Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Research Time (Siobhan)

In the Darkness there is Truth
While Phylis and [member="Mirien Valdier"] made tentative, moderately awkward conversation and Siobhan was going into mum mode, Sumiko was at work. As it happened she was just as much a workaholic as her former boss. Likewise she was also not that good at taking care of herself.

She had been given a small workshop and it was quite obvious to her that she was being watched. As a matter of fact, she had solid evidence because she had discovered several hidden electronic recording and listening devices thanks to her mechu-deru. Two of them had been coated in resin, which meant that they had eluded her initial scan due to not being traceable in the Force. She had only found them after performing a thorough sweep where she relied on eyes and instincts rather than magic.

Likewise she was not allowed to leave the base without chaperone. It was all very amusing to her. She would later return the bugs to Mirien. One of them had been still left active, but tampered with in such a manner that it would keep sending the same image. Purely to annoy her watchers. In the meantime she was busy dissecting the carcass of a grossly mutated, alchemised beast that now lay on her operating table. The Xioquo, with whom it seemed Firemane would be in conflict, were as fond of using the alchemical sciences to create monsters as the Sith and the Bando Gora were. Their understanding of these arts was crude and primitive, which was reflected in the mutated Yazgid she was examining. Presumably it had been captured during a skirmish or raid with Amikaron.

Now it was an object of study. The lizard already possessed a naturally, touch scaly skin, but alchemy had reinforced it and strengthened its bone structure, increasing its toughness. Its aggression and hunger for meat had been heightened, which said a lot given how predatory these creatures were anyway. Analysis of its stomach's contents had shown that the creature had been fed a regular diet of elf flesh. Likewise blood analysis revealed it had been heavily dosed with alchemised narcotics.

With the dispassionate curiosity of a scientist and wielding her scalpel like a surgeon, Sumiko worked on dissecting the creature. One of her droids, whose appendages held bloodied scalpels, retractors, hemostats, assisted her in her moderately ghastly work. By this point Sumiko, gowned, masked and wearing gloves since hygiene was important, had long lost track of time. On an adjourning operating table one could find the carcass of a giant, mutated scorpion with claws that could tear a person in half and a venomous poison that could subdue prey. Samples of the toxion had been gathered by her for further study. It appeared to be an alchemised concoction of some sort.

The Dark Side emanated from both creatures. Sumiko suspected that in order to control them, they had been bound to Xioquo sorceresses via blood magicks. Alas, both creatures were very dead, which meant that she could not run tests on them...unless she indulged in some creative necromancy and raised them as zombies. Obviously under controlled circumstances and with all the necessary precautions since she had learned her lesson. So many possibilities, so little time. According to rumours, the Xioquo had even harnessed kraken that prowled the oceans of Tygara. She would love to get her hands on one of those and dissect it.
"Thank you Siobhan," She said as she reached up, pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment in mild annoyance. Miri didn't mind being taken care of, she did however mind when it was done in front of others. After all Mirien had out of necessity learned to be an extremely private person when it came to details about herself. Because the majority of the time she had some kind of mask on, some identity that was not hers and she couldn't take the risks of herself showing through. So, it was still taking some getting used to, for such things. "And I don't do everything myself," Protesting that part a little bit, "You'd be surprised how much is delegated to my team. I just do most of the analysis of the intel coming in to prep missions." Mirien said with a shrug.

I trust you. But not her, not yet. You sure she won't try to stick that glowystick in my back when I'm not looking? The brunette was mostly teasing, but still there remained a slightly serious undertone in her voice as she spoke to Mirien's mind.

"I'm sure we can." She managed a smile now, at least making a remote effort.

Mirien only lifted a brow at Phylis, sensing the tiny bit of judgement coming from her, "Interesting, very interesting. I'd not have thought it would transfer to the light side of things. But I suppose the dark can't have all of the fun things." She said softly as she returned to her desk, flopping in the chair once more.

As for the question, "Well I head up Intelligence and Security for Firemane." Few knew how truly deep corporate espionage ran. Some companies intel networks rivaled that of large nations, with fewer people and better resources. After all, companies only hired the best of the best for their intel. Mirien was no different in that.

