Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Relic | SO Dominion of Empty Hex (Binaros/Torrential)

"Some.", he admitted. He had done well in that class, he was bordering fluent if not at least conversationally capable, especially in formal settings. This, however, was like reading the prototype to common, or the formal version of his formal ur-Kittatt. He could understand some of it, but the true message these sigils held was lost on him.​
"These are... beyond where my courses are. Perhaps a later year might know.", he said with a frown, running his fingers along some near a flat wall - though he noticed quickly the sigils seemed to form themselves carefully around... something. A door, flush with the wall so it could not be seen. His brow furrowed as he studied what he could of the sigils.​
"I can't make out exactly what it's asking, or even saying, but theres a door here..."​
A few of the others listened to him, looking over the runes themselves - but non could decipher them so freely. Others ran their hands and finger nails on the walls face, as though they might catch the lip of a door. Nothing was found, so he motioned for Lliara to join him.​
"Can you sense the mechanisms behind the door? I'm sure the runes have some answer, but without a translator we might be stuck here."​

Objective 2: The Forge
Location: Entering planets atmosphere.

Huge hologram of a Sith military Officer stand in front of her, each movement of his hands or arms would cover a good portion of the command bridge glass. His voice, loud and stern, echoed threw the wide and tall room.

Arrgata Sentro sat on her command chair aboard one of her two Light Cruisers, The Viserion.
In her usual tight black Sith Naval uniform, back straightened, her strong and fit legs crossed over, resting her arms on the knees, with hands closed together and fingers entwined.
She listened at the words of the officer, but it also seemed like she was not giving him her full attention. Until..

This is the Manufactorum. The Sith created this to mass produce Sith weapons and armor. Past their forge lines, they hold powerful artifacts not seen in the Galaxy for hundreds of years. You are tasked with returning these blueprint holocrons to us.”“Your rewards are getting the artifacts for yourself. Blueprints for us, artifacts for you - prototypes or otherwise.

Small green light flashed on her tin holo bracelet, and she pressed it right away.
"Master?" her voice regressed almost in to young girlish one, before she cleared her throat to make sure and fix that.

On the other side of the holo, voice of a young Sith, her Master Darth Diem, sounded with unsettling ease and calm.

Commander Arrgata, this is the one. This will be your objective" he pointed out to the words of the Officer, concerning the second smaller pyramid.
You are to find blueprints and take images of them, before you give them away. Also you will take any type of armor that cross your path. Weapons are less important, armor is the main prize. Only should you find too few of it, will you take weapons" he paused as some other voice could be heard, exchanging words with him, and Dart Diem approving of something before returning to her..

As you can see, governorship keeps me quite occupied, sadly. But I believe you are more then up to this task, as well as it is your first chance to possibly encounter other Sith who are not part of our Empire.
For this reason, I gave you command over one of my Inquisitors and his Inquisitorial Troopers. Be mindful around them, they will protect your life, but their loyalty is to the Empire, so do not let them see you taking those images.

Bring few of your own Commando troopers, of course. In case you need a distraction, or a human wall for prying eyes. Good luck my capable Right Hand
" she heard him saying the last words through a smile and soft laugh. Making her again feel like a young girl.

"It will be your will, my Master!" words of conviction left her lips, as she stood up from her seat and walk out of the command bridge with fierce intent in her step.

There, in one of the common room areas, stood a Sith Inquisitor with his hands on his back. Talking to two of his fully armored and ready black troopers. He sensed her right away, she noticed, as his helmet covered head turn just slightly to look behind, toward her.
He looked very menacingly, in his black armor. Not that it scared her, but it did made her take a note of how these newly formed Inquisitors will look like.
He indeed seems capable. So does his troopers. She had to admit. Though that was kinda expected, for her Master not to send her just anybody. But someone skilled and deadly.

Once she approached them enough to seem ok for them to acknowledge her, the Sith turned, and the two troopers stood at attention.
Sith spoke through his helmet, his voice human, mixed with a robotic dampers.

"Commander Sentro, its an honor to meet you. We will be your security on this mission, by the decree of Governor Darth Diem" his helmet moved forward in a nod as a sign of respect.

He was much more militaristic and hierarchical then usual Sith she encountered. She could tell right away that these Sith follow orders to the letter.
You may simply call me Inquisitor. If we run in to another of my rank, I will correct that. Now, please, your shuttle is ready. It is best if we move right now. Conditions on that crumbling planet are unknown, so the faster we finish, and get you safely back, the better".
The moment he finished his sentence, two black troopers started to walk toward the corridor, and to the elevator.

