Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Red Red Wine | [FO] Empty Hex W of Dosuun + [CIS] Ichtor 8

ʜᴏɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ


"You're welcome, ma'am," Dyrn said with a smile, as he stepped back to one side after the jacket had been placed on Lady Fortan. "We are in the open, and the jacket is armorweave. So it serves two purposes."

The Guardsman in plain clothing listened as the Supreme Leader mentioned not expecting such gallantry, and to mention if he got cold, so the jacket could be returned. That wouldn't happen. Dyrn would have given his jacket, and more, to protect his charge even if they had been on Hoth. "And I couldn't allow you to be cold..." He added, as he watched Lady Fortan bend and smell a rather interesting flower. While not well-versed in flora, he could appreciate Lady Fortan's interest, and stood by as he looked down and nodded to her comment of appreciation.

Lady Fortan went on to answer about Naboo. Her words made sense, Dyrn could understand the meaning, about how the planet itself wasn't particularly remarkable over another, but it still somehow held reverence where others didn't. Maybe it was the history, as the Supreme Leader pointed out, or perhaps it was something deeper and less tangible. When several names were named, the Guardsman grunted, especially the infamous Gungan.

"Binks, yes," Dyrn said in a low voice, he gave a wry smirk. "Single-handedly delivered the galaxy into Emperor Palpatine's hands. Certainly a difficult legacy to live with. Still... those events allowed the First Order to be realized, which led to our being here, now. On Naboo, where it all began."

The question about Galidraan remained unanswered, it seemed more rhetorical than anything. Besides which, Lady Fortan had moved forward and discovered another flower that was considerably more beautiful than the previous, with a faint glow. The white petals, with pink venation on them, were pleasant to the eye... however, with a shift in his irises, the Guardsman's bright eyes shifted and changed from blue to orange, as he looked closer. He crouched down, beside Lady Fortan, as he spoke in a low whisper.

"I wish you could see the flower like I do, your Majesty. The surface is beautiful," He glanced toward her, then down to the flower. "But there's so much more going on beyond that, immeasurable depth and complexity. A thousand thousand colors and ranges of pigmentation. The iridescent glow is a hundred different hues, across the color spectrum... the flower reveals more radiance, the closer I look."

Still, when Lady Fortan stood, so did the Guardsman. He straightened his shirt, as he cast a look around the gardens. His eyes remained adjusted on a different visual spectrum, as he considered the flower. He also listened as the Supreme Leader mentioned Dyrn wasn't the only nerd, to which he smiled, before she asked another question that caused the Guard Captain to pause...


"I... don't really know, your Excellence," Dyrn said slowly, as he considered. "I suppose my life was deemed for military service. My father, his father, and his father, and so on were soldiers and officers. Not only for the First Order, but others, too. So my joining the First Imperial Army was just my course, and if I hadn't been selected to become a Royal Guard, I would probably still be serving in the Army proper... or maybe I'd be retired, with a house of ship models to work on."

Dyrn smirked, as he looked to Lady Fortan.

"But fair's fair, your Majesty," He said with a raised eyebrow. "Where would you be, if not the Supreme Leader?"

skin, bone, and arrogance

There was something left unsaid in Dyrn's appraisal of the iridescent orchid, and in that moment Natasi was intensely jealous of his ability to see what he could see -- what she could not. His description was fascinating, but she couldn't really envision it the way he was describing it. What a shame; it sounded beautiful. A thousand thousand colors.

Natasi pulled Dyrn's jacket tighter around her form as they continued along. She absorbed his answer to her question without surprise. He seemed like the kind of man who relished service above self. Natasi felt similarly, though she wasn't so tone-deaf as to suggest that their service was the same or even similar. He risked his life for the benefit of his country, routinely. Even if the Supreme Leader was diligent in her service to the nation, Natasi was in physical danger only rarely, and spent much of her time in comparative safety -- not to mention luxury.

"We are lucky to have you," Natasi murmured, smiling genuinely. She suspected that he was going to ask her the same question, but that didn't help her to have an answer on hand. What was Natasi Fortan without the First Order? If not this country, then what? She shrugged delicately, an enigmatic half-smile crossing her face as she considered. "I thought you might ask that, and I'm not sure what to say. I'm not so conceited as to think that I would be a leader wherever I go. The First Order was a unique occurrence. Like catching lightning in a bottle, the way everything all came together."

