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Dominion Red War: Prison of Elders | CIS Dominion of Balis-Baurgh

Eternal Storm



If there had been one thing that the Outer Planest Alliance had been notorious for, it had been the certain level of. . . freedom one could find there. Whether you were a pirate, outlaw, smuggler, or hunter, anything went so long as you didn’t cause too much trouble. Follow those simple rules and the Outer Planets Alliance would in return grant you the mercy of ignorance towards your actions. It was a better deal than pretty much anywhere else in the galaxy, that was to be sure.

But of course, there were always those who did not honor this unspoken code. Those who wanted to, foolishly, make a name for themselves, become a bother to the planets and systems around them. And when they popped up, they were surprisingly swiftly dealt with. The Outer Planets Alliance was a nation of freedom, not a nation of lawlessness and anarchy. They were quickly snuffed out and sent to the only place secure enough to hold them -- the ancient Prison of Elders, an orbital maximum-security facility over the planet of Balis-Baurgh.

The prison dated back to the time of the original Galactic Empire, where it had been a station that served as a symbol of peace and brotherhood for the nations of Balis-Baurgh. But Imperial Agents swiftly infiltrated the station and planet, and it was only a matter of months before Balis-Baurgh was apart of the Empire and the station was remade into a fully-automated prison colony, ran by 4XB Programmer Droids, secured by heavily-armed K5 Enforcer Droids, and maintained primarily by L2 Base Labor Droids. Criminals and political dissidents were thrown into the station alike, most of whom would never see the light of a star again.

The station was so well-automated and self-sustaining that it survived the Gulag Plague and the subsequent plethora of wars that had been waged across the Outer Rim. It had constantly changed hands and had become the dumping ground for whichever nation’s hands it fell into. And over the years, it had become overflowing its maximum capacity from prisoners of every walk of life. Every facility, no matter how secure, had its limits, and the Prison of Elder’s were on the verge of breaking; all it needed was a catalyst for which to activate it.

That came with the dissolution of the Outer Planets Alliance, and the resulting power vacuum. When the news reached the prison, it turned the station into first a riot, then a full-scale prison break, then a war between the former inmates and the remnants of the prison security for control of the station. Some of the prisoners were able to make it to Balis-Baurgh below, which from there they were able to begin plots of crime and destruction anew. In a desperate, final effort to quell the prison’s inmates, Balis-Baurgh has petitioned the Confederacy for aid, promising to swear allegiance to the Southern Systems so long as they quell this criminal threat.

Dive into the Prison of Elders. Exterminate this criminal threat to Balis-Baurgh and the Confederacy. Serve the Southern Systems and win glory for yourself.


  • Your mission is to regain complete control of the Prison of Elders, but this is no easy task. You’ll have to fight hardened inmates, which are already extremely dangerous even when they’re not fighting for their freedom, but that’s not all; the prison has entered into a complete lockdown, and that means that the droid security force will now attempt to exterminate anyone -- anyone -- on sight. Secure a beachhead and fight your way to the central control room, and do not offer mercy to anyone, because they will not give it to you.

  • In the prison break, most stayed to fight their captors. But some escaped to the world of Balis-Baurgh below, on which they went into hiding, beginning new criminal plots and reforging connections with the underworld from which they had been severed. Should the Confederacy admit Balis-Baurgh as a member world, this nest of criminal scum will be inherited as well -- which is why it is crucial that they be eliminated. Scour the streets of Balis-Baurgh’s cities for criminals and round up as many as you can lest they infiltrate the Confederacy itself.

  • In the midst of the prison break, a group of pirates was able to establish a transmission connection with their former mercenary coalition, which is now headed to Balis-Baurgh with a mighty fleet to try and claim the world and its prison-station for themselves. Your mission is to establish an orbital cordon around the planet, preventing any convicts from escaping and destroying the incoming pirate fleet.