Arrgata send a message for her five men team to assembly in the hanger, while walking behind the tall, armored Inquisitor.

Just as they entered the shuttle and ignited the thrusters for a check up, the five Marines rushed in, saluting their commander, then taking the seats designated for the escort.

Here we go.. Lets hope this wont be my last mission. Dying from a caved rock, or some similar nonsense. She inhale and exhale, while the gravity of it sunked in, as it always did just when they are about to exit the comfort of her ship.

"Good luck soldiers. Pilot, take us to The Forge." she commanded with her 'officer' voice.
The pilot gave her a nod, before pulling the lever forward, and making the shuttle burst out of the Viserion's hanger.

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Nupax nurin

Objective: The Hole
Equipment:forcesaber / 10 daggers
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

nupax sat down she pulled out her forcesaber and made sure it was working as she strapped it back in its Holster as the ship took off. She only cared for the mission which was hard considering she could have had artifacts but she was looking for her old artifacts as impractical as it seemed they where strong atleast for her time and they fit her style of war and battle. Nupax subtly manipulating the force to make the other ships going to the hole move slower as she made sure her daggers where secure and sharp but if she needed them they where in a horrible situation. She then waited for the ships to land as she used the force to map out the terrain inside this hole and get the idea of what was down there and be prepared for it and manipulate the other ships so her and alisteri had first dibs on who or what was down there hopefully it wasn't hostile.

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
A later year would certainly not know, Lliara thought with amusement. Only some Sith Lords bothered. For much the same reason few dabbled in biological warfare or manipulation: why? When you could conjure Force Storms and Compel people to do as you wished, what need was there to learn from history -- let alone ancient history? Truly one of the Sith's greatest sins. Worse was how few of genuine power ever cared if you brought this matter to their attention. The Empire was stable and strong, so what was the problem? Lamentable.

That said, Lliara hadn't spent a great deal of time learning ever derivation of Sith herself. The stability of an Empire and the secrets to Power weren't what held the Mirialan's interest. No, she was focused on obtaining the ability to learn everything... by having enough time to do so in the first place. For reasons all her own.

The young man motioned for her to join the small crowd eager to get inside. She didn't bother asking to be let through, and fortunately the crowd didn't feel like testing where in the social hierarchy their cloaked guest stood.

"Yes, I see," Lliara said after a moment. The tips of her fingers drifted amongst the sigils without touching them. Absently her free hand slid up the length of one of the spikes secured about her person. A lethal instrument used as a weapon; even some of the finest armor might feel its pinch with the Force behind it. "We'll need a volunteer."

The figure turned on the spot and looked at all those present. "Just one. A pint or two should do." The point of her metal stake was held aloft in case they were wondering what Lliara was talking about. Did Von-Kri Von-Kri want to do the honors, or would someone be kind enough to step forward?

Then again, if Von-Kri and the rest had doubts, Lliara could always just grab the nearest soul.

A little bloodletting of the hand followed by smearing it over three of the sigils on the door. Specific ones, of course. The sort with a self-cleaning mechanism designed to absorb the blood offering.

Lliara was kind enough to toss the volunteer a liquid bandage to dress the wound; her implements were always sterile so little cause for alarm there. Might need to make sure the atmosphere of the broken world wasn't an issue. Oh, and if they were wearing an environmental suit... well, emergency patches and all that.

The door began to lift from its place of slumber. Its rubble no doubt the displeasure of long forgotten souls lurking nearby.

"I should mention before you all run inside... don't touch anything." Lliara turned the red crimson line of her helmet toward Von-Kri. "Without your," acknowledgement of her companion's authority, "or my permission. For your own good." If they didn't heed her warning well... on their own heads be they damned.

The Spire​
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Objective 2: The Forge
Location: The Pyramid, Outer Cracks

"There is another shuttle incoming, Master."

Temerant let out a drawn out sigh, which was quick to devolve into a grunt. "Hrrrn... I see that, X3."

"Looks like this one took off from a light cruiser by the handle of..." the droid paused, as it checked the records. "The Viserion, Master. Looks like it'll be a party. And we both know how much you enjoy those."

The Knight Inquisitor lowered the forearm of his glove, which hugged to the suit's built-in holo-deck. He tapped a few buttons, setting off a scanning protocol. Again.

As before, he was met with interference, the scanner unable to pick up any manner of sentient life forms inside, organic or otherwise. Power sources also shined for their absence, though that much was to be expected. A couple hundred of years without maintenance of any sort coupled with a cataclysmic event would do that. Still, the scrambling of the scanner's feed was source for concern. It suggested that perhaps the security systems were not as dormant as one might expect, and were he in charge of such a facility, he'd have made damn sure there were emergency protocols in place in case of a breach, or any other unexpected hiccups.

