Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Republic broadcast



Location: Highly classified
Time: During the mandalorian invasion of Roche, just after the attempted coup on Chazwa by the former GR Prime minister Genievere.
Event: An official Republic broadcast from the newly instituted office of the Vice chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

Recent events had cast the Republic in a turbulent state of chaos. Enemies were looming from outside as well as from within and during this crisis the Republic desperately needed new ground and new born faith in their ranks.
As part of their attempts to cast of the yoke of chaos a new charter was set up to invest in both external as well as internal security and to safe guard the freedom and democracy of the Republic.

To oversee the new Republic the title of Supreme chancellor had been reinstated and election for the seat was under the way already.
Mean time the second of the Supreme Chancellor, the one meant to act as a counterweight should ever a Supreme Chancellor again attempt to throw the Republic into a state of dictatorship, was rushed off with a fleet to protect her constantly moving through space to confuse and avoid detection or ambush during the hard times when the Republic capital stood in flames.

The Vice Chancellor now stood to represent the Galactic Republic in one of her first public broadcasts. It was not a message that she would have hoped to send, but it was necessary…


Citizens of the Republic, friends and allies of democracy,

The image of the Vice Chancellor of the Galactic Republic appeared on the broadcast.

“I stand her today to meet an accusation directed at the heart of our brave military. With the Mandalorian warriors having launched a surprise attack on our borders, the Republic fleet and army under command of supreme commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] has rushed out to meet the invading forces.
Her orders were to attempt a diplomatic channel with the mandalorian war lords responsible for the attack, but if that failed she was to defend the Republic world and stop it from falling into enemy hands.
Unfortunately, the diplomacy was brief and we are now in an armed conflict with our former allies, the Mandalorians. “
There was a short paus as the vice chancellor lowered her head in respect to the men and women that while she was speaking laid down theirs and others lives in the ongoing battle.

“During the initial hostile actions on Roche accusations from sources we have yet to confirm has surfaced about crimes of war being conducted by the Republic forces against the Verpine people of Roche.”

“The Republic will not allow such actions at any level and any such criminal acts will be put under investigation by proper instance. The Republic however understands that propaganda and misinformation is part of war fare and we can not act on our own forces during an ongoing battle without having a proper investigation go over the accusations and any presented evidence.”

“But I assure the people of the Republic, Roche and the Galaxy that the investigation of the alleged war crimes of our armed forces, with supreme commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] as the highest responsible person, will be subject of investigation and put before a Republic war tribunal once she has returned from the ongoing battle, should the evidence presented prove to be sufficient enough.”

The Vice chancellor lowered her head once more to take a deep breath. Then she raised her chin to look afar.

“These are times of darkness, but even in our most dire hour shall we not relent in seeing law and order be fulfilled in our own ranks. Law is however executed in the courts of law, not on the battle field. Once Supreme Commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] is free to do so she is to present herself for a hearing on the accusations made against her."

"Freedom, democracy and justice has been and will always be what guides the heart of our nation.”

“Long live the Galactic Republic and may the force be with us.”

*End transmission*

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Tholatin - [member="Megàn Alestria"]

Kashyyk - [member="Jack Sparrow"]

Pengalan - [member="Darion Blackstaff"]

Commenor - [member="Lady Kay"]

Alderaan - [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Carida - [member="Tonald Drump"]

Brentaal IV - [member="Ordon Trozky"]

Chandrilla - [member="Miria Lasedri"]

Arkania - [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

Caamas - [member="Auru Taff"]

Korda - [member="Salete Kel"]

Eshan - [member="Janira Fenni"]

[member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Senate Meeting
This is occurring during the invasion. It is to discuss the events surrounding the attempts to seize non- Republic corporate assets in Roche. The meeting will not affect the events nor outcome of the invasion itself. It is provided as an avenue of RP for those who write a Senate character. Tag me if you would like to be added here.



Aeri Vyn was standing quietly behind Danger Arceneau during the very critical discussion between she and the Republic Senate.

Patching through her earwig, she caught an update.

"Patch it through." she would murmur quietly. What came streaming next would make her eyes widen and her lips thin.

Popo said:
"Tell Danger," he said, cutting off the voice on the other end. His voice was shakey and he took a moment to gather himself before continuing. "Tell Ms. Arceneau that I'm currently indesposed. Tell her I am on Roche as of this moment and will not be attending. Tell her that the Republic has begun another war, a war with the Mandalorians.