"Which right now means monitoring about ten million things that are currently going on here on Tygara." Mirien said as she motioned to the dozens of datapads stacked neatly across her desk. "While still keeping tabs back on Kaeshana."

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Phylis Alince"]

Mirien was cute. Especially when she was being icy. While she and Phylis were making awkward conversation, the second Dark Jedi in the suite was busy in the kitchen. Yes, love. I am sure. She isn't the knights templar 'purge all unbelievers' type. At most she'll bore you a lot by rambling about levitation in the pre-Tythonian period, she telepathically responded to Mirien.

Through their bond she tried to send some warm and fuzzy feelings to her lover. Nothing that would magically make Mirien shiny and happy because firstly the woman was too strong-willed for that and secondly Siobhan did not have the mentalist prowess, but it might help the tenseness a bit. Then she opened the fridge and after some rummaging found a ready meal of spaghetti and meatballs, which she put into the microwave. While it was being heated she made Mirien and Phylis a cup of tea each. Atrisian style, just the way Mirien liked it.

In this case it came in handy that Siobhan knew exactly how Mirien liked it. Each of them got some biscuits, then the ready meal was finished and she put it on a tray. Now that she was done being adorably domestic she stepped out of the kitchen and walked back to the office. Hopefully things had not gone awry in her absence.
[member="Mirien Valdier"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The interruption of the tea lady in the guise of Siobhan was welcome. Phylis had little to say in reply to Mirien. They were very different people, Mirien choosing the Dark and a secular role as spymaster, Phylis the Light and an academic path.

However, curiosity, and a desire not to let Siobhan down by dismissing her host, won out.

“As you can imagine, Ms Valdier, my efforts to create Alkahest are slow. I am essentially starting from scratch. I am having some issues going to the next step, and since I’m hardly likely to ask the Sith…. Well, I was wondering if I might ask you some questions when you have time, if I can discover some of your methods I can adapt them myself.”

It did pain her to have to ask for guidance, but she had reached a roadblock. She would have to ensure that she did not allow any contamination from the Alchemy to her Alkahest.
As long as you are certain.... I trust you. She replied as Siobhan headed off to make the tea and the meal. Through their shared bond she did feel the warm fuzzy love, which at least had the effect of making Mirien relax a slight bit. Something that she really needed in that moment, anything to ease the tension she felt with meeting someone new, who she did not trust.

She managed a smile as Siobhan came back in the room, offering her the tea and the meal. "Thank you, Sio. I appreicate it." Mirien then moved back over to her desk and took a seat, opening the meal.

The brunette looked over Phylis as she considered the woman's words. "Well, I'm sure I can find the time, and I'm sure Siobhan would love it if I took even a small break out of my day to do something less work related. I really don't mind sharing what knowledge I have on the matter. As long as you keep an open mind, it won't be a problem really. Just know I come from an entirely different background than you do on it. Some things, may not be .... palatable to you. And if so, please feel free to speak up. The last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable."

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Phylis Alince"], [member="Mirien Valdier"]

Awkward City. Present number of inhabitants: Three. By the time Siobhan arrived the ice seemed to be breaking a bit.

She counted it as a success that they had not started fighting or arguing in her absence. "You're welcome, dear," she said warmly to Mirien when she handed her plate and tea over. In deference to the fact that her lover was a rather private person, she only gave her a quick peck on the cheek rather than a full kiss. Then she passed a cup of tea and biscuits over to Phylis, smiling at her encouragingly. Her smile brightened when it seemed Phylis got over herself and asked for help and Mirien responded positively.

"Phylis has also been working on what she calls Grey Alchemy. Creating items that are not directly Light side infused but approach the level of resistance of Sith alchemy," she added once Phylis has said her piece. Siobhan was far from a whiz when it came to the alchemical sciences, but to her it seemed like something where both could help each other. Then again, she was a bit of a romantic sometimes. She glanced over to Phylis. "Mirien knows a lot about this stuff, so I'm sure she can help you out. Promise, we won't try and seduce you into summoning the Elder Gods and sacrificing goats," she joked.
[member="Mirien Valdier"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Frowning intensifies

The Jedi Master tried to keep the frown from showing up too much. She was in fairly dicey ethical territory as far as she was concerned. But it couldn't hurt to learn a few basics. She might even be able to subtly nudge Mirien towards the Light more.

