*lets out a light, airy laugh, revealing her sharpened teeth* @[member="Remus"]
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #41 *lets out a light, airy laugh, revealing her sharpened teeth* @[member="Remus"]
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 18, 2014 #42 *stares at the teeth curiously, then bares his own, not quite as sharp but still obviously so* @[member="Katar"]
*stares at the teeth curiously, then bares his own, not quite as sharp but still obviously so* @[member="Katar"]
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #43 *stares at his teeth. Taps with her index finger claw* ((Niiiiiice..... )) @[member="Remus"]
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 18, 2014 #44 *touches an elongated fingernail to her claw, a mysterious look in his eyes* @[member="Katar"]
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #45 *compares claw to fingernail* ((Mine's longer and sharper. I WIN! )
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 18, 2014 #46 *smirks and lightly draws a shape on her cheek* @[member="Katar"]
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #47 *sits frozen as he does something to her face, her eyes wide* @[member="Remus"]
Valerie Re'Daull Val'Rain Sekairo in Disguise Mar 18, 2014 #48 *Peeks out from behind bush she had been hiding in* "KISS HER," She whispered, interested to see what would happen next.
*Peeks out from behind bush she had been hiding in* "KISS HER," She whispered, interested to see what would happen next.
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 18, 2014 #50 @[member="Val'Rain Sekairo"] *peeks over at the bush, hearing the words but unable to understand them* @[member="Katar"] *Smirks and finishes drawing the shape, it turning out to be a small heart*
@[member="Val'Rain Sekairo"] *peeks over at the bush, hearing the words but unable to understand them* @[member="Katar"] *Smirks and finishes drawing the shape, it turning out to be a small heart*
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #51 *touches shape curiously* ((Well.......This is new......)) @[member="Remus"]
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 18, 2014 #52 *eyes the girl curiously once more, eager to see her reaction* @[member="Katar"]
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #53 *reaches out, attempting to mimic the shape on his cheek* @[member="Remus"]
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 18, 2014 #54 *stays still while the girl draws on his cheek* @[member="Katar"]
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #55 *completes roughly shaped heart. Satisfied that she had successfully done so, grins* ((Yep. I need to work on my drawing.....))
*completes roughly shaped heart. Satisfied that she had successfully done so, grins* ((Yep. I need to work on my drawing.....))
Kirachi Teoar Aliit ori'shya tal'din Mar 18, 2014 #56 *gently yips, curious to see if the two would end up being life partners* Rawr
Slot 21 Character S Mar 18, 2014 #57 *Looks over at Kira, smiling down at the Nexu* ((Hey there, fuzzy head! ))
Slot 21 Character S Mar 19, 2014 #59 *Reaches down and scratches Kira's head* @[member="Remus"] @[member="Kirachi Teoar"]
The Dragon A familiar face Mar 19, 2014 #60 *gazes at the small creature, then gingerly reaches a hand forth to pet it* @Katar @Kirachi Teoar