Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Refresh me, please.

I believe the Brotherhood of the Maw is supposed to have collapsed after the annihilation of Exegol, so there's an explanation for that which the faction came up with. Otherwise I prefer to keep it vague. Maybe hinting at rebellions and unrest coming to a head across the galaxy, resulting in the old majors collapsing (or at least losing much of their power and influence).
No major ic reason was given by staff for it all, so that's up to the factions to decide. A fair amount have already done storylines exploring why they decreased in power, and a fair amount are still on going. I'm sure someone will be able to give you a far better run down of that than I can.
The Great Poofening.

What are our excuses/IC Explanations? A Nether event Thanos Snapping everyone? Government collapses and Rebellions?

Most of them fell inactive over the course of the past year, Staff just kept prolonging their demise. I agree with the overall sentiment that the influence the clouds portrayed over those planets STILL exists, it's just not nearly enough as it once was to project the physical representation of that cloud on the map.

As vacant as even I feel for the lack of explanation, I personally think it's the best course to let the writers - if still present - to define how that weakening happened. Otherwise, Ozymandias.


The Great Poofening.

What are our excuses/IC Explanations? A Nether event Thanos Snapping everyone? Government collapses and Rebellions?
Regarding the Maw: The Annihilation of Exegol consists of the deaths of several key leaders in the brotherhood, being both the Dark Voice and the leader of the knights of Ren/Wrath of the Maw as well as others, along with the destruction of their capital planet and one of their last organized strongholds - there may be various war lords left over, but to the same effect of war lords left behind by the fallen Galactic Empire after Palpatine and the chain of command died. In essence, there is no unified "brotherhood of the Maw" left (and it had been intended to be the case for over a year at this point, the "poofening" just happened to happen when it did.)
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Sethrak Sethrak

About the EE, the Maw defeated us at the Panatha Annihilation and forced the Eternal Empire to destroy the planet to save the rest of the Unknown Region (however Kyrel wiped out everyone on the planet, he ate them) and they captured Ingrid too. After this, in the narrative the Maw remained in the EE space till the Empire crumbled and fell apart in the Empress' absence.

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