  • Even when in the midst of full-on-criminal warfare, Balis-Baurgh is by no means an uninteresting planet. Chart your own story or narrative and explore what Balis-Baurgh has to offer.
Alaria Telwith Alaria Telwith
Alban Roble Alban Roble
Luca Donskoi Luca Donskoi
Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn
Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal
Ar'tal Ktruok Ar'tal Ktruok
A Arisone
Archon Xris Archon Xris
Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor
Aston Jacobs Aston Jacobs
Aya Clarke Aya Clarke
Bastille Rommer Bastille Rommer
Beric Layne Beric Layne
Bentil Mortop Bentil Mortop
Bullwark Bullwark
Caesar Kenway
Cazo Thraos
Corvus Dravere Corvus Dravere
Colton Renth Colton Renth
Corran Watts Corran Watts
Cypher Rage
Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Danielle Mueller
Jayce Pryde Jayce Pryde
Decious Decious
Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf
Easy-G97 Easy-G97
Eli-Mae Forrest Eli-Mae Forrest
Elsasca Selcoc
Melina Suarez Melina Suarez
Fawn Alzi Fawn Alzi
Faye Malvern Faye Malvern
FN-1138 FN-1138
Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
Holt Holt
Hester Shedo Hester Shedo
IG-65A IG-65A
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Jason Farkas
Joannis Campbell Joannis Campbell
John Locke John Locke
Jordar Varcskel
Julra Repraj Julra Repraj
Karlie Lynn Destat Karlie Lynn Destat
Kasca Fen Kasca Fen
Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster
Kayla Wylen Kayla Wylen
Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde
Krystal Krystal
Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi
Kyber Kyber
Lady Moll Lady Moll
Lesya Kosarev Lesya Kosarev
Luna Terrik Luna Terrik
Lyla Quinn Lyla Quinn
Lyra Vent
Maani Maani
Maple Harte Maple Harte
Maria Savilia Maria Savilia
Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Maur Maur
Mila Uhlesifa Mila Uhlesifa
Millu Lee Millu Lee
Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs
Muad Dib Muad Dib
Myrrdin_Emries Myrrdin_Emries
Nimue Nimue
Nine Lives Nine Lives
L LGMForever
Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento
Rabbit Rabbit
Rann Thress Rann Thress
Rayne Centaris
Razelle Breuner Razelle Breuner
Redd Redd
Roy Americus
Ryk Gaelir
Rylan Kordel Rylan Kordel
Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix
The Monster The Monster
Srina Talon Srina Talon
Startorn Startorn
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
Taiia Locke Taiia Locke
Talon Rahl Talon Rahl
Talak Jenste Talak Jenste
Tess Valnora Tess Valnora
Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren
ToKola Bakari ToKola Bakari
Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck
Uxagi Xatash Uxagi Xatash
Valencia Hadley Valencia Hadley
Vanric Dannon Vanric Dannon
Vemric Keldra
Veronika Fleischer Veronika Fleischer
Vess Sadragen Vess Sadragen
Vio Doni
Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali
Kyyrk Kyyrk
Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous
Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
Valeria Valeria Sempronia
Akshae Numek Akshae Numek
Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla
Aria Nox Aria Nox
Aselia Verd Aselia Verd
Garza Garza
Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl
Corvus Dravere Corvus Dravere
Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla
Gaia Sunaris Cadera Gaia Sunaris Cadera
Haastal Haran Haastal Haran
Hinah Dragr
Jerrick Shado
Kale Onara Kale Onara
Kandosii Ka'rta Kandosii Ka'rta
Kar Bakar
Karsan Munin Karsan Munin
Kaz Vizsla
Kelisea Dragr Kelisea Dragr
Kes Stag Kes Stag
Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Loc
Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis
Mig Gred Mig Gred
Miria Tanau Miria Tanau
Obran Obran
Oya Bralor Oya Bralor
Radon Krayt Radon Krayt
Rav Bralor Rav Bralor
Saram Kote Saram Kote
Savant Black Savant Black
Scald Scald
Sinya Ani
Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Talon Richwood
Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla
Yagetaka Yagetaka
Tarre Priest Tarre Priest
Thom Betna Thom Betna
Torrack Torrackstur Torrack Torrackstur
Tristan Ortega
Uriel Kahn
Vaux Gred Vaux Gred
Vren Rook Vren Rook
Zephyr Krayt
Zurin Zurin



Location: Balis-Baurgh, Prison of Elders​
Equipment: Modified Mandalorian Armor, Modified Blaster Pistol​
Nichos Velt huffed a large cloud of smoke as he brushed some of the granules off of his Deathstick. He was perched on top of one of the high towers of the ancient Prison of Elders observing the crowd of prisoners ripping the guard droids apart some by metal pipes others with their bare hands. Taking another drag of his Deathstick, Nichos had to admit that it was impressive seeing the prisoners risk ripping their flesh or breaking their hands to destroy a droid. As a person who was thrown into slammer a few times in his life, Nichos knew how it felt to be cooped up in a cubicle with other violent criminals and destroyer droids with the emotion of a human who had a lobotomy. The anger of knowing that you were robbed of your freedom and the desperation to do anything to get it back.​
Hearing the cheers of jubilation and triumph, a smirk slowly formed on Nichos' face. He could relate to the prisoners and their plight for freedom but they all should've done what he did: Get a job that allowed to skirt the rules for murder. Being a Bounty Hunter was more than just a job for Nichos, It was a way of life. A chance to create chaos and havoc under the guise of plausible deniability many politicians loved to pay a pretty credit to have their rivals taken away and would gladly have guards look the other way while Nichos went and did his thing. It was nice to be on the side of justice one that allowed him to indulge in whatever what the client deemed necessary.​
Right now he was being paid handsomely to quell the riot while the rest of the CIS took care of any stragglers in space. Taking out his Blaster Pistol and dropping his Deathstick below a throaty chuckle escaped Nichos' mouth. "Let's kill these fuckers," he mumbled activating his jetpack leaping off the cliff. Nichos did feel for the people trying to get out of the hellhole they were put in but credits were credits and he was cleared to take them out using any means necessary.​
Which was music to his ears.​
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TAG: Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis | Open

Root out the scum in the underworold.

That was the duty given to him by The Quartermaster The Quartermaster as a Karjr of the Enclave - to hunt down lawlessness to help keep the Confederacy safe. So when news reached their ears of a prison break on Balis-Baurgh and the Confederacy was asked to help round up the prisoners, Vren and his comrades were tasked by the Quartermaster to help.

So he and his fellow Mando'ade made their way to Balis-Baurgh to do that which they do best - hunt down underworld sleemos.


Rocketboots clinked through the evening air as he and his fellow Karjr, Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis , walked through the desolate main street of some rundown town on the planet, his HUD working overtime to take everything in. A few Tookas yowled and scrammed deeper into the alleyways at their approach. To all intents and purposes, the town seemed clear. But Vren knew better.
"It's too quiet. Keep your eyes peeled, Vod." he told his fellow Kytana, still scanning his surroundings.

