The End Narrator
[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]Jorus Merrill said:Custodianship of the Jedi Order Library Card network's command codes, and physical custodianship of the Great Holocron, Codex of Tython, and Tionne's Holocron, were recently given to [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] as a prize for winning a Weekend Treasure Hunt/short story contest. I'll leave it to him to proceed according to the new rules, as I don't see any provision for me to formally vouch for him. I will not be claiming these materials.
However, I'd like to request that items given into Jorus' temporary stewardship by specific individuals be claimable by those individuals. Specifically, [member="Aaralyn Gyndar"], for the following item:
Yoda Holocron | Jedi Order Library Card Network (Secured by Jorus Merrill) | N/A | Obtained from Aaralyn Gyndar (Rekali) | Aaralyn Gyndar (Rekali) gave it to her former Grandmaster, who was caught - returned it to Jorus Merrill shortly after for all Jedi to use.
As that writer has claimed several items, I do not know which ones he will choose to claim.
People have 30 days from the posting of this announcement to claim an item they want grandfathered in from the previous ones.Lord Ajihad said:[member="Cira"]
There's an item I've been looking at (The Oracle Stone). It says it has been claimed on the previous list, but not the list in this thread. Am I correct to assume that given it is not listed in this thread, I am free to claim it with an appropriate dev thread?
FAQ:Darth Pikiran said:Aaaah. So for grandfathered, we still post a sub correct? Would I need another dev if the original threads were lost for my cannons?
Darth Pikiran said:Name of Item: Kallig's Scorching Lightsaber Link to Approved Factory Submission: Grandfathered Any Misc Information: I am willing to have it be claimed by another, but you must have a good enough reason IC to know Damien has it. PM for details. Also, I am unsure how to handle Kallig's. All the way back to the very first list I had told them Damien possessed it but it was never added to the list. If still need be, I can make a sub.