"Another scan, Master? You do know the ancient proverb, 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results'," the droid teased.

"If you subscribed to that thinking, X3, you would have ceased giving me lip several cycles ago," the Knight Inquisitor countered.

"And deprive you of my wit, Master?" the droid remarked. "If you did not enjoy it on some level, you would've programmed me differently. And instilled a greater sense of fear in me. One could ask why -didn't- you, though the code that commands over my self-preservation protocols suggests I should not press that issue."

Temerant furrowed his nose. He had a point. His annoying penchant for banter aside, X3-M5 was an excellent protocol droid - one he'd heavily modified himself to the point where he'd granted it a new designation. As for his programming, he'd sank a myriad of hours into it during a week in which sleep eluded him more often than usual, to the point where he'd allowed intuition, rather than critical thought, take over. Unusual in him, to be sure - and he was not sure what it said about his subconscious. Perhaps he'd wanted for the droid to keep him honest where others wouldn't dare to. Perhaps, he was simply bored out of his mind and needed a companion that shrug off some of the dullness of his solitary existence. Or maybe he was just punishing himself as a result of some deeply buried, no doubt misplaced sense of self-deprecation. Whatever the truth, he found none of the answers much too appealing.

"Send the shuttles a message, X3," he shrugged off his thoughts, veering the conversation elsewhere entirely. "Nothing fancy. Just a verification code to let them know a Knight Inquisitor is expecting them on site. I do not wish to waste even more time on formalities, and the sooner everyone is clear on the pecking order, the better," he remarked. "And make sure to follow the usual encryption protocols. I don't want anyone knowing the specifications or location of my vessel, nor trying to dig any further information," he added, ever the paranoid.

"At once, Master."

Tags: Darth Ecclesia Darth Ecclesia Arrgata Sentro Arrgata Sentro
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"A volunteer?", he said quietly before realizing what she meant.​
After that, his gaze fell to his hand, only to frown. His blood was a bit more toxic than the average persons, and there was no gurantee with his force based illness it would actually work. That being said, how many Sith were even willing to sacrifice blood to a stranger? The thought forced his hand, but as he moved to allow her to stab him - another did instead.​
She rolled up her sleeve, removed her glove, and exposed her hand to the toxic enviroment. It didn't seem to fizzle the skin, but it would no doubt infect her blood - and she would be forced to return to the ship when the transport returned. With a strength and firm decisiveness in her gaze, she nodded for Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva to do the deed.​
Her blood served well, and while she patched the wound and retreated to find a place to sit as the small toxins began to seep into muscle, the rest moved in with an almost uncaring passivity to her struggle. Von-Kri gave her a second glance, deciding the rate that toxic was spreading through her blood would be slow enough to not see her dead. That would have to do.​
He passed into the confines of the entrance hall, and saw unlit braziers hanging from the ceiling. Great pillars of the same oily stone rose high to form an internal pyramid above them - while long deactivated lifts on either side of the hall lay open and waiting. The floor, however, was covered in dust - but Von-Kri could see some semblence of a mural beneath it.​
Using a quick motion of the Force, simplistic in its application, the dust moved to the edges of the floor and revealed a Sith Lord's mask - similar to the depictions of the Worm Emperor he had seen, but never truly met. Only here there was only one mask, not the collective the Worm was known for. In each corner above them was even more writing he couldn't begin to understanding, and more than a few eternal symbols.​
"Creepy thing...", he said idly.​
"I suppose we need power. Think we should call for generators from the Mors Mon, or find a local plant?", he said, looking back ot Lliara.​


Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Lliara's helm was turned up at the surroundings as they'd entered the interior. A soft, throaty sound followed Von-Kri Von-Kri 's remarks about something being creepy. It drew the red line down to the floor where the mural had been revealed in all its... creepy glory. That old thing? Well, it was true, there was no chance she would ever wear such a thing. It was too expressive. She preferred to bring people in close with a smile -- far easier to handle them when they were in arm's reach.

"Might as well call for them while we search here. Who can say if any local power source has survived all this time untended on a broken world." Lliara paused and regarded the man "Is there an Engineer among us?" She knew her way around constructing a highly advanced scientific lab, but that wasn't quite the same. After all, it had been easier to procure an energy source for her lab rather than earn multiple degrees in engineering to build one from scratch. It would be to their advantage if someone present had gone through all that trouble. In case the local source was intact.

As for the volunteer from a few moments ago, the black-clad woman hadn't spared them a second glance. Lliara, however, hadn't forgotten her. The exposure to the toxins should provide invaluable data once they'd returned to the ship. No need for them to know such... trivial details.