Movement caught his attention. It was slight - only the drop-back-into-place of a piece of cloth acting as a curtain. But to Vren that was enough. Motioning with two fingers towards the building the movement had come from, he moved forward.
"Let's start a-herdin'." he said. His trigger finger was itching for some action.


Tags: @JOIN IN!


This planet was the embodiment of a chithole.

The Exarch had decided to handle the apprehension of a High-Priority target himself, rather than entrust the duty to the Knight's Obsidian or the Dauntless Commandos. So he'd managed to slip onto the planet of Balis-Baurgh without incident. He did not wear the Sith Armor he had crafted to enhance his grasp over the Dark Side of the Force. Lately he noticed that the Sith Armor was doing him just as much harm as good, perhaps even more. Regardless he paid it little mind, instead he simply opted not to don the armor. Instead he wore an ebony cloak over a simple silken tunic and trousers. He looked quite the stereotype with his cowl drawn down over his head. The less people who noticed him the better. Filth such as these would love the chance to take a shot at an Exarch of The Confederacy. He simply wasn't in the mood for distractions.

In the rather small city he'd landed in, he found himself staring at a durasteel door, seemingly sealed from within. His gloved hand brushed against the metal as he turned up towards a security camera that was placed just above the door. The device began to quake before slowly groaning as it steadily imploded into itself. A ball of curled metal fell to the floor below as Adron's eyes turned back to the durasteel door before him.

He stepped back, exhaling as he pulled the cowl down from over his shoulders.

The target is here, He mused, before looking up at the building before him. It seemed to be some kind of rundown casino or hotel. Either way it didn't seem to be serviceable any longer.

So why does it have power? He mused, turning his eyes back to where the destroyed camera rested on the ground. The Exarch pulled at the tips of his gloves, steadily pulling them off as he scoffed. "Uncivilized monkeys. Always so predictable." He remarked, before turning to the door once more and raising his hands towards the barrier. The Exarch focused on the Force, dipping himself in it's ever-twisting nether and finding the chilling embrace of the Dark Side of the Force. It spurned his anger and fury, drawing it to a central point of focus. It demanded release, screamed at him to the point where it was nearly painful to continue channeling the Dark Side without releasing it's fury. Adron's eyelids slowly closed and he felt the trigger form within his mind. From there it was simple...

A Force repulse bounded from his hands, slamming into the door before him and shattering the metal shields, sending them flying into the casino with a loud clamor. Dust and debris flew about as the Exarch's eyes opened to see the destruction he'd caused. The Sith Lord's amethyst eyes seemed to shimmer in the darkness before he pushed the cloak from his shoulders. He drew his back into a fine stretch, taking a moment to soak himself in the Force. He could sense the confusion and anxiety that fell from those within the building and he couldn't help but chuckle at himself. "Like rats." He muttered, before pulling the lightsaber from his waist. The amethyst blade came to life and the King took a step forward, making his way inside.

"Knock knock."



Tristan Ortega

Tags: | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis | Open
Objective: Patrol


How in all of the worlds did she keep getting pulled into these jobs? This was not her department, this wasn't at all how she lived her life. She was a fighter, worked the circuit like a pro and made her credits there. Bounty jobs here and there provided the extra oomf she needed to live comfortably, but all in all that was pretty much it. But since she had let curiosity get the better of her, this was the new normal. Oh the Enclave had pulled her right in; for a woman who had never really had family or clan? Well, it had been the perfect set up. Though...that didn't explain how she ended up going out on a job with the Karjr...

Tristan sighed as she followed along. At least this was something good they were doing, right? That could only help to stack up her good karma, and she could use plenty of that. She kept her eyes peeled, watching the area as they made their way through. Her HUD was monitoring what her eyes didn't catch, and thus far things were pretty dull. No rioters, no blaster fire, nothing that would constitute as a good time by any means. Just them, wandering the street, and anyone around here being painstakingly aware of it.

Vren's voice caught her attention, and Tris shifted so that she could see around him towards the building he gestured to. "It's about time," she let out in a huff. "Pretty sure I was starting to sleepwalk." An over exaggeration for sure, but the statement was clear enough. It was time for some damn action, something to get the blood pumping. Otherwise Tris was going to find some place to sit soon and take a nap until she was called to action.

The ‘clump clump clump’ of the materialising ships would have made for an impressive sound, had there been anyone to hear them. As it was, the 513 Heavy Attack Line appeared in pristine order, straight from their trials near Thyferra. Having passed the tests, including the somewhat taxing ‘micro-jump’ drills, the hulk of the battlecruiser CNS Al’raja emerged ahead of the rest of the Line, dwarfing the Grievous-class Star Destroyers that sat either side of her. The smaller-still support frigates and cruisers dotted the rear of the capital ship triumvirate, a formidable sight…had anyone been there see them.

High on the bridge of the Al’raja, Commander Verin Oldo smiled, leaning forward, his hands held either side onto the railings above the command deck below. He often did this, a way of thinking of what was to come. The klaxon had sounded the exit from hyperspace, the unrelenting whirl of light that bombarded the eyes of anything organic on the bridge becoming a singular source of agony to many, an irritant to the most experienced of the bridge crew. Any sustained time in hyperspace could induce sickness in inexperienced crewmen and it was a rite of passage to rookies to endure their first session on the Bridge without vomiting or fainting. Oldo pretended not to see them but inwardly smiled, knowing that he himself had endured such a rite thirty years prior. He had not, however, been commanding a Line of the Bassadro Armada, let alone personally commanding a brand new Victator Battlecruiser.

