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Approved Tech 'Redoubt' Personal Shield Generator

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  • Classification: Multi-Layered Shield Generator
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy (Including Disruption) - Extreme
    • Lightsabers - Extreme
    • Kinetic - Extreme
    • Other:
      • EMP/Ion - Very High
      • Acid - None
      • Radiation - Very High
      • Electricity - Very High
      • Temperature Extremes / Elemental - Very High
      • Sonic - None
      • Vacuum - None
      • Biological - None
      • The Force - None
  • Shield is modified with components stemming from the Svalinn Shield Generator, and thus,
    • "Projects a hardened energized shell of particles that provide a wide array of protections from energy and kinetics, to lightsabers, to radiation and other normalized forms of energy found in various environments, hazardous or not. This allows for the shield to offer a wide protection base."
    • "Allows for advanced control to the user to allow for shields to be focused on areas under attack, expected avenues of attack, or custom specific projections like projecting a shield wall or concentrated frontal wrist mounted shield. This allows for extreme flexibility and the ability to have a user of this to be able to generate protective barriers to protect other friendlies."
    • "Form the most aerodynamic form or otherwise most fluid dynamic shape... this allows for users to gain great maneuverability when speed is the most necessary attribute in either environment."
  • However, the Shield itself is of Samuel's design, offering some added protections and features.
  • The Shield is Multi-Layered:
    • Notably with a Model 88 Electric Shield. The shield intakes energy signatures, dispersing it safely across the shield and grounding it. Thanks to this base, it's been made to do this for a variety of energy, including the nonharmonic bolts that originate from Disruptor technology. This idea is similar to that of the S-30 Retention System, and Samuel believes it was the original idea Jaeger took from.
    • An Ion Shield that offers more protection against EMP/Ion than conventional shielding systems. By the nature of EMP/Ion weaponry to disrupt such apparatuses, a sustained enough assault could likely overwhelm it, but the added protection is there should the need arise.
  • Almost designed to be connected to other systems. Thanks to the advanced Omnisiah Processors installed, it has astounding computing power. With something like Droid Brain or Neural Link, the Shield can easily be automated with great precision, projecting shields in such a way as to minimize impact or deflect/block in such a way it almost felt like a lightsaber wielder was doing it. While it was good at doing so before, the modifications from the Svalinn Generator allowed such systems to exercise an even greater level of control in doing so. If connected to such systems, the generator wouldn't need to be constantly on to be in use, instead simply watching through passive sensors and being activated on a dime in a point-defense manner.
  • Bulwark: The generator is very powerful, "designed to take a lot of punishment from each of the damage types built in. This is why the shield is able to shunt its power into projecting protective barriers, bubbles, or even making smaller protective sections that are strong enough to even the strongest of penetrating rounds. If you need something that's stupid level tough, and extremely reliable, look no further." It offers all the ideal aspects an individual like Sam would be looking for, and thanks to the base shield that the components were added to, its slightly more effective at this.
  • Versatile: "This shield system has a wide protection base especially when compared to standard shields on the market today. This allows this shield to cover a wide variety of damage types and adapt to not only a variety of environments but also even allow it to work underwater. This allows for this shield to adapt to multiple environments and still offer a premium protection." Jack-of-all-trades is something Samuel always values, and thus, he took a shining to it.
  • Reflex: If connected to passive systems that could accommodate it, the shield could automatically activate in a point-defense style, defending against incoming threats even when the generator was not previously activated. With the processing power it has and an accompanying droid brain, it could even learn what threats to defend against on its own and adapt. This includes melee combat, as rowdy patrons often found themselves throwing punches only to be found stopped by the shield.
  • Ion/EMP: Even with all the added protections against ionic and EMP weaponry, what with the Ion Shield and base reinforcements, a heavily sustained assault could still make it falter. Such weapons are by nature, anti-technology.
  • Slower moving shots/weapons go right through: As with most deflector-based shielding technology, it mostly judges threats based on whether it's going at a harmful speed. If you were to move slow enough, you could pass through the shielding. It can't filter air or the atmosphere, either.
  • Field Disruptors: While they will likely struggle to pierce the shield, they are specifically designed to circumvent shields, so with enough time, they probably could. Though why would want to get that close to do that is beyond me.
  • Acid: The shield doesn't stop acid for a variety of reasons, and it is on the user to ensure that they stay out of reach of acid spewing weapons. However, acid laced slugs or some sort of acid laced energy weapon will still be stopped by the shield.
  • Sonic: It's difficult to block sound, especially when it's an energy-projected shield. At most, it can disrupt plasmatic shells that sometimes encase sonic energy and thus prevent more devastating injuries if one were to be hit by the contained blast, but won't be able to filter out hazardous sound itself.
  • No Cloaking: Shield generators tend to cause problems with cloaking devices or stealth systems of any kind, so you can't use both at the same time.

In his line of work, Samuel's original armor was only ever pierced on one occasion. To say the least, he redoubled his efforts and he was given a sense of vulnerability from it. When you already have a good set of armor, the next logical step in personal protection is to get a personal energy shield of some kind. For a while, all Samuel had the need for was a simple personal energy shield and it worked out for the most part - it took the hits, he didn't. Until assassins started getting smarter, and disruptors, and slugs became more prevalent in the line of work.

So he had to incorporate more than defenses against energy weapons. Kinetics were a big issue, as select assassins favored the use of Verpine Sniper Rifles. Terrorist attacks were more prevalent due to rising tensions, so he had to be ready to face off against makeshift bombs or thermal detonators - and all the elemental stuff in-between. Then power was an issue, so he had to make it so that it wasn't constantly on due to his paranoia. Ultimately, it was just issue-after-issue that eventually made the shield generator into a bulwark of immense proportion that tended to dwarf even his armor. It proved its value when it was used to stop an assassination with ease against a high-caliber sniper rifle. It also saved him from decapitation against an ill-timed lightsaber throw.

When he had met Ela, he could not help but to make a second one of similar design to give to her, so that she could enjoy similar protections to him. He was not always there for her, and it was when he wasn't that caused him great worry - thus, he hoped this could provide assistance instead in his stead should the need arise.

Eventually new inspiration struck after his discovery of markets previously unknown to him, and a particular shield generator was already similar to his, so he 'borrowed' a few concepts while rectifying what weaknesses he can. The most important feature, being its ability to project itself - something he had always wished to be able to do, only now finally being able to do so with his discovery of the older technology by Freebirds. He feels Ela, equally, will be delighted to know of this development, due to their occasional tendencies in previous fights.

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