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Remember Me for Centuries[Development Thread]

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Currently within her office aboard Rendili Stardrive's main shipyard and glossing over various design projects in the works, Camellia Swift found herself sighing in exasperation and exhaustion. Some weren't too impressive, but others certainly seemed to hold potential. It had been such a long time since the Rendili woman had recalled being so deep in paperwork over a product. Most of her time nowadays had been stolen away by others, and it had left her missing this sort of work as of late. Now her eyes were glued to the blueprints and proposals before. A certain carrier design in particular, based off an old republic cruiser, certainly appealed to the Rendili Stardrive Head.

At the same time though it had been meant for the Republic, and it was reminiscent of that old power long ago too so it might look bad if she turned it over to the Sith. Then again it could be seen as iron. All the same, they didn't seem to like many companies designs if it wasn't Titan industries. The Sith really liked them, but then again Titan was the leading, and perhaps only company, in the Vong technology field. Since the Sith were on that theme it made sense they were favored. This design had a lot of potential in the open market perhaps. Certainly it might make its way to the Eastern or even Southern Rim.

Which reminded her that Ayumi was going to be arriving soon since Camellia recalled asking for help on a few system setups. Well, maybe they could do it all for this new design then.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi had been surprised when she received the call to come and visit cam. She hadn't seen the woman since well since their work on the will fo the force and with Rendili falling to the sith she wasn't certain the woman had survived. For now she stood in her armored and cordial bodysuit designed by Sasori with the armorweave and duraplast as she kept her hood up. "I was surprised to receive a com from you, I feared the worse with everything crazy happening in the galaxy."

[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Having moved down to the hanger to meet and greet Ayumi in person herself, Camellia found herself smiling at her old acquaintance having not seen the woman from Silver Jedi space in such a long time. The last had been in the time they had been working feverishly on the Will of the Force, which the Rendili woman hoped was being put to great effect. Although she also hoped it was being used properly and not just as another regular warship. The Silver Jedi had bugged her to help them put stealth coating on it and she had designed it with some of the best electronic battle analysis software there ever was. "Everything is crazy, I haven't really found my place with the galaxy in the messy sorts that it is. The only things I've been able to focus on have been the company, and the Sith aren't exactly lining up for my designs and I can't sell to the Republic like I used to either."

Still, at least private contracts weren't outside the companies reach and the civilian market was thriving as well although not much of the products being pushed nowadays were being designed for the average citizen's use. "I hope you've been doing well. Not that the Silver Order seems to go around picking fights with other governments often. I hope you don't mind I called you out here. I was hoping to start up a new project and figured an old hand would be much appreciated."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was looking at her and gave a nod of her head, when some things weren't working out you never knew. Camellia's misfortune and disheartened outlook might work really well towards getting information if it could help. She might not like many people or enjoy some of the attitudes of the people. A smirk played on her face though at the idea of developing a new ship was great for getting her head clear and working out some pent up feelings of well anything. She could at the least use the information should it ever be brought against her friends. "Alright what kind of project do you have in mind?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Motioning for the other woman to follow her, Camellia smiled as pleasantly as she could as she tried to get things moving back to her office where she could share the files in privacy. "Its a revival of another old design, you know how much of a fan of those I am. This time we'll be working on a small destroyer that will operate as a carrier and core fleet vessel, although by the time we're finished it should be self-sufficient as well." Aside from that she didn't want to say too much else. It wasn't like they could be overheard easily and there were only employees around this section of the station, but with the project mostly being in its proposal phase there weren't many people who were allowed to know just yet before the product went into production.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi had a nod at that, the design she wasn't certain on. She was thinking about some of the things while she had a small smirk on her face at that thought. "A good idea, nothing to big like last time and that could be deployed en mass." She had some ideas and a ship like that wasn't such a bad idea.... She actually preferred it with some of the things she had seen going on and now had a smile in her head. This was a project worth working more on. "Alright show it to me and lets get to work with what we can do. I have some designs I want to run by and work on as well. Nothign military but an advanced exploration craft."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

