Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Repatriation of a Jedi (NJO)

Her suggestion was immediately struck down by Valery, then the others followed suit. The rest of the Council might think she was too quick to dole out punishment. Kass believed in consequences. Kaleleon had forsaken the Order willingly; being excluded wasn't much of a consequence if it was what you wanted in the first place. Now he wanted to come back. The Council had no outstanding reasons to deny him entrance, but that didn't mean they ought to treat the Order like a children's clubhouse, where membership was dependent entirely on their feelings.

A small crowd had gathered to watch the proceedings, nearly all of them padawans. Kass' numerous eyes focused on Kahlil as he urged them to express their opinions. Wasn't that sort of thing usually reserved for the end of the deliberations, to prevent things being dragged out or people talking over each other? Well, she supposed the discussion was more or less finished anyway.

"If the Council is against the idea of permanent ramifications, then my final suggestion is a short period of probation," Kass said. "Perhaps a month spent in humble servitude, for the purpose of self-reflection. Otherwise, I concede. His crimes are not grave enough to warrant anything more than that."

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LOCATION: Next to a chatterbox, in a state of panic.
Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Amani Serys Amani Serys Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Truthfully, Braze was enthralled listening to the adults speak, their voices and opinions were helping him shape his own rather decisive and distinctly divisive opinions of his own.
As Cora stepped up beside him and offered him a comforting touch on the shoulder he glanced back. Before he could really say anything, he was somewhat startled to hear Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble more or less call attention to them and put him on the spot.

He had intentionally been self-silenced, viewing this as a learning opportunity to see how his new mentor, Jasper worked and learn what made him tick and what drove his motivation, and how Braze could live up to that and ultimately emulate the man. Their relationship was very new, and raw still, leaving him with this unique sort of fixation and desire to emulate the man he so respected and revered.

Braze felt he stood at the threshold of a new beginning here. Ultimately, he was just a child starting his journey into young adulthood. He didn't feel that his opinions or thoughts held weight nor had a real place here. He didn't think his opinions would matter to the discussion.

This was a topic for the adults to decide amongst themselves. He knew his own thoughts were not tempered with wisdom or experience, and were open and unfiltered. But oh boy did he certainly have some divisive opinions. There was a small wave of inner turmoil that just about radiated off of the newfound empath. He shot a fleeting concerned glance to Jasper briefly before looking back to Kahlil then glancing to Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania as if very briefly and childishly blaming her with a glance as if to convey ' this is all your fault'.

The glance to Jasper helped him steel his own tumultuous emotions that were bubbling up and calm himself despite having so suddenly been put on the spot. He didn't need his newfound abilities on blast at a time like this. He drew a deep breath and let it out in a slow purposeful sigh, his anxiety, and turmoil melting and fading down with it.

Braze wanted to speak up about his rather strong feelings about how he thought the adults on the council were meant to be paragons of what the order thought a jedi should be. And to earn such a position on the council you needed to act like an adult. You had to be the embodiment of that paragon, and to lead by example. Something Braze thought was severely lacking in this moment. And to Braze, Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla was acting no better than a child themselves who wanted to not play with and shun another from their social circle. It didn't make sense to Braze, adults were supposed to act like adults. That was what made them adults. To not want to 'play' with someone, felt childish to him, which struck a chord of irony with what Kass had said. It felt as if the Librarian was letting their emotions get the better of them and sway their decisions.

A formative idea that was only solidified by the contrast of the other council members, and more so as Kass doubled down wanting to insist on isolation for someone who lived in an exile of the order. That didn't make sense to Braze- well it did, but only in 'playground insult rules' so to speak. It was as if Kass wanted to ensure they suffered more when this felt like a time to help someone who was hurting and seeking to make amends.

Nevertheless, this was very likely not Braze's place to judge an adult or speak ill of his elders and possibly betters. Although he very much wanted to give voice to his thoughts, he stopped himself thinking better of saying something that he would likely regret for the sake of Jasper. He hadn't discussed this kind of topic with his Master previously and he didn't want to say something to embarrass himself, nor reflect poorly on his Master. Jasper did impart the idea to better think his actions through before committing. In a way, this was a minor test that Kahlil had unwittingly thrust upon the pale padawan.

