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Remnants of the Infinite Empire (Republic Dominion of Rakata Prime)

Rakata Prime​
MC70 Ackbar-class Star Cruiser
Bridge Deck

Standing on the bridge, thin lines of stars could be seen compressing back into their original white dots, as the ship exited hyperspace. Accompanied by three smaller corvettes, the Mon Calamari cruiser commissioned to the Republic, looked slightly out of place compared to the bulky exterior of it's three guards. Blue light cast from the planet they were approaching, shone on the vessels, entering the bridge through the view-screen and splashing on the Shi'ido's robes. Rakata Prime. Or as it was more commonly known as Lehon. The home planet of the Rakata species, and the Capital of their once feared Empire. For thousands of years the Rakata enslaved the citizens of the galaxy, corrupting the people with the dark side of the Force. However with time they had weakened and were destroyed, leaving only the ruined temples and fortresses to carry on their legacy.

And now the Republic had journeyed here to retrieve all that data and history that remained on the beautiful world. Covered in ocean, only small island pockets dotted the surface, narrowing their areas of focus. Of course their would be danger on the world. The planet had been corrupted by the dark side, having inhabited the dark species for so long, Rasu could already feel the strong pull of it's seductive powers, urging her to journey to the planet surface. Who knew how the wildlife had been affected. Which was why the Jedi and any other able bodied member of the Republic had been sent first, to cull the planet of it's dangers before research teams could journey down, and settlements created.

With that said, those accompanying her on the first trip were welcome to do some research as well, of course she had all informed them of the dangers that they might face. Booby traps of the Infinite Empire were a feared thing, pulling the living essence out of the physical body and trapping it in a mind cell, Rasu shuddered at the thought. Pushing that out her mind, she returned to a small station to go over the plan for the coming mission. The directives were as follows;

  • To journey to the Temple of the Ancients. Here members of the group would have to first clear out any of the native wildlife, whether it be through peaceful or aggressive action. After this was done, members were to retrieve any data that was accessible, for researchers to analyse. This section would most likely contain traps and other dangerous aspects as the pull of the dark side is at it's strongest here, so it is suggested that more experienced members of the group take part in this mission.

  • To journey to the beach head of the largest island, and clear out any dangers on the chunk of land. Settlements will be situated here so members must ensure that it is indeed safe before researchers arrive to begin their studies. Although not as dangerous as the Temple itself, the island may still hold a fair number of wildlife that could threaten those on this mission. This mission would be better suited for the more less experienced members of the group, having a lower risk of danger.

Relaying this to all monitors on all four crafts, she set off for the hangar ready to take part in this mission also, eager to see what awaited her on the home of the Rakata people.


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Rasu Gan"]

Saki had come with the other knight and the scores of jedi. This was was a dangerous place, something they needed to protect and make sure wasn't being wasted as her face showed a frown. "Hey now Rasu you okay." She gave the woman a smirk though at the thought and checked the equipment before patting the knight on the shoulder before moving along towards the doors. "Lets go for democracy and all that."

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Oh...her timing was getting better. Much better. Not perfect, but better.

Aika found herself int he hangar, her hand rubbing at her eyes as she stood in wait for the others the were heading down to Rakata Prime. It was a planet she had studied, as it played home to one of the most dominant species of the past. Yet, she couldn't figure out why she'd volunteered for such an assignment. Perhaps it wad the opportunity to learn more of the species. Or perhaps she'd finally grown board of sitting within the temple, though the second option was less likely.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she awaited the arrival of the others. It would prove to be an interesting least, for her.

@[member="Saki"] @[member="Rasu Gan"]
For once in his life, Vulpesen settled for a clean landing, putting his ship down on a gently patch of land just a small hike away from the temple of ancients. Rakata Prime didn't seem to have too many hostile enemies and this seemed to bode well for the jedi as he stepped down on his ramp, carrying Ace on his shoulder. Still, some dangers were hidden from sight and he kept his senses alert. The reek of the dark side seemed to fill the air around him, prompting Vulpesen to take a deep breath and calm himself down. In response to his bond-mates touch with the darkside, Ace's fur shifted colors, turning a bit darker than usual before returning to its original pure blue state. The pelt had been growing lighter recently, a product of Vulpesen's increasing rejection of the darkside. He was still a bit grey, but places such as Lehon and Korriban had given him reason to strengthen his resolve and step a few paces back from that internal line.

Reaching into his robes, Vulpesen produced his comlink. Clicking the transceiver, Vulpesen brought the device up to speak in. "Vulpesen Torrevaso has hit the planet. May I inquire as to who will be joining me to the temple?" His voice was calm and relaxed, hinting to his confidence in this mission. So far, he had gone through several places for republic work, and despite some rather unfair odds, he had managed to come out of each ordeal with very few scratches. Hopefully that luck would continue, even on this dark sided planet.

