Meanwhile. . .
The flechette launcher exploded with a ruptorous roar, unloading its impressive payload at a single Twi'lek. Hundreds of razor sharp flechettes sprayed the infochant, too many to dodge. Lysle didn't have to have precision to kill him. All he had to do was fill every square centimeter of air with lethal projectiles. The Twi'lek was easy pickings from the moment he entered Lysle's apartment. Lysle had been quick to pick up the launcher from under his bed frame, take a shoulder against the bathroom door and fire. Ever since Lysle had been running the Ravens, hits had been sent out for his head, and while bounty hunters were eager to locate him - a hard job, even harder when he constantly moved about - but infochants were a nuisance. They were constantly seeping into his life, trying to dig up some information on him. He didn't have qualms with death, nor with disposing of a body, but damn did he hate the fact they kept coming. A waste of life.
He set the launcher down, and he looked a mess. The Lysle people once knew, handsome, well kept, dressed sharply in only the latest trends, was gone. In his place was a down-on-his-luck smuggler, wearing a navy blue gunner's jacket over a loose white t-shirt. His jeans were dirty from what appeared to be freighter fuel, with some thrown in grease for added measure. His boots were surprisingly fashionable, if not for that, anyone, even perhaps Cryax himself, could walk past Lysle and wouldn't recognise him - so long as they kept their eyes from his shoes, he was once more a walking ghost. A nameless face on the galactic scene, just the way he wanted it. Sure, it was all fun and games with the Red Ravens, and he grew into the role, but he could never stay in such a role. He loved Sigourney dearly, but that life just wasn't for him, he wasn't cut out for the leadership type. Now here he was, with a casino in his name, two businesses and royalties coming in like an overflowing dam, but he lived cheap. He liked it cheap, reminded him of Kesh.
He took a seat on his bed, wondering how in the Force's name he would clean up the mess when he heard a faint ting. He knew he turned off his notifications, except for Spook, the rascal was a good friend, but his talents ended there. Sure, he was a crackshot slicer, but he had never met the bloke. He was well and truly an isolationist, and what little information he knew on him, he lived deep underground below Nar Shaddaa, where no one can find him. Not much use to Lysle if he's as hidden as a mouse in a wall. Lysle flicked his wrist over and brought up his datapad, small enough it fit into his palm. He swiped left, and onto his messages.
Hey, I'll keep it short.
There's a message
going across Raven
territory. Thought you
oughta know. I
deciphered it. I
thought maybe it was
morse code, but it's a
number code.
red raven
Also, nice shot.
Spook out."
What the-," Lysle whispered so quietly no one would hear. He wasn't angry or furious, he was confused. He looked around his room and noticed his datapad sitting on a desk that was left on. No doubt Spook had a feed going through it and was watching him. Sure, maybe it was creepy, but at least someone was keeping an eye out for him. "
Oi, what am I supposed to do with this?" Lysle asked at the computer screen, wondering if he would get an answer. Probably not. He couldn't fathom what the encrypted message was about, but he had sleep to catch up on, and a body to dispose. He tilted his head at the message, and thought he saw something. He peered closer, and read out the first letter of each word. Rrum. His mind ticked over, wondering, speculating, and words subconsciously drifted through his head as his brain worked to categorise the sequence of letters;