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Reduced activity

Going to the US in a few days which is a...20~ish hours for me. Family gatherings, seeing friends and other pre-travel poodoo is filling up my schedule so there will be less time for me on Chaos. Expect a normal rate of activity by the weekend. If not the weekend, then the upcoming Monday.

Good thing about all this is - I will finally be in the same timezone as most of you folks!
[member="Zef Halo"]

Have fun visiting the US and don't let the fallout from the fireworks burn you :)

Here's a few tips:
  • Avoid most of the sweet tea available in the Northern half of the country. Most Northerners don't seem to understand the concept of putting the sugar in when the tea is hot, and then chilling it. Instead they put it in when the tea is already cold, and the sugar doesn't dissolve, and it's gross. If you want sweet tea in the North, ya gotta make it yourself.
  • If you like coffee or tea, check out some of the smaller cafes you can find. Most of the more populated areas will have some damn good places that aren't very expensive. If you can't find one, feel free to settle for Starbucks. I can't vouch for anywhere but the Northwest, but in big cities, you can probably find a Starbucks on almost every block. Seriously, Seattle is at least 25% coffee shops.
  • Should you end up going on a long drive, try to take some time to appreciate or look at the things you pass by. There are a lot of cities in the US that were founded because of roadside tourism. Some of them are still pretty damn neat, especially along the Southern area, and you can find a lot of interesting things there.
  • Never, ever, ever stop in Rittzville (or however you spell it), Washington. I hate that city with a passion. It's not even a city, really. More of a depressing rest stop where all ten of its citizens work three jobs- one at the McDonald's, one at the hotel, and one at the gas station. If you must even approach it, which you might have to if you travel through the western part of my home state, just keep on driving, just drive right though the city. Which isn't hard, really, since a main road goes directly through the middle of the 'town'.
  • If you happen to be in the middle of the woods and hear a woman screaming, be careful, as Mountain Lions 'n Cougars can make noises that sound like a woman screaming. A lot of hikers have made the mistake of trying to save the damsels in distress to, in the end, become damsels in dead-stress.
  • Never talk politics or religion in public. Kinda a given, but still, I've seen enough people make the mistake.
  • Please don't mind the fireworks. People set them off during all of July, and really don't mind breaking all laws relating to fireworks. Because patriotism?
  • Don't get eaten by bears. It's not good for your health.
  • Watch out for scammers. Don't fall for it, the watch is not a good watch.
  • Try to visit at least one dog park (if you like dogs). Because dogs are great. I mean, you won't find anything out of the ordinary in American dog parks. But you will find dogs, and dogs are great, no matter what country they're in. Because dogs.
  • I've officially ran out of ideas for jokes and 'jokes'.
  • Wait, actually, one more:
  • Should anyone give you the side-eye for any reason, pretend to be a normal American citizen by yelling loudly about "dem sports teams", shouting "Murica, eff yeah", and singing something that vaguely sounds like a national anthem in the drunkest-sounding voice you can manage.


Artemis Vahl'Nyx said:
Avoid most of the sweet tea available in the Northern half of the country. Most Northerners don't seem to understand the concept of putting the sugar in when the tea is hot, and then chilling it. Instead they put it in when the tea is already cold, and the sugar doesn't dissolve, and it's gross. If you want sweet tea in the North, ya gotta make it yourself.

As a Northerner I represent that statement.
Krest said:
As a Northerner I represent that statement.
As a Northerner, I have tasted the many failings of the average cup of Northern Sweet Tea. But as a Northerner, I, as the North itself, remember. I remember the taste of true sweet tea. The kind once given to me during a trip South. I will never forget it's superior flavor.
Artemis Vahl'Nyx said:
Avoid most of the sweet tea available in the Northern half of the country. Most Northerners don't seem to understand the concept of putting the sugar in when the tea is hot, and then chilling it. Instead they put it in when the tea is already cold, and the sugar doesn't dissolve, and it's gross. If you want sweet tea in the North, ya gotta make it yourself.
We northerners drink our tea black and bitter, like our souls.

Go Yankees

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