Mantic Dorn
Old school...
Location: Highly classified
Time: During the mandalorian invasion of Roche, just after the attempted coup on Chazwa by the former GR Prime minister Genievere.
Event: An official Republic broadcast from the newly instituted office of the Vice chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
Recent events had cast the Republic in a turbulent state of chaos. Enemies were looming from outside as well as from within and during this crisis the Republic desperately needed new ground and new born faith in their ranks.
As part of their attempts to cast of the yoke of chaos a new charter was set up to invest in both external as well as internal security and to safe guard the freedom and democracy of the Republic.
To oversee the new Republic the title of Supreme chancellor had been reinstated and election for the seat was under the way already.
Mean time the second of the Supreme Chancellor, the one meant to act as a counterweight should ever a Supreme Chancellor again attempt to throw the Republic into a state of dictatorship, was rushed off with a fleet to protect her constantly moving through space to confuse and avoid detection or ambush during the hard times when the Republic capital stood in flames.
The Vice Chancellor now stood to represent the Galactic Republic in one of her first public broadcasts. It was not a message that she would have hoped to send, but it was necessary…
Citizens of the Republic, friends and allies of democracy,
The image of the Vice Chancellor of the Galactic Republic appeared on the broadcast.
“I stand her today to meet an accusation directed at the heart of our brave military. With the Mandalorian warriors having launched a surprise attack on our borders, the Republic fleet and army under command of supreme commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] has rushed out to meet the invading forces.
Her orders were to attempt a diplomatic channel with the mandalorian war lords responsible for the attack, but if that failed she was to defend the Republic world and stop it from falling into enemy hands.
Unfortunately, the diplomacy was brief and we are now in an armed conflict with our former allies, the Mandalorians. “
There was a short paus as the vice chancellor lowered her head in respect to the men and women that while she was speaking laid down theirs and others lives in the ongoing battle.
“During the initial hostile actions on Roche accusations from sources we have yet to confirm has surfaced about crimes of war being conducted by the Republic forces against the Verpine people of Roche.”
“The Republic will not allow such actions at any level and any such criminal acts will be put under investigation by proper instance. The Republic however understands that propaganda and misinformation is part of war fare and we can not act on our own forces during an ongoing battle without having a proper investigation go over the accusations and any presented evidence.”
“But I assure the people of the Republic, Roche and the Galaxy that the investigation of the alleged war crimes of our armed forces, with supreme commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] as the highest responsible person, will be subject of investigation and put before a Republic war tribunal once she has returned from the ongoing battle, should the evidence presented prove to be sufficient enough.”
The Vice chancellor lowered her head once more to take a deep breath. Then she raised her chin to look afar.
“These are times of darkness, but even in our most dire hour shall we not relent in seeing law and order be fulfilled in our own ranks. Law is however executed in the courts of law, not on the battle field. Once Supreme Commander [member="Ali Hadrix"] is free to do so she is to present herself for a hearing on the accusations made against her."
"Freedom, democracy and justice has been and will always be what guides the heart of our nation.”
“Long live the Galactic Republic and may the force be with us.”
*End transmission*
[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Tholatin - [member="Megàn Alestria"]
Kashyyk - [member="Jack Sparrow"]
Pengalan - [member="Darion Blackstaff"]
Commenor - [member="Lady Kay"]
Alderaan - [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Carida - [member="Tonald Drump"]
Brentaal IV - [member="Ordon Trozky"]
Chandrilla - [member="Miria Lasedri"]
Arkania - [member="Khyros Sunblade"]
Caamas - [member="Auru Taff"]
Korda - [member="Salete Kel"]
Eshan - [member="Janira Fenni"]
[member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Tholatin - [member="Megàn Alestria"]
Kashyyk - [member="Jack Sparrow"]
Pengalan - [member="Darion Blackstaff"]
Commenor - [member="Lady Kay"]
Alderaan - [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Carida - [member="Tonald Drump"]
Brentaal IV - [member="Ordon Trozky"]
Chandrilla - [member="Miria Lasedri"]
Arkania - [member="Khyros Sunblade"]
Caamas - [member="Auru Taff"]
Korda - [member="Salete Kel"]
Eshan - [member="Janira Fenni"]
[member="Gir Quee"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]