Oh yes, sooo much fun... [member="vlper"], the simple reason is because it makes for great story. The same reason that Coruscant fell in the first place, which is hilarious that i am learning the Republic was never suppose to or gonna win that one.Torill Holgor said:Because the perpetual fear of cloud breaking is so much fun.
I am going to say because at the time our previous capital fail it was a good choice in locations and quite possibly still had a few additional planets as a buffer.
VlPER said:...so....we're trying to lose? I thought we were gunna try and win this? Why don't we relocate our capital right now, and get after them before the OS go after Vulpter?
[member="Torill Holgor"] | [member="Memorial"]
It's because roleplayng isn't about winning. I've lost more than my fair share of battles and I can assure you the stories and whatnot that follow it are far better than the satisfaction of winning an imaginary invasion.VlPER said:...so....we're trying to lose? I thought we were gunna try and win this? Why don't we relocate our capital right now, and get after them before the OS go after Vulpter?
Silara Varis said:[member="Lan Graendal"] [member="Torill Holgor"] [member="Memorial"]
My honest opinion?
You are correct it is not about winning or losing but about story. Right now I see zero story arcs going between characters. The senate never seemss to agree IC. IDK about OOC.
You have a lot of great writers here with absolutely nothing to do. I think the most fun I had was flight training [member="Corvus Raaf"].
Otherwise it's been boring as the devil here. In addition your members have a lot fo great ideas abouut how to proceed with the faction but it seems a majority of that has been struck down. It almost seems like the Republic wants to lose, and the members here are so inactive.
There is no real plot here legitmately. We could be entering codex submissions for fortresses, establishing alliances, raiding Sith assets between invasions and a horde of other things. I came in here hard charging and trying to stir the place up with my training threads and hop into all of yours.
Truth is you guys just don't pan out at all. It's like the leadership talks to the OS leadership and says wait and we will give you permission to do threads.
Why? Why can't we start our own threads, or have more freedom of character?
The OP looks pretty good guys and they have a few active threads up which I'm going to hop into.
I like you guys, but this is not the place for me. Good luck Happy RPing.
Agreed, without being able to work together or unite the Republic is up the creek without a paddle, which is why it makes me said to see so many people staying close to their friends and not reaching out to RP with anyone they can, or having to actually go outside of those in the faction for help with their stories. Im not saying they shouldn't, but when our own members have to go outside of the faction to get their stories further, and dont look inside it, it makes me sad.Torill Holgor said:When you find yourself in a situation where writers don't agree then the IC agreement is not going to be there especially in a Senate type of situation.
The biggest issue right now is an overall distrust between writers. You can create all of the things you mentioned but if the writers don't get along then it is all for nothing.
The easy thing to do would be do just dump it all in Kiskla's lap and blame her. However that would not only be wrong but kind of shady because it goes back to before she took over the hot seat.
Everyone is encouraged to start their own threads. I have created several myself. However getting other writers to commit is a different story. Even when you can as a said there is some conflict between writers that is not making things very easy.
In hindsight would the rebellion idea have been just what was needed? Maybe it was too refresh things who knows. Do people still want to walk away? Of course some do.
I don't have any answers all I know is I am lost and don't really know where to go from here.
Silara Varis said:I had great ideas to revitalize the faction but I get an overall feeling of hostility between writers that has never been addressed.
This is the type of attitude that repels me from this place and many others too with all due respect. Put your ideas out but don't expect it to happen.Aurelia Saelari said:Great is the angst and infiltration in this thread.
Remember, if we win one invasion against the One Sith they’re reduced to just Coruscant…so it works both ways.
If you have a suggestion about where to relocate, make it, but don't expect it to happen.
Why not the Hapes, much harder to destroy our manpower there.Aurelia Saelari said:Great is the angst and infiltration in this thread.
Remember, if we win one invasion against the One Sith they’re reduced to just Coruscant…so it works both ways.
If you have a suggestion about where to relocate, make it, but don't expect it to happen.
Silara Varis said:This is the type of attitude that repels me from this place and many others too with all due respect. Put your ideas out but don't expect it to happen.
Compare that to passing a bill in Congress, or achieving consensus on anything. It may be great to you, but may not be the case for anyone else.Silara Varis said:Put your ideas out but don't expect it to happen.