Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Republic Jedi and Silver Jedi?

I can't speak as to what made the founding members of the Silver Jedi to ditch the Republic, as I am not one of them. I can, however, give my perspective since I was part of the group that formed the Silent Conclave (later Levantine Sanctum) before the Silver Jedi came to be.

At the time, the Republic had a less than stellar reputation, the Jedi Order in particular. They were aggressively expanding in all directions which ultimately led to the cluttered map we had up until recently (thanks, Akala). Many argued that this was too un-Jedi-like and generally disliked the OOC political aspects of it. I seem to remember a time when a Jedi character was both on the Council and Supreme Chancellor at the same time. A Jedi in a political position? Big no-no.

That, as well as a lot of aggressive behaviour among its members on and off the battlefield, made me and a bunch of others jump ship. The Silvers got started a few months later, I believe.

Nowadays, however, I feel like the Jedi Order's regained what it had once lost under first Kisla Grayson and now [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s leadership. We've become natural allies rather than bitter rivals, I think.

I was not around for the split to occur, but as far as I can tell, many of the reasons for the initial split have long since died away. I can say, from my experience, the Jedi Order is a bit more conservative in our philosophies. We don't believe we have to compromise our principles in order to win (keep in mind that I'm not suggesting the Silvers do, I'm merely validating the above statement by [member="Silara Kuhn"]).

I would say we're more attune to the Jedi of the late Republic than the New Jedi Order in that we are less tolerant of breaches from the code/tenants of the order. We don't turn our back on our own, but we wouldn't ignore misconduct (e.g., darkside power use).
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Wolf"]

I second Thurion and Kian's description. A lot of recent changes have been made to the Republic to separate the Jedi from the Republic in the aspect of who runs the Republic. The Republic is now entirely controlled by the Senate and the military, whereas the Jedi are guardians of both the government and the citizens. The Jedi do not command the Republic, nor run their expansions/conquests. You won't see the issues of the past where the map is a hideous giant blue blob, unless for some reason mergers occur and spheres are condensed, etc. The Jedi in the Republic have returned to the more classic ideology as being only guardians of the Republic, more than its' conquerors.

This was done for both OOC and IC reasons, to alleviate some of the concerns that other factions had regarding the Republic and its' past.
'Facts are facts, but opinions of facts are just opinions.'

OK, that out of the way with, here are my opinions on the subject - they're not right or wrong, they're just what I think.

And I'll start with a thought that if people get bored wading through what I just know will be a very, very long post I hope they'll remember.

I think we spend too much time talking about what's different between different Jedi Orders and not enough about how we're the same.

And that's not a reflection on Wolf for a perfectly valid question or anyone's response (as they're all relevant) but just my opinion. I know - as I'm in the threads - that we're looking to bring these two Orders closer together right now, so if you want to pinpoint a difference, it's this:

The Order I represent serves the Galactic Republic. First, foremost and only. The Silver Jedi are not tied to any given Government. That, for me, is the only real difference.

'We see the world not as it is, but as we are.'

I wrote that recently when a writer was thinking about creating a Jedi character that on face value didn't gel with any of the writers that commented on it. When he rephrased his idea. My first thought was OMG, that's Corvus!

You see, if you have an attention to detail, like minded people will see you as thorough, meticulous and reliable. Those of a different viewpoint will see you as boring, slow and unimaginative. It's all about viewpoint.

So when we all write our Jedi character, we probably all think we're following the Code and just being an 'average' Jedi and we see others as extreme from our perspective.

One that I find interesting is an opinion that Corvus always takes a moral high-ground and looks down on others. It's not how I write it, but it's certainly how it's perceived by some. Yet every Padawan I write with gets the same advice - walk your own path. Corvus' path is Corvus' path. It is a path, not the path. Yet others see her as condemning people who are different to her.

As I say, that does not make them wrong. Some of what builds the perception is IC driven and sometimes it's OOC led. Had Corvus been offered a selection of Sith PCs to kill, people would probably see her as a blood-thirsty Jedi. Instead they see someone who believes in the Code when it says that taking a life is the last option. Redemption is always her goal. She'll always offer an opponent a chance to surrender. This might make her seem to act as if she's superior? Possibly, I can see that logic.

So the Republic suits some Jedi and not others. It's about what sort of character you want to play. There is - and always has been - talk of a single Order but nothing has come to fruition as yet. There is the Jedi Academy Network of course. It's not an Order but it is a place where Jedi can go and learn regardless of Faction, so it's ideal for Jedi that may be more independently minded.