Tell her that because of atrocities committed by Republic troops and officers ranging from rank and file to the Supreme Commander that the Mandalorians will not stop until Chazwa falls. Tell her that civilians on both sides are being killed. Tell her that. Tell her that now. And give her this."

He mutely packaged the holotapes and comm recordings gathered from the fighting, the comm recordings he'd barely paid attention to.

"The Senate must know. The corporations must know. There will be a reckoning and in my heart I feel nothing will stop it."

That wasn't even including the new message that would follow from the Republic..

In an instant, Aeri would pick up her datapad and bring up the exact message by this new Vice Chancellor. The words of her speech were then handed over for Danger Arceneau to review just as [member="Lady Kay"] had finished stating the following.

Lady Kay said:
"Lady Danger, with all due respect to everyone in this....unfortunate conflict, the best way to cease the loss of life from both sides as well of those caught in the crossfire is for everyone to cease, desist and pull back. But that's just my opinion, not of everyone here. I know that plenty of arms dealers are salivating at the profits that they are making because of this."

"Personal opinions aside, no government in all of the Galaxy can ever give a one hundred percent guarantee that a hostile takeover would never happen again. The last time that this happened in the Republic to my knowledge was over 800 years ago. Steps right now are being taken for new leadership and no one wants history to repeat itself so soon.

The clone army is being neutralized so that they will not be forced into such atrocities again. Compensation will be made to those companies affected by the very brief seizure, I give you my word. But that cannot happen until after the conflict is over. Both sides have already lost and continue to lose with each passing moment. And the longer that the conflict takes, the longer it will be before any moving forward can happen. Democracy needs to be given a chance to take hold."

It had not been the Mandalorians that had come to war, but the clone army and republic forces under the direction of the Prime Minister.

Revisionist history at its finest.

The question was, what would Danger Arceneau do now with this information?
Outside the Senate building, a protest was underway. Many of the faces repeated themselves. There were Jorin clones, Fett clones, female Kol clones, all sorts. A lot of clone armies had been commissioned and abandoned in the modern age.

Herself a clone of a woman named Sira Ves, the reformed alchemist Rave Merrill waved a little sign with the rest of them.


Thus far, the protest was peaceable.
Standing only a pace away from his mentor was a man who waved a sign with fervor.

He was tall, he was black, and his hat was real low. His presence was suppressed so that he might thoroughly enjoy the show. The sign that he waved said several words: each hand painted by Isley Verd.

You never win your wars alone!
Their lives matter, respect the clones!

([member="Rave Merrill"] - You had me at clone lives matter.)
[member="Darth Metus"]

A chant got started. Maybe it was the Jorins, or the old Dreadguard, but then the Kols joined in and it kind of snowballed. Rave didn't know the words, but phrases like 'brainwashed loyalty' and 'child soldiers' featured heavily. A melancholy Fett broke out a white plasteel guitar. Folk songs began in earnest, and dark muttering about posse comitatus and Brix-C. These were all people who'd seen the elephant, after all, be it under whatever flag. A Kol started passing out Kaminoan effigies, which made no sense because Kamino hadn't been involved in the Kols' creation. Maybe it was a solidarity thing. Oh, and here came some of the Khommite diaspora with caf and donuts.

[member="Auru Taff"] - most of the protesters are clones, just fyi
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Aeri Vyn"]

Senator Taff sat in his senate lift, not necessarily paying attention to what was being debated in the halls. Instead, one of his advisors played a live holorecording of outside. Hundreds, dare he say thousands of people were protesting. Not clones, not soldiers, people. Auru couldn't stand it. These were people that felt threatened by the senate, and rightfully so.

Taff didn't want to get involved in the senate bickering yet, as he didn't like direct opposition of anyone. He preferred talking one-on-one with people, and working out a solution together. His personal views on what was being discussed? He was reserving judgement until he got more facts. He didn't want to rush blindly into an allegation only to find that he was wrong.

((OOC: did I do that right? (You also had me at clone lives matter!!)))

Sor-Jan Xantha

He looked like he was nine.

He wasn't, he was four and a quarter. He hadn't been born, he'd been grown in a lab. No one had ever asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. No one ever asked him what he wanted to study in school. Because those choices had all been made for him.

He didn't have a name, he had a number. A series. It reflected how he'd come off the production line like something manufactured by Tenloss or Firemane. A different time, a different Republic, but while the names and faces might have changed, the plight of the clones remained the same.

