Samka Derith
Decitus Ren
Sam was scanning the crowd, wondering how many were armed. She locked eyes with a large, angry wookie holding some sort of sharp farming tool. She was confident that she could cut down any attackers who strayed from the mob but the longer they waited the larger the crowd grew and the more had time to retrieve weapons of some kind or another. Having her lightsaber trained on the teenager on the floor was enough to give them pause but angry shouts and obscenities were being thrown at her causing deeper tension. It was not a permanent resolution.
"You know what is even more pleasant than the Anoati surface? The Anoati sewers." She heard [member="Wolf"] saying from inside. If he meant what she thought he meant...
Sam shook her head and muttered beneath her breath. "You cannot be serious." She moved backwards into the shop, tugging her hostage behind her. Wolf and [member="Viktor DuSang"] had already left and [member="Skjold Alexeyev"] was preparing to leave. Apparently they were serious.
Mael gave an order to tie up the hostage and leave her behind as he too left the junkyard. "Fantastic idea," Sam grumbled as she stared at the terrified girl in front of her. "Let me just get out my bountiful supply of rope and mouth gags I have right here in my pocket." The others had gone so they wouldn't hear her remarks anyway. Nor would they see what they actually did with the hostage. Mael probably had a logical reason not to simply order the girl dead so Sam resisted her darker impulses and struck the girl across the temple of her head with the lightsaber's hilt. An instant knock out would have the same effect anyway.
Walking out into the back of the junkyard, Sam could just see Mael disappearing into the open grate. She walked over not bothering to hide the disgust etched into her face. The puddle she'd jumped into early was completely forgiven. With one final sigh of resignation, she hopped into the sewer below, sealing the grate back up behind her.
"You know what is even more pleasant than the Anoati surface? The Anoati sewers." She heard [member="Wolf"] saying from inside. If he meant what she thought he meant...
Sam shook her head and muttered beneath her breath. "You cannot be serious." She moved backwards into the shop, tugging her hostage behind her. Wolf and [member="Viktor DuSang"] had already left and [member="Skjold Alexeyev"] was preparing to leave. Apparently they were serious.
Mael gave an order to tie up the hostage and leave her behind as he too left the junkyard. "Fantastic idea," Sam grumbled as she stared at the terrified girl in front of her. "Let me just get out my bountiful supply of rope and mouth gags I have right here in my pocket." The others had gone so they wouldn't hear her remarks anyway. Nor would they see what they actually did with the hostage. Mael probably had a logical reason not to simply order the girl dead so Sam resisted her darker impulses and struck the girl across the temple of her head with the lightsaber's hilt. An instant knock out would have the same effect anyway.
Walking out into the back of the junkyard, Sam could just see Mael disappearing into the open grate. She walked over not bothering to hide the disgust etched into her face. The puddle she'd jumped into early was completely forgiven. With one final sigh of resignation, she hopped into the sewer below, sealing the grate back up behind her.