Corey's OOC
And where were the spiders
Impatience in a droid. That was something else, now wasn’t it? Marek looked over to the unit and nodded. One thing he knew was that droids should be respected, lest they turn the galaxy into one giant battery. Hopefully the droids would deem the Yuuzhan Vong the ultimate enemy however. That could be refreshing. He’d get his engineers out here, but Marek was not an engineer. He was a hustler who became Foreman. He made deals. And then made the rest of people fall in line.
Turning his attention back to Anja, he was pleased with how this was going. He was comfortable knowing that should anything arise from the Primeval, and they needed the Techno Union, or something from the Union, they’d speak up. Selling the goods of the Union in Primeval space, and military wares, even at a discount to the reigning government, would definitely help the shareholders and CEOs. He was hopeful for this arrangement.
“Fair enough to me, no need to make philosophy an involved part of our preceding here.” He nodded and smiled. “I think we’ve got a great thing starting here, and as far as I’m aware, we share common friends, which makes it easier.” No war disputes and people picking sides.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="HK-42"]
Turning his attention back to Anja, he was pleased with how this was going. He was comfortable knowing that should anything arise from the Primeval, and they needed the Techno Union, or something from the Union, they’d speak up. Selling the goods of the Union in Primeval space, and military wares, even at a discount to the reigning government, would definitely help the shareholders and CEOs. He was hopeful for this arrangement.
“Fair enough to me, no need to make philosophy an involved part of our preceding here.” He nodded and smiled. “I think we’ve got a great thing starting here, and as far as I’m aware, we share common friends, which makes it easier.” No war disputes and people picking sides.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="HK-42"]