The Rendili woman nodded at Ayumi's request to also work on some of the other woman's designs as well with their time, an advanced exploration vessel wasn't behind her company's ability if her friend had some marketable or effective and needed someone to produce it. "That shouldn't be a problem, we can set aside time for that as well. We're certainly hoping to mass produce this design, hence the work we're putting into it. Rendili Stardrive is hoping to bring back an emphasis on smaller warships below the sixteen hundred meter line. Heavy Destroyers are too common and battles consist of fewer and fewer ships as bigger ships take up the budget. It's like we're returning to the days of Xin the Despot and the Alaskhan League when war came down to single giant ships. Well whatever, the company will adjust if our products right now don't sway commanders to change their tactics. Would be an excuse to revive old designs like the Invicinble class or the Inexpugnable en masse again."

Pausing to enter her pass code into the panel next to her office door, Camellia smiled to Ayumi as she gestured for the other woman to follow her inside. Her desk was a mess of papers and files, but mostly on current starfighter and destroyer designs. The Dreadnought and Impregnable sat nicely as some of the most heavy brawler cruisers out there. Rendili needed ships in other categories to supplement them.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi looked at her and well she liked big ships, sometimes it was more scary to see a single ship that could blot out the sun over a planet over just hover there ominously. That was one of the things the imperials had with their destroyers... Aside from firepower there was power in the fear of what was inside. Could be a standard garrison of jackbooted stormtroopers or it could be the more dangerous and specialized ones that were for wiping out dissenters. Getting a smaller ship though for battles was something she could also like as she held a wider grin. "Alright lets get to work and test some guns... we blowin up asteroids again?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Standing over her desk as she began to sift through papers, Camellia grinned and shook her head sorrowfully in response to the other woman's remark about blowing up asteroids. "It won't be that kind of ship Ayumi, sorry. This won't be carrying any special weapon, but it will be boasting some very special systems. I know you're aware of things like the GAM unit that's been effective against Vong warships and Hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer which is used to break through Interdiction Fields from Gravity Well Projectors and the like right? I want to install both such systems on this class along with missile jammer technology, the screamer model should suffice or even an gravity well projector itself on this ship. Then I want to provide EMP shielding for the ship to prevent anyone from frying the systems with any EMP or Ion Blasts."

Picking up the folders for the battlecruisers in question, the Rendili woman offered them for Ayumi to look over as they continued speaking. "Aside from these primary systems I want to allocate an appropriate number of weapon emplacements to keep it relevant in battle but it won't have more than average since it will primarily be a carrier role this design will be filling. The Centurion Class will hopefully make an impact with its return. We're hoping to keep the hanger size the same as it once was, around one hundred and twenty fighters and bombers and between thirty and fifty dropships. Of course it will also be bearing our traditional hull reinforcement and shield enhancements. What do you think of the concept so far Ayumi? We're hoping to bring this to a Mass Produced level."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi looked at her with the idea.... Camellia was wanting a lot of systems on a ship while she smirked leaning back a bit. "That can always work, good systems make a ship beyond just large amounts of firepower." She was almost glowing now thinking about something that could on the technical side decimate before it had guns to fight. "Alright I am in, lets go and have some fun testing these things." She was all for it while sitting there and straightening her hair for a moment into a tighter ponytail she could work on some things. "I am liking the idea of it and whatever I can do to help we'll make it work, mass production of ships like this could become a nice to to go against some of the other enemies out there."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

That was certainly the idea. A destroyer with the firepower and defenses to go up against its fellows, though perhaps not considering how they were advancing in this day and age, while providing a carrier role was hopefully what havies of the galaxy needed nowadays. There were no false thoughts in the Rendili woman's mind about this. The revived Centurion class would not be going toe to toe with a Darkblade like the Noblesse had done, that wouldn't be its role. Instead this ship would be able to tackle the heavy cruisers and light destroyers on an even level and maintain a strong presence with technology to keep it from buckling to things like dovin basals or interdiction fields. Nothing too heavy, but certainly needed. Its main role would be that of a carrier, and hopefully it would do that well.