They came to a balustrade overlooking a water feature, and Natasi paused there, surveying the area. "Truth be told, if I weren't here I would probably be back home on Galidraan, looking for a husband. Again." She shook her head, smirking. "I suppose without the pressures of leadership I would be free to do as I liked -- within the confines of my gender and class, of . Have more children. Breed and race horses. Join the Galidraani resistance, maybe." Across the water, a broad-winged bird swooped low, gliding in to a landing on the pond. It threw an expanding V in its wake in the water. She was silent for a long moment, contemplating this alternate universe version of herself: bored and pampered and safe but most of all bored.

She half-turned to Dyrn. "Thank goodness neither of us has to worry about that, hm?" she asked. Her fingers brushed across the fabric of Dyrn's tuxedo jacket and she smiled up at him. "I'd say we should go back in but it wouldn't do to overshadow the Grand Moff. This is her triumph. Besides, it's so nice and quiet out here. Might be better to wait until I'm needed. But are you warm enough? I'm sure there are places inside where we can lose ourselves and we can both stay dressed."

Natasi put a gloved hand to her forehead, laughing quietly. "Oh my dear, I really must be more careful with what I say, mustn't I? You know what I mean."



Tags: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Cord Starfall Cord Starfall Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

She took her station near the Lord Commander and her fellow Marshal watching as the others arrived. A Chiss being close on her trial the first of the First Order Knights, her silent gaze observing the man who introduced himself as Matma Bernu Matma Bernu , quite polite if she had to say one thing about him.

The next person, well people to arrive was someone she knew well, a small smile coming to her face as Nine Lives Nine Lives arrived with maple. Though comrades within the Knight the two of them were more family then anything else and had known one another for several centuries "greetings Nine, it is always a pleasure to meet with you again".

She approached the familiar women, wondering weather to give her a hug or simple hand shake, semi leaving it up to her one what to do. "I've been well, mother is remarrying interestingly enough, I've now got a sister in law who is just as young as one of my own children". As the pair swapped greetings her attention shifted away from the others arriving, only shifting her gaze back to the group once Varick Lechner Varick Lechner arrived.

He seemed rather casual about things, a far cry from how the Knights of Ren had operated, perhaps thing had truly changed for the better over that side of space. Even so the number of Obsidians still exceeded that of the First Order, where their rank lacking members? or was not everyone up to this joint ventures?

It would appear that Lechners words about waiting more would come true if todays joint operation was to be much of a success.

ʜᴏɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ


The Guardsman remained beside Lady Fortan, as she looked in thought, always on her right within arms reach. It had become their new normal, the persistent presence of a bodyguard in that position, whether Dyrn or another of the Royal Guard. While the quiet remained, the tall man remained vigilant of the surrounding gardens; he checked pathways ahead, glanced to the fence line, checked behind and otherwise kept his unique eyes moving. His vision constantly shifted through the visual spectrums, as his bright eyes fluctuated in color pattern. A trait unique to his species, an uncommon one at that, but one that proved invaluable when a helmet HUD wasn't available or appropriate.

Another part of him wondered at the Supreme Leader's question. His answer. It had been true, of course, he had no reason to lie. But he couldn't shake the afterthought that - maybe - a simpler life could have been something to want, also. A family, perhaps. A wife, some children. Granted, Dyrn's father had mentioned on numerous occasions how difficult children were to raise and tolerate, so perhaps less children were a preference. One? Two? Either way, the moment had passed, and the answer had been what it had been. Still, when Lady Fortan spoke in response, complimented him, and to his follow up of the same question, he turned his gaze to her and listened.

"I see, very fortuitous then, your Majesty," Dyrn said with a smirk, as he considered the lightning in a bottle comment. As the pair neared a handrail ahead, Dyrn stepped forward and did a check. "Clear. I'm sorry, you were saying, ma'am?"

The Supreme Leader continued, as she mentioned Galidraan, seeking a husband, even having free time and even having more children. And the horses, of course. That seemed like a good life, a fulfilling life, and one that Dyrn could see Lady Fortan enjoying. He couldn't disagree that it would be nice. However, the mention of the Galidraani Resistance did make the Guardsman's eyebrow perk, as he glanced down to his charge and gave an amused expression; perhaps political involvement was simply beyond Natasi Fortan? He wondered how long it would have been, before she took over the operations of the Resistance itself, and improved its function and execution...


Dyrn's peripheral caught sight of movement across the water, he instinctively stepped closer to Lady Fortan, as he went to reach for her. But he paused, as he saw it was a bird that had swooped down, to which he eased back into a more passive protective state.

"In all honesty, ma'am, it sounds like a good life," The Guardsman said after a moment, as he considered her words about it. "Sometimes peaceful and normal is exactly what is needed. Besides, in that alternate reality, I assume we wouldn't have knowledge of the lives we live now, so how would we know the difference?"

