Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Renewing the ties of strength...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
How do we go about renewing our strengths?
We have quite some resources as far as talented and capable writers...many family members I might add.
We do need to talk as to how we can come up with strength to at least make Alderaan and its Houses, Royal and others great again in the lack of light in this galaxy that is currently being overshadowed by the sith.
What do you see as our strengths?

Many of our writers who write Alderaan citizens are LOA, or MIA. I think we need to attract new writers.

We need to be seen as the Under Dog I think. Its one thing to create all kinds of ships, and defenses but if we don't have a story to go with it, or writers to write it's kind of null.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
True. But building up what arms we can as a minor faction, we will be prepared for stories nevertheless.
It is true we currently have little going on Alderaan.

But personally I've taken this character to get involved with the resistance in many fronts.
I believe that maybe interacting with other writers in other faction threads as representatives of Alderaan and what is left of our faction is the course to take. It is how we will attract attention to our characters and hopefully other writers to us.

I've noticed quite a few writers that I have interacted with MIA for weeks if not months. We all have RL obligations and the only thing I can do is hope that they will return when all is settled IRL.

Now Alderaan is a canon planet and it's not going anywhere. It has always attracted writers to it and it should remain a viable gathering point. Well, that's what I am hoping for. Been wrong in the past on things, as you well know. But, I never gave up Hope. :)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
I'm working on securing allies..friends.
Also have a thread with Amelia Sorenn Syrush at the moment. My charrie is on Damoria. She didn't know it was the same Amelia as she had gone by von Thrune, not Syrush. It's unfolding now. Come into my Parlor

Can you get Draco, others here, so that we can plan as to how we can get Alderaan back on top?
I would love to discuss new thread ideas...not necessarily to create a major faction. I'm loosing interest quickly on doms. I'd prefer more closed open stories to invites over the map game.
But I'm open to what the majority of our writers who are interested in Alderaan wish to do. :)

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