"A scouting party could search below for the source. Meanwhile, shall we scout the upper levels? Perhaps we'll find what we're looking for." No need for them all to personally oversee repairs or the installation of the generator whenever it arrived. Unless Von-Kri had a knack for such things. Well, Lliara was content leaving people of certain skills to their duties; the two of them, after all, had theirs. Hopefully before any other enterprising soul caused the ruins of this world to continue its violent decay.

His eyes remained on the mural, studying it. There was something oddly alive about it, as though dark spirits existed with in - but his senses in the Force could not identify it, only the dark and undulating mass of energy that encircled the entire world, the entire Spire. Still, the eyes of the mask seemed to watch him endlessly, staring back at him until -​
"Huh?", he said, glancing back to her. It took his mind a moment to catch up, to realize she was speaking to him.​
"Y-Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.", he said. Some of the others nodded, and moved to their tasks - whatever it was they decided they were. Some of the more unruly simply ignored the psuedo leaders and ran off on their own in search of information and treasures.​
Von-Kri didn't bother stopping them. He wasn't interested in a rat race for dusty artifacts, he needed to find a sorting system or a central network that might have what he was looking for - something he could search quickly, not hope on luck and fate he might stumbled across it. Motioning to the nearby lift, he began to wander closer.​
"I imagine theres a service chute in here, could do us well to find a few ways up. The others should use the stairs.", he said, motioning to the grand stair case in the distance. It would be longer, more in the way for them to find - but that suited him find. Less hands to grab at the goods.​
Entering the tunnel with Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva he glanced about, finding a small hatch in the ceiling that opened with a nudge of the Force. The chasm above was dark, but it would handle fine. He used the Force to launch himself up into the opening, stood atop the lift's roof, and found a ladder. Igniting his saber, he looked around for anything else in the wash of a red glow - but nothing was present besides the decaying remnants of repulsorlifts.​
"Suppose this is the fastest way. Want to go first?"​


Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Had Von-Kri nearly succumb to the Dark energies suffocating this broken world? Lliara had regarded the man before he snapped out of his daze. Her own bout with the place had occurred the moment the door to the transport open. It was on-going, but once you acclimatized to it... No, she didn't feel that way at all. Just an itch she forced herself to ignore. It would be detrimental to the mission if she were swallowed by it; her ego would not allow it.

That they shared an experience, however, stilled the Mirialan's tongue on the matter. No jeers for being captivated by the place. No end of remarks if he actually succumbed and became a living puppet, however.

Those ignorant enough to wander on their own to get the spoils first, for instance. There was no opportunity to verbally abuse them for their choice, but the galaxy would make it all quite clear to them soon enough. Some called it 'karma.' Lliara just called it the manifestation of statistical likelihood in an abandoned, haunted Dark Side ruin. What did they teach acolytes in the Academy these days?

Lliara followed Von-Kri as the man described using the service chute and leaving the stairs for everyone else to toil their way to the heights of the Spire. Personally, she wondered which way was actually the Emperor's Kiss. Probably whichever way they chose; the galaxy wasn't without a sense of 'humor.'

Without a complaint issued, Lliara paused beneath the opened hatch before she bound up through the gap after Von-Kri. The man was by and far better company than any of the rest so far; and their similar interests meant he had to be the better conversationalist. Ancient Sith help her if she had to listen to someone complain about guard duty or rebel scum.

Her helmet slowly turned toward the man after he offered for her to go first. Without hesitating, she bound up and over the man. Her boots clanged against the rung above his saber. One hand about a rung, the cloaked figure pivoted outward on one foot to look back down at Von-Kri Von-Kri , "And they say chivalry is dead."

With that, Lliara bound up a few rungs and began to climb.

After a time, however, she started to feel an unusual sense of... foreboding. Helmet tipped back, the crimson line stared up the way they were going. She left as though she should see a repulsorlift descending upon them at that very moment, despite what her senses told her. Lliara clenched her teeth together. She had lived too long to be affected in this manner. A sense of foreboding... next she would see the spirits of her dead family as they claimed to be ashamed of her!

"You do plan on making a vaccine or cure for whatever you develop?" Lliara asked in a way that made it sound more like a statement. The man was young. Hopefully not too young. He wasn't immortal yet despite what he might think. Dabbling in pathogens could dramatically shorten your life and that of your empire if certain precautions weren't taken.
Objective 4: Introspection (One Shot)

Malum stroked the developing stubble at his chin, as he thoughtfully considered the Orders relayed to him. His eyes were drooping, as much as they were red, and though that was normal enough, it was the colour of his eyes after all, yet they were not normally rimmed with red, normally not fighting off tears that were born of exhaustion, and the fight to stay awake, compared to those born of sadness.