His former flagship, the CNS Exigent, was formed up on the right of the battlecruiser, looking somewhat shrunken next to the vastness of the battlecruiser. It would instill some dread to any enemy combatants who thought to engage this particular portion of the CIS Navy.

“Maintain your approach to the station. Signal the Line to draw up. Flotillas Aurek and Besh to approach in short order, Aurek to take a position between the planet and the station, Besh to take the approach from the hyperlane.”

The exact positioning had already been calculated, accounted, and allocated to the Line, two individual groups of capital ships making their ways to either side of the station. They would provide any necessary capital or fighter support if the situation turned against them. The flotillas, each comprised of one Grievous-class Star Destroyer, one Argente-class Assault Cruiser, two Murkhana-class escort Frigates and three Terrus-class Flak Frigates, began their pincer movement, taking stock of the station and ensuring they did not enter into any proximity that might endanger either the ships or any Confederate forces that would be deployed to it.

The Battle Group was sizable and would likely increase over the coming hours as the situation unfolded. Oldo knew that other naval forces would be deployed and he, as a Commander, would likely act as subordinate to a Marshal or the like. He was used to this. He was one of Kiff’s, afterall.

Various chattered commands called in, each ship navigating their own formations until forming up began to come to an end. Oldo watched his display, each ship appearing as its own callsign on the large holographic map of the immediate area.

Now we wait, Oldo thought to himself.

Now we wait.

Victator-class battlecruiser

CNS Al'raja

Grievous-class Star Destroyer

CNS Exigent
CNS Carrhae White

Argente-class Assault Cruiser

CNS Last Disciple
CNS Shadowrun

Murkhana-class Escort Frigate

CNS Aspis
CNS Cannae
CNS Utica
CNS Capua

Terrus-class Flak Frigate

CNS Akelia
CNS Mormont
CNS Pedestal
CNS Aevala
CNS Sundark
CNS Alisandor

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Tags: Vren Rook Vren Rook Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis Tristan Ortega

Vaux walked the streets slowly. Despite being with a group of fellow Mandos, she wanted to look like she wasn't looking for... every Mandalorian looked like they were looking for someone. Vaux looked around though, listening to Vren before speaking up. "Oh no. Too quiet. Being on the other end of this, people on the run don't act out. They stay quiet." The pilot hadn't even pulled her revolver, waiting for someone to actually show up to do that. If you were to ask her, quiet was good. At least some complete wacko hadn't gotten this far. She looked around again, and nothing stood out.

Then Vren spotted something. Vaux smirked as she pulled her revolver and checking its ammo before looking at the others. Tristan noted that she was about to fall asleep. The pilot chuckled, aiming her pistol. "This'll be interesting for sure."

Kytana had remained quiet as the group patrolled the area her Rangehunter EE-1 carbine rifle hanging at her side. Her HUD was switching through various viewing spectrum's as the group hunted for targets. The streets were quiet to quiet though one might think that normal for targets in hiding, in truth hiding in plan sight or crowds was usually a better way of hiding. It sounded counter intuitive the more eyes on you seems like you would get spotted easier. Truth most beings had had horrible memory and a differing perception of the same events. Ten people will more times than not give ten distinctly different eyewitness accounts. A crowd gave one more camouflage then an empty street, also if push came to shove shields as well.

As Vren motioned with his two fingers in the direction of possible target, Ky the Hapalorian brought up her Rangehunter and peered through the scope in the direction Vren was moving towards. The rifle in her right hand and the barrel resting on her now raised armored left forearm. She motioned for her other squad mates to go ahead of her as she would pull up the rear of the group as they headed in the direction of the sighting.

As they moved forward her HUD switched over to Infrared, she noted two more target movements off to the east of the group. “Pellenedat, abesh, about ehnolan enaabe” Kytana finallu spoke for the first time on this mission giving way to her Hapan accent, which made the ruff Mando’a sound almost elegant and refined rather then ruff and rugged. Kytana’s two fingers on her left hand attached to the arm that was propping up the Barrel of her rifle pointed in the direction she spotted the other two targets.

“Val bat te shaadlar.” The Targets she had spotted where beginning to move. She spun around to face the direction she had spotted them in “Eso! Eso! Eso!” She said as she released that the two other targets where attempting to Flank the group.


“Pellenedat, abesh, about ehnolan enaabe”
[Soft Targets, east, about three hundred Meters.]

“Val bat te shaadlar.”
[They’re on the move]

“Eso! Eso! Eso!”
[Flank! Flank! Flank!]
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Location: Balis-Baurgh, Rebellious Hawk
Time: 2200 Hours
Equipment: Personal XIPHOS armor, BAW-89 Carbine Rifle, Tactical Recon Handgun (2), G-20 Glop Grenade (3), Thermal Detonator (2)
Objective: (1) Establish beachhead (2) Fight to the control room (3) Lock. It. Down.
Tags: | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck | CT-308 Maverick CT-308 Maverick | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jie Tarell | Tegan Farron | Subject 82 Snow | Udrid | Eva Winburn Eva Winburn | Titus Dorn Titus Dorn | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eldin Rake Eldin Rake | Asta Nikola | Blair Vauss | Dreyn Dreyn | Obediah Sharp |

Silently cutting through space, the four Hellspear Frigates containing strike teams from almost every dauntless division started their way toward the floating space station. At the front, leading the diamond formation, was the Rebellious Hawk, flanked by the Paramount and Invictus, with the Vulture bringing up the rear. Within the confines of the hawk’s hanger, functioning as the staging area for the operation, Luna watched as her squads started to get ready to attempt what might be one of their toughest insertions to date. The fully automated station, now turned against them, was only the beginning of what could potentially be a disastrous night.

