Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Requisitions (Armory)


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"Don't ask about the ink." He speaks with a gruff, tired voice and is clearly not from the Core Worlds. "Incidentally, folks call me Ink, and folks come to me when they need a little extra help. Arms, armour, ships, vehicles--all at your disposal for a price."

He scratches his chin, "See anything you like and let me know. I'll leave the directory open, but make sure it's for your eyes only. Yeah?"

Ink fades from the screen, and is now replaced by a list of available tech at your disposal. There's a range of categories available: Weapons, Armour, Vehicles, Starships, and Special. Each operative has a line of courier credits starting at 50.000. Completing missions and Courier objectives will earn you more courier credits which can be used to purchase gear from Ink.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with equipping yourself... But if it breaks, that's on you. Not us.






OOC: Armory is a work in progress.

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