I have a question. I know I shouldn't ask it here, but I don't know any other place where to do that.
Seeing that [member="Eve Amelia Zambrano"]'s tag placement is not like the others, I would like to ask: doesn't the One Sith tag work as a faction tag? Some time ago, I heard faction tags (e.g "The Republic", "Mandalorian", "The New Order", etc.) will always be the second tag under a person's avatar (after "Character" or "Writer" or whatever tag) and all other tags will be placed after them (or if there is no faction tag, then they're in alphabetical order), but it looks like maybe the One Sith tag isn't configured like a faction tag.
If needed, you can delete this post and maybe either get it fixed or don't get it fixed or maybe present another place where I could ask it (seriously, it's so minor that making a thread in the bug forum isn't quite useful).