The suggestion to re-enter the residence was heard, though until the Supreme Leader actually said she wanted to go inside, the Guardsman would wait. The Grand Moff deserved her audience and accolades, to be sure, and Dyrn could agree that the Supreme Leader would likely take the focus away - she was the Supreme Leader, after all. The question about warmth was met with a nod - "I'm warm, thank you, ma'am." - before Dyrn blinked at the accidental double entendre. His mouth opened, then closed, before he glanced to Lady Fortan and listened to her laugh. Perhaps he was a bit warmer now. "Of course, your Majesty. I wouldn't dare think of taking your meaning any other way..."

Dyrn smirked as he watched the water.

"I meant to ask previously, your Grace, but do you have any particular individuals you wish to speak with?" The Guardsman asked, as he looked back to Lady Fortan, his eyes passing over her fingers that played with the jacket material. "If you do, I can ensure to intercept undesirables and make sure we reach those preferred individuals in a timely manner?" Dyrn raised his eyebrows as he looked over the water, and offered a small shrug. "Though... it is pleasant out here... still, entirely your decision, ma'am. In or out, I'm with you."


Ariel Yvarro


At some point later on in the evening, Ariel was greeted by Darth Metus Darth Metus who greeted both Ariel and her cousin Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan who had presumably come back inside from the gardens. The cool of the room was different to Ariel but she assumed it had to do with the temperature of the room and not her encounter with Lady Valessia. Lady Valessia would quietly stay to the back of the room and watch. Ariel smiled and replied to those she could before ascending to the small platform where she and Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed would be signing the agreement.
"It is a pleasure to meet you both," replied Ariel in reference to meeting John Locke John Locke and Darth Metus Darth Metus . "Perhaps we can talk more after the agreement is signed." She knew that they would talk, after all, there were just a few matters of state that the two nations could agree on, but for now, it was onward toward the big signing. Lady Valessia certainly would note when Natasi had returned and made her way through the crowd to meet with the now-Supreme Leader.
Cameras clicked and reporters pushed their way to the front with photographers in tow. Silence was ushered around the room as the Grand Moff and the Minister of Commerce approached the table and took their seats. Droids arrived on either side of the table where the two sat to present to them the documents that they would sign, and then present a pen. The two would sign the documents exchange them and then sign again, before formally shaking hands to signify the promise of free trade from one nation to the other.
Champagne was popped somewhere in the back. Reporters' microphones could be visible now, drone cameras adjusted overhead as questions were asked to either of the two women. "A momentous occasion, I assure you - this will help both of our peoples. I am happy to say that on behalf of Her Majesty's nation, thank you." A short statement, but it said everything that needed to be said. "Thank you, Minister Creed." Ariel shook the woman's hand again and waited until the cameras were off before standing to her feet.
skin, bone, and arrogance

Natasi shrugged her shoulders delicately.

"I should probably have planned my time better with the Grand Moff's office. I suppose I didn't want to put myself front and center at what was really her triumphant moment. Not did I want to not be here in case she needed me." Natasi's voice faltered a moment and she looked away. A flock of birds had taken off, streaking across the dusk. She shook her head and reached up to smooth her hair carefully with a gloved hand before her arm retreated back under the warmth of Dyrn's jacket. "We'll get better at this," she said quietly. She was sure that she was reassuring herself more than Dyrn; he didn't seem terribly bothered by wandering alone in the garden.

"As far as wanting to speak to anyone, the Vicelord, certainly." She cleared her throat and turned from the vista, taking up a slow pace along the next lane of the garden, careful to keep in proper position relative to her guardsman. "And I know that Lady Valessia -- Creed, she was the last time I knew her, but it has been many years -- she's here." Natasi frowned. Valessia was a mercurial woman. Natasi knew her to be manipulative and scheming. There was a time when they were quite kindred spirits; Natasi didn't know if Valessia had been that good before, or if Natasi had just been that bad. "I wouldn't say that I'd like to meet her, but since it would be unbecoming for me to ask you to eject her or otherwise shove her over the balcony railing, I suppose you can let her through if she approaches."

Valessia's influence over Natasi's cousin was troubling to the Supreme Leader. This was more than a mere personal concern; Natasi had sworn an oath to ensure that her subjects were governed well. A Grand Moff influenced by the values of Valessia Creed was not a fulfilment of that oath in Natasi's view. Still, Natasi's relationship with Ariel was in a delicate stage, and it wouldn't do to offend her. Not unless it became absolutely necessary. She would just keep an eye on it.