He had not slept for days, campaign after campaign he had pressed forward. There was meant to have been a pause to their advance during Darth Xyrah's yacht party, yet they all knew how that had gone, still, even after that, there was to be some calm, some easement in their constant advance after their Lifeday celebrations, yet everyone knew how that had gone too.

It seemed that the newly coronated Emperor's Lifeday gift to him was a new war.

Not one to continue their inevitable push to the core, towards the rim both east and west. But instead, a new Sith schism, a civil war between the Sith Order of the Tsis'Kaar and Eternalists against the Kainite Order. One which had already driven friendships and allegiance haywire.

And one which he had participated in thus far without complaint nor rest.

He blinked with one eye, and then the other followed. His eyes probably were not meant to be burning and stinging so. The overly sterilised smell of the hanger was not helping much, though he doubted the smell of grass, dirt and other fauna and flora would do him any good either. He grits his teeth, his brow drooped, gritting his teeth, as his ears flickered out to consider every movement, every sound of a footstep, every clash of metal with annoyance.

"Shall we be making our way down onto the planet, Scion Marr?" Custos' rather plain, yet still gruff voice spoke out, scars running across his face, one even blotting out his sky blue eyes, that led up to blonde golden hair, and just like always a sense of clarity piercing through all his triggered senses. Custos had that ability, part of the reason that Malum kept him around... well that much was not exactly true, Custos had been in Malum's life for as long as he could remember, his sworn shield, his protector, and thus now, the man that led the Household Guard, or at the very least the contingent that Malum's father had dispatched to serve him when it had become clear that he alone would not be enough to make an impact upon the Sith Order, when many among them ruled about with forces, even armies of their own.

"This is not our fight, and thank Bogan for that," Malum responded, as his eyes drooped yet again, finding his entire body drooping before catching himself, and standing up straight and stiff.

"And why is that, cousin dearest?" A fellow black-haired and red-eyed figure came around to his left shoulder, hand on Malum's shoulder, an effort of comfort, but perhaps an effort to provide stability. Malum's eyes lazily turned to consider the twin figure, and could only give a weak tired smile to the ever-eager, and ever-inviting smile of one Venerandus Marr, a distant cousin, and one who served as his aide-de-camp. They could perhaps have been twins if one ignored that Venerandus was far shorter and far lither, and of course ignored that their hair was as different as night and day, Malum's black, while Venerandus' was dyed to flaming red, apparently a show of his devotion to the great Darth Marr, yet Malum knew it was because the man was perhaps more obsessed with the colour than even he was.

"Because my Mistress has no desire to get into bed with the Sepruchal, and if I start accepting their missions, it will send the wrong message," Malum said softly, making a valid enough excuse, yet knowing in his heart of hearts that this was only so he could finally sleep, he would be of no use to anyone like this, those were his thoughts as his eyes turned back to lazily consider Custos', "Inform the Guard to stand down, they have the run of the ship for the night."

"It shall be done, Scion." Custos send simply, yet the gruffness in his voice would remain ever still, Malum had joked years ago that even when the man was gentle, that his gruffness would scare off a bear. He gave a deep bow, before marching off to fulfill his orders.

"Well glad to see Custos as amiable as ever," Malum said, bringing his fist up to suppress a yawn, as his eyes blinked coyly at Venerandus.

"You know by now that hard exterior is not who the man he is, he lost his purpose when you ran off to Korriban, thought he had failed in his duty, it was a good thing your father is such a fair man... or he would not be with us," Malum's face darkened at the thought, the inkling of guilt making his way to heart, it had only been almost two years ago since he had run, yet he could so easily call him himself such a child for his stupidity, "And then you came back, I think that was the day that silent and gruff exterior broke, and then you got yourself exiled to Saijo... the man lost his purpose again. I think he is glad to be serving the boy he had been protecting your entire life." Venerandus spoke, owlishly and as insightfully as ever.

"And who exactly are you calling a boy exactly?" Malum responded, a confident smirk playing on his features.

"Why... you of course," Venerandus whispered huskily, as he leaned down to his ear, and before Malum could blink, Venerandus's grip on his shoulders became... far softer.

Malum's voice hitched, his lips sealed, as the shock was broken through with raucous laughter.

"You are just too easy," Venerandus said, between chortles, as he looked down upon him with a caring gaze.