"Yes, my greatest problem, as Siobhan says, is finding a way to alchemise the metal itself so it is resistant. My main method of delivery, light infused crystals, are proving inefficient in that role. I need another vector for introducing the Force into the item, but I am having trouble with it. What do you use?"
In the Darkness there is Truth
Necromancy was indeed a very useful art, but she had only progressed so far. Compared to the master necromancers she had read about, her abilities were still those of a novice. She was quite certain that there was much Sorzus Syn was withholding from her, which was no surprise given that it was the holocron of an ancient Sith Lord. It rankled her that she might have to share it with [member="Mirien Valdier"], if she wanted to enlist her former boss' aid in sucking the knowledge out of the artefact.

Precautions would have to be taken because, you might have guessed it, dear reader, two paranoid ex-spooks working together on something where there was a high incentive for betrayal would be...awkward. In the meantime, she temporarily abandoned the train of thought about reviving the two beasts through the use of black magicks and sorcercy.

For now. After all, the Atrisian was patient. Blood had been extracted and was being analysed, same for internal organs, which were now stuck in jars. Producing a datapad she typed up some quick notes while she studied the carcass of the giant scorpion. How odd that no matter where you went, darkside cults always manifested a desire to capture wild animals and turn them into monstrosities through alchemy. Sumiko could understand the psychological terror a giant Sithspawn could produce, particularly against armies unused to facing such beasts, but past precedence made her doubt their long-term military efficacy.

Gloved fingers danced over the datapad. Blood bonds, therein lay the key. Blood magic was what the Xioquo mistresses employed to bind these beasts to them - and only to them, for distrust was strong in their society, intrigue and murder a common currency. Ergo it stood to reason that through the use of blood magic the bond could be undone. Like every pack animal these creatures bent to the strongest will that could be identified as an 'Alpha', so to speak. Blood was life, blood was power. It made her wonder how much carnage could be caused if sorcery could turn these monstrosities against their Mistresses during a battle. After all, their minds were so simple and had been effectively reduced to feeling a near-constant, primal state of hunger and rage. From a sociological perspective one might extend this analogy to Xioquo society as a whole. It was a corrupt, fracticidal slavocracy that would tear itself apart unless it had external foes to subjugate and enslave. Still, knowledge of the dark arts worth learning might be found there.

Food for thought and future experimentation. The same applied to necromancy. Raising the dead during a battle and making them march against your enemies had its appeal. Also from a purely intellectual perspective. The Force was infinite, one's ability to use it was not, no matter how far one rose, but nonetheless one must always strive to better oneself and become closer to self-exaltation. Analysis had been run on the poisoned claws and teeth of the scorpion. Likewise the toxin had been tested on rats - the experience had been fatal and most painful for them.
Mirien relaxed in her seat and slowly began to work through her meal as she listened to both women. She nodded to Siobhan, "Ah, I see." Said softly between bites of food. A soft smile spread across her lips, "Sio's right, we won't be trying to seduce you into such things. I know better with someone like you. Plus I'm not into that whole dragging people over to the darkside thing, if they want to come it should entirely be their choice. Not about to force someone into it." She said with a shrug.

For a moment Mirien grew quiet as she continued to eat, thinking about what Phylis had said. "Well what I use is entirely unsuitable for a lightside master. Blood is the primary method of delivery that I use. It's easy enough to use art of the small and alter the blood into any number of things, making it suitable for many different uses. But that will not work here... No..." Once more the brunette grew silent as she pondered the options, taking a few more bites of food as she did so.