"You could really get me in trouble, Dyrn," she said sardonically as she paused to study a bizarre crimson bush, a hint of mischief in her voice. "When we're just talking here together, it's easy to forget I'm supposed to be decorous -- mother of the nation and all."

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The Guardsman listened with a nod. He understood the predicament, he also understood that as Supreme Leader, Lady Fortan sometimes had to outmaneuver contradicting tasks. Like now, where she was obligated to be present at the function, but also remain unobtrusive for the Grand Moff. Truthfully, Dyrn didn't envy his charge, because he had seen in a number of months just how complex the position was, with its public presence and the contrast behind closed doors. Being a bodyguard was simple in comparison: get in front of a blaster bolt or vibrodagger. Easy.

"Of all the times that a fashionably late entrance would have been appropriate, hm?" The Guard Captain said with a smirk, as he watched the flock of birds fly into the air, leaving the water below with splashes. "I will make note to check appearance conflicts in the future, ma'am. Staggered arrivals can be planned, if needed."

As Lady Fortan went on to explain whom she had to meet, Dyrn began to take mental notes. The Vicelord of the CIS made sense, that was a given considering both leaders of two Governments would be in close proximity. The Guardsman looked forward to the chance to see the Vicelord up close, to assess him as it were, and make observations. There was also one Lady Valessia Creed, who from the sound of it, was more a pain than a pack of mynocks on electrical cables, but even more cunning still. There was some unsaid by Lady Fortan, but Dyrn didn't press for information, he knew that she would reveal what was needed as was needed. The pair also began to walk, leaving the water behind...

"There are also many windows, your Majesty," Dyrn said with a wink, in regard to the comment about the balcony throwing, his voice a whisper that only she would hear. "Just say the word, and oops."

As the pair continued along the walkway, the Guardsman kept his face expressionless as Lady Fortan mentioned how she should be, even around him. While it was true that the Supreme Leader should want to maintain a polite and restrained manner, it could also be said that it was equally as beneficial for her to have a chance to relax and let some inner-guards down. And if Dyrn could be trusted to see that side of Lady Fortan? All the better. He quite enjoyed it, truth be told, especially when she was able to simply laugh.

"I would never," Dyrn said in response to the trouble comment. "Unless commanded, of course. Your Grace."

His tone belied the seriousness on his face, as he glanced to her. And while it was enjoyable to have the moment of social reprieve, there still remained some serious considerations to be addressed, to which Dyrn cleared his throat and asked. "Is your bracelet secured, ma'am?" He wanted to double check, even if he knew it was. Caution never hurt anyone. "Also, I do apologize in advance, for any... awkwardness I might cause you, with my cover. Please understand any actions as such, are intended for a reason, and not simply flippancy for the persona."

It was known between the pair that Dyrn was acting under his alias, Vykk Draygo, rather than a Guardsman. The alias had a well crafted credit history, a full credit account, and legitimate holdings in several companies in order to pass scrutiny as a rich entrepreneur who dabbled in high society every so often. Only a very select few remained aware of his true purpose, such as the Grand Moff, and the implication was that Vykk Draygo was - basically - a guest of the Supreme Leader.

"When we begin to meet those who aren't from the First Order, or who don't have high enough clearance in the First Order, I will adopt the persona more frequently throughout the evening as your guest. That said, don't fret the frequency of the beverages I handle, as I will not be drinking most of it, at all.

"And... I believe that is all I can think of, that hasn't already been briefed earlier, if we are to return inside. Shall we, Lady Fortan?"

Then, with a very easy smile, Mr. Draygo offered his left arm for the Supreme Leader to take if she chose to...

I will need the jacket, however, once we near the entry again.


Matma observed the Knights Obsidian trickle through, one at a time, only breaking his silence with a polite "hello" or "the honor is mine". It was apparent that the Imperial Knights would...not be as well represented as their peers, but that was to be unexpected. The number of Knights, while growing, was markedly smaller then the other state-sponsored Force entities across the galaxy, for a variety of reasons.

Quality, however, is quality.

After the trickle slowed to a halt, he cleared his throat. "Sorry to be a bit...abrupt, but perhaps it's time we start this little gathering?"

Varick Lechner Varick Lechner | |[USER=15325]Lunara Azure | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi | Raz Asai'il | Eenia Vahn | Cord Starfall Cord Starfall | Axile Volzap | Luca Ioneşti | Firenne Van-Derveld |Resurgent Narrative | s: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Palm-Imer Palm-Imer |

Anything you say? You might wanna reconsider that...

