Please disregard, spoke to wife and I understand what is going on. Thank you.
H3xle Well-Known Member Character Bio Nov 27, 2016 #12,921 Please disregard, spoke to wife and I understand what is going on. Thank you.
Delsin Shaw The Last Son Factory Judge Character Bio Nov 28, 2016 #12,924 Tag changes to Dark Jedi Master, and Exile Look up anything about Darren Shaw
Rexus Drath Well-Known Member Nov 28, 2016 #12,925 Name change to Malice the Destroyer If that doesn't fit than just Malice If Malice is already taken then make it Madrigal Tags to Prophet & Monster please and thank you.
Name change to Malice the Destroyer If that doesn't fit than just Malice If Malice is already taken then make it Madrigal Tags to Prophet & Monster please and thank you.
Siriwook Active Member Character Bio Nov 29, 2016 #12,928 Purple Witch Initiate and Galactic Alliance please (I have fifty posts now, but I am rping under my writer account, so that's probably why....) edit: 51 with this post
Purple Witch Initiate and Galactic Alliance please (I have fifty posts now, but I am rping under my writer account, so that's probably why....) edit: 51 with this post
Uhtred Kjartan Active Member Character Bio Nov 29, 2016 #12,930 Requesting a character name change to Uhtred Kjartan, please. As well as the tags Soldier and Medic, thank you
Requesting a character name change to Uhtred Kjartan, please. As well as the tags Soldier and Medic, thank you
Vixley CM-01 Combat Medic Character Bio Nov 29, 2016 #12,932 Change name to "Vixley CM-01" Or, just "Vixley" if hyphens don't work. Thanks! Excluding the quotation marks, of course, haha
Change name to "Vixley CM-01" Or, just "Vixley" if hyphens don't work. Thanks! Excluding the quotation marks, of course, haha
H3xle Well-Known Member Character Bio Nov 30, 2016 #12,934 Please exchange Executive for Neutral Apprentice Thank you
Gorba the Hutt Smug Slug Character Bio Nov 30, 2016 #12,935 Name change: Grozkalla Rank Tags to: General, Exile
Runi Verin Two pounds shy of a bomb. Character Bio Dec 1, 2016 #12,938 Rogue Knight > Neutral Knight Please and thank you.
Laira Darkhold Well-Known Member L Dec 1, 2016 #12,939 Name Change--> Laira Vereen Tags Apprentice Exile Thank you kindly my good man.
H3xle Well-Known Member Character Bio Dec 1, 2016 #12,940 Tag change from Neutral Apprentice to Pilot, thank you.