With disbelief, Daella witnessed Fekess die of an allergic reaction to a certain type of dye in kolto bombs. Her face was that of total disbelief. Such a reaction was extremely rare in the galaxy - one would logically assume that a Warlord would not have such a trait. Daella knelt down for a moment with her arms limp. Some of the kolto from the grenade covered Daella and began to heal her cuts.
A group of Saleucami soldiers entered the room. They saw their dead warlord in the midst of a green mist. For a moment, they pointed their weapons at Lan, Steph, and Daella. Yet, they did not yet fire.
Daella turned her head slightly. Her left blue eye glared at them. They held their fire.
The soldiers looked at each other and then lowered their weapons.
"Boss is dead. Can't get money out of that. Sure the Republic'll be nice if we don't kill'em," said one of the soldiers.
Having said that, the soldiers holstered the weapons. The same one that spoke to his comrades looked at Havoc Squad and Daella, "I'm sure the Republic'll be here to get y'all. And better to work for a winner than a loser."
The news of the Warlord's death began to spread around the Fortress and Saleucami. The soldiers were loyal only to money and almost immediately either retreated or surrendered. None of the Imperial troops that had been seen in the boarding party of the Republic's Star Defender could be found - either they just appeared in space or managed to slip into the shadows after the fight.
Resistance movements against the Warlord eventually came out of hiding and greeted the Republic with open arms. Daella had been told to remain on the planet and assist in securing the planet. It took days of bacta treatment for her to begin recovering to combat effectiveness. Saleucami was given provisional representation in the Senate shortly after its liberation and the Republic secured a line of trade between it and Kashyyk.
Most importantly in the aftermath, the Republic began to station troops and ships in the system - in apparent preparation for more military action.