Even securing a beachhead within the station would be tough within itself. They could have very well decided to instead use boarding pods to punch into the station, but with how spread out they could become, the risks just outweighed the rewards a quick insertion would offer. Instead, they would be taking MAT class dropships into the station’s atmosphere and making their way into the station the more…classical way. Surrounding the Grand Marshal, who had set up a hologram projector near a stack of durosteel boxes, was a number of both commandos and officers, ready for the fina briefing before they plunged into the fire.

“Alright, you all have gotten the basics from your cos. I’m just going to go over this one final time.” The hologram changed to a sideview of the station, a section flashing brightly to draw ones eye to it. “Alpha, Omega, Tau, and Venom will make their way towards the station and secure hanger 2B. That is where we will set up to push farther into the station. From our scans, theres no biological life in that hanger, so we will only be facing the droid resistance.” Now, the hologram changed to a top down view of the station, a red line starting to highlight a route through. It twisted and turned, presumably due to the sections that had been closed off to that point. “Once we have secured the hanger and are reinforced by Delta and Rino squads launching from the Invictus, who will continue to secure the hanger as our exfil point, we will push through the station to the command center. That is where we will get this whole place back on our side. Are there any questions?”

Presumably, there would not be. The men knew the mission, knew the stakes at hand. Any questions that they had left, their co’s would be more happy to answer. They knew Luna had her own squad to get to, so after a few moments of silence, the Grand Marshal nodded toward the group in a goodbye. “I thank whatever gods may be, for your unquenchable souls. Go, and let us live up to our name. First in, last out.” The flurry of activity that soon followed was only kicked off more by the montone voice that boomed over the hanger’s intercom, reminding them that they had less than five minutes til insertion. Luna quickly started toward where the rest of the omega’s stood, put together as the oldest group of commandos that dauntless had seen. Giving them each a nod, they started their final boarding of the dropship, ready to kick off this whole party. Impossible missions were just another day in the office, after all.

Equipment: Vibro ax, armored bodysuit with extra plating, Protosaber, 2x Class AThermal detonators.Anti-material rifle with 3 mags, Heavy pistol with 4 mags.

Ty sat it the squad drop-ship arms folded over his plated chest as they road to the destination. Anti-material rifle over his lap and Protosaber on his hip resting on his skeletal head were his red Berret from a time long forgotten to most his eye sockets giving off a wispy blue glow as he listened to the attempt at the moral lifting speech given to them by some higher up. It was a straightforward plan all things considered however in his experience Once you get to the field things can go fubar pretty quickly. Looking up from the holo map before them Ty decided to ask using his telepathic ability to everyone in the room.

"So before we head in whats your guy's callsigns or do you prefer to give your names?" his blew orbs of light swayed as he looked side to side looking at the group. flipping the switch on his protostar pack to warm it up in case he has to use it. Ty would check his armor gear and weapons one last time before saying. "Oh and please don't let my appearance scare you I'm only mostly dead but ill do my best to make sure you don't end up like me."

Wasn't every day one had to be called in to stop a prison break out. Having to gear up completely in Beskar'kandar. More over, having to bring in other weapons with me so then I could quell this riot. I knew others would be here as well. But splitting up would likely be the best route. Taking all sides and using the confusion of the riot to some how gain control. If that meant breaking a few heads in, then so be it.

I understood this feeling. Wanting to be freed of ones chains. The Sith wanted everything to do with freeing their chains through the force and power over others. However, they tend to just hand their chains over to someone else instead. No, I was a Prisoner of War upon my home planet of Hora for years. Seeing these people like this, I knew that at least some, maybe, would be innocent and were just scapegoats to this. Sacrificial people for the cause. However, that was not my job.

We needed to silence these people. Prevent their escape, and furthermore, get control of the situation so then the big CIS dogs could handle it. Hence why I was asked to join in. While I was not one of their Knights Obsidian, I was part of the Enclave. A group of Mandalorians who worked with the CIS for safety within their borders. All fine by me considering the Sith and Jedi wanted to hunt us down, and others with the NIO were only up for the war.

Standing behind a door, I looked up to the camera system that was looking clearly at me. It was to make sure people didn't get in or out. Tapping my helmet,

"Control, Going in to see about preventing any further break outs. Give me eyes for those droids. I have a feeling they may not like me too much."

Using the Keycard, I opened the door before quickly passing through and closing it. The loud and sudden lock thudding closed almost made me jolt with how heavy it sounded. I has a quick flash to my own life in prison. Years of being tortured for questions I knew no answer to. Shaking my head of such thoughts, I pulled out a blaster, using two hands on the heavy pistol to keep control of the weapon as I moved down the hall. Keeping an eye out for anyone who may jump out, or attempt to ambush any kind of resistance sent by guards or the CIS "Big Brother" force sent in to keep this clean.

