Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Points are just a bit of silly fun at the end of the day and they really don't mean a thing. But I use them to have fun with someone, or encourage a new writer on the boards and yes sometimes I like a post because I do like how that post was written. Even if I am not in the thread.

Use them how you will.. :)
Who needs rep. RP'ing isn't a numbers game. Whether you have a 100 posts or 5000. 1 rep or 2000. All I care is if you're fun to RP with and you don't make me want to throw you out an airlock.
Reputation and liking posts has no meaning unless you give it a meaning. From a wise person in this board who happens to live in a nearby country, I have learned much about liking posts. And even though maybe his meanings of liking posts are not the same, I have got inspiration from him.

Liking RP posts can give a person you play with a warm feeling, especially if the person is a new one in this board or completely new to role-playing. It can show that you really like something, it can show that you mean the same thing... I never give likes away too easily in the OOC boards, but there I follow the same manner I do at liking IC posts - if I have read somebody's post (LOA threads, for example), I like their post.

So if one thinks reputation holds no meaning, there is no meaning. But if one gives it a meaning, it has become a thing.

It can also show how much people appreciate you. :p

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Aaralyn Rekali said:
Reputation doesn't mean you're a horrible writer or a good writer.

It's about as useful as the rest of social media or anything else social on a website.
Indeed. A majority of my reputation points are due to commenting on the OOC board. It's probably a fair ratio that for every 1 like I get on an IC post, there are about 10 in OOC. I'm a funny, likeable guy. Don't judge.

So if one thinks reputation holds no meaning, there is no meaning. But if one gives it a meaning, it has become a thing.
-brain explodes-

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Indeed, [member="Maria Natalja"]. I recognize the philosophy you're spitting.

Status points holding only as much merit as what you personally hold to them.

My mind wasn't blown because it was a difficult concept to grasp. Just that very rarely things are explained on such a subjective mannerism.
It was so hard not to like peoples posts in here. I think I liked only one in here and I won't way which one for reasons of me own.

But one thing I do have to say is in agreement with [member="Maria Natalja"], If someone holds meaning to it, then it means something to them. I one time decided to go through my PM's to see how many people have asked me questions. Going through Morna's Darren's or Xanders, I find that I get asked more questions in PMs there, than I do my other characters who have a lower Rep. so some of the newer people look for the Rep and post count to see that these people have probably been here for a while and know (somewhat) what they are doing. Yes Rep can mean something to someone. It may be a form of someone to either look up to for the people who are in the Hundreds, and someone to fear when they are in the many thousands. *cough* Admins *Cough*

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