Looking to Ayumi, Camellia stood up grinning, excitement plain on her face, as she stepped toward the door. "I'll call a crew up then to man the prototype. It has the systems on board to test but its bare bones apart from everything else. If we like what we see with the different facets of the design we can move into real production. Let's stop by development first. We can check out the EMP shielding in the test lab while the crew gets itself ready."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was listenign and getting some ideas she always did like the tests they were the best part of all this stuff as she was rubbing her hands together. "That works for me and oh we can break out the champagne to celebrate the designs. I can run this exploration craft by you cause I think the food bays are going to need work. Don't know where to get some cloning chambers for it." She had some nice ideas of ways they could grow and harvest more food but she wasn't certain if they would work, it could prove useful though in the long run if they all worked towards it as she was going on in her head.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Putting in the communication for the prototype crew to be called up for active duty for the day, Camellia grinned at the thought of celebratory champagne, although it was far too earlier to begin such celebration just yet. They hadn't succeeded with finalizing the design and approving it for production after all. They would though, of that the Rendili woman had no doubts. She just hoped it didn't take too long. Especially since it seemed like Ayumi had some other thoughts in mind too for her own design. Hearing about the cloning chambers as they headed down to the science labs a few levels below her office, Camellia couldn't help but wonder what sort of ship was going to be using cloning technology. . . .on its food bays? "Well the labs on Kamino aren't quite what they used to be but they are viable. The Spaarti might also have cloning tech available on the market. I'm not too invested in that sector of research so I wouldn't know for sure. I wouldn't mind looking at the ship though, if its decent food bays you need we have quality parts that we used in lines like the Vainglorious Cruiser and the Starlight Freighters. Once we finish with the Centurion I have no qualms working on this with you."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was thinking about that, a lot of the work for the ships she was putting in would most likely be ignored and pushed aside same as her previous work. The dangerous thought that she was being under appreciated for working to make what they could have. She would do all she could to make it work with some cloning tech and some converters. "I'll have to look into that, getting some tubes will help and oh the plans if you could help and look over them. I was looking at different types of pressors to protect the ship instead of a lot of fighters." She was sidetracking it but also find a way to pass the time as the prototype needed to be set up and all the testing would take them moments. "Lets see to this ship and then we'll work on mine."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Ayumi's troubled expression didn't sit well with the Rendili woman, whatever was wrong she hoped it would pass by getting to work. Nodding to affirm she would look at the plans for her friend once they finished the other work they were around to do, Camellia opened the doors as they entered the lab section that tested most of the electronics for new starships. "If you want more suggestions on your project I can help you there too. Now though they should be finished up setting up a live test of our EMP Shielding down here. . . . .isn't that right ladies?" In response several of the scientists would look up from their work, some of them running diagnostics on simulation software while others carried a test datapad out into the testing chamber where it was set up on a pedestal.

The chief technician would stand up from her seat and move towards the CEO and guest as she waved to the others setting up. "Just about maam. The computer has been what we believe to be appropriately shielded for a device of its size and caliber, and the chamber has already been set up so as to employ an electromagnetic pulse capable of shorting out the computer under optimal conditions. Of course a live test with the prototype ship itself was considered but the expense of such an experiment would be enormous, and testing out something big within reason aboard the station would mean the pulse might short out systems on the station in the area that they themselves aren't protected for. As it stand everything here is ready we just need to link up the test pad with the systems in this room so we can collect the data."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was looking at her and gave a nod. Help on a project was always good, you needed things like that and she was more then certain there would be some special surprises to be found. Looking at what Cam had planned though she was very happy to see the real fun of it all while she was walking to the room to meet the scientist team... Semi certain they were the ones from the last project but she wasn't sure... She was better with faces at the most part as she crossed her arms over her chest and spoke. "I am ready to see it and well your teams are always skilled, I am glad to see their abilities haven't been dulled."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"We have been working around the clock to keep up with the advances in the industry. We've been looking at a lot of potential business paths we could take to keep a lead in the game. A carrier capable of fighting and providing support at heavy cruiser or pocket destroyer size is hopefully the best initiative." Nodding to her colleague and friend, Camellia turned back to the party of technicians and scientists as they milled about typing on their datapads furiously establishing a link to the electronics they were going to try and fry with the electromagnetic pulse. It was mostly a boring moment for almost everyone watching as those who carried the datapad and pulse device into the testing chamber exited and all eyes were on the few people in their chairs doing the link.. . . .even though the signal would cut out once the pulse went off anyway and they'd just step inside to check the datapad to make sure it was working anyway.