Braze held a unique position. He didn't know the man who Kaleleon Kaleleon was but he met the man very recently and had formed a very strong first impression of the wisdom and advice that was given to him by Kaleleon Kaleleon .

He was earnest and kind from what Braze understood and had worn his heart on his sleeve and given genuine earnest advice when the two of them had met. He was in all respects from Braze's perspective someone who offered to teach freely and didn't ask for anything in return who held no position or desire for manipulative gain. To Braze, Kaleleon Kaleleon was a jedi by action alone in his own eyes.

The truth of Braze's world was thus.

Did people change or did they remain stagnant? He thought people changed and could change. Maybe Kaleleon Kaleleon was a jedi once before and had forsaken his oaths to pursue what he felt was right in that time. Maybe he made mistakes by doing so. The path to Avernus was paved with good intentions and it just felt.. perverse.... to turn someone away who was hurting and seeking help from the order. Part of what made Braze respect and revere Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el so much was how patient, understanding, kind, and fair Jasperer had been. The fair judgment Jasper had passed, and how Jasper had acted with him, cemented this notion of earnest respect for the man. Jasper hadn't been drawn to, nor expressed anger when Braze knowingly and willfully messed up and instead tried to help him understand his choices and how to make better ones. He didn't feel persecuted or judged for his poor choices but rather empowered on how to be better.

Rather than dwell on the racing thoughts that tangent every which way on Braze's inner feelings he offered a weak smile and glanced to Cora. " I'm glad you got rid of that ring; It hurt really bad and I think your hand looks a lot better without it. " he offered a softly whispered comment before shaking his head in response to Kahlil and bowing his head as if asking for forgiveness. He raised his voice to respond to Kahlil.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't feel I have anything constructive that I can accurately convey at this time. I am pensive at this time as these concepts are new to me. I dare not speak where it isn't my place to do so, sir."

Braze offered politely seemingly deciding his opinions were best unstated here.

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Master San Tekka observed the trial in grim silence. So many young faces. How many of them even remembered the name Rurik Fel Rurik Fel ? Like so many tyrants his dream of empire had died with him. Zark allowed the others to finish their interrogation and debate repercussions. His eyebrow raised when Kahlil confronted one of several whispering young Jedi.

"I was never comfortable with the Bastion Accords," he admitted openly, "Yet I could not abandon the Order, even when I believed they were making a grave mistake."

His eyes were fixed upon Kale.

"Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt. We both failed to trust the Force. I know what it means to feel shame...but not regret."

Zark turned to Master Noble and allowed the ghost of a smile.

"Master Cthylla asks for a simple test of faith. Such trials are not unheard of."
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Cora stilled, gentle expression firming into one of mild embarrassment. She'd been caught whispering, and as Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble opened the floor for non-council members to speak their piece, the Padawan was unable to find her voice. The bitter underpinnings of the room and her own tenuous position kept her silent.

That was not a bad thing, as far as she was concerned. She was here to observe how Jedi trials worked, not pass judgement. Defection was a crime punishable by death on Ukatis. Many things were.

Instead, she tilted her head in a gesture of acknowledgement towards Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el and his response. Her hand fell from his shoulder, sensing the turmoil that emanated from the boy. That was new.

"I think so too." She murmured, idly stroking the knuckle of her ring finger where that wretched band had once sat. "I am fortunate to be free of it. And glad to see how involved you've become with your training."

Blue eyes drifted back to Kaleleon Kaleleon , wondering what was going through his head. The council seemed to be on track for a compromise - allow Knight Seleare back into the Order after, or concurrent with, a period of self-reflection.
"Do keep in mind that the council is not infallible. If you have an opinion, no matter what rank you might be, feel free to speak it." He directed it towards Cora and Braze so they might speak up, but his attention soon enough turned to his own Padawans. Specifically, Katherine.
However, perhaps some doors should be closed to you as a consequence of breaking your oath.


Jonyna had watched silently, having ignored Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky when he approached. She was trapped in her own head.

When Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble opened the floor, Jonyna was hesitant to speak. She let the others go first, before finally letting out a cough.

