With Alderaan finished and Coruscant winding down (I think) I'd like to start working on this idea again. Something other than yet-another-invasion that goes perhaps a bit more in-depth on how war is waged between the Republic and the One Sith.
The idea I had was that this is a series of coordinated raids designed to cripple the Republic's logistics and supply backbone, and also test their military in combat/kill a lot of them. In other words, a Raiding Logistics strategy (vice Persisting Combat, which would be exemplified by an invasion).
This would be a great opportunity to bring in and utilize NFU's and show how the Sith military machine works. This would, after all, be a series of smaller interconnected battles, so it's unlikely that all the big guns would be thrown into the mix. You're talking quick strike teams of Stormtroopers rather than an entire legion, or a hit-and-run cruiser squadron vice a full star destroyer-led fleet.
This is just my idea. Don't know if [member="Darth Hauntruss"] has anything to add.