Nichos Velt Nichos Velt Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Obediah Sharp




Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik
The briefing was just that, brief. Master Sergeant Sharp, AKA Sergeant Tag had always appreciated that about the Grand Marshal. She kept it clean and concise, unlike some of the hot air bags who worked in High Command. Either way, Tag didn't take a second moment to think of the windbags. Instead, he turned his eyes to the Grand Marshal, snapping to attention as the Dauntless Commander gave her orders of dismissal. "Yes ma'am." He responded with a resounding, yet firm acknowledgement. With that, Sharp took lead of the members of Venom Squad. After the last mission he'd been named Acting Commander of the squad. Something he'd hated, but it was only for a few missions until Titus Dorn Titus Dorn returned from training in the Confederacy's heart.

"Venom. Load up, we're doing final checks in five minutes." He called out to his men sternly. They made their way down the hall of the warship, most of the men checking their armor to ensure it was properly fastened and battle-ready. For Obediah, in moments like this there was only one task he could see too. His hands ran along the pieces of metal that hung from his neck. He counted them silently, without much thought before tucking them down, stuffing them into a plate in his blast-vest.

They were led into their off-loading hanger where a full array of weaponry was provided by the ship's armory. The men went through the methodical task of having their weapons checked out and grabbing a bit of ammo before making their way to their dropships. Sergeant Tag stood, watching the men move about, every now and then gesturing for them to speed up in preparation for the mission start. When the last soldier of his squad had claimed their gear, he turned to the armorer who laid a pre-loaded slugthrower down on the table before him. "Happy huntin' sarge." The man said with a wry smirk.

Tag pulled the helmet from under his arms, slipping it over his head. The off-blue shimmer of the HUD caused him to blink a few times to adjust his eyes to the screen. He took the slugthrower from the counter before taking a small pouch of additional rounds. He started to turn back before looking back to the armorer. "...Might be a double today." He said simply, causing the Armorer to chuckle, before setting an additional pouch of slugs on the counter. "We're happy to serve." Tag nodded, before making his way over to his dropship. "Alright! Let's load up and get ready to move!" He loaded onto the dropship, checking the slugthrower in his hands before settling down into one of the transport seats.

Equipment: LMG, Battle RIfle, Hand cannon w shredder rounds, gen 2 armor, 2 box mags for the LMG and 4 spare mags for the Hand cannon and battle rifle

Frank would Go aboard the ship after the master Sargent, in all honesty, frank thought he'd get a little more time to rest after just getting out from under the knife having to get more of himself replaced and fixed up after the solemn op. "Right behind you MS, hey do me a favor and let me know when the ceiling starts falling k?" frank chuckled from behind his shark face visor. Tapping his arm a few times to calibrate its functions before setting up his hud and checking his gear.




Location: Balis-Baurgh, Hanger 2B
Time: 2210 Hours
Equipment: Personal XIPHOS armor, BAW-89 Carbine Rifle, Tactical Recon Handgun (2), G-20 Glop Grenade (3), Thermal Detonator (2)
Objective: (1) Establish beachhead (2) Fight to the control room (3) Lock. It. Down.
Tags: | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck | CT-308 Maverick CT-308 Maverick | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jie Tarell | Tegan Farron | Subject 82 Snow | Udrid | Eva Winburn Eva Winburn | Titus Dorn Titus Dorn | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eldin Rake Eldin Rake | Asta Nikola | Blair Vauss | Dreyn Dreyn | Obediah Sharp |




The monotone voice rang throughout the hanger as the dropships began to lift off from where they had been fueling, four in total, each carrying one of the four squads. Luna and the Omega’s rode exited the hanger on phoenix one, leading the charge toward their objective. For once, speeding toward an objective didn’t seem to involve much of the other guys shooting at them. It seemingly allowed for a more lanx passengers compartment, as evidenced by the soft chatter among her comrades.

“No no no, listen Diamond,” Dryk, one of the newest members of the squad, spoke motioning toward the commando stood next to him. Diamond, for his sake, didn’t seem too entirely interested in what the greenie had to say. “I’m going to bag more than you. It’s just how the simulations have gone so far. Every single time, I score more droid heads than you. So why did you throw your credits into the pot?” Diamond seemingly turned to look at the other commandos standing around the pair, many of which that had thrown their own credit’s in the pot, who could only just shake their heads and, some, snicker at the newest member’s inability to know what he was getting into.

It wasn’t him that spoke up, however, it was instead Granny, the oldest surviving member of the omegas that hadn’t moved onto commanding their own squads. “Dryk, kid, you’ve got a good head on you. You really think diamond got his name for not having crystal clear aim?” This was seemingly enough to burst the damn for any resistance that the commandos might’ve had, bursting out with chuckles heard throughout the cabin. Even Luna couldn’t help the slight smile that crept across her lips underneath her helmet’s shadow. Better for them to get it out now, and hazing the new guy out of his pay for two weeks would be plenty enough reminder for the rest of his time with the omegas.

She was thankful, however, that there was always a switch in the moment that could be flipped in her squad’s mind. For when the light in the cabin switched from green to red, indicating their decent toward the hanger, any resemblance of the jovial cabin quickly switched to a much more serious one as the commandos began final equipment checks. Work, and duty, was calling.

For the first time during the flight, Luna could feel the dropship shake lightly from the incoming blaster fire from inside the hanger, though most of it sounded like it was bouncing harmlessly off the ships shields. The biggest shake of the ship came from it settling against the durosteel hanger floor, moments before the sides of the ship began to open up. Immediately as they did, blaster bolts slammed into the unopened side from the opening, forcing those in it’s way to take one step back. “Push through quickly, find cover!!”

