Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ren Tags

I personally couldn't care less about it, but I feel that the Ren somewhat earned their tags by now. Yet I also agree with the arguments made against introducing the tags, or rather that, should the Ren get a tag, every other semi important order had the right to a tag as well. Being a group linked to a single faction and not a code or general idea concerns me a little as well. While I would appreciate to see Rem tags around, I can't say that I feel that they would be necessary and their status as more of a subfaction than an actual force sect makes them rather specific, maybe to a point where using a wider applicable tag would be the more logical option.

Skylar Walker

Knight of Ren/First Order Badass
Kyrel Ren said:
I believe that it is time to have Ren tags, we have evolved so much regarding the last time this topic was brought up, we have gained more writers to write the Ren, we are starting to get more Masters of Ren. We are also getting more hype regarding the Ren and more lore coming up in a few months with the release of Last Jedi. I for one rather not identify as the Dark Jedi or Sith but something far different. I believe this should be given a chance. :)
I have to agree with this strange person. ;) When I made this character, I thought I'd be able to get a Ren something and I was even looking for when, when attaching it to my profile and din't find anything close enough. I think this would be a wonderful idea considering the fact, that the dark Jedi, neutral characters and Sith have their own categories. I second this idea.
Carlyle Rausgeber said:
**Goalpost Moving Intensifies** I'm kidding, but that's what it seems like. When this topic was last brought up, we were told we were too niche. Too small to be able to have our own tag. Now we've built a community, and we have a good number of great writers who play Ren, we're told we need to wait for more canon.


In fairness to myself, I've always maintained this answer. Above is my subaccount posting it in the thread you reference.

In fairness to you all, other Administrators did say they were too niche. And if we had a vote on it, I'm certain Staff would vote yes, because Staff loves new toys. Yeah, I'm holding it up.

I just don't want Chaos coming up with its own definition of Ren before we actually learn what they are, though.

Edit: I see absolutely no problem with picking your own FU tags and then having a Ren tag in your signature. It'll hold you over until December.
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
Just throwing in my two cents for this, I can understand where [member="Tefka"] is coming from, but alas I think we have as a entire community gone above and beyond what would be canon. Seeing how we have factions pop up with their own lore and etc, though yes the First Order is a canon thing, I believe our First Order has our own history, lore, etc. Though we have borrowed many things from the Canon First Order, I feel we have separated ourselves enough to give the Ren who for Chaos have their own lore as well, their own tags. Otherwise with an argument, I don't see the need for Dark Jedi tags as they can be lumped into the Sith as well, though in Canon they were just force users that work for the Empire, honestly they have less of Lore in terms of Canon that the our Chaos Ren do. Now I know [member="Tefka"] has spoken his mind, but I still feel this is a bit of nitpicking and could/should be done as more and more people are making Ren. I in my time here see more Ren than I see Dark Jedi.

Perth Levov

It matters not who I am. My power is all that shou
Tefka said:

I just don't want Chaos coming up with its own definition of Ren before we actually learn what they are, though.
I 100% agree - so please stop making us choose to be a Jedi, a Dark Jedi or a Sith.

And if Episode 8 doesn't answer our question, we'll have to wait two more years no doubt.

Anyhow, thanks for everyone that joined the debate - for now I know I'm none of the above and will just work with what we have to use.

:) :) :)
Caelag Vass said:
But can a knight of ren exist outside of the First Order? If they cannot... what makes them any different from a subfaction or group? If I got together twenty people of various ranks who called themselves Knights of Pizza or something similar, certainly a significant number of writers, would that qualify them to have tags added for their own rankings because they don't fit inside any of the others absolutely 100%
The Ren are a sect of the force who use whatever force necessary to reach their goal. There have been Lightsided Sith. There have been Dark Sided Jedi. *Dark Jedi* and thats why the tags are the way they are. If the Knights of Ren aren't Dark as Sith, nor as light as the Jedi, Then what the hell are we doing with the neutral force user tags? The Neutral force users tags were there for the specific purpose of having one for anyone who didn't feel like they were Jedi, or Sith, or witchy enough. The site cannot have so many tags about everything possible. We have generic tags to fill those holes.

Yes, The KoR have been picking up speed. Yes you may be completely different from the Canon. However, that doesn't mean that the Silver Jedi who had been active for a very long time, got their own Silver Jedi tags because they were a different kind of force user. Or the GA where they have multiple people over there who are considered Jedi, yet are not Jedi of the Canon and follow the code completely.

I have to agree that Vass here has the right idea by stating if you can't use it outside of the faction, then why have it? The force user tags are meant to be used no matter what faction you want to be in. So if you can allow anyone to become a Knight of Ren, without being in the First Order faction itself, then I would agree with you guys.

Until then, Tefka has the best idea of waiting till we know more about them, and if it comes up that the site deserves it, who I am I to stand in your way then?
Situation 1

Episode 8 comes forth with new information, Knights of Ren are an entirely new philosophy and everyone's snowflake agenda is validated

Tefka gives out Ren tags.

Situation 2

Knights of Ren are basically just Dark Jedi who follow Kylo.