[member="Wolf"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Silara Kuhn"]
I find that pretty awesome though, the last part about the Sith rising up and the Republic being crippled.

What I mean is, I've been part of other boards that will already decide beforehand the outcomes of wars and invasions, in the name of having a good storyline. (I don't mean events, which are cool, but pretty much all the wars, it was partly to stop bickering I believe but it was a bit restrictive. "You have to lose this battle." Greeeaaat.)

What's great about this is that you've basically got a whole micro-verse going on here where what happens OOC (and IC) has real consequences. The Sith can be the opportunists that they are, and so if there is a division in the Jedi there will be real consequences of the Sith rising up and capitalising on that weakness, and that can change the course of the whole storyline of the board.

Being part of boards which decided storylines beforehand, I just find this pretty sweet, and it creates a really rich and unique history, one determined by the writers.

(Unless I got it all wrong and this board determines general storylines and plots as well (I know it does events), though there is certainly a lot more freedom here.)
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
But then how do you deal with people who don't think there is a path but only the path? (Are there any like that in the Order?)

Believing each one walks their own path solves a lot of issues, but then you have the issue of someone who would disagree with such a view, saying it could lead to a subjectivity that would devalue the Code.

For example:

"The Code must be adhered to at all costs."

"Well, one walks their own path, the Code is adhered to from their viewpoint."

"Such a view would endanger the Code, there is only one path." See what I mean? You can't win with everyone. :p

There are no perfect Jedi and people tend to follow what they think of as a good Jedi - but each tends to have a favourite era and uses that as a reference.

There are some that are generally considered 'not' Jedi because they don't follow the Code. Jedi that loot and pillage from other Jedi enclaves, Jedi that learn to use the Dek-side from the Sith. As Kian mentioned, we'd ask such people to leave our Order. But that still does not make us 'right' but rather doing it our way.

I know what I believe Corvus would do. I regularly quote a line from the Code's pillars and tenets. If there is truth between your heart and the Force, everything else is transitory. That is all I hold Corvus and her Padawans accountable for.
I write out transitions in characters, so it's almost entirely new order stuff for me, and their personal battles they have to go through to make Jedi or Sith. I never start them out as I want them to end up, or at least with an easy life. I also like some of them to have relationships IC, not all certainly, but family and that is fun for plots.

So as Thurion puts it so well that's why I put my characters in the silvers and firemane/sanctum for Nato, because some will never at an old republic standard for Jedi. Kei is a mix of a soldier and a Jedi, he probably always will be, only it'll be taken if he survives through a natural development to be the best qualities I can mix of each, a well rounded guardian type by the end. Natol'ine is a bubbly over excitable hell of a fun muse, but would make a really terrible old school Jedi. I get that people like writing them out and that’s great, I do too on occasion, she just didn't fit.

Take Taiden or Fyor these are two muses of mine that could pass as old school Jedi, but Fyor has addictions, and an over reliance on technology, he has so many qualities that would make a republic Jedi but that is his internal battle(s). Taiden may go dark for example, and to write that out I need to have him somewhere where the friends he makes will still stand by him and pull him back around. They are doing now for example which is cool, I get to write out that transition, that tension and surface doubt behind his resolve, which deepens the bonds and makes meaningful IC relationships between the characters he interacts with.

Not to say you can’t write out transitions in the pubs, you can, there just wasn’t quite the leeway to do it when I was last there for the muses and types of characters I had in mind. I hope that makes sense. It's not meant to say yay silvers or boo pubs, it's meant to say the characters I had couldn't have gone forward as I needed them to.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Btw, all this talk about how we are different and how we are similar has made me think......

**cough cough** Jedi Conclave **cough cough**

Oh I'm sorry. I got something in my throat there.....what were we talking about?
Strider Garon said:
Wouldn't it be nice if all the Jedi could get along in one faction? Such collaboration of light side folks could almost rival the OS saber for saber and halt their wickedness and debauchery of the galaxy.
Shh, I hear they want a new Jedi Order, I've been secretly funding them for years.
Strider Garon said:
Wouldn't it be nice if all the Jedi could get along in one faction? Such collaboration of light side folks could almost rival the OS saber for saber and halt their wickedness and debauchery of the galaxy.
That's basically what was said when this all started.

But cooperation is apparently not something Jedi are capable of.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
I thought that was what the Sith weren't meant to be capable of? xD

Oh the joys of not being restricted by differing views on moral obligations. :D

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