As soon as the doors were open wide enough for them to push through, omega squad stormed out of the dropship, finding cover almost the moment their boots hit the floor in the form of durosteel crates strewn throughout. Despite their quick exit, however, the sounds of two of her men catching a bolt echoed through her comms, forcing their brothers to quickly help them to the cover. The hanger was a kill zone, with droids taking cover themselves throughout and a pair of E-Webs using the catwalk above to create a crossfire. Blank, one of the squad’s two medics, made his way quickly over to where to where Sparrow and Joker laid up against a overturned crate, Granny providing covering fire beside them.

The experienced commando only took a few looks at the pair of injured man to make his mind, quickly relaying what information he had to the squad lead. “Omega lead, Sparrow will be alright. Took a shot to the thigh. Joker..joker’s hurt. Bolt hit his helmet, melted through. I’ll do what I can.” Luna grunted out a response, allowing the situation to press through her mind. With the other squads now beginning their own descents, it wouldn’t take much to press through and secure the hanger. All that she could hope for was minimal injuries while they did so.


Obediah Sharp




There was a brief quake that rocked the ship as it began it's departure out of the hangar. Tag leaned forward, slamming a hand over the console to seal the troop compartment. The men in his squad took their seats, with Frank Sterling Frank Sterling settling in the seat next to the Master Sergeant. When he heard the Corporal's words Sharp couldn't help but snort at what he'd said. "If i gotta tell you when a ceiling is coming down then you might need some alertness training." He said, causing a few chuckles to erupt through the compartment. The trip departing their transport was brief and for most of the journey everything was quiet. Of course some members of Venom were chattering, talking about their women, their men, their credits, or their latest stupid hobby. The before battle chatter was always the same. It was usually on stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with the Op.

We're enterin' the hangar, commandos!" A voice called out from the cockpit, causing Tag to stand up from his seat. The moment he stood up there was a faint slap that hit the side of the shuttle. Again and again the slaps could be heard, the team would recognize it for what it was, blaster fire. Tag brought his scattergun into his hands while looking to his men. "Ok, team one push out. Team two wait for us to clear and then join the fun. Let's go get some!" He called out before slapping the side of the shuttle where the console was. The troop door opened with a hiss and Tag immediately jumped out. The shuttle remained a few feet over the hangar floor. The moment Tag set foot in the hangar he could read the situation.

The enemy had dug in deep. Tag could see the other Dauntless squads assaulting forward, however there were already talks of casualties over the comm. It didn't cause him a moment of pause.

"Team one let's move up! Team two provide some cover fire!" Keeping his head low, Tag moved forward, finally finding a supply crate a few meters from their drop point. Once the first half of Venom found lateral cover beside him, he yelled out. "Team one, lay down that damn cover fire!" He yelled, before turning his eyes to the sight before him. He had heard a heavy-repeating blaster but he hadn't been able to put eyes on it until that moment. Up on the catwalk, two E-web turrets were slicing through their defensive positions.

The Master Sergeant didn't hesitate, he turned to Frank Sterling Frank Sterling and gestured towards the E-Web. "
Get a detonator on that gun!"

While Frank dispatched one of the E-Web's and Venom laid down more suppression fire, Tag linked his comm to Luna Terrik Luna Terrik , his tone speaking for itself. "Command, what the fuck?! There wasn't any mention of heavy defense weapons in the briefing, where the hell did they get E-web's?!" He didn't call just to queen to the Marshal however. "Venom's in position and ready to push forward on your mark, Marshal!" He called to the woman through the comm.

Frank chuckled at the comeback before retorting "smartass" to the Master Sargent. Enjoying the small banter between squadmates a good sign that no one was stressed before the battle. Frank shook his head at some of the most ridiculous hobbies these men had before the master Sargent called out to get their attention. The sound of blaster fire hitting the hull of their ship was expected. "these droid sure are giving it everything they got huh." Frank asked to no one in particular.

as those doors opened up the true battle was about to start as they began to push insure we had managed to get a beachhead but by the looks of things we were losing guys as well taking some bursts with his LMG as he moved up next to Tag, It wasn't long before he noticed the problem as well. "It'll be done." was all frank uttered before making his way to get a better line on that E-web. Why was it today Frank forgot to bring and nades no one knows.

After checking his ammo Frank would pop up and send a hail of hateful lead downrange emptying a quarter of his boxing before his shots found their mark rupturing the powerpack and causing the gun to detonate on its gunner Frank did take a few dings to his chest armor but do to the extra plating and the craftsmanship of the Gen 2 armor all that was done was some scorching of the actual armor and the destruction of the extra plating. "E web is Down Tag!" frank said over coms. before moving to regroup with the rest of the venom squad.



TAG: Tristan Ortega | Vaux Gred Vaux Gred | Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis | Steven Stevenson Steven Stevenson | Open

Everything happened at the same time.

One moment Tristan and Vaux were still complaining about the quiet and the next things started to go to haran in a handbasket. He had just started moving, when Kytana spotted more movement to their flank. He acted quickly.
"Ortega! On me to the buidling! Vaux with Horizonis to the flank! Move!" he ordered through the comms. At the same instance, he drew one of his pistols and started moving to the building.

Luckily the door opened with a hiss. Vren didn't feel like wasting a detonator just to get inside. His HUD had switched to infrared as they entered. It picked up a few huddled groups in different rooms. He paid them little attention, as it was clear they tried making themselves as small as possible. What caught his attention was bodies moving around upstairs.

