[member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Darth Metus"]
The young pizza girl would suddenly find herself facing a bald man with cybernetic eyes and a calm demeanor. ''Got stiffed? Here's seventy and a camera. That's three hours pay on Coruscant. Record everything, give me back that camera, and I will give you more pay and credit when we're done here," he said calmly.
He then proceeded to watch the violence unfold. This protest was meant to be peaceful. It was meant to help people. People who had done nothing wrong other than be born a slave to wicked, corrupt, overpaid jerks who looked at them like ammunition instead of fellow sapients. NO. This was not how the clones would meet their end. He walked up to parked car and stood up on it. He cleared his throat. Staring out over the mayhem.
Nicholas Sept was weak in the force. He had never been trained in it, and a solid diet of military stims and generally fething crazy lifestyle had led him to not even realize he had any talent in it. However, the force was often great at helping a person be better than they were. And in the case of this one particularly ill-tempered clone, it made him damn good at the one thing any military instructor, even one on Cartao, was good at. And that was yelling like an enlisted officer who was about to punch a few people out.
"SOLDIERS, STAND DOWN!" He barked in a familiar tone, the Force amplifying his voice like a megaphone. "This gods-damned clusterfeth of a firefight will cease immediately! Brothers, Sisters, there will be no more bloodshed! Killing each other in the streets so the Republic can avoid footing the bills! I. WON'T! HAVE IT!!!!" His words echoed down the street. The music seemed softer in comparison. "I will not stand idly as we all are led to the slaughter. I will not fight. I will not give you your war," he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
"If the Senate will not speak for us, then we will speak to them. On Cartao, brothers and sisters, peace found a way. Life found a way. Clone and Corporation and Command spoke and peace was found!" A few people, others from Cartao here on "leave" from their rehabilitation, nodded and affirmed it to the crowd. "That's right," came a voice from somewhere.
"On Cartao, we found a way. And on Chazwa, we too will find a way! I am announcing a new Crusade, brothers and sisters. I am announcing myself as a nominee for the position of Senator on Cartao. With your help, we can get a clone in the Senate. Without representation, our interests will be nothing more than half-promises and empty words. I promise actions. I'm not from your series. I'm an older clone, a tough one who has seen what good and evil a military can do to its soldiers and its citizens. I saw Atrisia burn. I saw Cartao saved. I plead with you all, it can be done. Peace finds a way, brothers, sisters, clones, friends, I beg you. Let Peace find a way. Let our lives matter, not to be thrown away in violence against this state, but to serve the Republic, to save the Republic, to heal this broken nation and find a new way. Brothers and Sisters," He bellowed, echoing out on the street, "Let Peace Live!"
He began chanting it. Standing on the vehicle. "Let peace Live! Let peace live!"
The funny thing about Jedi Mind tricks is that with the right speech, you rarely needed them.
#clonelivesmatter #letpeacelive #Sept4Senate