@Saki @Rasu Gan @[member="Aika Kawakami"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Rasu Gan"]

"Ah don't worry about it yet Vulpesen we got plenty of time, lets just beat some people around and knock their teeth in if they have any left. No telling how the galactic empire left the joint." Saki moved seeing Rasu and Aika while she let out a breath and got herself ready. "Alright lets go and say hello, watch out for traps and tricks or whatever else they might have left behind to mess with us."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee

"So... if I remember correctly... word down the Hydian way suggests there are rancors about." she told her companions, a wry grin on her face. "...The kind you can ride on."

Oh, there came an idea!
Vulpesen shrugged as he heard Saki's voice come over his comlink. As relaxed as she was, Vulpesen was eager to begin the real action. Taking his steps forward, the jedi shadow kept himself aware of any problems he sense in the force. Returning his focus to his comlink, Vulpesen tapped into the com waves. "Very well, but the sooner we get this over with, the better. This place may seem like a tropical paradise, but its giving me the shivers." The corruption of this planet was his biggest threat so far, and though he was also aware of the rancors on the planet, Vulpesen prided himself as a skilled beast tamer. His only concern in that matter was whether or not they'd want to come home with him. @[member="Saki"]

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Rasu Gan"]

Interesting was the only thing that came to her mind while she sat there, the jedi were leadin gthe way with the soldiers but that would only go so far. They needed to make sure the unknown regions were secured from threats and the remnants of Rakata Prime otherwise known as Lehon was just that. A dangerous aspect to leave unguarded here with the second empires falls and disappearance. A smirk came to her face though while she was in the privacy of her room reading the datapad while gliding her thumb over the necklace with the taozin nodule. The ornate crystals hiding it from view but it serving its purpose of keeping her force presence from view of others. She'd have to make sure to visit that temple when it was cleared of threats, maybe even get a rancor.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
@[member="Vaudin Miir"] @[member="Jack Sparrow"] @A'dele Adonai @[member="Zarro Verres"] @[member="Inkblot"] @[member="Coci Sinopi"] @[member="Aliannah S. del D. Filia"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Rasu Gan"]

"Oh I might be able to work on my tan." With a smirk on her face Nico looked towards the planet in the distance. There was plenty going on there and more then enough energy in the force that she could feel. That wasn't something she had expected after hearing how the Galactic empire had fought across the planet. Now they were gone and it was up to the Republic to clean up things. Something fitting she supposed since a trail of bodies and messes were all they usually got to clean up and take the blame for. "Alright this is Nico, I am heading out to see what can be found."
He was ready. He placed the durasteel armour upon his body and strapped the lightsaber belt onto him. He was ready to go down to the planet of Rakata Prime. Home of a race that had been a powerhouse in it's day. Though, those days were gone and they were still present in the known galaxy, though barely recognized for their past endeavours. He almost felt bad. Almost.

He walked into the hangar to find a shuttle when he spotted @[member="Rasu Gan"] and followed her. The Jedi Headmistress had become what some would call a 'friend' to Antares over the time that they had spent at the Academy on Tython, and the time they had spent on Tund, and at the Grand Jedi Temple upon Coruscant.

"Master Gan." He called out once they were close to each other. "May I join you?" He asked as he caught up to her.

@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Saki"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Antares Windu"] @[member="Nico Minuro Ike"] @[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] @[member="Saki"] @[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Vaudin looked around at the others as the blond Jedi Knight talked about riding a Rancor and he leaned over to @[member="Vulpesen"]

"I wish I was a Rancor all of a sudden. Right man? Come on?" Vaudin pointed at Kira, "I mean right? no?"

"Well I guess I'll just join the tanning party then." He said laughing inside.

He looked around as they moved and remembered the gizka were rumored to come from here as well. Cute little things but they breed like humans, fast and indiscriminately.

Talon Vosra

@Kira Liadain @Antares Windu @Nico Minuro Ike @Ayumi Pallopides @Saki @Rasu Gan @Aika Kawakami @Vulpesen

"I could use a Tan myself." Talon sadi as he walked up to the group. "but then it might spoil my bad bot image."

Talon grinned as he joked. they had work to do however and it was a dangerous planet to say the least.

"Well, my friends where shall we begin?" he said feeling the dark energies in the distance. "Shall we go and find Jedi Liadain a Rancor for her jumping beans?"

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Vaudin Miir @Jack Sparrow @A'dele Adonai @Zarro Verres @Inkblot @Coci Sinopi @Aliannah S. del D. Filia @Vulpesen @Kira Liadain @Aika Kawakami @Rasu Gan @[member="Nico Minuro Ike"] @[member="Talon Vosra"]

Oh there was a sort of mischief within the depths of Kira's eyes that suggested she was MORE than willing to find a rancor.