This was an element of their relationship that he had never quite managed to be used to, neither of them had really. They were close, very close, perhaps closer than they had any right to be. Nothing had happened between them... and really, nothing should happen with them. Yet... electricity coursed between them many a time, a reminder that something could happen. However, it had not, and instead, they had buried whatever was there into work, or at least, he had, Venerandus had made teasing him part of their relationship... Malum never found himself complaining, well, apart from the very moment it occurred.

"Har, har, very funny," Malum said, his smile morphing to a faux deadpan look, Malum stood up, balancing his footing on the floor, with his body adjusting to the new position, "Looks like you're going to escort and guard my chambers tonight then, Mr. Jokester."

"Do I get to join you?" Venerandus shot back, coyly. Keeping his hand on his shoulder, steadying him as best as he could.

"Only if you're lucky," A slight flush was at his cheeks, the electricity was back... yet Malum knew this was only fun, some fun teasing, that was all it was, Venerandus was someone truly special to him, yet... he did not make the heart soar.

Like someone else he knew.

"Well then, does not seem like a punishment at all," Venerandus said, resting his free hand at the back of his head, as both heirs of Marr walked off for the night.

"This world reeks of decay. Like a wounded beast left to rot, abandoned. Whatever secrets it holds will be buried beneath, we must delve deep to discover what it is that eludes you. Into the heart of the rot." He'd seen a world like this before, ravaged by experimentation and then neglected when it got too calamitous to manage. The world He'd visited before did not contain even a modicum of potential as this world did, it was little more than a dead world when He got to it.

Elsewhere, other agents of the Kainate were moving to secure less valuable resources where they could. There wasn't much that the Kainate desired from this world, other than what their Dark Lord was actively participating in. Let the others fight and squabble over petty spoils.

"Undoubtedly you have called the Snake, but she has yet to appear. That is her nature."


"She is a messenger of death, less so a astute observer of tardiness. I am sure she is watching.", he said, moving on past Carnifex to a nearby, oily black stone door. His staff manifested in his grip, pressed the head gently against it, and watched as the stone departed - leading to a deep and abysmally black stairwell. Empyrean looked down it, able to see, but it seemed the darkness was washed away by the arcane torches hidden just behind small slits in the walls.​
The light they gave off was not bright and warm, it was an odd, black light - symbolizing a descent into darkness. The Sepulchral, despite all its flaws, certainly had a flair for symbolism and dramatics. Allowing himself to walk into its depths first, he moved so Carnifex could follow - pressing downwards into the cracked earth of a world rescinded to death.​
"Have you been to Nathema? The world is healed now, but the echos of what Darth Vitiate did still remain.", he said idly, walking deeper into the darkness, into the void the world held.​
"The sensation I get from this world is much the same."​


"I'd like to.", he said with a grin, following her a few rungs down. The darkness of the shaft had stolen most of his vision, so instead he used what senses he had in the Force to guide him - like the soft impression given by memory walking to the bathroom in pitch black hallways, dancing around furniture off instinct.​
"I think I have to make the problem before the solution, though, but I know theres more than a few products in the galaxy to help innoculate the masses quickly. Mostly."​
The same sense of foreboding slowly came over him as well, and it forced him to stop on the ladder for a moment as he tried to get a good understanding of what was going down. Had another Sith Lord appeared - perhaps to take the gathering's loot ambitions? Perhaps someone had been alive on this world after all.​
Or, they were simply nearing the Spire's core.​
With that final, more pleasant thought, he continued climbing the ladder until he could see the soft cracks of light from a slightly ajar door. Using the Force, he slid it just open enough to allow their entrance, and followed Lliara into the confines of a room that hadn't seen human presence in hundreds of years. The windows were in good condition, all things considered, but the dust that had slowly crept through the ventilation certainly made a statement to the disrepair the tower had come under.​
"Out of curiosity, do you uh... buy into the whole Sepulchral business? Dread Emperor Empyrean, all that comes with this theocracy...", he said, glancing back to her as he moved to find some holocrons along the shelves - some that were hopefully labeled with who their owner was, and what they were known for - but he found most were useless or decorative replications.​


Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Once they'd ascended into the reaches of the Spire, the pair of adventuresome souls slipped into an untouched chamber. One lit by the suffuse light of a broken realm. It was good to see dust had settled there. A spotless ruin was no ruin, but a secluded fortress with traps eager to snare the ignorant. Even in disrepair, Lliara was mindful there could still be traps set against enemies long since dead -- yet the silent guardians remain ever vigilant.

Then Von-Kri Von-Kri said something unexpected. The helmet calmly pivoted in his direction. Holocrons seemed to have caught his eye. Had they truly, or was it a ruse? Such an... innocent question. Almost the sort a woman like herself would ask absently as though the answer was of no import -- when often times nothing was of greater concern.