For the sake of all of those soldiers who'd never been given a chance at life. Whose existence had been that of a hammer or a rifle, a tool to be used in fighting the wars others refused to fight, the child raised a sign high over his head.

Location: Column Commons District | Sith Intelligence/Dolos Defense Agency Public Monitoring Site.
Classification: Restricted - One Sith Personnel
Event: Mandolarian Invasion of the 'Galactic Republic' of Roche
Dossier: 93-GR47

High Command has recently asked for a reassessment of present security threats posed to the One Sith and its dominion, this includes a complete reanalysis of the Galactic Republic and its threat level it poses to One Sith control of the Core Worlds. At 0000 hours Centaxday, at the eve of the Mandalorian invasion, The Director has officially lowered the 'Galactic Republic' threat level on the Security Advisory System to 'Gaurded' or 'Blue' level in terms of risk. At this time it is in the opinion of both State and Private Sith intelligence Agencies that the Republic is no longer able to pose a serious offensive risk that will result in the loss or occupation of One Sith space.

Furthermore the massive loss of territory has left the Republic in 'desperate' condition. After so many military defeats, a coup, and loss of much of the Core, The Republic is no longer considered to be a major military power to credible agencies in the Core. The Director has emphasized that the credit rating of the Republic is now considered to be 'Junk' or of CCC classification. Speaking to members of both the Bank of Coruscant and members of the Banking Clans suggest this rating will be universal for all market trading by next Taungsday if not the end of the week. Given the fact the Republic now only holds a few individual strategic planets in the Core, and in the wake of collapsed credit, annexation, war, occupation, military coup, and after being condemned by major galactic corporations, The Director believes the Republic territory is now merely a Remnant State or more properly a 'Rump State'. The Galactic Republic is now henceforth known as the 'Chazwa Rump State'. Please adjust all current star maps and data-logs accordingly.

GA Threat level raised to 'Severe'.
Due to the Likely Invasion of the GA, Sabacc night this week has been cancelled.

These three words were shouted to the heavens, forming a crescendo of outrage and anger. Clones from various armies and nations had amassed outside of the Senate buildings. Not born, but grown in labs, conditioned to serve their creator as soldiers in their wars.

Even before they were born, their choices had been made for them. Many did not have their own name, just a serial number. They had come off the production line like any item manufactured in the factory of a corporation. A brunette woman wearing a black coat stood at the edge of the demonstration, just one among many. Like them, she wore a face that was not her own.

Of course, she was not alone. As a matter of fact, it had taken a lot to even let her guardians take her here, and so Auntie Callisto was nearby. The massive demonstration, the rage, the shouting, it was all a bit overwhelmning for a woman who until recently had been largely isolated from contact. Even now, she preferred droids to humans.

Still, like them she had just been created as a mere tool. Eyes narrowed as she looked upon the Senate Building, another institution of lies, false promises and corruption. Protest did not bring change. 'Democracy' was a sham, Jediism a delusion. It would have to be torn down one day. But today was not about her, not by a long shot. One day she would tear Siobhan Kerrigan's heart out and destroy everything she'd built and loved. Archangel would give her the tools.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow as she heard the noise coming from outside. "Ladies, Gentlemen, please excuse me for a moment." She bowed her head and then left the hall, the sounds of voices chanting and singing growing louder as she got nearer to the door.

The Senate guard tried to block her for her own safety, but she wouldn't have it. Kay ordered them to open the door and once they did so, she stepped outside, shocked at what she saw. She read the signs, 'Clone Lives Matter'? What was this about? Everybody seemed to want everything to happen all at once, which was impossible.

Kay brought her datapad out from her satchel and quickly sent a message to [member="Commander Lusk"] reading -"Commander, your brothers and sisters are protesting at the Senate. I need your help with seeing to their needs. Please. Regards, Kay."-

Now she had to wait.

[member="3X744"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Darth Metus"]

She was the product of a father's grief.

A replacement for what was lost, and was still lost, all the same. A child brought back to life in one way, had been reborn a second time, in another. In ways, in ways. She was a copy. A copy of a once-beloved daughter of a Tapani noble house, displaced some eight-hundred years, give or take, by death. Out here, she sought to forge a different life, to become more than what had ever been intended for her, to no longer be a thing, a possession.