"I hear they are sentient..." she told her fellow brethren, grabbing a stick to twirl between her fingers, turning on the balls of her feet to walk backwards as she spoke to the group.

"So... who's been training on the old beast language lessons recently, eh?" she came to a sudden halt, pointing her stick to the group in a slow scan of faces.

"Who is up to this task?"

Talon Vosra

@[member="Kira Liadain"]

"Wait Knight Kira! Did you hear that!," Talon said holding his hand to his ear, "crickets!" He whisperes excitedly.

He stopped joking and cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I meant maybe we can figure it out."

Talon pointed off in the distance and walked the other direction to stand with a look of pure innocence in his emerald green eyes.
"Why am I here?" asked Jack sincerely, walking alongside @Vaudin Miir. He'd ridden in the Mon Cal cruiser in comfort, studying the very professional and correctly spelled dossier the Republic had provided, and eschewing his own beloved Black Pearl for the mission so as not to confuse anyone. "I mean honestly. I'm surrounded by wizards and everyone is talking about rancors. I've seen rancors before mate, and the last thing on my mind would be riding one."

He looked over to @Kira Liadain and raised his voice. "Can you really ride one?" he asked the Knight. "And by 'you' I mean is it a wizard thing?" He knew Jedi were capable of everything from adding robot spiders to their torsos after being cut in half and not dying, to flying, to completely fooling their own kind for years on end while they become mass murderers, so it wouldn't surprise the pirate-cum-senator to learn they were also able to ride monsters. They can probably make them whistle cantina songs through their nostrils, thought Jack to himself.

Back to Vaudin, he asked, "Diplomatic discussions? That's why I'm here? Talk to the natives, convince them we're the winning side, fold them into the loving womb of our beloved Republic, and no hard feelings about the whole Infinite Empire?"
Leaving the turbo-lift with Saki and Aika, Rasu walked into the large hangar witnessing the group of Jedi slowly increase as the gathered around the multiple hangars, waiting for them to embark. Already members of the group, turned as the three Jedi Knights entered the room. Making her way briskly over to one of the shuttles, she relayed the plan to the pilot, ensuring he understood it before passing it on to his peers. Leaving the man to carry out this task, Rasu returned to the group of Jedi, her attention turning specifically to young Antares Windu who had approached her.

"Why of course, Padawan Windu. I'd appreciate all the help I can get." she said, gesturing for him to take a place in the nearby shuttle. "I'm assuming that the rest of you are also journeying to the Temple of the Ancients?" she asked, making the assumption by the way that they had all turned eagerly at the Shi'ido's arrival. "Well come on then, everyone to your shuttles." Waiting until the swarm of beings had ceased, the Headmistress took one last look around the hangar, before making her way int the ship, doors magnetically sealed behind her as she felt the craft set off towards the planet.

The ship shuddered slightly as it made contact with the ground, the doors opening allowing their passengers to disembark into the harsh light of Lehon's sun. Sand crunched under the weight of the Jedi's boots, as they all made their way to the shade of the jungle, sheltering from its heated glare. The top of the Temple could be already seen from the beach, a narrow path sprouting from the jungle opening would hopefully take them to the base of the building. Before they set off however, she would make sure all were ready. This is when things would get dangerous, and she wanted to make sure everyone was prepared. Waiting patiently, she relieved some of her boredom, by admiring the beautiful view of the beach head, the sparkling water reflecting the sunlight in arcs of light.
Vulpesen continued on his trek to the temple, keeping his ears on alert for any trouble. So far, everything seemed quiet. of course, that often just meant that he was about to get shot at. "Ace, do you smell anything?" Sniffing the air, the wolf took a moment before yipping in the affirmative. After a short exchange of telepathic communication, Vulpesen was told that there was a nearby rancor. Too far to be a threat, but close enough to see if he wanted. "Sounds fantastic. Let's move in." Finally, Vulpesen could challenge himself chasing after something bigger than any wild creature he had ever tamed before. Some call it reckless, some call it idiotic, and some called it bravery. Vulpesen simply called it a test that he had to pass.

@[member="Kira Liadain"] @Vaudin Miir @Jack Sparrow @[member="A'dele Adonai"] @Inkblot @Coci Sinopi @Aliannah S. del D. Filia @Kira Liadain @Aika Kawakami @Rasu Gan @Nico Minuro Ike @Talon Vosra

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
@[member="Talon Vosra"] @[member="Vaudin Miir"]

Kira's grin turned into a toothy grin, snapping the stick she held back up to rest upon her right shoulder, elbow tucked in.

"Clearly, Talon has NOT been paying attention to the beast languages instructor," came her amused quip, adding "And if you can manage to ride a cricket, then I'll be mighty impressed indeed."