"Though I think what might work for you, would be to follow in a similar path to Vergere, the Fosh Jedi." Only now did Mirien put her fork down as she looked up to Phylis. Neatly she folded her hands in her lap, still thinking about the option. "She used Art of the Small and her own tears - Engineering them for a great many uses, including making them into a healing substance more powerful than bacta. It is possible that you would be able to use a similar technique for what I use with blood, with tears to achieve the same results without the darkness being involved. Though, if you want to talk with someone who is good at such with Art of the Small and her tears that would be Coryth. For I know she's made a similar healing substance as Vergere with her own tears. Still I can at least point out the applicable basics that I know from my side of things, as making tears to heal, and making them for alchemy purposes are two different things. Similar but different. Thoughts?" She asked as she picked up her fork once more and went back to eating again.

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Phylis Alince"]

Aww, they were so cute nerdgasming together! At least Siobhan thought so. She placed one of her hands in Mirien's lap, stroking over the woman's hand when she had folded it there. See, she ain't that bad, love. I'm proud of you, she broadcast sweetly over the telepathy radio. Presumably that sort of thing was useful when it came to keeping your phone bill down.

"Do carry on. Don't mind me," she spoke up, then turned her attention back to her cup of tea. She figured it would be best not to tell Phylis about the marvellous alchemical possibilities involving the blood of Lotek'k, the Terror from Beyond.
[member="Mirien Valdier"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Phylis smiled slightly. “Not as unpalatable as you think. I too use blood for my Alkahest, though in different ways to you, likely. However your suggestion…yes…yes that might work. Vergere’s method does have promise. I have never used Art of the Small before, but I might talk to Coryth about that.”

The Jedi paused, thinking things through. “Yes…yes that might do it! I need to bind the midichlorians to the material being alchemised, and that might be the solution I’ve been looking for. Hmm, I should go back and see Coryth soon and test it out. I’m guessing the city has some form of forge or work area I could use?”

She seemed enthusiastic and reenergised.
For now, it's not bad. I'm sure that could change though! She replied a bit sarcastically through their bond.

Mirien found herself lifting a brow, "That's surprising. Didn't really think you'd use blood with your version of alchemy, but I suppose if it works, it works." She then nodded, "I imagine Coryth can help you out a fair bit. She's good at that Art of the Small stuff."

As for the last question, Mirien smiled, "Of course there is a work space that you can use that will work I think. Shall we take her there?" Mirien asked as she set aside the last bit of her meal. It seemed for now she was done. At least she had eaten most of it! It was far better than the nothing she'd eaten all day. "It's not too far, a small Forge. Admittedly I've been using it a bit for my own alchemy work, but I don't see why you couldn't use it either." It wasn't like the Forge was going to pick sides, light or dark. It was just a neutral location where they two of them could make alchemy items.

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Phylis Alince"]

Aww, don't worry, honey. I'll protect you from the big bad Jedi. Then drag you away for ravishing. Or you can drag me away. I'm not picky. You better show your appreciation for the lovely meal, Siobhan broadcast telepathically, because apparently using the mind phone to make corny innuendo was her main activity now.

This one is under the impression she would use any excuse for sex. After all, it at the forge. Still she was happy that Phylis and Mirien were getting on ."Visiting the forge sounds good," she piped up.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Mirien Valdier"]

If Siobhan ever wanted Phylis to strip off, the forge was the time when she would get closest. Phylis would remove her outer robe, and most scandalous of all…even one of her two under-robes!

After they were finished, and one of the pair’s innumerable nubile Eldorai cleared dishes away, they were ready to go.
The forging area was in one of the base’s smaller pre-fab buildings. It looked pretty much like a normal modern area. The forges now were temperature controlled by electronics, the heat provided by electricity rather than coal and bellows. Still, it served the same purpose.

“What materials do you have, Ms Valdier? I can work with pretty much anything; iron, copper, gold, silver.”
Fortunately the forging area did not have a remaining trace of Force energy of either type. Phylis wondered whether her efforts would possibly leave a trace which would hamper the other woman. She hoped not.
Mirien just lifted a brow as she glanced to Siobhan upon hearing the words spoken within her mind. You better protect me. As much as I protect you! She was totally teasing, given the jovial tone of her words. And you know I'll show my appreciation later. Is it my turn to be on the bottom this time? Or was it yours? Said with a grin.