For but a few precious moments, there was brevity within the confines of the speeder. Though both had earned a plethora of lofty titles, it was nice to be able to be just men. Even for just a moment. In this case, the caution of the Exarch caused a light chuckle to rumble forth from the Vicelord. "You do realize I was raised on Mandalore, right?" he began. "I stopped giving a flying feth about 'healthy' food the day I was born. Corellian it is!" Beaming, Isley led the way out of the vehicle and into the "limelight." The heart of Naboo was their home, the Embassy a promised gift. There was much to discuss and many hands to shake.

And when the Vicelord did his part in greeting old comrades made new, he was greeted by one hell of a sight. Just how long had it been...he couldn't recall exactly. But, when last Isley laid eyes upon his sibling, he had been but a whelp in all things. Barely a Sith, hardly a politician, scarcely a businessman. Oh how time had smiled upon them all. If the demands of the evening were any less than they were, Isley might have embraced her right then and there. But, he showed a modicum of restraint. Rather, he reached out, taking both of her hands in his own. "Dev." he said. "It's been far too long." He gave his sister's hands a light squeeze before releasing them.

He then motioned towards his Exarch with his dominant hand. "John, this is my sister. Dear sister, this is my John."

He afforded himself a light chuckle at the jest.

Whilest he introduced his sibling to the Exarch, the Supreme Leader and her Protector were enjoying a chat. Isley did not pry - for he was satisfied enough with simply seeing his old comrade with his own eyes. The pair made their return into a quieter locale, whilst the Grand Moff made her introduction. The Vicelord greeted her with a kind nod. "The pleasure is all mine." In time, the Grand Moff drew the attention of the media as she strode within the embassy. The formal signing ceremony occurred with not a singular issue. Representing their own interests was the signature of the Minister of Commerce, Alessandra Creed.

In the interim, Isley briefly returned his attention to his sibling. "After all this dies down, swing by Polaris Court for a few? We've quite a bit to catch up on."

He graced her cheek with a parting kiss and set off for the embassy proper. Now that the deal was signed and the photos snapped, there were conversations due to take place. The sort that required a quiet corner, the absence of media, and his utmost attention. The Vicelord and the Exarch would be the first to arrive. The Grand Moff would know beforehand where they would meet. And once behind closed doors, the Vicelord paused to simply shrug off his suit jacket.

"I'd say you and I - we're good neigbors now." he began. "But what of the others in the neighborhood? What are your thoughts?"

It was all too easy to read between the lines.

Quacklord of the Confederacy

Location: Outside the Main Embassy
Tagging: BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo


Beady black eyes stared up out of a small yellow body, that for now was upside down, legs kicking helplessly in the air as the duckling flapped its tiny wings. He had to twist, almost dancing in place before he could roll over onto his stomach, finally looking up at the two droids standing over him. He knew them! He’d seen them before, back at the tall pale lady’s house, they’d been crashing around on the path and had…attacked them. That was it, they’d attacked and he’d valiantly protected the tall lady’s back, it wasn’t that they’d scared him.


Cautiously the duckling nosed forward, his bill pushing along the ground towards the droids arching his body to scramble up to his feet, craning his neck to look around. He could smell something, something tasty inside the building but, it seemed like there was no way in. That gaze swung back to the droids, head tilting to the side as he observed them curiously. When he’d first met them he’d thought that maybe they were agents of the vile worms that were working against the Confederacy…but maybe not. If they were trying to get inside and hadn’t attacked him when he’d managed to find them then they couldn’t be all bad right? Maybe they could make allies to help him on his crusade against the worms.

Though before anything they’d have to find their way inside. The duckling waddled over to the wall, tapping it with his beak, it seemed solid but, that didn’t necessarily mean that there was no way through. Unmindful of the argument going on behind his back he stared at the wall before waddling back to join the droids, head dropping low as he leaned forward conspiratorially.

skin, bone, and arrogance

"Yes, I think we've played enough hooky for one day," said Natasi grimly. "I'd better get back inside before I get stick." She carefully shrugged out of Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav 's jacket and held it out to him. "I'd help you back into it, but I'm afraid I left my stepladder in my other gown."

Thus appropriately clothed, the Supreme Leader and her special guest for the evening, Vykk Draygo, re-entered the embassy. Natasi went to greet Darth Metus Darth Metus , John Locke John Locke and the others. "Vicelord," she said pleasantly, a broad and genuine smile crossing her face. "It's so lovely to see you again after all this time. How well you look! May I introduce my guest, Mr. Vykk Draygo? Now, I believe we have a trade agreement to sign?"

