Renard Duval

Faction: The Silver Jedi OrderRank: Padawan
Home planet: Dantooine
Species: Human
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 78
Force sensitivity: Yes
Strengths and Weaknesses:Ironic as it may be, Renard excels whenever and wherever there are conflicts. It should, however, be noted that he has a clear preference in solving any conflicts by avoiding violence and is often credited for his diplomatic and solution oriented pragmatism when encountering troubles. While kindness and compassion are virtues to be proud of, the young Jedi is fearful of loosing those he holds dear. His tendency towards forming bonds with people ensures that he often struggles with his fears of seeing them in harms way - a weakness which can be exploited by his foes. Despite not always being met with success, the Padawan strongly believes that his allies are his true source of strength and is willing to trust them when deemed appropriate
Although disliking the notion of entering combat, Renard recognises that being able to fare well in such a situation is important. Thus, he have spent many hours honing his skills with the sabre and his body. Consequently, he can be a formidable protector of his allies, and menace to his foes and is found with exceptionally good health. While his prowess on the battlefield may be impressive in relation to his age, Renard still has much to learn and his avoidance of causing death can, at times, make for rather tricky situations. While determined that taking life is a definite loss to the galaxy, Renard is prone to taking risks, endangering himself and potentially allies in order to avoid taking the life of another. While this weakness does impact how he acts, it is not a merciless moral code and can be put to the side at times of need.
Idealism in all its honour, Renard is no such person. Be it a harsh master he had as a youngling or a trace of his Dantooinian farmer's background, he tends to remain fundamentally pragmatic to the point where he is almost incapable of identifying any rule or moral code that is too holy to break if the return is great enough. Still, he can be somewhat naive at times and take the word of other's at face value when it really shouldn't. While he is quite far from being a food, it is clear that the padawan still has much to learn.
Blonde haired and blue eyes, Renard is larger than many teens his age. With wide shoulders, the padawan have been blessed with a relatively good frame and has potential to hone his body in the way needed for his future endeavours. While generally having a rather youthful appearance, Renard has a few extra wrinkles around his forehead which is a result of him worrying about one thing or another which causes it to furrow. Otherwise, his resting face tends to be friendly-looking - a trait which is reinforced when he produces a rather charming smile. The Dantooinian is quite familiar in armour and often feel comfortable wearing it. However, it is rather rare for him to actually equip his armour as he believes it to signal a too high preparedness to fight. Instead, traditional Jedi robes in light brown and beige colours are far more common whilst on official business. Simple t-shirts and jackets often suffice for the teen whenever he finds himself in less formal situations.
Growing up as the youngest child on the family farm, Renard spent a number of happy years on Dantooine. For as long as he could remember, it had always been clear that one of his younger siblings would inherit the farm. While it could have been seen as a boon, knowing that the family legacy rested upon somebody else's shoulders, the young boy let it become a source of grudge, which made him more and more detached form the daily running of the farm. Still being in his formative years, the parents eventually convinced him that the grudge wasn't worth it. Consequently, it was dropped.
Instead, he liked to focus on what was much more important for a child, namely, having fun. While still helping out when called for, Renard rarely did more than needed and always made sure to get back to his friends as soon as possible. While his carefree days would become precious memories, the boy also learned a lot about farming, traditional morals, how to treat his neighbours and just how precious family was. It was an idyllic upbringing to say the least - at least if Renard was asked himself. Although he lacked the worldly experience of growing up in a big city with speeders swooshing about at high speeds, he did get to enjoy the wonderful country life provided for among the rolling fields and farmlands of Dantooine.
A much worse memory is of the day he was sent off to the Silver Jedi Order. He would later come to cherish his newfound family - but there was no denying that he missed the Dantooinian one a great deal. Perhaps it was the beginning of his fear of letting go of people he held dear. Regardless, the growing boy would study diligently, exercise in abundance and listen attentively in the years to come. Steadily honing his skills to the point where he would be able conduct smaller missions - or tasks as he liked to call them - on his own.
YV-666 Light Frieghter (I plan on getting this through story, but will leave it here in case I forget)

This is all subject for further updates.