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Relations with the Sith Empire (SSAA)

The Senator of Kuat looked over at @[member="Jentara Vel"]. "As I have said just now the subject of military buildup should be addressed at another meeting, not this one. Do you agree with the newly proposed policy?" she questioned the senator. Some senators were obviously more interested in profit gains for themselves rather than actually caring for the Republic's future.
Kuat didn't have the newest and apparently heaviest ships available? Just when did the largest ship producer in the galaxy fall behind start-ups? Yet Senator Beswin was once again correct about staying on topic, as hard as it was for her to keep quiet on what would apparently be outsourcing the Republic's defense contracts. "From what I'm hearing its apparent that nobody genuinely expects peace to last with the Empire." Chi shifted her weight trying to encourage herself for what she was about to propose. "So why are we waiting for them to be ready to attack us? The Mandalorians act as a wide buffer along a vast section of our border but they're under attack as we speak. I recommend a short but rapid military build up followed by strategic military intervention should they fail to back down." One more push would hopefully do it, tempered with reason. "My friends, those of you who know me know that I usually favor the peaceful approach, I've voted against militarism multiple times in the past, but how many sacrifices must we throw into the fire for that peace? How much longer until there's nothing left to buy peace with? When there's nobody left to stand with us against the dark? I would rather not wait until we are alone." Giving a short bow, she resumed her seat to see what the response would be like.
Well this is fun, thought Jack as he watched the seemingly important people speak their minds.

"If I may?" he asked when there was a pause. "I believe Senator Beswin said something to the effect of the Galactic Republic continuing its peace talks and so forth with the Empire, but also building an army to defend our Republic as it were, just in case, ipso facto. Isn't the representative from Rendili simply arguing her point for her? Oh!" added the pirate, raising a finger, "Also. May I respectfully request we enter into peaceful negotiations with unallied planets within our system that are rich in natural resources in order to fuel our building efforts? Just a thought love," he added to Alena with a wink.
Alena nodded to Representative @[member="Chi Chuchi"]'s words. "I believe quite the same thing as you. But in order for us to do what you've suggested, we must first build ourselves a capable military." she pointed out.

The new senator from Kashyyk also gave a suggestion, and Alena looked over at @[member="Jack Sparrow"]. She had no idea what the senator meant by unallied planets within the system. "Do you mean ally with planets near the Kashyyk System, senator?" she asked for clarification sake.
"Ah, no, sorry, allow me to clarify. I was referring to unallied planets currently just outside of the Republic's current sphere of influence, but which could be courted without having to cross enemy lines, as it were. Tarhassan. Attahox. I know a fellow there, owes me, he does. Should be an easy enough grab I'd think, as they've nothing but waste and oh, but also, phosovane salts which are used to make painkillers, and wouldn't that be a boon to our allies in need?" he smiled. "Or Iridonia or Phaeda to our Galactic North? Lots of prime real estate out that way. Or Vortex? Lovely steaks." Jack stepped back again.
Alena gave an amused smile at Senator @[member="Jack Sparrow"]. What he was suggesting was a completely legitimate and a good suggestion, but the way he put it made her wonder if the man had been something besides a politician before he became senator. "That certainly would be a feasible thing to do. Out of all the planets you've mentioned, which planet do you believe senator, will be the most important to the Republic in the near future?"
Jack settled in, clearly finding his voice and enjoying the audience. He addressed the beginning of his reply directly to @Alena Beswin. "Well. Depends on what you need, really, and how much you're willing to spend to get it. As I said, Attahox has little to recommend it to your average weary traveller, but the Republic's medical community would certainly benefit from a supply of phosovane salts, which would in turn help boost the planet's struggling economy, not to mention it's served as a dumping ground for all who came before, and that means generations of refuse, and that means recyclables for those who care to look, and who knows what else might lurk beneath the trashy surface?" Jack put a finger aside his nose and nodded, then turned in a slow circle to address everyone. "Or! None of the above! I also put before you the planet Ankus, home of the Cragmoloid!" His eyes widended. "Yes, the Cragmoloid! Have you ever seen one up close? They're about nine feet tall and weigh something in the vicinity of four hundred and fifty pounds, yet their breath smells like lavender. Very odd. Terrible sabacc players. Can't hold the cards properly. Now imagine getting a planet rich in natural minerals and lovely precious gemstones, with a pachydermesque species that could crush a Wookiee by sitting on one, no offense meant to my constituents, on our side. Make you think, doesn't it?"
Alena gave Senator @[member="Jack Sparrow"] a respectful nod. The man was much more knowledgable than Alen had thought. "These potential dominions should definitely be discussed. It appears that the planets you've mentioned could be of great use for the Republic. We shall do so in another meeting." she said.
"Im sorry, should expansion really be a necessity right now. Why expand further when we can barely stand on two legs as it is. Dont you all think that we should deal with relations before thinking of expanding and taking new planets. Which might i add is another discussion if i might add and yes i know im being hypocritical. But the expansion of our borders will only lead us further down the road of instability if we can not solve the internal and foreign issues first before we send off soldiers to fight for control over a world. We do not stoop to the level of the other nations that surround us, and we do not force planets into the Republic which is what it sounds like you are suggesting Senator Sparrow. And Senator Beswin, a planets usefulness should not take priority over those who need us, which is what it sounds like you suggested." He remained standing until a response from either her or Jack sounded and answered him. @[member="Alena Beswin"] @[member="Jack Sparrow"]
The Kuati senator yawned as she listened to the hypcritical senator @[member="Yusan Fenn"] rambling on about how dominons were bad and instability as it was, et cetera. She resisted the urge to tell the Echani senator to shut up. "Well then, I shall apologize for my misuse of wordings, senator. Also, senator, didn't I also just say so myself that this will be discussed at another meeting?" she pointed out.

"Unless there is further arguments against the proposed policy against the Sith Empire, the Republic Senate will now agree to adopt the policy of peace treaty and talks as well as military creation in regards to our relations with the Sith Empire." announced the Senator of Kuat.
Yusan composed himself, he had gotten ahead of himself at the mention of using a peaceful people for war. Sighing he spoke one last time before sitting. "I apologize for my own outburst Senator Beswin and agree that we adopt such a policy at the current time." He sat down and keyed in the command for the pod to return to the dock, he was done for today and would sit the rest of this out before he embarrassed himself again with a outburst that was fueled by passion rather than rationalization. @[member="Alena Beswin"]
Jack blinked at the Senator from Eshan, then listened as Alena Beswin stopped Fenn before Jack could point out that he'd specifically used the words 'peaceful negotiations' and not 'armed takeover using soliders because apparently you're obsessed with soldiers and soldiering and doing soldiery things while using the word soldiers, mate.' But he certainly thought it hard in Fenn's direction.

Instead, Jack merely said "Aye," a word that came as naturally to a pirate as "No refunds" did to a prostitute.

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