She was free, a clone, a free clone, and she chanted along with the rest of them in a break from her characteristic peaceable calm. She had to wonder what [member="Samael Rekali"] would think of this - the mischief she felt at the thought only made her grin a little. He probably thought her an odd egg. After all, respectable ladies didn't do this kind of thing. Well, respectable ladies didn't crawl out of the Nether, either. So there. Eat it, high society.

Ceto - Salacia Consolidated HQ | Second Quarter Review Meeting

The smell of caf was thick in the air as projections were shown on a screen. In the room, all of Salacia Consolidated's higher ups were looking at the ending numbers for the second quarter. Profits hadn't been terrible and it looked like some parts of the green energy sector may take off in the third quarter.

"Our ocean based technologies seem to be gaining traction in the Silver Sanctum territory. Pollutant removal seems to be a market to enter as we've seen some positive responses early in our line release."

A Mon Calamarian was droning on about their possible foray into more ocean-based solutions as Judah ate his bagel with cream cheese. Pencil was in the other hand, marking notes on the presentation binder everyone had been presented with.

A human head popped into the conference room suddenly.

"E-excuse me....everyone might want to turn on CNN (Ceto News Network that is...)"

The bored looking Mon Calamarian switched to CNN. A cheery looking green-skinned humanoid female in a business suit was chattering out animatedly, as economic news ran at the bottom of the screen.

"...News out of Coruscant today, the Bank of Coruscant has reduced the credit rating of the Galactic Republic to CCC. Insider reports for several Banking Clans suggest Galactic-wide markets will follow suit, leading to a possible financial crash for the Galactic Republic and its currency..."

"Markets on Ceto already seem affected, with stocks for Republic-owned companies falling rapidly this morning. Stocks were already fragile in light of the Galactic Republic's so called 'Corporate War' with Arceneau Trade and several other companies...."

"Experts are warning against investing in the Republic territory, saying a collapse is all but imminent. Stay tuned to CNN for more updates as we get this story. Up next : Can the Galactic Republic afford a war on two fronts? We talk to Ceto National Army General Tanaqur Vilusk about the 'War for the Core'."

"Don't forget at noon today, we also speak to a #CloneLivesMatter activist on their own personal battle in the larger war. Stay tuned, its all coming right up..."

Someone lowered the sound on the screen and eyes turned to Judah. He slowly stopped chewing on his breakfast and spoke.

"Well.....Everyone make a note not to invest in the Galactic Republic in the coming days....We've pulled our space stations out of Brentaal IV, any other investments of note we need to bring home?"
Location: Column Commons District | Sith Intelligence/Dolos Defense Agency Public Monitoring Site.
Event: Mandolarian Invasion of the 'Galactic Republic' of Roche
Classification: Personal Message or 'PM" sent between Sith intelligence agents

Subject: DA kark MAN!
Sender: AGENT 21R 'Jim'
Recipient: DDA Listener L4 'Will'

Dude, So our karking blowhard director has cancelled sabacc night. WTF. I mean we gotta sit here all day and watch these losers get beat up by some mandos and frak, while the rest of the guys see action in the southern core. Its bad enough going through all the holonet '#clonelivesmatter' up here anyways. I mean have you seen these tweets. Who posts "COOLEST CLONE EV4R". poodoo its bad enough half this trash is misspelled drek in all caps. You know how many tweets a planet of a billion people and galaxy can send in day is? NO? Off course not. Can't believe I got stuck monitoring public media.

So anyway Agent 14T chuckled at our blowhard director when he had to look up on some holonet wiki to find out where Chazwa was. Smashed the man's skull on the table. Made a huge karking mess and we had to clean it up. So not only is our boss a complete karking tool, but he does not pay for droids to clean up the place. 'BS it comprises security' OMG THE SMELL! I mean I get '#clonelivesmatter' but they can't get one of those freaks to mop of the floor instead of me. Pod Brothers, HA! More like Podscum!

So its supposed to be a big secret but our blowhard director or 'The Director' is some Sith Lord who answers to no one. Get this man, he calls himself Kentarch, big secret. I mean Really? Can't you just say Centurion? When has middle byzantine references been relevant anyways, how pretentious is that? Guess Lord DarkFaceX is to obvious. I'm looking at the good things though. I mean thanks to our job we get to see all the clips of the mandos slaughtering the 'CRS' or Republic before it gets to the Public access. I hate having to pay 15 creds to see something sanctioned by the Bureau of One Sith Entertainment. Got a cousin who got a do nothing job over there, thinking of a transfer.
Senator Taff noticed [member="Lady Kay"] leaving the hall, and also dismissed himself. Walking behind her silently as she went to the door, he saw in person what he had been viewing before on the holopad.