Still, they needed it for actual data on what would happen at the cut off and what readings they had on the datapad before the pulse was activated. They needed to check for a change before and after.

Personally Camellia figured she could use the time to check on the updates for the rest of the technology they were incorporating into the Centurion line. The HIMS unit would be on the prototype ship due to its nature to test, and the crew for said ship would be readied in another hour by all accounts if not more still. The interdiction field from the Gravity Well Generator would also be on the Prototype. The only thing they could still test on station would possibly be the . . . .actually nothing. Well after this they could just head to the hanger and recount the rest of the tactical specifics for the ship.

"We're ready to conduct the test maam. The datapad is linked up so we're receiving. We can compare how it was to how it is after the pulse goes off for any damage."

At least things were moving reasonably well. "Let me know you're ready Ayumi and I'll give the word. Wouldn't want you to miss anything sneezing out of place."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was looking at it, the testing of what they had was to be quite a sight as she was carefully watching and flicking her eyes back and forth over the data. Sharing it and helping... great idea but she wasn't certain fully if a carrier able to fight would be great. It could be trying to do so much it didn't make an advantage as she walked with her and looked at the ones who were there. "Alright let us get ready and begin." She was here for the sight of it and hearing they would be ready that quickly she smirked. "This is good, lets begin now. I am ready to see these brave men and women and get this o. These ships could be more useful then I originally thought if they fully work as intended."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Nodding, Camellia motioned for the chief technician to begin and the woman moved off to join the rest of the staff on the project by the databanks as they ran a final check that the room was sealed and the EMP device was ready to activate at the flip of the switch. Once they were assured of that, that it would work and their own equipment was safe with the room sealed that is, they began with a simple countdown. It was more so that no one would miss watching the test by looking away than it was for anything else, people who used countdowns merely for theatrics were silly folk. After all, the spectacle of the dazzling burst as the electromagnetic pulse was activated was stunning enough it needed no added theatrics.

Some people likely would think this was extravagant for a test but if successful it would prove several things many liley wouldn't expect. It would prove that the ship was sufficiently protected against most electronic attacks. Anything meant to shut down the systems would have to get inside the computer to do it, so short of a hacker sneaking a transmitter right on a system, and only one system since most warships had isolated networks for each sub system logically and realistically, it meant that ion cannons, electromagnetic pulse generators, or even point laser scrambling wouldn't knock out the ship's systems. It likely wouldn't stop communication jamming but it would stop anyone from shutting down targeting displays, engine power routings, life support, sensors, and the HIMS and Gravity Well Projector.

That is if the test was successful. Leaving the Rendili woman only one question to ask. "Well? Is the datapad working or did we fry it?" Rushing to find that answer, the technicians would open up the test chamber, the static leftover from the EMP making a slight crackle sound and making their hair stand a little as they entered and brought the computer out. . . . . .and immediately showed to the rest of everyone gathered it was still on and running. "It looks very successful maam. The EMP didn't knock out the datapad, but we'll check its files quick with what our computers over here copied to make sure it wasn't damaged and lost anything. if everything is there then the entire test was a perfect success."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi's gaze was intense and her stance as she was there very stiff. She kept her arms crossed over her chest both in concentration and readiness before she was grinding her teeth. All the looks of a focused individual who was nervous.. mostly for the ship as she hoped it would start to work and be worth it. The other was that she was thinking about applying several things to her own ideas and with Armatech, Sasori and anyone else they might be able to get together for it well they could end up with some nice pieces of equipment on a ship designed to function for the longest time by itself. She didn't want another warship she wanted a sanctuary class ship they coudl use for things. "A good showing if it worked?"

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