"You offer punishment to the accused, and yet all he did was do what he thought was right, fighting against an enemy that, historically, we as jedi fight anyways. He joined the Imperials not as one of their own, but as a mercenary to fight the Sith. While the jedi sat on their hands, he took the fight to the enemy. And yet, our code states we must bring light to the darkness. Is that not true anymore? We once again sit on our hands as yet another Imperial faction rises to power, allowing millions to suffer while we ponder the punishment of a man who did nothing other than act on a code we ignored in favor of political favor with a senate that only seems to frustrate us. Why? Why punish a man who only seeked to follow the code he swore on?"

Jonyna's tone was more confused than anything. He thoughts struggled with the idea. Why were the jedi not seeking out the Imperials, the Sith, the Evils of the Galaxy? Why were we not the heroes she had been told of as a young kit? If the code was such a big deal, why was one man taking it upon himself to follow it to the letter such a heinous crime?



On Trial:
Kaleleon Kaleleon
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
I ain't tagging you lot, lol


Jonyna had watched silently, having ignored Vizion Trozky when he approached. She was trapped in her own head.

When he didn't get a response from the Cathar, Vizion just gave a small shrug and watched the proceedings with a dull gaze, while continuing to slowly empty the cup of caf he'd brought in with him. This whole ordeal was probably pretty engrossing for some people.

[ Or maybe, ] he'd figured inwardly, [ she's deaf. ]

But then she spoke up and addressed the Council herself, which caused his dark brows to lift in mild surprise, and his head to turn just enough to glance sideways at Jonyna while she unfurled her confusion. Then, somewhat listlessly, he turned his head right back to where it was, setting his attention on Kaleleon again.

[ Or... not. ]

By the time she was done speaking, the Brentaalan found himself nodding in understanding of what she put forward, but also in agreement with what Master Cthylla pushed for. Extended periods of time away from the order could invite shifts in views, beliefs, convictions, and ways of acting that were incongruent with the path of a Jedi. In conflict with the Code. It wasn't an unreasonable request.

Vizion hadn't strictly been within the New Jedi Order when the Accords occurred, having only come in shortly after being granted the rank of Knight as his years as a padawan had been spent attached to the Ossus Enclave, but he'd been aware of it all at the time, since it was something he and his master had discussed.

Back then after much discussion and coming to an understanding of the situation, he'd resolved that he didn't agree with the Bastion Accords, but at the same time, he didn't agree with abandoning the eternal cause in protest of it, either, as some Jedi had done. People, even councils and governments, made mistakes, and that boy had a solid understanding of forgiveness. Never mind that he had struggled with his faith in that concept, sometimes, in recent years.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
The delegation was moving quite quick. Members of the council were speaking of punishments I would face. One initially as not being given a chance to sit on the council. Honestly, at this time, I did not want that responsibility. However, other members quickly came to my defense of saying that previous members were of the same group of Jedi who left then came back, and that stifling opportunity to me would be not a good move. It tracked. If I am an oathbreaker, then they might not want that to be incentivized or given a pedestal. However, the inverse is also correct. Proving that one can come from one of the lowest points in their life, learning from mistakes to become a respected member is also something to look up to.

What surprised me was that both Master Nobels spoke up closely in my favor. Me becoming a member of the Order was not really in question. It was more so what to do with me. How would I be accepted, and if there were going to be punishments. I stood there in silence for the majority of what was being said, However, when a specific cathar spoke up, about said punishments, I had to respond to them before they were berated by someone else less... friendly.

"Jonyna, I appreciate the sentiment for not wishing me to see punishment that may not be necessary. However, it may be needed. My self-imposed exile was done not as a means of consequence of breaking my oath, but to face my personal demons and guilt of having lost friends in the war. Coming to terms with myself. That does not translate to the political, or public view. For all the council knows, I could be falsifying my exile. If they find that there should be a punishment for breaking my oath, then I will take it head long and with honor as someone who wishes to right the wrongs they had done in the past. Actions speak louder than any word screamed in the face of difficulty."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka

Jonyna let out a frustrated growl at that. "No! If the code means so much, then why are we throwing out it's core wording in favor of testing the faith of those who follow it?!" She stamped a foot, looking to the council itself for an answer. "This man fought and was willing to die to fight our enemy, while the jedi of his time sat on their asses and waited till it was 'advantageous' for them to join the war. Our code states that we are to be the guardians of life. And yet when one of our own takes it upon himself to be that, it's suddenly a bad thing? I just want to understand that. How is doing his job a crime?"