Thousands of clones of various models, all squished together in outrage, waving signs and shouting. The various smells of testosterone and other chemicals graced his nose. Walking up beside the Lady, he looked out over the tumultuous faces. "This is... terrifying. If this turns into a riot..." He hid his face in one of his sleeves, hiding his concerned face.

One of his servants, a Caamasi with a large, ceremonial hat, whispered into his ear. Alarmed, Auru turned on his holopad, and saw the CNN report. Dazed, he dropped the device, and hid his face again. The moment I get into politics, everything terrible happens...

[member="Judah Dashiell"] @3X744 @Rave Merrill
[member="Emiery Athelon"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Behind the forward picket line, the slogans and ad-hoc rhymes, a diminutive circle crouched low amidst the crowd. They were settled over turned-up rain pails and sleeping bags, tottering for balance on their jerry-built stools, adjusting care-worn hands across tuning knobs and six-string chord necks. They were men and women sharing similar faces but dissimilar scars, dressed down in guard-issue all-weather jackets and patched trousers, in boots worn to the sock. One or two had pinned brassy and polished service medals to their tore up lapels. Veterans. Fighters that went out, saw their tours, and suffered for it. One had paused and looked at the three fingers missing down one side of their knuckles. Another had taken a claw hammer, wedging the steel against an artifical knee-cap that had locked up.

One of them, hunched against their gaunt stomach, pressed a length of discarded katarn plating on their thigh and then began drumming an easy beat. The next gripped their bandaged tambourine, joining with wrist-claps against the broad skin head until the cymbals danced with the drummer. The rest settled up with old wroshyyr wood guitars, beginning the string rhythm. A man, hooded with pair swords strapped over his back, glanced up at the wide arcades and throaty architraves leading into the senate's shaded foyer. It was hot, cloudless, so bright the blue in the sky ached. His voice joined in the small chorus.

Faith saw the message, funny she believed she was the Leader of the Republic until a new one was chose, and now a Vice Chancellor stands up and will speak for a Chancellor not even elected yet.

Faith just stood silently watching the screen. She had a headache and it appeared it would get worse before the day was over. She was going to decide on a course of action, and to do so she needed to think, and listen.

She paced around trying to form thoughts.
He hadn't asked to be the father of millions, he hadn't asked to be put in command of his sons and to send them to their deaths.

He hadn't asked, and neither had they. Somewhere among the crowd, Jorin-prime held up his own sign, a tear a pride rolling down his cheek.


Sor-Jan Xantha

Corellia Digital Building
Second Quarter Meeting of the Board of Directors

"...the latest World of Build-a-Bear Knights patch content tested well with our beta test group. We hope to grow subscriptions by three percent in the coming quarter."

The young Anzat had traded Jedi Meditation Chambers for a corporate board room. As the hologame division spoke about the progress of their massively multi-player roleplaying game in Corellia Digital's flagship franchise, the boy found himself shuffling ahead of the agenda. Profit margins were down on Selonia. He wondered if someone wasn't skimming off the top...

"Excuse me, sir."

Craning his head up, the boy found himself looking at the familiar, nickel-plated 3PO series droid that served as their primary attendant. "There seems to be some commotion taking place in the Republic," the droid supplied, by way of explanation as to why it had interrupted the meeting. Leaning forward in his chair, the youth discarded his datapad as he tapped a control recessed into the table top. Hologram generators installed around the room created a myriad of 'windows' in mid-air, featuring streaming content from the HoloNet.

There was an announcement by a woman who identified herself as the Vice Chancellor of the Republic. And another report by the Cato News Networks. And all manner of iReports, social media feeds, and political commentary.

Whatever the Republic was involved with now, it appeared to be a social and economic train wreck. "Threepio," the former Jedi began, turning his attention away from the reports to focus on the droid. "If [member="Corvus Raaf"] calls..."

"I'm sure I have no idea your location, sir."

"Thank you."

Leaning back in his chair, the young executive looked at the image of the Vice Chancellor and wondered just what the feth was going on in the Roche System.

And what on earth were they going to do for the subscriptions paid in Republic credits? Were those even going to have any value after today?

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