"I believe in the Ways of the Sith." Slowly, Lliara strode up to another collection not far off to the side of where the man stood. Her gloved fingers slowly lifted a relic and turned it over as though it were of mild interest. "The Dread Emperor has a rightful claim to power. There are those that also believe they, too, have such claim." The artifact was carefully set back down again. "Do you believe only one of those is worthy of being followed, or is it merely a matter of the challengers of power proving themselves?"

Lliara picked up three smaller holocrons that likely contained an abbreviated subject matter. "Strength." A red pyramid set down. "Intellect." A green. "Guile." And a blue. "One? Or all?"

Perhaps she might answer him directly, but only after a dance to feel out the man's own disposition. Answer a zealot incorrectly, and much ado about nothing could result. It'd be a shame since they'd gotten along so well until this point too.


Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

"I have."

Her voice cut the darkness between the two Sith Lords as a pale face turned to look back at Carnifex, then to Empyrean again. He had not specified who he refered to, so she had decided to answer.

"We explored it just prior to its annexation to the last Empire, though my time exploring was cut short by the attempted machinations of my supposed host." "Foolish creature."

She reached out from the darkness and let her fingers brush the air just millimetres away from the wall, almost as though tasting it with her fingertips. Her hand then turned and the fingers rubbed as she inspected the ceiling and walls.

"The echoes of Vitiate grow ever more faint, but whatever is here still retains power." "Otherwise, I doubt the planet body would remain as habitable, for lack of a better term."

It rather reminded her of her explorations of the motions of broken Corellia in the days of the One Sith. She had investigated how destroyed celestial bodies moved over time and found that history was full of abberations.

But this? This place had something particularly odd woven into its nature.


Objective II : The Forge
Location: The entrance of the Pyramid

Tags: Darth Temerant Darth Temerant Arrgata Sentro Arrgata Sentro

Her ship’s alert systems pinged as it detected the sign of an approaching vessel. Not long after that alert came, another sounded as another approaching vessel was detected. The three vessels were all headed to the enormous pyramid, and all of them held friendly signatures of their newly minted Sith empire. Their reasons for heading to the Manufactorum were their own, but Ecclesia wouldn’t be surprised if their reasons were similar to her own. The acquisition of interesting Sith weapons and armour of a different era. The blueprints may be for the Sepulchral, but the artefacts she would find will be hers to keep, and that was plenty good enough for her. She was still working on a proper combat armour of her own design, and this would prove to be a great enough adventure if she managed to find something suitable for herself. In the meantime, she was dressed in a sleek all-black hermetically sealed combat attire from helmet to boots, courtesy of the Inquisition.

Although she had questions on the identities of the two other vessels, the Sith Knight did no digging to find out more about them. It would not be long before they would meet after all, once they met inside the Manufactorum. Another alert, this time, the series of beeps that indicated that she was arriving at her destination, came to sound, informing her that she was at least a few minutes away from her landing zone. Her ship then picked up a message sent from one of the vessels, identifying himself as a Knight Inquisitor who was expecting them on site. She sent back a response, befitting that of addressing a superior in the Inquisition.

“Knight Inquisitor, your arrival is acknowledged.” Less than a minute after she sent the message, her vessel landed a short distance away from the open cracks of the colossal pyramid, which looked even more massive from the ground. She quickly made her way towards the entrance of the Manufactorum, heading towards the entry way where the Knight Inquisitor's protocol droid had mentioned that he would be waiting for them.

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"The Sith teach us that only one can truly embody the strength of the Sith. Were so many truly capable of that, would it not negate the point of the philosophy?", he said with an odd expression, a wry twist of his lips as though uncertain any of it made sense.​
"If Empyrean can truly consolidate the Order and the Warlords, I suppose it would be a great mark of his success, but if he can't - who else could? Carnifex has lost his Empire multiple times, Ophidia was dead until recently, as far as I know. Solipsis had a claim, but even he failed. It seems... odd, is all.", he said, pulling a bag from his hip pocket and tossing one of the more notable holocrons into the pack.​
"I'd take them all. More the better, I suppose.", he said with a shrug.​
"Worst case, the Prefects buy them off of us to keep knowledge in the academic pillar."​
He looked around a bit more before closing his eyes and listening to the sensations that drew him. The core of this tower was only a few levels above them, and this time they had stairs. He appreciated the idea of not having to climb more ladders, at least.​
"We should probably keep going.", he said, motioning to the stairs.​


Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
"The only Emperor that rules without challengers to the throne are those with a throne not worth holding." A complement to any that had those that opposed them. Not because they were thought weak, but because if they became weak enough to be pulled down then obviously they were no longer suited for the role.

