled to keep all the liquor at whatever temperature they taste good in.

I got to the door and stopped running.... Just in time for Rikki to run into me hard enough that I fell down with her on top of me.

"You couldn't wait until we were in my bedroom?"



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki looked around the room for a minute from her place on top of Cross. "Well, now that you mention it, the air is nice in here. Fragrant. And with such a romantic setting that includes endless amounts of alcohol...." She looked down at him, smirking seductively. She began kissing him passionately, weaving her fingers into his hair.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I held Rikki tight while we were kissing. And then I pointed at something I had just noticed...

"Rikki, there's a cask of cognac there that was more than three hundred years old before I had it sent onto the Duchess. I think it deserves some... Freedom, after all this time."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Sighing almost sadly, Rikki got off of Cross and walked over to the cask. She gently removed the cap at the top of the container, and sniffed the liquid inside. she backed away from it almost immediately, swaying a little. "Feth...... You don't even need to drink it to feel hung over."
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Yeah, amazing, isn't it? I tried drinking one of those a couple weeks ago and apparently passed out for a whole day and a half. It's stronger than anything I've ever tasted."

I grinned and grabbed another cask of it. I probably couldn't drink more than a shot. Well, what the hell... I took a sip without swallowing, grabbed Rikki and kissed her.

"How's it taste?"



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
She licked her lips and thought about it. "I feel like the room isn't supposed to be moving so much...." Her eyes glanced in every direction. "But I should probably make sure." She kissed him back, pressing herself against him and wrapping a leg around his thigh.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"I could... carry you, if the room's spinning that much. Of course, I'd need to be holding your other leg for that, too."

I kept on kissing her, and sort of awkwardly picked her up by the back of her knees. She was pretty light, though, so I was able to hold her just fine.


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