Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Rehabilitation


What she found wasn't another color, not underneath the layers she pulled away. Iris blinked. It was.. Something else. She wasn't even sure what to call it. Was it actually a color? She knew she could see different shades that the normal human eye couldn't. Colors she didn't have words to describe them for. That's just what it meant to be Keshain, right? They could see more on the spectrum than others. It's part of what made her a good pilot.

But this?

She didn't respond to Kat Decoria Kat Decoria . Iris was gone, in her own world of colors, focused only on the newest shade she never thought existed. And pulled on it. Bit by bit, using the Force to twist and turn, experimental at first but slowly finding purpose. Within moments the cut knitted itself back together. She knew how to heal with the Force. It wasn't easy, not before.

This was different.

Iris let out a breath, letting her hands fall away from the dummy to look at the 'wound.' She'd done it. She smiled bright, turning her gaze to the older woman. Only for her gaze to keep turning past. She blinked. Oh. Then fell the rest of the way to the ground as the world continued to spin around her. Too much energy. She laughed weakly, closing her eyes as she sprawled out on the cool floor.

"I did it.."
Kat watched as Iris got deep in thought and working hard to use this new side of the Force that she clearly never seen before. It was pleasant to see Iris working hard at, reminded Kat of when she was younger and working away at her mechanic skills or even when she started her training as a Jedi. That felt so long ago but also not at the same time. Kat just stood quietly as she watched Iris work away at the healing process, it took time and Kat could see it was using a lot of energy from the girl but the healing was coming together and she was gaining the ability to do it. First time would always be the hardest and most exhausting since you have to figure everything out while also healing.

As Iris finished the healing, Kat checked and nodded in approval. It was a good first time but she caught the wavering in Iris's body and used the Force to let Iris fall gently to the ground to avoid hurting herself as she collapsed. Kat cursed herself, she should have realised that Iris was using too much energy in the Force Heal and cut it off early but she wanted Iris to achieve the task so much she was blinded to how little energy was left in her body. Lifting Iris in her arms, Kat placed the girl in a chair and smiled. "Stay there, sit for a bit and catch your breath. You used way too much energy then, that's on me for not catching it but first time healing can be exhausting. Especially when you are figuring out new sides to the Force." Kat mentioned as she left the room briefly.

It only took a few moments but she returned and handed Iris a chocolate bar, "a quick release of energy. Normally I recommend something healthier to release the energy more gradually but you need a quick pick me up and this should help that." Kat explained as she sat on a stool opposite Iris and offered a smile. "It was a good first try, especially since you didn't think you could do it at all at first. What you need to do now in the future is work on building your strength, stronger your connection to the Force the better your healing can get. Takes time and practice but as does anything worth pursuing." Kat looked at Iris, "tell me about yourself while you recover."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Chocolate? Iris nodded slowly, reaching up to take the sugary snack. Took a couple bites. She'd never been this exhausted before. "Healing living people is easier." She nodded again, once. Back when she first used it she'd felt tired, but not to this point. Was it because of the colors? Having to sift through them took more energy? The Padawan frowned as she chewed, drifting off in her own head.

Then blinked. Wait, talk about herself?

"Uhm.. I uh.. Paint?"

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria

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