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Approved NPC Relyana Vasq

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  • Intent: To provide an NPC adversary for the Galactic Alliance and to flesh out a subordinate to the Lady of Secrets
  • ​Image Credit: https://www.artstati...m/artwork/6vQ1r
  • Role: A lesser Sith Master in service to the Lady of Secrets (Taeli Raaf)
  • Links: Order of Shadows
  • Age: 37
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Miraluka
  • Appearance: Relyana is a lithe individual, typically garbed in dark robes or gowns, wearing an armored chestpiece. A face mask covers the approximate location of where eyes would be, standard for a Miraluka. The tattoos on her face, given to her by the Lady of Secrets, act in much the same as her Master's, being used as an anchor or hiding place for her dark side aura when she is on assignment where stealth is key. They appear when her dark side presence is revealed or she is channeling the dark side. She also has a cybernetic right arm as result of injury from the One Sith-Republic War.
  • Name: Relyana Vasq, Darth Augura
  • Loyalties: Taeli Raaf as the Lady of Secrets, the Sith Empire by extension
  • Wealth: Somewhat wealthy due to access to her Master's assets when she requires them
  • Notable Possessions: Lightsaber, cybernetic right arm
  • Skills:
  1. ​Force Pull/Push - Master
  2. Force Lightning - Master
  3. Force Sight - Master
  4. Force Concealment - High Knight
  5. Elusive Presence - High Knight
  6. Sith Magic - Knight
  • Personality: Relyana is a methodical high functioning sociopath, trained by her Master to be a manipulator, infiltrator, and assassin. Throughout her service to Taeli Raaf, she has displayed a need to plot out her missions to the smallest detail, and has been taught to take advantage of a situation to adjust those plans accordingly. Those that encounter her describe her as charming, but this friendly demeanor masks the true darkness that, at the order of her Master, can be unleashed on a sadistic whim.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber and the Force
  • Combat Function: While she can duel with her lightsaber, she is by no means a master of the blade and any accomplished duelist could easily overpower her. Relyana's preferred method of fighting is to either attack from long range with lightning or sorcery, or conceal herself and strike from the shadows in rapid fashion. Trained by her Master, she has developed an older skill that allows memory of her to slip away from those who have encountered her, if she so chooses to maintain her aloofness while carrying out her Master's wishes. She actively avoids anything related to void stone, ysalamiri, or anything else that might disrupt her connection to the Force as she would lose her ability to see completely.

Relyana Vasq has been in service to Taeli Raaf since the time her Master ascended to Sith Ladyship during the One Sith Empire. The Miralukan woman before falling into the service of the Sith, was already a master manipulator. Employed by various factions to gain secrets from targets, she always found herself wanting something greater. That chance came when she encountered Lady Arcanix while the newly raised Sith Lady was traveling in the galaxy.

The new Sith Lady began her training in the ways of the Sith, forming her into an ideal infiltrator, an even more masterful manipulator, and assassin. One mission during the One Sith-Galactic Republic war she was sent on cost her right arm, and a cybernetic replacement was provided by her Master. When her Master "defected" to the Jedi, Relyana was among those servants of Arcanix that established Horizon Station in secret, leaving the One Sith behind to further the hidden agenda of Taeli Raaf.

Acting as one of the Paradox Adepts in her Master's Order of Shadows, Relyana helps oversee various operations of her Master's, including being a point of contact between the Lady of Secrets and the Mecrosa Order... if the need arises for interaction.
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