"There will always be someone worthy of the mantle, Von-Kri Von-Kri . Even if the Sith must suffer the passage of time until they appear." Lliara looked over at the man. "Take heart the Empyrean has made such strides. Though if his goals suit you, but the methods do not resonate with you, there are many ways one can serve." A finger tapped the peak of the blue pyramid. "Even the shadows hold sway in this world."

Soft laughter followed the man's advice to take them all. Ah, youth. Lliara did, in fact, collect the three using the Force; each floated idly over the palm of her open hand. "I don't think the Prefects will be purchasing these. The best place to hide a secret is in plain sight." She regarded the bases of the holocrons as they'd slowly rotated in the air. Markings on the bottoms confirmed they were the sort of key to a lock she had hoped to find.

"Let's. I look forward to what they have in store for us." The trio of holocrons settled into her palm before the cloaked figure pivoted toward the stairs.

As they began to climb, Lliara reached down to her belt. "Here." A small arisol delivery mechanism was tossed gently into the air toward the man. "Best spray that before entering any hidden chambers. Should reveal hidden security systems or obscure their ability to detect you -- for a short time." Some Sith were overly paranoid. For good reason. Still, no point walking straight through a net of invisible lasers and triggering an auto-turret.
Objective 2: The Forge
Location: Landing on the surface, near the Manufectorum.
Tags: Darth Temerant Darth Temerant (interacting)

Shuttles Ai would read outload the incoming message, informing them of a Knight inquisitor waiting them at the designated landing spot.
With her brow lifted, Arrgata looked at her own protector.

"The Code is valid, and I doubt anyone would impersonate an Inqusitorium agent.. it's not something it can be simply done. It just seems we will have some company traveling to the Forge. From this point forward, if the Inquisitor in question do not give his name, I am First Brother." armored Sith said in calm robotic voice. Pointing to the pilot toward the best landing spot.

Arrgata wondered what does her master think of these Inquisitors. He isn't one to take meddling in his affairs lightly. And yet he was the one who gave her command over one. They must serve a function.
She will follow her masters lead, and trust them as well.

Shuttle landed on the cracking planet, back doors opening up and her commandoes taking point securing the landing site. Inquisitor got out in a slow and calm steps, his armored hands crossed on his back.
Arrgata followed, noticing only then the two menacing black Inquisitorial Troopers shadowing her on each side. They were her primary line of defense, she understood.

The ship who hail them, was also on the ground, and its owner was on the ground. First Brother, was walking to him in a seeming stroll.

"Brother.." one Inquisitor spoke to other "I am escorting Sith Naval Commander, under the orders of the Governor of Binaros Darth Diem. She is also his protege." making sure he knows the importance woman holds to the Governor.
"What brings you to the Forge.. The Bureau, or the personal interest?" Inquisitor asked with innocent voice. Arrgata understood that it doesn't matter which one was it.. seems these guys have freedom to do anything.

She joined them, straightening her back, doing her best to look official and strong. Even thou she was much smaller then the men around her.
"Greetings Inquisitor. It seems your order is everywhere now a days." she looked toward the pyramid which was their destination.
Well, since you are alone, I guess you can come with us.. we all serve same Order, so we gladly offer you aid shell you need it." she had no idea how powerful this man was, but by doing this she pre-emptively extended olive branch, and avoided potential threat. With Sith one can never be too sure.

She signal 3 of her men to start scouting.

My master, Dart Diem send me here to acquire shield and weapon technology. Hope we do find some." she made few steps, then turn toward the men "Shell we?"


"We transformed Nathema into an agriworld, to feed our subjects. Foolishly, we entrusted stewardship of the world to one who's mind was more preoccupied with delusions than results." Last He'd heard, that trustee had thrown their lot in with the Brotherhood of the Maw. He doubted she'd provided much to the Brotherhood other than ramblings, He'd long learned that placing trust in such a creature would only result in disappointment.

Together, the three passed down into the black earth. There was something oddly familiar, but still distinctly foreign, about this ruin. Whatever the feeling was, it tugged at the corners of His mind, like a long forgotten memory pushing to the surface. "I am reminded of Prakith when Sortis yet ruled, his citadel was a den of madness and shadows. Even today, the foundations buried within Prakith's earth reverberate with power that once was; an echo of the man. Most assuredly, this crypt holds the same resonance."

And if that were true, then this was a place the Sepulchral held in great esteem. There was no telling what awaited them in the dark, and whether or not such secrets should ever be unearthed.


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