He motioned for Tristan to move with him as he made for the stairs, blaster at the ready. Once upstairs, he made for the room the movement was in, but before they could open the door, a voice shouted from inside.
"You come through that door and I'll blow this fool's head off!"
Vren looked at his fellow Mando'ade through his helmet. "Let's have some fun." he told her, the smile apparent in his voice as he changed the setting on his pistol to stun.

He made a movement for the door to open while still slightly standing to the side. Peeking in, he swiftly located the target that had a blaster trained on a very unimpressive little man ( Steven Stevenson Steven Stevenson ). Vren did not hesitate, however and sent a blue ring at the criminal. Two other blasters then lit up in the Mandalorians' direction that were out of Vren's direct line of sight.



Vemric Keldra



TAG: Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Open

Finally some diversity in movement.

His personnel have grown placid on their patrols. With only slight apprehensions here and there, they have started to drop standards in his eyes. That made him ornery. So when the order to deploy to Balis-Baurgh, Vemric took a sizeable portion of his fleet to move with him. It would be good practice for them.

During the short hyperjump, Vemric was going over the briefing with his commanders. It was quite simple - settle a blockade and prevent any escape nor entrance of any enemy craft.
"We will be meeting up with Commander Oldo who will be representing High Marshal Brayde from Bassadro. I expect a complete compliment from you. Am I clear?" he asked their holo-projections in an almost tone.
"It will be done, Admiral." came the almost unanimous answer.
"Well done. Now, upon arrival, the Requiem will be positioned next to the station along with the Al'raja. I expect a flawless firing line by the Furor, Liberty, Genesis and Revenant. An intermittent attack line of the Corvettes will be formed to compliment each battle-cruiser. Have your star and droid fighters ready for launch upon signal. I will not go over this again. See to it that it is done and done right." he then told them, submitting the formation to their panels. He waited for their confirmations before disconnecting.

They blipped into the system, one after the other, and made their way to the planet and the infamous station where Oldo's ships were already formed up in perfect order. Vemric was almost impressed. This man was one of very few naval officers that managed to limit the eyebrow raises from the Sephi.
"Patch me through to the Al'raja." he told the droid at the comms.
"Ah...yes Admiral." its monotone vocalisation said as it pressed a few buttons.
"Commander Oldo, I commend you on your line. There is hope for those coming from Arkanis yet. Now, I'm sending through our formation. May we contain these criminals." he said aloofly over the comms.

His ships formed up as instructed and fast enough to prevent their Admiral from turning his icy, sarcastic ire on them. Vemric stood on the bridge, hands behind his back, looking out into the blackness of the Galaxy.

The idle hanging in space did not last too long, before the sensors made alarm.
"Report, Miles!" he ordered his Lieutenant without turning around.
"Numerous unidentified craft coming out of hyperspace, Sir." Miles said, hanging over the droid that received the data.
"All hands to stations. Send the order - ready to fire on my command." Vemric said, still facing the viewport.
The order was just given when the first unmarked frigate blipped into view.

CNS Requiem

4x Battle cruisers:
CNS Royal Furor
CNS Liberty
CNS Genesis
CNS Revenant

6x Corvettes:
CNS Galaxy's Harbinger
CNS Euphoria
CNS Marauder
CNS Prophet
CNS Judgement
CNS Huntress

Biological and droid starfigher squadrons to compliment each



Tags: | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | Tyran Numeck Tyran Numeck | CT-308 Maverick CT-308 Maverick | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Jie Tarell | Tegan Farron | Subject 82 Snow | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Eva Winburn Eva Winburn | Titus Dorn Titus Dorn | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eldin Rake Eldin Rake | Asta Nikola | Blair Vauss | Dreyn Dreyn | Obediah Sharp |

Udrid rushed out with his fellows the moment the dropship’s doors opened, his black armor gave him the protection he needed against the inbound blaster fire. His own rifle lit up after taking swift and deadly aim, each burst hitting an enemy soldier as he followed his commander into battle. A comrade fell, and the medics reached them, he had to press on. He continued to fire until he reached cover, as the command had been given, and began to shoot from behind whatnot was essentially a mound of earth.

It was fun in a way, the exhilaration of being in such a situation, where nothing mattered save who was stronger, who was better. The bolts flew, and the answering bolts were launched, people died and droids dropped. Droids, they were basic, not useful for anything other than the usual faceoff, and even then they were mediocre. They couldn’t think, so they were lesser. That’s why he and his fellows were there, to do the job that a droid could not.


Tags: Vren Rook Vren Rook Kytana Horizonis Kytana Horizonis Tristan Ortega

Vaux looked at Vren, nodding before pulling her PS-1, leaving her revolver for later, and quickly looked to Kytana before speaking up in Concordian Mando'a. "Let's move before they get away!" Vaux was quick to move after that. She may've been a pilot, but there was a reason she was a Karjr. She quickly ran around, telling someone to duck behind her before firing a scatter of mini-particle bolts before looking at her current partner.

"Think I missed. Kark it!" She slung her shotgun over her shoulder and pulled her Trayc'kal revolver, looking around for where the criminals went. She spotted one, quickly getting up to chase them down, and fired off a blue ring. It missed again. This one was wily. She quickly tried to fire a cable at the crook, just able to wrap one leg.

"Gah! Get them! Get them!." Vaux gripped her arm, wrestling with the cable.


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