Some time later, the agreement was signed, with ceremonial copies distributed and photos taken, Natasi thanks the Confederacy leadership. "The next time you're out our way," said Natasi to Metus. "I hope you'll stop by. It's too long since we've caught up. What will you be doing the rest of the evening? I'll be making an appearance at the military gala after this."


Delilah Graham


B R I C K by B R I C K
Delilah's eyes narrowed when Isobel mentioned Cierrol Harlow.

She was getting the size of things now. The big pictures, as it were.

"Very well, Isobel. There's a small conference room over there. Shall we?"

Delilah took her drink and led the way, black gown swishing around her ankles. When the two women had entered the room, Delilah shut the door behind her and took a seat in on one of the plush chairs that ringed the small conference table. She took a pack of cigarettes out of her handbag and placed one of the slim rolls between her lips. She offered one to Isobel, who declined as she took her own seat.

"You're unhappy that Harlow is out of the custody of Her Majesty's Penal System, is that right?" Delilah asked, then took a silver lighter from her handbag and lit up her cigarette. She took a drag and then exhaled slowly before fixing her gaze on Isobel. "What business, exactly, do you think it is of yours? It's not up to you to decide the disposition of every inmate. Nor, in fact, is it up to me."

Delilah took another drag. "Harlow is more useful to us outside a prison than in one," she said quietly, her voice matter of fact. "I am aware of your... history with Harlow. But my job is to use what assets I have to the benefit of the First Order. You understand that, don't you, Isobel?"




Walking helped like nothing else seemed to as of late. Kept everything bouncing around in her mind quiet and orderly. Being out here assisting with the patrols in plain clothes would be so much safer than playing with politics or frivolity going on inside the Embassy. Just the thought of it was enough to ruin the beautiful peace offered by the sweeping landscape and architecture in the surrounding area.

As the hours ticked by, the Major managed to separate from the other units of her squad, wandering away in general from minions here on behalf of the Confederacy. With any luck, the night would waste away with nothing of note occurring...


ʜᴏɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ


The Guardsman slipped the jacket back on, then proceeded to follow Lady Fortan into the embassy proper. He couldn't help but smirk at her quip about the stepladder, before he fell into a more casual walk and took another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. He followed the Supreme Leader, largely staying to himself, though offering the odd nod and smile to those he passed. He was accompanying Lady Fortan, after all, so it would be rude to stop and talk to others - not to mention would spread the pair too far.

"Pleasure to meet you both, gents," Dyrn - under the guise of Vykk Draygo - said with a nod to both. "You've put on a great function. No cost spared, right? Hah, well done."

Then it seemed it was time for the trade agreement to be signed, to which Vykk stood off to one side and watched the event take place. He applauded when needed, gathered another glass of bubbly, then proceeded to make his way after Lady Fortan when she was free and walking around again. He stood nearby as Natasi spoke with Metus, and sipped at the champagne when the former mentioned the military gala.

Looks like we're going to the after party. So noted.

So, to stay out of the way, but otherwise mingle, Vykk started light conversation with other function goers around. He maintained a good proximity to Lady Fortan, and casually listened in as she spoke with those nearby...


Jaida Tess




Military Ball
Jaida Tess would have been perfectly happy just to stay in her bunk and catch some rack time at the temporary barracks the Confederacy had given the First Order to use while this friendly summit on Naboo was going on between the two factions. But oh no... her wingmate, Jianna, wanted to go to the military ball being held. Said that it would be a target-rich environment, wink, wink. Yeah, that just meant T.R.O.U.B.L.E in Jaybird's book.

Getting all dolled up wasn't quite this TIE pilot's thing, but Jaida did manage to get a nice sleek-looking high ponytail going. The blonde also applied a bit of blush to accent her high cheekbones, and a single coat of mascara atop her long, dark eyelashes before finishing the look off for the night with a dab of tinted lip balm to keep her lips soft. The Avalonian's motto was simple is best.

Wearing their First Order officer, black starfighter uniforms, J & J as they were nicknamed, entered the ballroom rather fashionably late. And Jaida did have to agree begrudgingly with her friend at least, it was indeed a target-rich environment as her steely blues gazed out over a sea from wall to wall of tall, dark, and handsomes just waiting to be shot down.

"Yeah, I am definitely going to have to get a strong drink to survive this mission, maybe three," Black Eleven smirked to Twelve as they strolled up to the open bar.


TAG: Open for target practice​

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Sor-Jan Xantha

"Wouldn't you agree my good young man?"