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Amani Serys Amani Serys Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Before Kass could reply to Jonyna, Kaleleon offered a meaasured response. Unfortunately, Jonyna didn't seem to take it very well. Kass' pseudopods curled and twisted as the Cathar stamped her foot in anger.

"As unpopular as my opinion seems to be, I don't believe that what Kaleleon did was the right thing to do," the Chief Librarian said. "I opposed the Bastion Accords for the same reasons I opposed the Elder Compact. Because it would require us to aid and abet tyrants in order to defeat monsters. But my personal opinion isn't the crux of this controversy, I don't think.

"It is the height of arrogance to believe only in your own interpretation of the Code. To do so is to stand not for what is good or right, but for your own personal feelings—feelings which are inherently irrational and fleeting. That has never been the Jedi way. Nor is it our 'job' to fight in wars. We are not soldiers. I, for one, am a librarian."

She turned her eyes upon Kaleleon, and spoke more gently and kindly than she had since the meeting began. "You believed in your convictions so strongly that you broke your oath. That might make you a courageous hero, but it's not what makes you a Jedi. We are here today to make you a Jedi again."

Finally, she addressed the Council. "Kaleleon has spent years coming to terms with himself. A month more for our sake is not such a heavy price to pay."



Kahlil watched and listened in a calm silence, smiling as ever in the gentle way he did. This was what he wanted to see. The opinions of the Order around them, and the very feelings of the one who wished to return. Kaleleon was more than just willing to accept a punishment, he understood why it could be necessary. Though, perhaps Kahlil was too hasty to just wave off such a result anyway.

As the code said, there is no emotion, there is peace. Or, more accurately.

"Not a month, Master Cthylla. The crisis of the Mandalorian's seeming renewed crusade looms over all of our heads. And for that reason, I agree with you. I recommend that Kaleleon's title as a Knight is surrendered. He will restart his training as a Padawan to go through the necessary trials for Knighthood again. Once those are completed, and only then, will he be allowed to assist helping the Order with the Mandalorians. It was a war that had you break your oath. Master Cthylla has reminded me that we cannot simply let you join another until you have proven yourself." His gaze drifted, this time to Jonyna.

"And that perhaps we are too lax in general." There was a conversation there to be had, at another time.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky


Tirin had maintained a mostly silent demeanor throughout the proceedings, his focus on absorbing the nuances of the discussion as it unfolded. Each perspective shared held its own validity, and it was a learning opportunity for him. While the council debated, he seized the chance to confer with Valin Zenth, his "partner in crime," through the channel of telepathy. This private sidebar was an essential part of their dynamic, allowing them to exchange ideas without revealing their entire thought process to the present audience.

From his vantage point, Tirin perceived differing viewpoints in the room, each with its own layer of understanding. Amidst this diversity of opinions, he had been meticulously constructing an idea of his own, one that might serve as a compromise. However, before he had the chance to present it, Kahlil's voice resonated, articulating a strikingly similar concept. It was a comfort to know their shared insight, which prompted Tirin to adjust his approach, aligning his thoughts with Kahlil's suggestion.

With a composed grace, Tirin took a moment to smooth his robes before stepping forward, his expression serene yet determined. He chose his words thoughtfully, projecting his usual soft-spoken tone to ensure his words carried to all present.

"I find myself in agreement with Master Khalil Nobel,"
he began, his voice gathering momentum as he allowed the gravity of his words to unfold. "The Order's ethos revolves around ensuring the readiness of individuals before they ascend. In cases where preparation falls short, there's undeniable merit in affording individuals, like Kaleleon, an opportunity to return to a learner's position. This serves the purpose that such a station was designed for –in this instance a space to mend and prepare oneself for the oaths of a Knight."

Tirin's gaze, gentle yet purposeful, settled on Kaleleon, his words reaching out to echo both understanding and encouragement. "This reversion to fundamental training might not only restore the foundations but also evoke a sense of familiarity, transporting Kaleleon back to the formative years of his journey. For my part, I support this course of action wholeheartedly and offer my guidance as a voice of reason within our principles."

