Ok, so, as I said, here I am to make my spiel, as it were. I'll start with the IC.
I may be new to the Republic, but that doesn't mean that I don't understand what the Republic is. In fact, I think if the Republic had controlled the territory in the unknowns where my species originated from, we might not exist. I don't necessarily think that would be a bad thing. What was done to the mothers of the first generation of my people was an atrocity that I hate to think about it. Not all Taskai even know the truth, simply because they can't. It's very hurtful knowledge.
What I bring to the Republic is knowledge of the part of the galaxy that few have ever been to or discovered. I may be young, not yet at my species' mating age, but I have a wealth of knowledge. Those that meet my people say we are overly curious. It's not a lie. We dive into everything we find in an effort to understand it. Rash, hasty decisions are not something that you'll find from me or any other Taskai. We have to know everything about a situation before we make a decision, and I think that's an invaluable trait for a military chief of staff.
In my time here I have been more than welcomes. I've found many friendly, curious faces. I have found acceptance, not just for myself, but for my people. This isn't something that I can simply let go. I want to see this relationship amongst the people's of the Republic last and I think that the only way to make that happen is to have a strong defensive and offensive force.
Yes, we must fight. We must be brutal because our enemy is brutal to us. That will, undoubtedly, mean that some unpopular choices may have to be made. Not many are willing to make those choices, choices that end lives, because they don't want to live with the burden of knowing that what they did may or may not have been a horrible act in the eyes of some. I will take all responsibility for anything that is done under my tenure as Military Chief of Staff if awarded the position. No matter how big or small, ultimately the responsibility would be mine. I am willing to be hated to do what must be done. I do not need the affection of strangers, I merely desire their safety.
I offer the perspective, compassion, and understanding of a very young species. I also offer the willingness to do what must be done and I hope that will make a difference in your decision.
Some of you have known me for a very long time as a writer. Others are just getting to know me, or finding out who I am and realizing you do know me. While I have not always been a member of the Republic, I have had several Republic characters. When I first joined it was with Kamon, then there was Cecil, and then there was Niamh, who is now making her return because, ICly, the One Sith are a threat to the safety of her home and her people, and Eshan is a part of the Republic.
Cecil was my first senator. T-Eya is my second. I've written politicians and military leaders on so many different boards. Here it was Janira Fenni and Mason Deschart that had the limelight of my military career. On several other boards it was Kamon, or one of my other characters that stepped into the role of politician and military leader. As always, there is mixed success. A political/military leader is only as good as the people around him, his fellow characters. I see in the Republic a cast of people that really want to make some headway, and that's why I made T-Eya. I wanted to help, and I wanted to be involved.
I've had my share of ups and downs in the political spectrum, and I've followed politics in America for quite some time (I was briefly a political blogger). I'm also something of a war buff. I love old war films and I love to study the history of warfare. I think that about sums up who I am (aside from my love of Star Wars/Science Fiction and all things Fantasy, oh, and zombies).
I know some will question my loyalty to the board, but I assure you I'm here everyday. Even when I was on LOA I looked at the forums for a bit each day to see what was going on. My dedication now is as strong as it ever was, and I won't be going anywhere. This place is helping me write my books. I need my muse!
So yeah, I hope I get the position, but if not it's all right. I'll work towards getting it, or another position, in the future.