"Excellent." Mirien said as they all headed out to the forge.

Walking inside the warm forge room, Mirien was quick to strip away her business jacket, leaving beneath it a simple tank top. Stepping beside the door, she then hung the jacket there. Reaching back she took the robes that Phylis had stripped away and hung them alongside her own jacket.

"There is a little of everything here. In addition to the metals you listed I've always been toying around with a crystalline powder to imbue with the force before molding it into the metals as an outer coating." Walking over to a storage area she pulled a couple of binns from the wall, iron and copper in each. She then took them to a center workbench and set them down, before grabbing a small jar of the crystal powder she'd referred to earlier. "Feel free to grab what you like, use what you like. I do not mind in the least."

"I also have gold and silver in the back room, under lock and key."

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Phylis Alince"]

Hmm. I wouldn't say no to dominating you tonight. It's been a while and you're such a lovely sub. By the way, do you like my hair, love? This was clearly the moment where you were expected to tell your lover most effusively how great they looked. For all of Sio's positive qualities, she had a strong psychological need for flattery and wanted to be adored.

On the bright side, this was also the easiest way to distract her if she was being moody, which tended to happen a lot. Many times if her ego was stroked enough or she was distracted with sex, she tended to forget what she was ranting about. In any case they finished the meal, and Siobhan stripped off her dress in favour of something more practical before they headed for the forge. Oh, and yes, she really appreciated Phylis getting out of her robes!

She watched the two women talk shop at the forge. To a degree she felt a bit left out because she could not really contribute much to the discussion, but at the same time she was happy about them getting along. "Mirien's really enthusiastic about this alchemy business. Spends a lot of time at the forge. If I didn't know better, I'd say it sometimes gets more love from her than I do!" she joked. Think maybe I should ask Phylis about making a protective amulet for Galina?
[member="Mirien Valdier"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Thankfully Phylis couldn’t read minds, as the mental discussion between the other two would alternative confuse and embarrass her!

Instead she riffled in the collection of metals until she came to what she was looking for, a bar of copper. Taking it out, she swiftly activated the furnace and placed the metal inside the ceramic hopper.
One advantage of using the Force was that it allowed her to use its power to force air through the chamber, greatly reducing the temperature required.
As the copper began to bubble Phylis turned her attention to the casting moulds. Finally she found one for a small dagger. Not really her thing, but it would do. Copper was almost useless for a weapon as it was soft and could not hold its shape, thus it had always been alloyed with tin to make bronze. However, for this experiment, she would try something else.

“I’m going to try what you suggest, Mirien. It requires a lot of focus I think, more than I’ve given it before, especially on the metal. I suggest you both keep a little way back. I don’t want to burn you…again.” She gave Siobhan an apologetic look.
Well I suppose that can be arranged. It's only fair, since I get to dominate you so often. A bright smile crossed her lips as she glanced back to Siobhan, looking appreciatively over the woman's hair and other assets. It's lovely, darling. Beautiful. Of course, so is the rest of you. Can't wait to liberate you from your clothing later. Alas, we have business to attend to for now. Of course Mirien never minded, telling Siobhan just what she thought of her. The woman was lovely in her eyes. Always would be!

"Well I don't know if enthusiastic is the word, but I do find myself quite curious about it. It is after all a great part of my past. I figure maybe in exploring it further I might regain some of the memories lost." She said with a shrug, after all Mirien still was searching for the past that she had lost. Twenty years gone was a lot of time. "Since all I have are journals from that time ... it is the hope that something, someday will trigger a memory. So I don't have to keep learning about what I've done the hard way." Referring to what she had done to Coryth, and the Bando Gora incident.

Amazing to think that compared to the woman she used to be, Mirien could damn near be considered lightsided given the monster that she was. Who she had been was pure evil. And now, well now she was far different, kinder, gentler, loving even. This Mirien cared about the people around her. Especially Siobhan, and those Siobhan called family and or friend. For they were her family too, and she'd do anything to protect them.