He paused, allowing his words to linger before he continued, addressing a different aspect. "While I've recently taken on apprentices, alongside Valin, the dynamic between us is such that we share this role. In this particular instance, it is Valin who holds a keener interest."

His gaze shifted, acknowledging Valin's inclination to express his thoughts. As Tirin made room for his partner to speak, Valin's voice rose in the chamber.

"I find myself in favor of this proposition as well," Valin stated, his tone carrying a mix of readiness and earnestness. "Furthermore, I extend my offer to mentor Kaleleon in this capacity. Age does not define one's potential to learn and grow."

With these words, Tirin and Valin collectively aligned themselves with the suggested path, revealing their unified stance in support of Kaleleon's journey towards reparation and renewal within the Jedi Order, as well as holding to some standard of accountability.

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Kass suggested a simple trial of sorts, in which Kale's first month would largely be spent in service at the temple. Hardly a steep request. Amani shrugged, "I think that seems plenty fair. I wasn't exactly running combat missions myself in my first month back with the Jedi." It was pragmatic as much as it was punitive.

As discussion opened up to the gallery, most were reticent to offer their opinions aside from a few comments. At least until Jonyna confronted the council. While her interest was admirable, it seemed like it was coming less from experience and more from zeal. The Chief Librarian explained her position rather eloquently, Amani felt.

"Well said, Master Cthylla." She concurred, then turned to face the Cathar, "Be mindful of such thoughts, Knight Si. That tunnel vision can lead our justifications down a dark path." Many actions could be rationalized for an individual's perception of "the greater good". That did not inherently make those actions good. "And if we were soldiers, this trial would not be about Knight Seleare's reintegration, but about his sentence for desertion and defection." In other words, their methods were already exceptionally lenient compared to the norm of law.

Kahlil actually took it a step further, apparently finding some new perspective is Kass's proprosal. Not just a month of service, but a renunciation of Kale's knighthood. Amani was taken aback, but her reaction was not wholly negative. She fell silent for a few long seconds as she mulled over the option. "I… would find that acceptable. A reassessment of his Trials." Something that would demand growth and introspection. A consequence that wasn't insurmountable, but would also help establish an evolving stance from the council; One that would hold the Jedi to a more responsible standard.

Jedi Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Kaleleon Kaleleon

While Valery had strongly disagreed with the idea of permanent punishment, the shift of the conversation to more temporary punishment with the goal for him to prove himself was... far more acceptable. Her husband, however, believed that a larger process was required, and after some quiet consideration, Valery decided to speak up again. "I find Master Noble's proposal acceptable as well. The exact course of his training will be different from the usual Padawans, as he no longer needs to learn the basics of using the Force and being in control over his lightsaber," Valery said, her eyes now shifting to Kaleleon.

"Instead, I believe his reassessment time should revolve around the trials and finding his path as a Jedi. Until that's completed, and this Council is convinced that he's ready to be a Knight again, I agree that his involvement in the conflict with the Mandalorians should remain minimal." She dipped her head to the others who had spoken, and looked at the other Councilors for their opinions. This was quite a new type of punishment to her, but it was far better than the extremes of exiling him completely, or allowing him to return without any type of punishment.

"How does the rest of the Council feel about this proposal?"


"It is not always easy to understand what the Code demands of us."

Empires were like geonosian hydras. Cut off one head and in time another took its place. Zark once burned with the young knight's passion. It almost destroyed him. Scars from those battles were still plain to see.

"This is not about blame," he gently intoned, "Our responsibility is to determine if Kale is truly ready to make peace with the past."

Master San Tekka meditated briefly upon Kahlil suggestion. Preparing to retake the Trials was severe but if the errant Jedi had truly reformed then he should be able to overcome such a challenge.

"How does the rest of the Council feel about this proposal?"

"By tradition he would swear the Barash Vow," Zark opened his eyes, "but perhaps this is a more elegant solution."

Jasper was a bit too wrapped up in his own thoughts on everything. Was he being far to loose with his understanding of the situation? All he could think about was how they had let Master Kaze, or any of the other defectors for that matter, off basically with no repercussion that he hadn't stopped to consider if he was propitiating the same mistake. Kale seemed to be a man with his heart in the right place, but he had still broken a vow, even if it was one made in a complicated era. That wasn't even mentioning the extreme that Master Cthylla had jumped to. Everything just seemed... messy.