The young Anzat had trained his skill and talent in telekinesis over the past six decades in order to prepare himself for riding on the shoulders of a large, questionably sober, Confederate man.

He imagined it was a bit like bull riding.

"I would indeed," the tow-headed youth answered simply, as he glanced off toward the other side of the room. The Supreme Leader and the Vicelord seemed to be engaged in conversation.

With any luck, that was a trade agreement between them. And then Sor-Jan could look forward to a better 864 ABY. And start planning for a better 865 ABY.

"So what's popular in Theed these days?" the youth asked, glancing down at the giant of a man beneath him. "I haven't been to Naboo since..."

Had it been around the time of the Stark Hyperspace Wars? Before? After?

"...well, it's been awhile," the boy conceded finally. No sense getting into the precise length of time. Particularly given that the man seemed to take him for how old he looked, rather than how old he was.

skin, bone, and arrogance

With the pleasantries concluded, the photos taken, and the goodbyes regretfully said, Natasi turned to Dyrn. "I should have a quiet word with the Chief of Mission. A few words of encouragement, etc., before we go." She relayed this desire to a nearby staffer, who nodded and set off straight away. The Supreme Leader glanced at her companion and bodyguard.

"Do you mind?" Natasi asked quietly. They were in a large room filled with people, but she judged that there was no one else within earshot. Part of her suggested that it should have occurred to her to consult Dyrn before committing him to another event that evening. Another part of her chided the first part that she was Supreme Leader, and that there were things which she was obliged to do, and it was part of his job to keep watch as she did. Both of these parts made compelling points, but she didn't want to dwell on it. "We needn't stay long, but I gather the government is expecting me to make an appearance. Cheer the troops, that sort of thing." It wasn't really that much to ask, Natasi thought, even though the whirlwind of the last few weeks weighed on her. Still, these were men and women who routinely put their lives in danger because she, Natasi Fortan, asked them to. It did not seem like a stretch.

Still, when she looked over at Dyrn, her dark eyes tracing the silhouette of his profile, all she really wanted was to talk to him. Not Supreme Leader to Guard Captain or alias, but person to person. Not long now.

Natasi was shown into a conference room and asked Dyrn to wait for her. Natasi asked a favor of the same staffer who had arranged the meeting, who left the room and then returned a few moments later with a rectangular parcel, wrapped efficiently in plain brown paper. A few moments later, the staffer emerged with the same parcel, smoothing over a piece of tape that looked like it had been peeled back. With a polite nod to Dyrn, the staffer then returned to the lobby, disappearing from view of anyone near the conference room.

Within the conference room, Natasi shook hands with the Chief of Mission while the photographer snapped a few more images for the press. "It's been lovely. Do keep up the excellent work, and if there's anything I can do to help you achieve your mission, please don't hesitate to reach out to my office. I'm here to help." The Chief of Mission bowed and walked Natasi to the door, where she turned to Dyrn, all smiles.

"Shall we?"

Isobel Nakano



"He's a murderer, Delilah," said Isobel flatly. "He's a murderer, and a human trafficker, and a drug dealer. He's a thug and a blackmailer and he's a rapist. What part of this sounds like an 'asset to the First Order' to you?"

The younger woman watched the auburn-haired Home Secretary for a reaction, a flinch, even a glimmer of understanding, but there was nothing. Delilah Graham was more than just business-like and efficient, more than just dedicated and practical. She was ruthless. She was icy. Isobel closed her eyes for a moment, remember back to that day. "You told me -- right before you sent me to Yag'dhul, actually -- that some day I would be in your position. The office. The staff. The agents under my control." Her almond eyes opened once more and she stared at Isobel, her gaze penetrating. "And that day that was what I really wanted. To follow in your footsteps."

Isobel crossed her legs, pressing the metal of her FO-SUSPCT between her thighs. It was uncomfortable but she wanted it to be uncomfortable. She wanted the discomfort of knowing that she had a gun and Delilah probably didn't. "But everything you've done since that day... setting me up, burning me. You told me it was so that when I succeeded at my mission it would be all the more impressive. In other words, you lied. Do not interrupt me," Isobel said, dropping her fist on the table between her and Delilah with a thud when it looked like the older woman was going to interject.

"You sent Crane away for years," Isobel went on. "Part of the job, I understand, but you wasted his talent on things anyone else could do to prevent him from threatening your position. You did the same thing to Shepard until the Grand Moff interceded. And all of that I could accept as a brilliant but insecure woman trying to do her best. But this?" She waved to the air, as if Cierrol Harlow was in the room with them. "This is too much."