Another chuckle came bubbling forth, this time her attention directed to @[member="Jack Sparrow"]. Rocking on her heels, she flashed him a wink, "Ain't just wizards that can ride 'em gov'ner!" she told him, spinning on the balls of her feet.

Course that's when @[member="Vulpesen"] just ran off from the direction of the temple to some other ambiguous destination, led by the wolf.

"Hey.. HEY!... Where do you think you're going?!" she called out, waving her stick for emphasis. "What happened to sticking together for the Temple venture?"

Her left hand went to perch on her hip, turning to look at the rest of the group. "Does he ALWAYS do that?" pointing her stick towards the direction Vulpesen ran off to.
Padawan Windu nodded his head to Rasu Gan. It was good to hear that she would appreciate his assistance. All of these dominions and wishes that the Republic were going on were tiring him out, but he wouldn't let it show. He had to keep on going, for the Republic and the Jedi Order. Besides, once it was all over then he could rest for a good long time.

When the shuttle's doors closed, it was a quiet ride down to the planet, and he walked out behind the Jedi Headmistress. He was calm within the Force, though he still said, "where to now?" He inquired, looking around when his durasteel boots touched the sand.

@[member="Rasu Gan"] - @[member="Kira Liadain"] - @[member="Aika Kawakami"] - @[member="Nico Minuro Ike"] - @[member="Talon Vosra"] - @[member="Coci Sinopi"] - @[member="Vaudin Miir"] - @[member="Jack Sparrow"] - @A'dele Adonai - @[member="Inkblot"] - @Aliannah S. del D Filia - @[member="Vulpesen"]
Actually, yes. Having been the shadow's companion for some time now, I was starting to be able to predict his actions. Then again, we were bonded. Someday I would have to thank the great elder wolf for that, but for now I was content with the bobbing motion as the jedi continued his dash. As we continued on, I probed the jedi's mind for his plan, and was almost shocked by what he had in mind. I WAS shocked when he actually found the rancor, and walked up to it like one would a small kitten. I am not comfortable. Using telepathic communication was a great skill of my kind, but sadly Vulpesen would be the only to hear me. Still, he got the idea and simply smirked, sending back his own message, trying to bolster what little confidence I had.

That confidence was then shattered as the beast turned and roared in our face. Slobber went everywhere and my fur whipped around. I myself was almost blown from my perch! What did this jedi do? Did he run? Did he fight? Did he call for back up? DID HE DO ANYTHING LOGICAL? Nope... he roared back. Of course, he didn't do it meekly so I had t give him some credit. I felt his force presence shift as he opened his mouth and executed the action. I was proud of my bond mate in that moment. He was a great howler, and for that, I was joyful. Then I once again realized what he was roaring at.

Preparing to see the beast eat my friend (fighter or not, there just some things I can't really help him with), I wondered which eye I would rip out to cover my own hide. Then... the beast stared at the puny little human, wondering what was wrong with it. It wasn't running and it was completely calm. For a few moments it stood there. Then, it swiped down and moved to eat the human. Closing my eyes, I prepared for the sensation of being lifted.

"STOP!" The voice was loud and commanding. Startled, I couldn't help but jump above my own height. Landing back on his shoulder, I looked over to witness Vulpesen's face, hard as stone as the stared down the rancor, holding his hand out infront of the massive claw. He had done it, HE STOPPED THIS THING FROM EATING HIM. Opening myself up to his mind, I could sense his struggle, I could sense him fighting with this creature as he tried his best to tame the monster's murderous thoughts. He was a true beast tamer, and I had never seen him fail. Still, this monster was huge and it was already fighting the darkside. For several long moments we stood there. Then... it stopped. The beast gave in. Anyone watching would have simply seen Vulpesen command it to stop, then about thirty seconds later, Vulpesen told it to sit. Obeying the command, The rancor fell on its bac side, waiting as the jedi climbed onto its back, just behind its head. "Stand." Again, the beast followed his orders. Vulpesen as in complete control now, and though I could see a bead of sweat move down his forehead, I was proud to have him as my bond mate. Still, I wasn't so proud that I could resist the great temptation to leave his shoulder for a greater perch Leaping down, I ran up to the top of the rancor's head, looking out boldly over several trees and to the jedi who awaited our return.

Bolstering my thought speech, I gave Vulpesen one simply phrase as my chest puffed out and I stood on the head of something easily over several thousand times my weight. "OFF WARDS AND ON WARDS!"

@Rasu Gan - @Kira Liadain - @Aika Kawakami - @Nico Minuro Ike - @Talon Vosra - @Coci Sinopi - @Vaudin Miir - @Jack Sparrow - @[member="A'dele Adonai"] - @Inkblot - @[member="Aliannah S. del D Filia"] - @Vulpesen

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