Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red and the Horned Beauty (Cross Ikon)


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
She let Cross pick her up, hugging his neck with her arms and is waist with her legs. She leaned down so that her lips were touching his ear. "She's all yours, Admiral." She purred, lightly nibbling his earlobe.
[member="Cross Ikon"]


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"A Galaxy far, far away..." They backed into a wall. Rikki's advances became more and more passionate and heated. Eventually, they slid downward to the floor, and continued. (Fade-to-Black ;) )

Rikki lied entwined with Cross. their clothing served as a thin cushion on the metal floor. Her forehead was gently pressed against his, and her hands were softly resting against his chest. "Sorry for the scratches, love. How bad do you ache?" She whispered warmly.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Scratches? These?"

I pointed to the not-so-small gashes that Rikki had um... burrowed into my chest. They actually weren't anything really crazy...

"It feels like I'm back on Zeltros. But those times scarred worse than this will. You've left a mark on me, and I'm happy you did. If you wanna see some really crazy scratches, I'll tell you why I grew my beard thicker. I used to just have a goatee."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"Oooo. Did the Zeltrons get creative?" Rikki said, placing a couple fingers on Cross's chin.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Very. To this day, it actually hurts to shave my beard down any thinner than this. I tried the day I woke up...."

I grinned and slid my fingers over one of Rikki's horns.

"But I look way better than I did with that cutesy little goatee."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki snuggled closer into Cross's body. "I would've liked you. Even if there was no facial hair at all..." She said, kissing his chin.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I stroked Rikki's horns some more. She seemed to like that.

"But I like my facial hair better this way. That counts, right?"



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"Of course! It accentuates your manliness." Rikki gently rubbed the gashes she had made. "These do as well. You know, my parents always told me that the greatest pleasure was pain. It mostly applies to more... aggressive species though."
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Your parents sound like interesting people. They must've been if you're their daughter. Pleasure is best mixed with a little pain. It's like having sour candy."

I kissed Rikki on the nose.

"And sour candy is my favorite."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki cocked a brow. "I've never actually had sour candy. It sounds interesting, though." Anything a bit uncomfortable piqued her interst. It was how she was raised.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"I left some down here somewhere... Despite my looks, I'm a pretty unhealthy guy. Sour candy, uber-vintage booze, and even cigarras one in a while."

I stroked Rikki's hair and winked at her.

"I left some sours in my bedroom, if you're interested."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki carefully detached herself from Cross and stood up. Her braid fell down her back, the lights shining off of her bare skin. She began reaching down and picking up her clothing. "That sounds lovely," She replied.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I quickly grabbed my clothes, and put them on. The jacket was actually nowhere to be found.... Until I looked at Rikki, who was grinning and wearing my coat. I grinned back at her.

"That's possibly the best thing I've seen all day."

I walked over and hugged her again. Then put my hat on her, leaving me in my black pants and red undershirt.

"You look dangerously sexy, Rikki."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki pulled down the rim of the hat so that only one of her red-orange eyes was peering at him. "I call this, 'The Shrouded Mistress'. Usually pulled it in high-risk situations back then. I was usually pretty convincing."
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"I'd imagine so. You look pretty good."

I laughed a little.

"Get used to it, Rikki. That's gonna be your uniform later. Beskar armorweave and everything."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"Oooo. Does it come with the hat?" She joked. She had a feeling he wouldn't like the idea of his Vice Admiral wearing one of his favorite peices of clothing. Besides, it fit much better with his hair than it did with hers.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"You get a hat... That's not mine. But I'll tell you a secret. I can throw that... And it cuts into most light armor."

I winced as I remembered something.

"I once met a bounty hunter that had a hat like this... Duro named Bane. Threw it at me.... and it hurt like a queen."



Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki winked at him. "Don't worry. I won't be throwing hats your way any time soon." As she said this, she playfully put it back on his head. She then turned and made her way to the door. "Hmm.... Big ship. But I bet I can find your room." With that, she began practically skipping toward the elevator.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"I hope so... Though I wouldn't mind showing you the way again. But you're not beating me to my own room, baby."

I grabbed her waist again before she could get to the elevator. I sort of grabbed her hand and did a funny little spin to get my other hand into hers.

"Why don't we dance to my room instead? I like dancing with you, possibly more than I like kissing you."


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