Tefka does not give Ren tags, one faction groans.

Situation 3

We actually learn that Bendu is the new philosophy and Bendu Knights become a thing and balance of the Force is actually rad, which is way more likely than emo-man-child Kylo and stepdaddy Snoke developing their own new branch of Force philosophy.

Tefka gives out Bendu tags.


I mean at this point we should just start taking bets.
[member="Atheus"] - It sounds like you're basing your argument off of false information, and the belief that being a Knight of Ren inherently ties you to the First Order. While our Lore, something our Faction strives to pride itself on, respecting both the Star Wars canon and that of which we make ourselves here on Chaos, would state that to be a Knight of Ren - you'd have to be a part of the Faction. With how open ended the current Lore is, and the many possibilities this site and it's timeline allows for - it's more than possible that the Knights had a schism of their own sometime in the past, much like the Jedi did, which causes another sect to arise elsewhere in the Galaxy. That's the beauty of Chaos, the ability to mesh both Legends canon, and the true canon timelines - then sprinkle a bit of salt bay flavouring of our own. So, while it may be entirely possible for what I've said to be true, it'll add some interesting dynamic(s) to our stories if another sect arose, as it could lead down the road of one sect fighting the other to curry their Master's favour.

Being labelled as a Jedi, Sith iherently ties the Knights to faction's in canon Lore, that they've already exterminated, or fundamentally replaced. So those tags would really capture the essence of what it means to be a Knight of Ren. The Neutral tags wouldn't really work either, as the Knights are a primarily Darkside sect - minus an aberration here or there that's being done as an experiment. That's like telling Revan he's not a Jedi, despite the canon lore had him redeem himself after the events of KOTOR. At least in my opinion. The Dark Jedi tags are close, but far from appropriate. The ideals of a Dark Jedi are to serve oneself, and their own desires. The Knights of Ren are on the opposite side of that ideological spectrum - built upon mystery and brotherhood, the strong are strongest together, and so on and so forth.

So, I can understand why those who don't write with us would say, just use what you have and like it, but as I briefly touched on above, it doesn't really fit who we are. I can also understand [member="Tefka"] 's point of waiting - I don't like it, but will swallow my pride and bide my time. The tag won't affect our stories, or our Faction's Lore, but what it would do is be the icing on our RolePlay Cake.

Apologies for the rambling - it's early in the morning and the urge to type on my phone was strong.
[member="Tefka"], @Anyone, If we have to make faction tags for the Knights of Ren, then I will make something for them as a faction.

[member="Amit Nykoan"], There have been many times in the past where people have argued over what being a Jedi, Sith, and Dark Jedi really means. TL;DR of those many discussions came up with that "Dark Jedi" cant be labeled into one group because there are so many who have many different views upon the force. Many are as you say, Self centered upon their own desires. However, there are factions of Dark Jedi that have sprung up on Chaos, and other sites in the past. There have been people who have rallied together as Dark Jedi. Self Serving, but also bringing their faction closer to being a real force to reckon with.

The Dark Jedi is a very vague tag, and should be used and considered as such. As well as the Neutral Force tags. Atheus is a man who uses both the Light, and the Dark side, but isn't self centered as a lot of the Dark Jedi hold themselves to be. So I use the neutral tags because he stands for the faction and others before himself.

Honestly, Its up to the writer on what force tag they want to use. They can still have the First Order Tags, or whatever faction tag they want to go with their force tag. The Force ranked tags are vague to allow everyone to choose for something that can reasonably work. As well, if we start doing Knights of Ren tags, then what of other factions that spring up and get a lot of hype, or a large following who wants tags? Should we also do it for them? Or only for the Knights of Ren because they are some form of Canon?

That is what I am bringing to the table. I want to reiterate it because some may confuse it for salt, or shade thrown at the Ren, but I respect the Knights of Ren for doing so much with so little canon to go on. I just don't see the rank titles as a necessity, and more of a want or a "Snowflake" title for a faction that has gained a lot of traction.
[member="Atheus"] - I know all too well of the efforts others have made with the Dark Jedi title in the past, especially on other sites. I used to deal with plenty back in the day when JvS was my dirty hangout of choice, before seeing the salty light of Chaos. That being said, despite my respect for all they've achieved, I'm basing my argument and opinion off the recognized information from Canon - the very same standard's the Knights of Ren are currently being held to here on Chaos.
[member="Amit Nykoan"], That is perfectly fine man! Nothing wrong with it at all. Every person has their own opinion and is allowed to voice it. I have no problems with any of the people over in the First Order or Knights of Ren. Thanks for discussing this with me. I just hope I don't come off as too-nerf herder like, or make it feeling like its my way or the highway. Thats not my intention. I just feel its not a necessity.

Anyways, I am going to back off of this subject for now to allow others to voice their own ideas and concerns with it.
It's true that a Ren tag isn't needed, but people want it, and rather a lot of people. Just because it's not necessarily inherently different from the dark jedi, which I admit we don't know if it is, it'll make people happy, and I feel like that should be reason enough.

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