Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remembering Lost Alts

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Darth Voracitos"] - We did, and it would work and be cool, but it's the principle of the thing. :D Think he's gonna stay dead, like Velok.

And, both.


Disney's Princess
Both. It's for Alts that don't get used as much as you'd want them to be. Whether that means deleted or just 'boxed', it doesn't matter. Shame shame. :D
Well-Known Member
Well then:

Jhar'Vokh (Noghri Terrorist Dark Jedi/Sith over powered padawan thingy)
Beldorion III (Hutt Jedi)
Silver Sentinel (Resu Ambassador, later turned into Iron Giant)
Mentor (Uber sciency guy who had a company and a character sheet even a whole freakin' planet to himself and was never roleplayed)
Ruye Etarn (Kro Var Shaper Princess who disappeareded and caused a tiny war)
Shaper Haru (He taught Morna a few times, before being turned into an Emperor by the same name, and then turned into Ruye Etarn)
Amon (Created for the Knights of Kal'Shebbol before they went inactive, he was pretty cool and dueled a Sith Masta, but ultimately didn't do very much at all)
The Meta (From Red vs Blue.... don't ask)
Bene Vole (To make a pretty Senator. She probably would have lasted a lot long if I hadn't gone LOA AWOL)
Various others that I've forgotten. I think I made a Sith who specialized in mechanical stuff but never RPed

But yeah, the list goes on.
Well-Known Member
Hey! I hear accusation in that text! Ex-Emprah D. Fatty has been very successful, and Hutuun'Kyramud has had a good career and will be seeing action soon!

A 'den

The Demolition Expert with one brain cell.
This guy. When his muse died, so did my need to rp, but it is coming back slowly. So maybe this grenade crazy Mando will return.

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