She gave a nod to Phylis, and took Siobhan's hand to pull her with her away from what the Jedi was doing. After all, she really didn't want to see Sio get burned either. "Of course, Phylis. Ready whenever you are." She said softly.

Asking her about an amulet for Galina would be wise. We know how Galina feels about the Force. So, a little extra protection cannot hurt. Hell maybe introduce Phylis to Galina. It may help the girl to meet other force users, especially lightsided ones. As I'm not exactly the best example for your daughter. But that may help her fears.

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mirien Valdier"], [member="Phylis Alince"]

Well, this made Siobhan very happy! Aww, you're the sweetest! I love your whole body, too. If the gentle reader were to get the impression that Siobhan was acting like someone in a bad romance novel, then they would be correct. That was the sort of thing she considered literature worth reading. Then again, Mirien clearly liked her corny lines!

Hearing Mirien's words and the hints about her past, Siobhan gave her hand a loving squeeze. "You've progressed so much since then. I'm so proud of you, love," she said quietly, and meant it. Phylis wanted to pull off a light show and thought that was cool to watch Siobhan had no desire to get burnt again. You see, unlike certain kindly Sith who can somehow channel the light side despite being a member of a cult of warmongering, genocidal tyrants, Siobhan would be hurt by the power of the Light.

So she allowed her Mirien to pull her away when she did so. Her dark angel was so sweet and protective. Not so long ago that would have annoyed Siobhan, but she was better at delegating and a good deal less insecure now. Besides, she loved being pampered and treated like a pretty princess. Agreed. I'll ask Phylis once she's done at the forge. They really should meet. But don't sell yourself short. You are a good example to my daughter. She could use some time with her Auntie Miri.
[member="Mirien Valdier"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Phylis nodded absently to acknowledge she had heard. Now would come the tricky part, the part she had not been able to manage before.
The issue was quite simple. In order to properly alchemise the metal it had to be enhanced whilst it was still molten and soft. However, a proper edge could not be put onto the blade until it was finished, at which time it would be impossible to work. She could create a very impressive copper blob which was indestructible, but no use as a tool or weapon!

However, now she had a new idea. Previously she had worked with a hammer of some form, using the Force to aid her of course, but not as her primary tool. It had given her some quite fetching muscles…something Siobhan doubtless would love to see but would be denied. Now though she saw an alternative.

As the copper bubbled and melted, the Jedi Master closed her eyes and focussed. The world was different through the Force, impossible to describe to one without that sense, as sight could not be described to one born without working eyes.
The crucible was lifted from the flame and poured into the mould, cooled, and then she drew it out. This time she did not use a hammer, but the power of the Force itself. Telekinetic blow struck the metal. The first was far too strong, shattering the metal to pieces, but she regained her composure, reheated and tempered her strength. Blow by blow she hammered her shape out using her will to form it.

Whilst that happened she concentrated upon the metal itself. Down, down past its lifeless exterior to the workings within, the very atoms. This part was not entirely unknown to her, as she had often rearranged the structure of impure crystals to make them more conducive. This time it was different though, the metal was less attuned, harder to influence.

Waking from her trance she swiftly sharpened and polished the blade as much as could be done, then put it back into the fire. Phylis gathered herself for the final test. Before the metal could melt, but whilst it was still a burnished orange from the heat, she drew it out with the Force. This was her time.

Hoping Mirien and Siobhan were sensible enough to be back, she called on the power of the Light, focussed on the metal as she did so. It worked!
The power of the Light Side was used by her to turn the weak and malleable copper into a material as hard as adamant. The nuclear bond between atoms, the weak molecular structure of the copper, all of that was immaterial; the Force now bound the metal together. Only by nullifying the power of the Light in the weapon could it ever be broken.

When at last it was done, Phylis slumped to the floor, the knife complete on the bench. To those gifted with the Force it would shine noticeably with the Light Side…her first alchemised blade.
The Jedi Master smiled before promptly passing out on the floor. Hopefully one of the other two would put her somewhere comfortable to rest!

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