Regardless of the bias of the others, he would have to re-evaluate his own stance on matters of this nature. There was clearly something that he was missing as well. This was a two way street after all. He couldn't hone in on the mistakes of others and ignore his own. Clearly a middle road needed to be reached. He just wasn't there yet.

"I find this acceptable," Jasper finally stated, a bit delayed. "Having completed the trials before, I imagine that they should be a fine re-affirmation of what Knight Seleare has stated."

His combative tone was gone now, it was just neutral. It would be rather obvious that something had shifted, even if it wasn't clear what exactly.

And with that an agreement had been met.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
To re-perform the trails again?

It was... different from what I would have expected for a reintegration to the Galactic Alliance to be. Even having someone speak up in the offer of being the individuals to oversee these trials. While the trials I had done in the past were done during the Second Galactic Hyperspace war, really the only trial I had done that would be considered out of combat, was the construction of my lightsaber, and the Trial of Skill done by a form of combative in an obstacle course. However, this would likely be different.

It was to prove not my worth as a Knight. That has already been done. It was to prove I would be able to hold the values of the Jedi Order, and to once more take the oath placed before me. Nodding my head, I have very little to say, but still needed to voice it over new information given by Master Noble.

"Before I accept undertaking this, I wish to express some thoughts to the Council. I have not heard of this Mandalorian Threat Master Noble has spoken of. While I would completely agree with retaking the trials of a Padawan to become a Knight, I am adverse to the idea of a limitation in the coming conflict. Should the Mandalorians attempt to attack Galactic Alliance Space, Assets, or otherwise, It would be, in my opinion, foolish to limit my involvement in it. Having fought against Sith Mandalorians before, I know how to combat them. Holding back a potential asset in a coming conflict does not seem to be a wise decision."

Looking between all the council members as I spoke,

"I know that Trials do not have to be set in stone for what must be completed. While we do not sit on precedence, as Master Kassogtha stated, previous trials done by many Jedi were done in combat. Limiting avenues in which I can perform these trials will stifle this process. If necessary, I will accept being overseen by a master of the Order, but I cannot sit idly by in a meditation room while civilians are in harms way."

Even taking a step closer to the Council members, making it very clear with my words I was very passioned by this. I brought my hands up as if I was going to perform something, but stopped myself in the last moment.

"I have already proven to you, that I am willing to do what I feel is necessary. I ask, in sincerity, to continue to enact duties of a Jedi Guardian to protect and defend his people."

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
The winged Padawan offered Shan a small smile, shaking her head. “It’s nothing, I was mostly lost in my thoughts.” She said, glancing back over at the trial that was underway. “It’s just…Master has taught us about things not always being so black and white, and this is the first instance of it I’ve been witness to.

In her mind, the Sith were the evil in the galaxy. They were the ones that had taken everything from her, experimented and changed her. But did that mean the Imperials were good because they split and turned against them? No, they were just a lesser evil, but an evil nonetheless.

What if they had never separated? Would the Sith have still come to her homeworld? Perhaps not, or perhaps it had always been an inevitable thing. The Imperials merely forced the schedule ahead.

On the opposite side of things, it was because of an Imperial attack, that Katherine was able to escape the facility she had been trapped within.

And now there was Kaleleon, a man who had gone against the Jedi, against the Code in order to take the fight to the Sith. During a time where he had felt like the Order hadn’t been doing enough against them. And yet here he was, returning back to the Alliance to face the consequences.

Katherine had read up on the more ancient stories of Jedi who had turned to war when the Order at the time remained as observers. Many had died, too many had fallen, and few that returned were exiled.

She said nothing when Kahlil opened it up for everyone else to say something. The Padawan listened to what they had to say, whether it was Shan, Jonyna or faces she didn’t recognize like Tirin’s.



"It was war you left the order to go wage, Kaleleon. As Master Cthylla has said, a Jedi's life is not that of a soldier. I would not be so eager to rejoin another fight." He paused, watching Kaleleon for a moment. But he smiled after a moment regardless.

"But, minimal does not mean exclusion. The Council will determine when and where you will be able to assist, under our supervision. As you say, some of the trials can be completed out there. And, well, we would be remiss not to get all the help we can get."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka

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