Isobel rested a hand on the seat, carefully reaching between her thighs to draw the FO-SUSPCT from its holster. She saw with relish how Delilah's breath caught. "Don't worry," Isobel said as she held the gun by the barrel to indicate she had no intention of shooting Graham. "I'd say it's him or me, Delilah, but there really isn't a choice to be made anymore. Whatever he's done to get this deal, he has you now. He'll own you for the rest of your life. You couldn't choose me if it was your dearest ambition in the world. But I can't continue to serve the First Order with this kind of thing going on. It's not worth my time, let alone my life, if you think Harlow is an asset."

She dropped the gun on the table between them. "Consider this my resignation." She turned towards the door before stopping in her tracks and turning back. Isobel placed a delicate hand on the back of the chair she had just been occupying and leaned forward over it slightly, her voice calm and cold. "And Delilah... if I were you I'd think long and hard about burning me. Knowing what I know. Knowing who I know, and what they might know. I hope we understand one another."




Luna had done a lot of things in her time. Some had been dangerous. Some had been extremely reckless and she liked to consider herself a well-rounded being in the galaxy overall. However, this particular little outing hadn’t been something she’d been ready for. How she let Abel talk her into this, she had no idea whatsoever. But as it would seem, he was good at convincing her to do things she wasn’t sure she could. Luna didn't fully understand the lifestyle that was Naboo or any other that didn't require living on a ship.

Not to mention she almost missed having her messy white hair all up in her eyes and face leaving her to feel almost naked; The young woman did her best to be at least somewhat presentable as her usual mop of hair was brushed back a little bit neater. Happy, her astromech droid had harassed her about Naboo changing her and she had quickly reminded him who was the boss.

At least at the moment, Luna was quite thankful that for the moment, both she and Abel found themselves in a corner of the room; the young woman had herself distracted with the other beings in what seemed like their own little galaxies. Her self-control was being tested heavily when it came to partaking in drinks- the social anxiety she felt watching the room full of beings acting as if there was not a worry in the Galaxy along with parties and gatherings not being her thing unless it had been in a Cantina or Spaceport. But she was living a different life, right now; one where she had to learn to try to adapt to. She just really hoped she didn’t have to dance.

Luna wasn’t sure either of them would have any feet left by the time she was done. “What are the odds of you letting me get so drunk that I don’t remember making a fool of myself?” There was a bit of irony there, as she did her best to give one of her usual grins. Considering she did a lot of things that were unconventional, this should have been a rather walk in the spaceport for her. The young woman’s emerald orbs returned to the commotion around her as she tried to make heads or tails of this new little adventure.



wearing: xXx
tag: Var Talon Var Talon

This was just her kind of place, and with everything happening in the galaxy, she needed a little escape. It might have been awkward being out with the ex-boyfriend-now-kinda-friend if she wasn't already a few drinks into the evening. But as it was, Sylvia had had more than a few glasses of whiskey and was enjoying herself. She had always been a party girl, always loved to drink too much and dance the night away, so this place was perfect but, admittedly, it did feel a little strange being out with Var again, but also, it was really nice. It had been too long since they had gone out, or spent time together that wasn't related to a suicide mission.

The last time was... when Larsa was alive. The crew had gotten sloshed in some nightclub, been kicked out and stumbled home at some ungodly hour in the morning. Sylvia remembered waking up with a wicked hangover but also snuggled into his side, so it had been worth it.

With these memories on her mind, she looked across the table at him, a rare smile on her lips. If she had a penny for his thoughts, she'd offer it to him. Sylvia wondered if he was enjoying himself or if it felt weird to be out with her again. Maybe he was starting to second guess the entire evening? She'd never thought like this in the past, when they'd been sweet, when she had eyes for him, and he had eyes for her. The whole damn crew had known how the two of them felt those days - there were no doubts, no questions. Back then there wasn't any drawn-out silences or space between them like there was now. She'd sit at his side, (or in his lap when she wanted attention), and demand to know what was on his mind.

It was different now; it felt like the beginning of their relationship when things had been a little awkward and nerve-wracking, but less spontaneous then it had been then. Her fingers tightened around another glass of whiskey as she polished it off, letting the burn of the alcohol distract her racing thoughts. When she’d lowered the glass, her teeth dragged over her lower lip, and she gave a little laugh. "This used to be the part where I’d make you dance with me, remember?" More then once she'd dragged him onto the dance floor, not given him a choice, used it as an excuse to be close to him but those moments felt like a lifetime ago.
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